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章子怡高调亮相 直面诽谤态度坚定获力挺(组图)


Zhang Ziyi is a high-profile appearance to face libel firm attitude been behind


hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

章子怡获得华语电影推广贡献大奖。hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

5月30日,国际影星章子怡在海口出席华语电影传媒大奖,此次她不但担任华语电影推广大使,还淡然面对媒体谈及自己对于近日一则严重诽谤的传闻,章子怡坦言一定会通过法律手段追究到底。hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨晚,在海口美丽的夜景衬托下,章子怡一身金色礼服压轴亮相红毯。在众多影迷的欢呼中,章子怡闪亮现身,笑容灿烂,不时与热情的影迷挥手致意,心情看似没有受到任何影响。对于此次受邀担任华语电影推广大使,章子怡表示:“其实最吸引我的是传媒奖对于电影的态度,它鼓励和支持那些真正爱电影,一直在认真拍电影的人。”hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

华语电影传媒大奖是唯一一个把内地、香港、台湾三地公映的华语片进行共同评选的奖项。章子怡表示从接到邀请的那天起,她更多了一种实实在在的责任感。获得本届大奖“华语电影推广贡献大奖”后,章子怡在接受媒体群访谈及某媒体的不实报道时,她动容地说:“谢谢大家对我的关心。这个所谓的‘新闻’是个彻头彻尾的谎言,字里行间都是诽谤和污蔑。今天早上我在香港和律师见面,明确了我的态度。无论任何代价,我都将通过法律的手段追究到底。以往对于虚假的新闻或是子虚乌有的传闻我不会多做回应和解释,因为我相信清者自清,时间会证明一切。但这次的事件我认为已经不再仅仅是针对我个人。在网络上我看到很多不明真相的网友发表评论说电影圈怎么这么乱,这让我很难过,我所看到的电影圈不是这样的。它不仅伤害了我,也抹黑了整个行业,更无耻的是这则诽谤在利用大众对社会热点的关注,挑战公众的底线,愚弄公众。所以这一次我觉得有必要站出来讨个说法。这个事件得到了很多同行,认识或不相识的朋友们的支持,我相信这次不是我一个人在战斗。”当记者问及此事进展时,她表示:“这件事已经进入法律程序。昨天团队的公开信和律师函大家也看到了,我的态度和要求非常明确。我也和大家一样,希望侵权媒体对这件事能尽快有个说法。”hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在章子怡团队针对诽谤发出公开信后,众多电影人纷纷表示支持、声援。截至记者发稿前,导演何平、贾樟柯、王小帅、陆川,演员秦岚、林心如、黄奕、何润东、佟大为、董璇等及众多媒体及电影人都在微博上支持章子怡。章子怡言之凿凿态度坚定,更是博得全场媒体支持的掌声。hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

May 30, in Haikou, the international star Zhang Ziyi attended Chinese Film Media Awards, The She not only served as Ambassador of the Chinese film, but also indifferent to face the media to talk about their recently a serious libel rumors, Zhang admitted by certain legal means to be investigated in the end.hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Last night, the backdrop of the the Haikou beautiful night view, Zhang Ziyi a golden dress finale red carpet. In the cheers of many fans, Zhang Ziyi shiny appearance, brilliant smile, and waved from time to time with enthusiastic fans, the mood is seemingly not affected. The invitation to serve as the Ambassador of the Chinese film, Zhang Ziyi, said: "In fact, what attracts me most is the attitude of the Media Award for the film, which encourage and support those who really love movies, has been seriously his movies."hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Chinese Film Media Awards is the only one of the Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese-language film screened common selection of the awards. Zhang said the day received an invitation, she had a real sense of responsibility. This Award Promotion Contribution Award of the Chinese film, Zhang Ziyi In an interview with the media group interviews and a media misinformation, she moved to say: "Thank you to my care. This so-called 'news' is a downright lies between the lines are libel and slander. This morning I met in Hong Kong and lawyers, to clear my attitude. whatever the cost, I will be investigated through legal means in the end the past, false news or rumors of non-existent will not do more to respond and explain, because I believe Qingzheziqing, time will tell, but this incident is no longer just for me personally. on the network, I see a lot of users know the truth comment say how the film industry is such a mess, it makes me very sad, I have seen the film world is not the case it not only hurt me, but also to discredit the whole industry more outrageous is that this is defamation in the use of public hot spots of society concerned about the challenges of the bottom line of the public, to fool the public so this time I feel the need to stand up a say. this event a lot of peers know or did not know the support of friends, I believe that this is not a person in combat "When reporters asked about the progress, she said:" it has entered the legal process we have seen yesterday an open letter to the team and quickly by my attitude and demands are very clear. I and everyone else, I hope infringement of the media on this matter as soon as possible to have a say. "hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zhang Ziyi team issued an open letter for libel, many filmmakers have expressed support and solidarity. As of press time ago, the director He Ping, Jia Zhangke, Wang Xiaoshuai, Lu Chuan, actress Qin Lan, Ruby Lin, Huang, Peter Ho, Tong Dawei, Dong Xuan, etc. and many other media and film on the microblogging support of Zhang Ziyi. Zhang Ziyi emphatic manner and won the applause of the audience media support.hnwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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