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普京密集出访安排暗含深意 中国地位继续提升


Putin intensive visit to the arrangement implied meaning Chinese position improve


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密集出访为普京新任期外交开局NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

俄专家认为,此次访华是普京重新担任总统后对独联体以外国家的首次国事访问,表明俄对发展俄中关系的重视NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

5月31日,普京开始正式就任俄罗斯总统后的首次对外访问。在接下来不到10天的时间里,除6月3日至4日在俄圣彼得堡出席俄罗斯—欧盟峰会外,普京将先后访问白俄罗斯、德国、法国、乌兹别克斯坦、中国和哈萨克斯坦。此间媒体分析认为,普京新任期首轮出访行程安排蕴含深意,透露出俄外交在今后一段时期内的基本走向。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

独联体外交是首要NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

普京此次出访起始于白俄罗斯,最后结束于哈萨克斯坦,这表明独联体外交今后仍将是俄对外政策的重中之重。俄政治行情中心专家沃伊科认为,普京在竞选期间发表的文章中已明确指出,推动俄、白、哈三国关税同盟以及欧亚联盟建设,促进独联体地区的一体化水平将是其外交政策的重点,而白俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦是俄推动独联体地区一体化的首要依托力量。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

长期以来,俄白联盟国家建设并不顺利,两国在双边经贸关系、能源合作、独联体框架下合作等领域矛盾不断。分析人士认为,在当前白俄罗斯与西方关系依然紧张的背景下,普京到访将坚定白俄罗斯参与欧亚地区一体化进程的决心。俄总统顾问乌沙科夫表示,普京首次出访国为白俄罗斯,具有重要象征意义,反映出俄白建设全面联盟关系的重要性。他还透露,两国领导人将就建设核电站、成立联合汽车生产企业、加强军工系统合作等双边经贸合作问题深入磋商,并将签署联合声明,进一步推动双方一体化水平。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

普京于6月4日至5日对乌兹别克斯坦的访问也引起外界关注。乌兹别克斯坦是传统的中亚大国,对维护地区安全发挥着重要影响。乌兹别克斯坦对独联体框架下的合作一直态度消极,2008年底还退出了欧亚经济共同体。俄罗斯科学院世界经济和国际关系研究所研究员叶夫谢耶夫认为,普京访乌有利于加强俄乌关系,增强独联体国家的凝聚力。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

欧洲方向依然重要NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

6月1日至2日,普京将对德国和法国进行工作访问。乌沙科夫透露,普京与德国总理默克尔的会晤将以工作早餐的形式进行,而普京与法国总统奥朗德的首次会晤也将延续到午餐的餐桌上。虽然时间短暂,但普京将与德法领导人就双边经贸合作、俄与欧盟关系、北约部署反导系统及其他国际热点问题等进行讨论。俄罗斯《独立报》的文章认为,俄罗斯是大欧洲的一部分,欧洲方向始终是俄外交的优先方向之一。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

普京在5月7日所签署的总统令中表示,建立“从大西洋至太平洋”的统一经济与生活空间是俄外交的战略目标,俄将推动在平等和互利原则基础上与欧盟签署新的战略伙伴关系基础文件,促进统一的欧洲能源体系的建立。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

欧洲国家是俄重要的贸易伙伴。俄德双边贸易额去年突破了700亿美元,德国对俄累计投资已近280亿美元。德法是俄实施创新发展战略的重要伙伴,俄德在“现代化伙伴”计划框架下开展了创新领域的合作,俄法于2011年制定了高科技领域合作路线图,确定了90多个该领域的合作项目。此外,欧洲是俄油气出口最主要的市场。去年11月,俄德“北溪”天然气管道一期投入使用,双方计划于今年10月完成二期建设。届时,将极大改善俄天然气对欧洲市场出口的可靠性。另外,德法是欧盟重要成员国,也是俄在欧洲的传统伙伴。俄欧洲研究所专家别洛夫认为,普京访问德法将促进俄罗斯与欧盟总体协作关系的改善。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国地位继续提升NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国是普京此次出访的重要一站。俄罗斯外交学院院长巴扎诺夫强调,普京此次访华是他重新担任总统后对独联体以外国家的首次国事访问,表明俄对发展中俄关系的重视。他说,中俄关系目前处于历史最好时期,双方政治互信不断深化,两国在地区以及国际事务中开展了密切合作,双边经贸额去年突破了800亿美元,中国已经成为俄最大的贸易伙伴。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

普京总统在今年竞选时发表的纲领性文章《俄罗斯与变化中的世界》对中俄关系给予了高度评价,他说,俄罗斯需要一个繁荣和稳定的中国,中国也需要一个强大和成功的俄罗斯。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

俄罗斯卡耐基研究中心主任特列宁对本报记者表示,中国是全球性大国,在俄罗斯对外政策中的地位越来越重要,是俄在世界舞台上最重要的伙伴之一。保持睦邻友好关系,对中俄双方都有益。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《全球政治中的俄罗斯》杂志主编卢基扬诺夫认为,当今世界,国际关系格局正在发生着深刻变化,亚太地区在国际政治中的地位日益重要,中国对俄罗斯的重要性不断提升。未来,中俄仍将延续目前良好的双边关系发展势头,两国关系发展前景广阔。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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姜毅(中国社科院俄罗斯东欧中亚研究所研究员):在2000年至2008年普京担任俄罗斯总统期间,以及2008年至 2012年梅德韦杰夫担任总统期间,俄罗斯总统首访都是独联体国家。这一方面说明俄罗斯一贯重视强化与独联体国家的关系,另一方面这也是俄罗斯十多年来内政外交的优先方向,这也与此次总统选举前普京倡议组建“欧亚”联盟相契合。事实上,这不仅仅是俄对外政治的需要,也是其经济结构转型发展及文化发展的需要。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从2000年起,历届俄罗斯总统都会选择先访问亚洲。这次普京的亚洲之行将首访中国,体现了俄罗斯对中国的重视,也说明中俄关系成熟度达到了相当水平。这正说明了普京上台前后俄罗斯外交政策的连续性,没有改变。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从另一个角度看,普京新任期首访不去美国,客观上说明俄美关系存在一定的波折,但并不能由此判断俄罗斯对美国不够重视。普京曾数次与奥巴马通电话,并期待6月在二十国集团峰会上的会晤。但俄罗斯重新与美国恢复热络,恐怕得等到明年春天美国新一任总统选举结果出来以后,俄美关系的发展与美国现在的内政环境也有着莫大的关系。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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普京首轮出访显俄外交走向:欧美有区别重视中国NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

观察家认为,从普京这次即将出访的国家来看,俄罗斯今后仍将奉行东西方平衡的外交政策,继续深化中俄战略协作伙伴关系,强化与独联体国家关系,推动独联体国家小范围一体化将成为俄外交政策的优先方向。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

普京在总统选举前撰文指出,包括中国在内的亚太地区是俄罗斯外交最优先方向。普京强调了发展俄中关系的重要性,驳斥了部分学者所谓中国发展威胁俄罗斯的说法,认为俄中的发展对双方来说是机遇,而非威胁。NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Intensive visit to Putin's new term diplomatic startNfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Russian experts believe that the current visit is the first state visit of Putin re-presidency outside the CIS, indicating that Russia on the development of relations between Russia and the importance ofNfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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May 31, Putin officially assumed the Russian president's first foreign visit. In the next 10 days, in addition to 3 to 4 June to attend the Russia - EU summit in St. Petersburg, in Russia, Putin visited Belarus, Germany, France, Uzbekistan, China and Kazakhstan. The media here, analysts believe that Putin's new term of the first round of visit itinerary to hold deep, revealing the basic trend of Russian diplomacy in the period ahead.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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CIS Foreign Affairs is the primaryNfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Putin's visit began in Belarus, and finally ended in Kazakhstan, which indicates that the CIS Foreign Affairs will continue to be the top priority of Russia's foreign policy. Russian political market center experts Wo Yike that, in the post during the campaign, Putin has made clear that to promote the three Customs Union, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Eurasian alliance building and promotion of the level of integration of the CIS region will be its foreign policy priorities, while Belarus and Kazakhstan to Russia first and foremost rely on force to promote regional integration of the CIS.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Over the years, the Russia-Belarus Union State construction was not successful, and between the two countries in bilateral economic and trade relations, energy cooperation, the CIS within the framework of cooperation in areas of contradiction. Analysts believe that the relations between Belarus and the West remains tense background, Putin's visit will be a firm determination to Belarus to participate in the process of regional integration in Europe and Asia. Russian presidential adviser, said Ushakov, Putin's first visit to the country of Belarus, has important symbolic significance, reflecting the importance of Russia, Belarus, the construction of a comprehensive alliance. He also revealed that the two leaders will build nuclear power plants, the establishment of a joint automobile production enterprises, and strengthen cooperation in military systems-depth consultation of bilateral economic and trade cooperation and signed a joint declaration to further promote bilateral integration.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Putin's visit to Uzbekistan from June 4 to 5, also attracted outside attention. Uzbekistan is a traditional Central Asian country, plays an important impact on maintaining regional security. Uzbekistan on cooperation under the framework of the CIS has a negative attitude by the end of 2008, out of the Eurasian Economic Community. Evseev that Vladimir Putin's visit black conducive to strengthening the the Ewu relationship, and enhance the cohesion of the CIS countries, Russian Academy of Sciences, the world economy and international relations researcher at the Institute.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The European direction is still importantNfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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1 to 2 June, Putin will have a working visit to Germany and France. Ushakov said, the meeting of Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will be in the form of a working breakfast, Putin and French President François Hollande, the first meeting will continue until the lunch table. Although time is short, but Putin will be the leaders of Germany and France on bilateral economic and trade cooperation, Russia's relations with the EU, NATO to deploy anti-missile system and other international hot issues for discussion. Russian "Independent," the article said that Russia is part of Greater Europe, the direction of Europe has always been one of the priorities of the Russian Foreign.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Putin in the presidential decree signed on May 7, the establishment of a unified economic and living space from the Atlantic to the Pacific is the strategic objectives of the Russian diplomacy, Russia will promote on the basis of the principles of equality and mutual benefit and the EU signed The strategic partnership between the base document and promote the establishment of a unified European energy system.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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European countries are important trading partners of Russia. Russo-German bilateral trade volume last year exceeded $ 70 billion, Germany, Russia a total investment of nearly $ 28 billion. Germany and France are important partners of Russia's implementation of innovative development strategy, Russo-German cooperation in the field of innovation carried out under the framework of the "modernization partnership" program, developed a high-tech cooperation in the field of road map of Russia and France in 2011, identified over 90 areas of cooperation projects. In addition, Europe is the most important market of the Russian oil and gas exports. Last November, a Russo-German Nord Stream gas pipeline is put into use, the two sides plan to complete the second phase of construction in October of this year. By then, it will greatly improve the reliability of Russian gas export on the European market. In addition, Germany and France is the EU member states, is also Russia's traditional partners in Europe. Russian Institute of European Studies experts Belov, Putin visited Germany and France to promote the improvement of relations between Russia and the EU overall collaboration.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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China's status continue to enhance theNfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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China is an important station of Putin's visit. Dean of the School of the Russian Foreign Bazaar Ivanov stressed that Putin's visit to China was the first state visit of his presidency outside the CIS, indicating that the attention of Russia on the development of Sino-Russian relations. He said that Sino-Russian relations is the best in history, mutual political trust continuously deepened between the two countries have cooperated closely in regional and international affairs, bilateral trade volume last year exceeded $ 80 billion, China has become Russia's largest trading partner .NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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President Putin in the election campaign this year published a programmatic article "Russia and the changing world" and spoke highly of Sino-Russian relations, he said, Russia's need for a prosperous and stable China, China also needs a strong and successful Russian .NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Trenin, director of the Russian Carnegie Research Center, told this reporter that China is a global power, Russia's foreign policy is becoming increasingly important, is one of Russia's most important partners on the world stage. To maintain good neighborly relations and mutually beneficial to both China and Russia.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"Russia in Global Politics" magazine editor Lukjanov, believes that today's world, the pattern of international relations is undergoing profound changes, the Asia-Pacific region is an increasingly important position in international politics, the importance of China to Russia's rising. Future, China and Russia will continue the current good momentum of development of bilateral relations, bilateral relations and broad development prospects.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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> ReviewNfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Jiang Yi (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia researcher at the Institute): Putin's presidency in the 2000-2008 period, as well as Medvedev's presidency in 2008-2012 during the Russian President to visit all CIS in countries. This shows that Russia has always attached importance to strengthening relations with the CIS countries, the other hand, this is also 10 years of domestic and foreign affairs in Russia a priority, which is also the presidential elections Putin initiative the formation of a "Eurasian Union fit . In fact, this is not just Russia's foreign political needs, but also the needs of economic restructuring and development and cultural development.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Since 2000, successive Russian President will choose the first visit to Asia. The Putin's trip to Asia will be his first visit to China, reflects the great importance of Russia, but also the maturity of the Sino-Russian relations reached a considerable level. This is indicative of the continuity of Russia's foreign policy before and after Putin came to power, has not changed.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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New term of Putin's first visit not to the United States from another perspective, an objective description of the Russian-US relations there are some twists and turns, but it does not judge Russia not pay enough attention to the United States. Putin on several occasions the phone with Obama, and look forward to the June summit of the Group of Twenty meeting. But Russia and the United States again restore warm, I am afraid to wait until after the new president election results come out next spring, the development of relations between Russia and the United States and the United States in the internal affairs of the environment has a great relationship.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Further reading:NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Putin's first round of visit to the significant Russian diplomatic trends: Europe and the United States different great importance to ChinaNfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Observers believe that Putin this upcoming visit to the country, Russia will continue to pursue the things Fang Pingheng diplomatic policy, continue to deepen Sino-Russian strategic partnership of cooperation to strengthen relations with the CIS countries, to promote the Commonwealth of Independent States The scope of integration will become a priority direction of Russian foreign policy.NfTRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Putin in the presidential election the author pointed out that the Asia-Pacific region, including China, is the most priority directions of the Russian Foreign Putin stressed the importance of developing relations between Russia and refuted some of the scholars, the so-called China's development threaten Russia's argument that Russia and the development of both sides is an opportunity, rather than a threat.
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