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苹果支付6000万美元 与唯冠就iPad商标达成和解


Apple to pay $ 60 million and Proview reached a settlement on the iPad trademark


据广东高院网发布的消息显示,苹果公司与唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司就IPAD权属纠纷达成调解协议。VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据悉,6月25日,广东省高级人民法院向双方送达了民事调解书,该调解书正式生效。日前,苹果公司已按调解书的要求向广东高院指定的账户汇入6000万美元,并于6月28日向该案的一审法院深圳市中级人民法院申请强制执行上述民事调解书。深圳市中级人民法院于今日向国家工商总局商标局送达了将涉案IPAD商标过户给苹果公司的裁定书和协助执行通知书。这意味着,苹果公司与深圳唯冠公司IPAD商标权属纠纷案圆满解决。VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2009年8月,IP发展公司向英国唯冠公司提出收购唯冠在各国登记注册的所有IPAD商标的意愿。后经多次辗转,谈判主体变成IP发展公司与台湾唯冠公司。双方于同年12月23日签署商标转让协议,约定转让标的为10个IPAD商标,其中包括深圳唯冠公司在中国大陆注册的涉案的2个IPAD商标,转让对价为3.5万英镑。VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2010年2月,IP发展公司又以10英镑的价格将上述10个IPAD商标转让给苹果公司。之后,苹果公司要求深圳唯冠公司变更涉案两个商标权属的注册登记时遭到拒绝。深圳唯冠公司称,台湾唯冠公司无权处分深圳唯冠公司商标,其从未将涉案商标转让给苹果公司。双方遂引发争议。VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

美国苹果公司、IP发展公司与深圳唯冠公司的IPAD商标权属纠纷于2010年5月正式诉诸深圳市中级人民法院。深圳市中级人民法院一审认为,订立转让合同的台湾唯冠公司无法代表深圳唯冠公司,苹果公司也无法提供证据证明上述表见代理成立,并以此为由驳回IP发展公司、苹果公司的诉讼请求。后两公司不服向广东高院提起上诉。VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

广东高院于今年2月29日公开开庭审理了此案。庭审中,苹果公司提交了一份新证据即深圳唯冠公司的内部签呈文件并申请其参与谈判过程的员工罗宾逊出庭作证,试图证明IP发展公司之前的原谈判对象是整个唯冠集体。对此,深圳唯冠公司予以否认。双方都聘请国内较为知名的律师参与庭审,庭审辩论十分激烈。VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

庭后,承办案件的合议庭经过认真严谨的分析合议认为,为使纠纷双方利益最大化,调解是最佳选择。据了解,深圳唯冠公司目前已负债累累,其债权人达到数百人,其最大的财产估值主要集中在IPAD商标的价值上。诉讼前,涉案的IPAD商标已被数个银行申请轮候查封。一旦该商标价值发生贬损的话,将会导致债权人更大损失。VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

最终,因苹果与唯冠均有调解意愿,双方确认以6000万美元一揽子解决有关IPAD商标权属纠纷,并签署了调解协议。VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

According to the news released by the Guangdong High Court Network, Apple iPad ownership dispute with the Proview Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. reached a mediated settlement.VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
It is reported that on June 25, the Guangdong Province Higher People's Court served on both sides of civil mediation, the conciliation statement came into effect. Recently, Apple has been requested by the conciliation statement the account designated by the High Court of Guangdong to import $ 60 million and at June 28, apply to the case, the Court of First Instance, the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court to enforce the above-mentioned civil mediation. The Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court today served to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Trademark Office ruled that the book will be involved in the IPAD trademark transfer to Apple and assist in the implementation of the notice. This means that Apple Shenzhen Proview IPAD trademark ownership dispute is satisfactorily resolved.VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In August 2009, IP Development Corporation to the British crown-only company proposed acquisition only crown the wishes of the IPAD trademarks registered in various countries. After repeated twists and turns, the negotiations on the main into the IP Development Corporation and Taiwan Proview. Trademark Transfer Agreement signed on December 23 in the same year, agreed to transfer the subject for 10 IPAD trademark, including Shenzhen Proview registered in mainland China involved two IPAD trademark, the transfer price of £ 35,000.VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In February 2010, again £ 10 the price of the IP Development Corporation will transfer of the 10 IPAD trademark to Apple. Apple Shenzhen Proview company after the change involved two trademark ownership registration was rejected. Shenzhen Proview Proview company in Taiwan has no right to dispose of Shenzhen Proview company trademarks, and never will be involved in the trademark transfer to Apple. The two sides to spark controversy.VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U.S. Apple IPAD trademark dispute over the ownership of the IP Development Corporation and the Shenzhen company Proview resort to the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court in May 2010. The Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court of First Instance that Proview company in Taiwan entered into a transfer contract can not represent the Shenzhen Proview, Apple can not provide evidence that the establishment of the above agency by estoppel, and thus dismissed the IP development company, Apple's lawsuit request. Two after the company appealed to the Guangdong High Court appeal.VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Guangdong High Court on February 29 this year, held a public hearing of the case. The trial, Apple submitted a new evidence that the Shenzhen company's internal Proview signed was file and apply for their employees to participate in the negotiation process Robinson to testify in court, trying to prove that the original IP development company before negotiating a collective whole Proview. In this regard, Shenzhen Proview denied the. Both sides have employed the more well-known lawyers in the trial, the trial, the debate rages.VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Court, the caseload of the collegial panel after careful and rigorous analysis of collegiality, to enable disputes to both maximize the benefits, mediation is the best option. It is understood that the Shenzhen Proview has been heavily in debt, its creditors to reach hundreds of people, the largest property valuation is mainly concentrated in the IPAD value of the trademark. The litigation involved IPAD trademark has been banking on the Waiting List closed down. Once the value of the trademark is derogatory, it will result in creditors greater loss.VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Finally, Apple and Proview are mediation wishes, both sides confirmed that the $ 60 million package to solve the IPAD trademark ownership disputes and signed a mediation agreement.
VP5Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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