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The most Canzhen Spain 4-0 Italy, the defending European Cup record


北京时间7月2日凌晨,2012年欧洲杯决赛在乌克兰首都基辅的奥利匹克球场上演,卫冕冠军西班牙对阵1968年欧洲杯冠军意大利。上半场,席尔瓦为西班牙首开纪录,阿尔巴攻入国家队处子球,基耶利尼受伤被换下;下半场,用掉最后一个换人名额出场的莫塔在出场不久后受伤离场,这导致意大利在半个小时的比赛里都是少一人应战;替补出场的托雷斯攻入一球,并助攻马塔破门,最终西班牙4-0战胜意大利,卫冕欧洲杯冠军;这也是欧洲杯历史上比分最为悬殊的决赛,西班牙创造了连续三届大赛夺冠的神迹(2008欧洲杯、2010世界杯、2012欧洲杯)。BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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西班牙和意大利在国际足球A级赛事中共交锋过26次,西班牙7胜11平8负进26球失30球,稍稍处于下风。在世界杯和欧洲杯决赛阶段的比赛中,两支球队此前7次交锋,西班牙世界杯上,3战意大利0胜1平2负进2球失4球;欧洲杯上,西班牙4战意大利0胜3平1负,无胜绩(2008年四分之一决赛常规比赛时间0-0平,被记录为平局)。BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

本场比赛西班牙继续沿用无锋阵型,这场比赛的首发阵容同小组赛首战对阵意大利时一样;意大利的首发阵容较之半决赛仅有右后卫一处进行了调整,阿巴特得到了首发机会。这场比赛是欧洲杯历史上第一次,决赛两支参赛球队的场上队长都是门将,意大利的队长为布冯,西班牙的队长是卡西利亚斯。BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第2分钟,基耶利尼边线球掷入场内,皮尔洛禁区外一脚远射没有踢正,出了底线;第3分钟,西班牙中路直塞到禁区,马尔基西奥把球破坏掉;第5分钟,西班牙获得前场任意球,拉莫斯远射,将球打高了;第7分钟,哈维角球开到中路,拉莫斯头球攻门顶高;第9分钟,布斯克茨直塞,哈维中路远射打在了后卫身上。BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第10分钟,哈维中路接法布雷加斯传球后起脚射门,稍稍打高。第14分钟,西班牙前场传球直塞进禁区,法布雷加斯右路接应底线回敲,席尔瓦中路杀到头球冲顶破门;出击封堵法布雷加斯的布冯已经无力回天,只能回头看这球飞入网中,西班牙1-0领先。BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第20分钟,阿隆索右路下底传中,伊涅斯塔后点拿球后突破,皮尔洛果断伸脚铲球,将球控制住;由于基耶利尼受伤,皮尔洛将球踢出界;随后,普兰德利用巴尔扎雷蒂将无法坚持的基耶利尼换下。第24分钟,皮克从背后铲倒卡萨诺,被主裁判黄牌警告,这是本场比赛第一张黄牌。BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第28分钟,意大利中路斜传,卡萨诺拿球后向禁区突破,扣过阿贝罗阿后起脚低射,力气有些小,被卡西利亚斯稳稳接住;第29分钟,意大利前场任意球,皮尔洛直接射门稍稍偏出;第41分钟,哈维直塞,前插接应的阿尔巴一脚推射改写比分,这是阿尔巴的国家队处子球,西班牙2-0领先;上半场,西班牙凭借席尔瓦和阿尔巴的进球暂时2-0领先意大利。BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

下半场意大利率先作出人员调整,老将迪纳塔莱换下了卡萨诺;第46分钟,马尔基西奥禁区前传球给皮尔洛,皮尔洛分到右路,阿巴特底线传中,迪纳塔莱头球攻门稍微高出横梁;第48分钟,法布雷加斯连过巴尔扎雷蒂和博努奇后捅射,布冯侧扑将球按住;第49分钟,西班牙右路传中,拉莫斯冲顶攻门,球打在了博努奇的手上,主裁判未予理睬,西班牙球员不满地向主裁判抗议着。BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第51分钟,皮尔洛接巴尔扎雷蒂左路传球后斜塞向禁区,迪纳塔莱射门被卡西利亚斯扑出;球又到了迪纳塔莱脚下,迪纳塔莱再次射门又被反应迅速的卡西利亚斯扑出;第55分钟,意大利进行第3次人员调整,莫塔出场换下了蒙托利沃;第57分钟,巴洛特利禁区外远射打偏;第58分钟,比赛中为西班牙首开纪录的大卫席尔瓦被佩德罗换下。BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第60分钟,刚刚被换上场的莫塔突然倒在了地上,从慢镜头回放来看,他可能是拉伤了大腿肌肉;如果莫塔无法坚持的话,这对比分落后的意大利来说无疑是雪上加霜;被担架抬到场边治疗的莫塔已经确定无法继续比赛了,他被队医搀扶着返回了更衣室;比赛还剩大约半个小时,意大利在接下来的比赛中只能10人应战了;第74分钟,托雷斯出场换下了法布雷加斯。BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Beijing On the morning of July 2, the 2012 European Cup final staged Olivier Olympic Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine, the defending champion Spain against 1968 European champions Italy. The first half, Silva of Spain opened the scoring, Alba scored the team at the sub-ball, Chiellini is injured and was replaced; the second half, spent the last substitutions played Motta appearance shortly after the injured from field, which led to one-man Italy in half an hour the game are less; Torres netted a goal off the bench and assists Mata broke final Spain 4-0 victory over Italy, the defending European champions; This is also the European Cup history score between the final, Spain has created a miracle to win three consecutive contest (2008 European Cup, 2010 World Cup, 2012 European Cup).BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Spain and Italy clash in international football A-class events, 26, Spain 7 wins, 11 draws and 8 losses into 26 fault, non 30 goals, a little at a disadvantage. World Cup and European Cup finals, both teams had seven encounters, Spain World Cup, three-war Italy 0 wins, one draw and two losses into the two fault, non ball; the European Cup, the Spanish war Italy 0 wins and 3 draws, 1 loss, without a win (regular playing time of the 2008 quarter-finals 0-0, was recorded as a draw).BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The game Spain continue to be used without front formation, the game's starting lineup with the group stage opener against Italy; Italy's starting lineup has been adjusted compared with the semi-finals only a right back, Abate has been the first opportunity. This game is the European Cup for the first time in history, captain of the team's final two entries are the goalkeeper, the Italy captain Gianluigi Buffon, Spain captain Iker Casillas.BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Long-range kick, Pirlo outside the area within 2 minutes, Chiellini sideline ball throw admission did not play positive bottom line; the first three minutes, Spain the Road Zhise into the restricted area, Marchisio ball destroyed ; five minutes of Spain before the games kick Ramos long-range, hit the ball high; the first seven minutes, Xavi corner to open the Road, Ramos header top; the first nine minutes, the cloth The Sike Ci Zhisai, Harvey Road, long-range hit in the guard body.BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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10 minutes, Harvey Road, then Fabregas pass kicker shot a little high. 14 minutes, Spain before passing directly into the restricted area, collusion Fabregas on the right bottom line knock Silva Road immediate concern header hoisting break; attack block Fabregas's Gianluigi Buffon has been powerless. can only look back in this ball fly network, Spain 1-0.BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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20 minutes Alonso the right Xiadichuanzhong, Iniesta after point after the ball breakthrough, Pirlo decisive room to move the tackles, the ball under control; Chiellini injured Pirlo the ball out of bounds; Prandelli Balzaretti will not be able to insist Chiellini replaced. 24 minutes, Pique from behind tackle on Cassano, the referee booked, this is the first yellow card of the game.BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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28 minutes, Italy, Middle Road, crossing the ball to the restricted area after Cassano ball breakthrough, kicker low shot after the deduction of over Arbeloa, some small effort, Casillas firmly caught; 29 minutes, Italy Kicks, Pirlo direct shot just wide; 41 minutes, Harvey Zhisai forward runs the collusion Alba kick Tuishe to rewrite the score, which is a the Alba national team at the sub-ball, Spain 2-0 lead ; the first half, Spain by virtue of the goal of Silva and Alba temporary 2-0 lead Italy.BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Take the lead in the second half of Italy to make personnel adjustments, veteran Di Natale replaced Cassano; the first 46 minutes, the Marchisio restricted area before passing to the Pirlo Pirlo assigned to the right, and abut the bottom line pass, Di Nata Levin a little header over the bar; 48 minutes, Fabregas even had the after Tongshe Balzaretti and Bonucci the Buffon Cepu ball press and hold; 49 minutes, Spain on the right pass. Ramos hoisting the center, the ball in the hands of Bonucci, the referee does not ignore the Spanish player discontent to protest to the referee.BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
51 minutes, Pirlo Balzaretti left pass oblique plug to the restricted area, Di Natale shot saved by Iker Casillas saved; the ball to the foot of the Di Natale Di Natale again shot responsive Casillas; 55 minutes, Italy 3rd personnel adjustment, Motta played replaced Montolivo; the first 57 minutes, long shots hit outside the area of ​​Balotelli; first 58 minutes, the game opened the scoring for Spain David Silva was replaced by Pedro.BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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60 minutes of play has just been replaced Motta suddenly fell to the ground, from the slow motion playback of view, he may have strained a thigh muscle; Motta insisted, came from behind to Italy is undoubtedly worse; Motta was carried by stretcher on the sidelines of treatment have been identified to not continue the game, he was team doctor to totter back to the locker room; left in the game for about half an hour, the next game in Italy only 10 men; The first 74 minutes, Torres played replaced Fabregas.BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Breakthrough in 76 minutes, Ramos restricted area edge towards a bottom line, pull and Balzaretti fall, the referee Ramos fell slightly exaggerated, giving a goal kick; 78 minutes, Iniesta cross into the restricted area, Pedro Tuishe missed; the first 80 minutes, a corner of Spain, Pedro long shots hit; 83 minutes the Torres Tuishe far corner break, basically seal the victory, Spain 3-0 lead ; Torres European Cup history as the first player to score in two consecutive finals have this goal, the 2008 European Cup, it is also he scored the winning goal; 88 minutes, Torres assists horse The tower broke to seal the victory, Spain will lock the score at 4-0, the current European Cup in the bag.BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Spain (4-3-3): 1 - Casillas / 17 - Arbeloa, 15 - Ramos, 3 - pg 18 - Alba / 8 - Harvey, 16 - Busquets 14 - Alonso / 21 - Silva (58'7-Pedro), 10 - Fabregas (74 'Torres), 6 - IniestaBP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
BP8Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Italy (4-3-1-2): 1 - Gianluigi Buffon / 7 - Abate, 15 - Barzagli, 19 - Bonucci, 3 - Chiellini (21'6-Balzaretti) / 16 - De Rossi, 21 - Andrea Pirlo, 8 - Marchisio / 18 - Montolivo (55'5-Motta) / 9 - Balotelli, 10 - Cassano (45'11- Di Natale)
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