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恐怖:香港巨蟒吞20磅小羊 为港最大无毒蛇种(图)


python swallowing 20 pounds of lamb for the Hong Kong non-poisonous snake specie


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5月29日电 据香港明报报道,香港石鼓洲28日有一条12呎长巨蟒吞下一只20磅小羊。香港戒毒会辖下的石鼓洲康复院,有职员于昨晨发现大蟒蛇潜入院内的羊栏,正吞下一只不足半岁的小羊,蟒蛇张开巨口吞下小羊至只剩两脚露出。职员趁巨蟒饱餐后动弹不得,合力把它赶入铁笼,其间巨蟒受惊吐出小羊,但小羊已气绝身亡。PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有动物专家指出,蟒蛇吞羊在野生世界中并非罕见,估计蟒蛇在吞下小羊后会耗逾整个月时间消化吞下的猎物。PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

缅甸蟒蛇 港最大无毒蛇种PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

吞下小羊的巨蟒约重40至50磅,为缅甸蟒蛇,是香港目前最大型无毒蛇种。蟒蛇在港属受保护动物,巨蟒由警方派出的蛇王捉走,稍后送到渔农自然护理署检查。康复院职员胡先生表示,遭殃的小羔羊身长约两呎,院方已饲养了数个月,供院友作宠物治疗。PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨日清晨7时许,职员如常在院舍巡视,行经宿舍旁的羊栏时发现有异,走近一看,赫见巨蟒腹胀如鼓,张开的巨口露出两只羊腿,正缓缓吞下整只小羊。巨蟒吞下体积与它相若的小羊后动弹不得。院舍职员立即通知院长,经观察认为安全,由职员与数名院友合力把蟒蛇赶进铁笼。PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

送渔署检查 或放回野外PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其间蟒蛇疑因受惊,张口慢慢把小羔羊全只吐出,但小羊已返魂乏术。院长其后通知渔护署及报警。约下午12时,水警轮载着“蛇王”到场,把巨蟒放入布袋,稍后送往渔护署动物管理中心检查,视乎其健康状况决定会否放回野外。PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

康复院职员胡先生表示,石鼓洲偶尔会发现蛇踪,包括蟒蛇及其它品种,惟今次是首次见到如此巨型的蟒蛇吞食动物。岛上对上一次发现蟒蛇约在5年前,蛇身约长数呎。PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

蛇吞羊事件在港不常见,对上一次为2007年5月26日,西贡井栏树有一条约10呎长蟒蛇于农场羊栏中吞下一只半岁黑草羊。PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

离岛昨另发现3蛇PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此外,香港昨日另有3宗蛇踪个案,全发生于离岛,昨日凌晨零时许,长洲北社街的北社新村发现一条身长约6.5呎的大蛇,由居民报警。马湾亦一日内两度发现有蛇。昨凌晨2时许,珀丽湾一名姓曾保安(41岁)巡经屋苑第9座时发现一条黑、啡色的蛇,立即通知警方。PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

约12小时后,200米外的珀欣路挪亚方舟亦发现蛇踪。26岁的姓李女职员报案发现一条约1米长的黑蛇,由警方派员捉走,事件中无人受伤。PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

May 29, according to Ming Pao reported, Shek Kwu Chau in Hong Kong on the 28th a 12-foot-long python swallowed a 20 lbs of lamb. SARDA's Shek Kwu Chau Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre, the staff yesterday morning found a large python sneaked into the compound of the fold, being swallowed in a less than six months old lamb, python open the giant mouth to swallow the lamb to the left feet exposed. Staff to take advantage of python after a meal could not move and work together to cast it into the cages, during which the the python frightened spit lamb, but lamb has Qijueshenwang.PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Animal experts pointed out that the python swallowing the sheep in the wild is not uncommon, it is estimated that the python swallow lamb consumption over the entire month time to digest swallowed prey.PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Burmese Python port's largest non-venomous snakesPyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Swallow the python of lamb weighing about 40-50 pounds for the Burmese python, Hong Kong is now the largest non-venomous snakes. Python in Hong Kong to be a protected species, python loafing Zhuozou sent by the police, and later sent to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department to check. Rehabilitation Centre staff Hu said, suffer little lamb length about two feet, the hospital has been feeding for a few months for residents for pet therapy.PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7 o'clock yesterday morning, the staff normally patrol in residential homes. In passing through the fold next to the hostel is different, closer, He see python bloating like a drum, the giant mouth open to reveal two leg of lamb, it is slowly swallowed whole lamb. Python swallowed the lamb of similar size and it could not move. Staff who immediately informed the president considers it safe, has been observed by staff and residents work together to catch the python into the cages.PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Send and fisheries Department to check back into the wildPyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
During which python doubt suffering from shock, mouth slowly lamb all just spit it out, but the lamb Senecio lack technique. Dean subsequently inform the AFCD and alarm. About 0:00, police launches carrying the "loafing" to the scene, python into the bag, and later sent to AFCD's Animal Management Centre check, depending on their health status to decide whether to back into the wild.PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Rehabilitation Centre staff Hu said that the Shek Kwu Chau will occasionally find the track snakes, including pythons and other species, except this is the first time to see such a huge python devouring animals. The island the last python about five years ago, about the long snake several feet.PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Snake swallowing sheep events are not common in Hong Kong last May 26, 2007, Tseng Lan Shue, Sai Kung 10-foot-long python of a treaty at the farm fold to swallow a six months old black-grass sheep.PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Islands yesterday another found three snakesPyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In addition, another three cases of snake track yesterday, all occurred in the Islands, zero o'clock yesterday morning, Pak She San Tsuen, Cheung Chau Pak She Street found a body length of about 6.5 feet of the serpent by the residents of alarm. Ma Wan, also a day twice a snake. 2:00 pm yesterday, Park Island surnamed Security (41) patrolling estates section 9 found a black, brown snake, and immediately notify the police.PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
About 12 hours later, Pershing Road, 200 meters away Noah's Ark found a snake track. 26-year-old woman surnamed Li, staff report to a treaty, one meter long black snake, by the police staff Zhuozou the incident, no one was injured.
PyURainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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