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希腊若退出欧元区 欧元所有成员国或遭"降级"(图)


Greece exit or all members of the euro area euro has been "downgraded"


 YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

惠誉国际信用评级有限公司11日警告,如果希腊退出欧元区,其他成员国主权债务信用评级可能遭降级。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

惠誉说,一旦希腊退出,欧元区所有成员国评级展望可能遭列为“负面”,已经列入“负面”的国家可能当即面临降级风险。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“如果希腊由于当前政治危机或今后无法保持经济稳定而退出(欧元区),惠誉将从整体和具体国家层面重新评估希腊退出的后果”,可能把其余成员国主权债务级别列为负面观察。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这家机构说,其余成员国降级程度取决于欧元区对希腊退出所作反应。“(降级)可能性和幅度……大体取决于欧洲国家政策(层面所作)反应、是否能限制(危机)扩散和制订(欧元区)改革的可信规划……即便这样,所有成员国主权信用评级仍可能面临风险。”YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

希腊议会三大政党正为组阁做最后努力。一些欧洲国家领导人表态,如果希腊不按协议执行财政改革,可能把希腊逐出欧元区。德国财政部长沃尔夫冈·朔伊布勒11日说,欧元区能应对希腊退出产生的后果。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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中欧经济合作空间广阔资料图片YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
欧债危机以来,欧洲国家主权债务问题凸显、金融市场动荡、经济增速下滑。欧方希望加强与金融环境稳定、经济稳定增长的中国合作,拉动欧洲经济走出困境。为此,中国金融机构应高度关注欧洲当前经济形势,积极参与中欧经贸合作,发挥金融先导作用推动中欧经贸上台阶,促进中国在全球政治经济地位的提高。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中欧经贸的基本态势YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中欧经济合作具有良好的历史基础。中国与欧共体于1975年正式建交。建交36年来,双方关系长足发展,合作领域逐步拓宽,经济互动不断加强。2011年,中欧双边贸易总值达5672亿美元,同比增长18.3%,比金融危机前的2008年同期高出近30%,约占中国对外贸易总额的16%。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

欧债危机出现以来,欧洲对与中国加强合作的需求更加强烈。金融危机重创欧盟诸国经济,欧债危机更令各国经济复苏前景暗淡。为减轻债务负担,欧洲多国不得不承诺采取更加严厉的财政紧缩政策和改革措施,以节约资金来满足基础设施、产业发展等多方面需求。而中国金融稳步发展,经济继续保持高速增长,能提供广阔的市场和充裕的资金。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中欧双方经济利益休戚与共,中国和欧盟互为第一大贸易伙伴,作为中国最大出口市场,2011年中国对欧盟出口达3560亿美元。受欧债危机影响,欧洲经济严重衰退,市场内需不足,2011年中国对欧盟国家出口增速减缓,仅增长了14.5%。若欧洲经济继续深度恶化,必将冲击中国的出口行业,加大出口企业的压力。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中欧经济合作空间广阔。欧洲作为现代经济、金融的发源地,拥有国际化的市场经济环境,对世界经济有着举足轻重的影响。特别是欧洲先进的高新技术、发达的创新能力、高素质的员工队伍、成熟的管理理念、完善的金融服务都能对中国经济可持续发展产生较强的补充和促进。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国面临的机遇YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

首先,有助于促使欧盟改善中国在欧洲的投资和贸易环境。纵观全球,经济利益已成为最重要的国家利益,国与国之间的政治关系很大程度上也基于如何谋求经济利益最大化。由欧债危机造成的高失业率和低经济增长率使欧洲各国执政党面临严峻挑战,欧盟各国政府都在研究如何扩大与中国的经贸合作,实现经济复苏。中国不可能将欧债危机的储量全部包下来,但完全可以在符合中国当前和长远利益的前提下,加大力度推动双边经贸合作,拉动欧洲经济复苏。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其次,有助于中国金融机构加速国际化进程。20世纪90年代以来,中国金融改革深度开展,各项改革措施使中国金融机构在产权结构、管理模式、人才储备上有了翻天覆地的变化。随着国内经济市场的愈发成熟,中国金融机构实施“走出去”战略的能力和动力都不断增强。但总体而言,中国金融机构的国际化水平还相对落后。当前,欧债危机导致欧洲金融业整体低迷,部分银行为缩减债务、储备现金甚至不得不出售盈利业务,这在一定程度上增加了中国金融机构以低成本加快进入欧洲的机会。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

再次,有助于中资企业加快拓展在欧业务的步伐。其一,中资企业有更多机会参与欧洲国家基础设施建设项目。为降低政府直接投资,欧盟多国政府谋划引入国际竞争,寻求国际资本参与基础设施建设。中资企业既有积极拓展海外市场的意愿,也积累了丰富的海外工程经验教训,更已具备必备的技术、资金实力和施工能力。其二,欧债危机提供了中国企业对欧州企业直接投资的机会。为应对主权债务危机,部分欧洲国家计划通过国有资产私有化来摆脱危机,复苏经济。拟出售的国有资产涵盖电信和能源等垄断性国企、港口与公路等公共基础设施、房地产等多个行业领域。并购、入股具备升值潜力、长期竞争力的欧洲企业,中国企业便能以较低的成本获取产品品牌、新兴技术、销售渠道、人才队伍、客户资源。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

抓住机遇有所作为YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

目前,中国金融机构应充分发挥金融的先导力量,协同中国企业扩大对欧经贸投资,推动中欧在能源、基础设施建设、高新技术等多领域开展合作,促进中欧政治经济关系全面提升,创造共同发展的双赢局面。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一是金融机构应紧紧围绕我国政治与经济战略目标开展业务,更加注重综合效果和长期经济利益,将加大对欧投资作为长期战略。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

二是金融机构应为企业“走出去”提供全方位的支持。金融机构应研究、设计融资合作模式,为“走出去”企业提供全面的金融服务,促进中欧企业合作深化。应积极发挥金融机构的中介咨询作用,金融机构应增强对欧盟国家法律政策、市场环境、商业资讯等信息的收集和整理,为中国企业参与对欧经贸合作提供充足的资信支持,辅助中资企业提高全球化意识,增强其对欧洲各国市场环境、文化风土的认识和了解。YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

三是金融机构可择机多路径进入欧洲市场。中资金融机构必须从中国国家战略和世界经济发展前景出发,以国际大视野主动布局欧洲业务,结合自身业务扩张的实际需求,收购、入股欧洲金融机构,加快国际化的速度。但参与并购过程中要加强对欧洲市场的研究,深化对欧洲金融经营模式的了解,加大力度培养和引进高素质的金融投资、管理类人才,储备国际化视野的业务队伍。Fitch Ratings warned that if the Greek out of the euro, and other members of the sovereign debt credit rating may be subject to downgrade.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Fitch said that Greece exit, all member countries of the euro area's rating outlook may have been classified as "negative" has been included in the "negative" the State may immediately face downgrade risk.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"If Greece can not maintain economic stability due to the current political crisis or in the future to withdraw (euro zone), Fitch from the overall and country-specific level to re-assess the consequences of Greece to exit, the remaining member states are likely to sovereign debt level as a negative observation.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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This agency said the downgrade of the remaining member states depends on the euro-zone exit of the response of the Greek. (Downgrade) the likelihood and magnitude ... depend largely on the European policy made by the (level) response, whether to restrict the proliferation of (crisis) and the formulation of (euro zone) the credibility of the reform plan ... Even so, all Member States sovereign credit rating may still be at risk. "YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The three major political parties of the Greek Parliament for the cabinet to do the last-ditch effort. Some European leaders stand, if Greece is not fiscal reform, the implementation of the agreement may Greece expelled from the euro area. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on the 11th, the euro area can deal with Greece to exit the consequences.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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China-EU financial cooperation under the European debt crisisYYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Broad profile picture of China-EU economic co-operationYYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Europe since the debt crisis, the sovereign debt problems of the European countries, highlighting the financial market turmoil and the slowdown in economic growth. The EU hopes to strengthen the stability of the financial environment, stable economic growth, cooperation, stimulating the European economy out of the woods. To this end, China's financial institutions should be highly concerned about the current economic situation in Europe and actively participate in EU trade and economic cooperation, the role of financial leading role in promoting China-EU economic and trade on the stage, to promote the improvement of China in the global political and economic status.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The basic trend of the China-EU economic and tradeYYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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China-EU economic cooperation has a good historical basis. The formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the EC in 1975. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 36 years ago, the rapid development of bilateral relations gradually expand areas of cooperation, continue to strengthen economic interaction. In 2011, China-EU bilateral trade value reached $ 567.2 billion, an increase of 18.3 percent, nearly 30% higher than the same period in 2008 before the financial crisis, about 16 percent of China's total foreign trade.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Since the emergence of the debt crisis of Europe, Europe needs to strengthen cooperation with China is more intense. European Union countries, the financial crisis hit the economy, the debt crisis in Europe but also national economic recovery prospects. In order to alleviate the debt burden, the European countries had promised to take more stringent fiscal austerity and reform measures, in order to save money to meet the needs of infrastructure, industrial development and other aspects. China's financial steady development, the economy has maintained rapid growth, can provide a vast market and ample capital.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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China and the EU economic interests of solidarity, China and the EU are each other's largest trading partner, China's largest export market, China, in 2011, EU exports reached $ 356 billion. By the debt crisis in Europe, the European economy a severe recession, insufficient domestic demand market, China, in 2011, the EU countries, export growth slowed, grew by only 14.5%. If the European economy continues to the depth of deterioration will impact China's export sector, increasing the pressure of export enterprises.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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China-EU economic co-operation is broad. Europe as the birthplace of modern economic, financial, with the internationalization of the market economy environment, has a significant influence on the world economy. Europe's state-of-the-art high-tech, and developed innovative, high-quality workforce, mature philosophy of management, financial services can sustainable development of China's economy strong complement and promote.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Opportunities facing ChinaYYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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First of all, help to promote the EU to improve the investment and trade environment of China in Europe. Throughout the world, economic interests have become the most important national interests, to maximize the political relations between countries is largely based on how the pursuit of economic interests. High unemployment and low economic growth rate caused by the debt crisis in Europe, the European countries the ruling party is facing severe challenges, EU governments are studying how to expand economic and trade cooperation with China to achieve economic recovery. Impossible for China to the European debt crisis of the reserves of all the packages down, but can be completely under the premise of China's current and long-term interests, and increase efforts to promote bilateral economic and trade cooperation, stimulating economic recovery in Europe.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Second, to help Chinese financial institutions to accelerate the process of internationalization. Since the 1990s, China's financial reform and depth to carry out various reform measures in the Chinese financial institutions have undergone enormous changes in the ownership structure, management model and talent pool. With the increasingly mature domestic market, China's financial institutions implement the "going out" strategy, capacity and power continuously enhanced. But overall, the level of international financial institutions is still relatively backward. At present, Europe's debt crisis led to the European financial industry as a whole in the doldrums, some banks for debt reduction, cash reserve even have to sell a profitable business, which to some extent, an increase of Chinese financial institutions to low-cost speed up the opportunity to enter the European.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Again, help the Chinese-funded enterprises to speed up the pace to expand business in Europe. First, the Chinese-funded enterprises have more opportunities to participate in infrastructure projects of European countries. In order to reduce direct government investment, the EU many governments to plan the introduction of international competition, and seeking international capital participation in infrastructure. Both the willingness to actively develop the overseas market for Chinese-funded enterprises, and has accumulated a wealth of overseas construction projects, lessons learned, but also have the necessary technical, financial strength and construction capacity. Second, the debt crisis in Europe provides opportunities for direct investment by Chinese enterprises on the European enterprise. Sovereign debt crisis, some European countries through the privatization of state-owned assets to overcome the crisis and revive the economy. The state-owned assets to be sold to cover the monopoly state-owned enterprises such as telecommunications and energy, ports and highways and other public infrastructure, and real estate industries. Mergers and acquisitions, the shares have appreciation potential, long-term competitiveness of European enterprises, Chinese enterprises will be able to obtain a lower cost product brands, emerging technologies, sales channels, personnel, customer resources.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Seize the opportunity to make a differenceYYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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At present, Chinese financial institutions should give full play to the pilot strength of the financial synergy Chinese enterprises to expand trade and investment with Europe, to promote Sino-EU cooperation in energy, infrastructure construction, high-tech field, and promote Sino-EU political and economic relations to enhance the creation of win-win situation and common development.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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First, financial institutions should focus on China's political and economic strategic goal of doing business, and pay more attention to the combined effect of long-term economic interests, will increase as a long-term strategic investment in the EU.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Second, financial institutions, enterprises should "go out" to provide a full range of support. Financial institutions should design the financing patterns of cooperation, as "going out" enterprises to provide comprehensive financial services to promote the deepening of China-EU business cooperation. Should play the advisory role of intermediary financial institutions, financial institutions should be enhanced to collect and collate information on the EU national laws and policies, market environment, business information, to provide adequate credit support for Chinese enterprises to participate in the European economic and trade cooperation, the auxiliary-funded enterprises increase global awareness, and enhance their knowledge and understanding of the European market environment, culture endemic.YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Third, financial institutions can choose the path into the European market. Chinese-funded financial institutions must proceed from China's national strategy and the world's economic development prospects and International Perspectives active layout European operations, with their own business expansion actual demand, the acquisition of stake in European financial institutions to speed up the internationalization of But involved in the acquisition process to strengthen the European market, deepen understanding of the European financial business model, to intensify the training and the introduction of high-quality financial investment, management talent, reserve business team of the international perspective.
YYFRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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