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1987 Sino-Indian war crisis Insider: Indian high degree of confidence


印度向边界集结重兵西方称战争为期不远zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

最近,印度媒体大量炒作中印边界问题,《印度日报》甚至扬言说印度军队已经做好准备,“想要深入中国给解放军一个足够的教训”。这些不负责任的报道对中印关系的发展产生了负面影响。其实在1987年,中印两国在桑多洛河谷地区的对峙就差点引发一场战争,最终靠双方的外交努力和政治智慧才得以化解“战争危机”。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

印情报小组潜入桑多洛河谷zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1962年中印边境战争的失败,使印度国内的一些鹰派分子很不服气,20世纪60年代末,印军精心制定了一个所谓的“防御作战”计划。不过直到上世纪80年代初,虽然部署到前沿支撑点的军队已经准备就绪,但通往这些地区的公路网却始终未能建成。当时的印度总理英迪拉·甘地下令重新审议印度的安全形势,1982年-1983年间,她批准了一份由陆军参谋长克里希纳·拉奥上将提交的军事计划,即加快速度部署军队到与中国接壤的实际控制线上。与此同时,印度下定决心大力进行国防基础设施建设。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

位于西藏南部的达旺地区自古就是中国的领土,那里是六世达赖喇嘛的出生地,后来被印度非法占领。由于有1962年战争的教训,印度思考着如何才能长期霸占达旺地区。经过重新评估后,印度军事战略家认定,在未来的战争中,防守达旺将是非常重要的一环。1983年,印度派出一个情报小组,前往中印边境东段的桑多洛河谷牧区侦察,他们在那里进行着秘密情报搜集工作,并监视中国军队行踪。印度情报小组在桑多洛河谷呆了整整一个夏季,建起了一个临时哨所,这个哨所位于非法的“麦克马洪线”的中国一侧,是个特别敏感的地点。接下来两年时间里,印度情报部门一直没有放松对桑多洛河谷的谍报工作。1986年,印度情报人员报告说,中国军队在桑多洛河谷建起了半永久性建筑,新德里顿时一片哗然。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

西方外交官预言“第二次中印边境战争”zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1986年2月,印度鹰派将领克里希纳斯瓦米·桑搭吉上将被任命为陆军参谋长,他设法使印度政府批准了一个代号为“棋盘行动”的大规模军事演习,演练如何将位于阿萨姆平原的印度军队快速部署到同中国接壤的实际控制线附近。这次演习涉及印度陆军10个师和数个印度空军中队。印度陆军使用新装备的米-26重型直升机,将一个旅的部队空运到了靠近达旺的吉米塘。随后这支部队从塔格拉山口出发,越过纳木喀措,占据了附近的哈东山口。桑搭吉上将还把3个陆军师调到了旺敦附近,另有5万印军前往被他们称为“阿鲁纳恰尔中央直辖区”的中国藏南地区。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

印军的频繁调动引起了中国军队的警觉,为了防止印军进一步蚕食中国领土,中国军队克服重重困难,把部队派上了实控线中方一侧。在实控线沿线的众多岗哨,中国军人面对面地同印度士兵对峙着,西方媒体曾推测说中印之间将爆发一场新的战争,但中国军队采取了克制态度,并没有主动同印军产生摩擦。桑搭吉不无得意地宣称,印度同中国存在着较大的边界分歧,印军的调动可以使北京认清形势。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1986年底印度议会两院通过法案将非法侵占的中国藏南领土———他们所谓的“阿鲁纳恰尔中央直辖区”升格为“邦”。北京不止一次向印度提出强烈抗议,印度不仅不听,反而在达旺一带有异常军事调动,中国人的忍耐已到极点。由于印军拒绝解除战备状态,1987年初,西方媒体认为北京的语调已经同1962年时类似,一些西方外交官甚至预言第二次中印边境战争不久即将爆发。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

印军叫嚣将战线推至雅鲁藏布江zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

面对紧张的中印边境局势,印军高级将领丝毫没有退让的意思,反而下达了代号为“猎隼行动”的命令,桑搭吉试图在边境地带显示印军巨大的进攻实力,以此来压制中国军队。印军从西向东和从南向北部署重兵,米-26重型直升机频频起飞,步兵战车和装甲部队也出现在了锡金东北部。到1987年4月,印军向塔格拉山嵴下的阵地补充了大量兵力,在桑多洛河谷地区建立了直接威胁中国军队哨所的尖兵哨。7个分得很开的尖兵哨所显示,印军不仅侵入中国领土还向前作了少许移动,这引起了中国军队的强烈反应,两军紧张地对峙着,战争似乎有一触即发之势。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

桑搭吉自认为印军已同1962年时完全不同,现在印军不仅熟悉地形,而且装备有大量的运输机和作战直升机,可提供给养、支持地面攻击。按照他的设想,如果中国军队像1962年那样发起反击,印军就可以利用新式装备“围歼”以轻装步兵发起进攻的中国军队。桑搭吉甚至计划一旦战争爆发,印军可进入中国西藏纵深作战,将战线推进至雅鲁藏布江一线。英国学者内维尔·马克斯韦尔撰写的《中印边界争端反思》一书称,当时印军打算使用一个师的兵力来“清除”桑多洛河谷地带的中国军队,但有两次均在最后一分钟撤消了攻击令。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

外交斡旋化解“战争危机”zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1987年4月15日,中国外交部发言人马毓真反驳了印度对中国的无理指责,马毓真指出,中国没有侵占过印度一寸土地,相反倒是中国的大片领土被印度占领着。中国已经基本完成裁减军队员额100万人的任务,而印度1987-1988年度国防预算却增加了43%。第二天,印度《每日时报》报道称,印军至少有5个战斗机中队已部署在前沿地带,数目不详的米格-23战机也调动起来。《印度斯坦时报》4月17日报道说,印度“政府可靠人士”证实,“印陆军和空军正沿中印边界向东部调动”。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其实,中国政府一贯主张通过友好协商,互谅互让的精神,早日合情合理地解决中印边界问题,但印度国内的鹰派言论已被煽动起来,舆论频频向中国发难,印军的动向也令人担忧。在这种情况下,中央军事委员会副主席杨尚昆在美国访问时表示,尽管中国要求和平解决问题,但如果印度坚持在边界沿线进行侵略性刺探,中国将不得不作出反应。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

就在西方媒体纷纷预测第二次中印战争会在何时爆发时,中国和印度之间化解“战争危机”的外交努力也在紧锣密鼓地进行着。时任印度总理的拉吉夫·甘地(英迪拉·甘地之子)并不希望鹰派分子真的挑起一场同中国的全面战争。从地缘政治和后勤方面考虑,无论胜负,同中国开战都是得不偿失的。中国外交部发言人马毓真也表示,如果印度从中印边境撤军,就可以使那里的紧张局势得以缓和。5月印度外交部长蒂瓦里在赴平壤参加不结盟国家外长会议期间顺访北京,他向中国领导人带去了拉吉夫·甘地的一个口信,即新德里不打算继续使边境地带的局势恶化。在国际上,苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫也感到中印两国间有必要更认真、“更现实”地谈判,以便达成一项解决办法。当年7月,拉吉夫·甘地在北方邦国大党支持者的一次群众集会上说,有关中印边界局势的错误报道是由某些西方大国蓄意传播的,目的是要在印中两国之间制造误解和紧张。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中印两国都意识到了边境地带对峙的危险性,两国政府决定逐渐减少在前沿地区的兵力部署,并重新开启双边对话。1988年12月,拉吉夫·甘地访问中国,寻求实现中印两国之间的真正和解,希望两国能共享和平之福。到1993年,两国签订了一项协定,以确保实际控制线两侧的和平,在这项协定中,引入了“平等互利”的安全原则。至此,这场边境危机终告化解。zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

India that war is not far off to the border build-up heavily WesternzYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Recently, a large number of Indian media speculation in the Indian border issue, "India Daily" and even threatened that the Indian army is ready to "Want to learn the Chinese People's Liberation Army is a sufficient lesson. A negative impact on these irresponsible reports on the development of bilateral relations. In fact, in 1987, the confrontation between China and India in Sang Duoluo Valley almost caused a war, and ultimately depend on both the diplomatic efforts and political wisdom, was able to resolve the "war crisis".zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Indian intelligence team potential Rusangduoluo ValleyzYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The failure of the Sino-Indian border war in 1962, so that some of the hawks in India not convinced the late 1960s, the Indian Army is the elaboration of a so-called "defensive operations" plan. But it was not until the early 1980s, although the troops deployed to the forefront of support points have been ready, but the road network to these areas but has been unable to build. The then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi ordered the re-consideration of the security situation in India between 1982 to 1983, she approved a military plan submitted by the Army Chief of Staff, Admiral Krishna Rao, that is to speed up deployment troops to the line of actual control of the border with China. At the same time, India is determined to vigorously pursue the defense infrastructure construction.zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Tawang region in southern Tibet has always been China's territory, there is the birthplace of the Dalai Lama, and later illegal occupation of India. The lessons of the 1962 war, India thinking how can long-term occupation of Tawang. After re-evaluation, the Indian military strategists concluded that in future wars, defensive Tawang is very important. Sang Duoluo Valley pastoral area reconnaissance, 1983, India sent an intelligence team, go to the eastern section of the Sino-Indian border, where they were engaged in secret intelligence gathering and monitoring the whereabouts of the Chinese army. Sangduo Luo Valley, Indian intelligence team spent an entire summer built a temporary outpost, the outpost in the illegal "McMahon Line" on the Chinese side, is a particularly sensitive location. The next two years, India's intelligence agencies have been no relaxation of the the spying of Sang Duoluo Valley. In 1986, the Indian intelligence report that the Chinese army in the the Sang Duoluo Valley built a semi-permanent building, New Delhi suddenly in an uproar.zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Western diplomats predicted that "the second Sino-Indian border war."zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In February 1986, India's hawkish generals Krishna NASDAQ Wami Sang take the guitar will be appointed as Army Chief of Staff, he managed to make the Indian government approved a code for "board action" large-scale military exercises, joint exercises how the Indian army in Assam plains rapid deployment to the Line of Actual Control near the border with China. The exercise involved the Army's 10 divisions of India and several Indian Air Force squadron. Indian Army to use the new equipment -26 m heavy-lift helicopters, a brigade of troops airlifted to Jimmy Tong near Tawang. Followed by the force across the Iriki Gurkha measures from Tuggerah Yamaguchi, occupied the nearby Ha Dongshankou. Sang take the guitar will also three army divisions transferred to the vicinity of Wang Dun, southern Tibet, China and another 50,000 Indian Army went to was called "Arunachal UTs.zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
TNI frequent mobilization aroused the vigilance of the Chinese army, in order to prevent the Indian Army to further erode China's territory, the Chinese army to overcome the difficulties, troops put on the Chinese side of the line of actual control. Many sentry along the line of actual control, the Chinese military with the Indian soldiers face to face confrontation with the Western media have speculated that a new war broke out between China and India, but the Chinese army has taken to exercise restraint and not take the initiative with the Indian Army friction. Sang to take guitar proudly claimed there was a major border differences with China, India, the mobilization of the Indian Army can recognize the situation.zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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India by the end of 1986 both houses of parliament passed a bill will be illegally occupied territory of southern Tibet, China --- the so-called "Arunachal Central Territory" upgraded "state". Beijing more than once lodged a strong protest to India, India is not only not listen, instead Tawang with unusual military movements, and the patience of the Chinese people has been extreme. Indian Army refused to lift the state of combat readiness, in early 1987, the Western media that Beijing's tone has the same in 1962, similar to some Western diplomats and even predicted that the second Sino-Indian border war about to break out soon.zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Indian army clamored to push the front to the BrahmaputrazYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The face of the tense situation in the Sino-Indian border, the Indian Army's senior generals did not make concessions means, but issued a code-named "Saker action" command, mulberry take the guitar trying to show the great Indian Army's offensive strength in the border zone, in order to suppression of the Chinese army. Indian Army from west to east and from south to north, the deployment of massive forces, -26 m heavy-lift helicopters frequently take off, infantry fighting vehicles and armored units in Sikkim northeast. April 1987, the Indian Army to Tuggerah mountain ridge positions to add large numbers of troops to establish a direct threat to the vanguard of the Chinese army outposts whistle in the valley areas of Sangduo Luo. 7 far apart, the vanguard of post, the Indian Army not only incursion into the territory of China also made a little move forward, which caused a strong reaction of the Chinese army, two armies tense confrontation, the war seems imminent trend.zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Sang take the guitar since the Indian Army has been the same in 1962 is completely different, the Indian Army not only familiar with the terrain and is equipped with a large number of transport aircraft and combat helicopters, supplies available to support the ground attack. In accordance with his vision, if the Chinese army like in 1962 to fight back, the Indian Army can take advantage of the new equipment "to surround and annihilate the attack by light infantry forces. Sang take the guitar and even plan as soon as war broke out, the Indian Army to enter Tibet in depth combat fronts advancing to the Brahmaputra first-line. Neville Maxwell, the British scholar, "Sino-Indian border dispute reflection," a book said that when the Indian Army intends to use a division of troops to "clean up" Sangduo Luo valley, the Chinese army, but the two are in the final one minute to undo the attack.zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Diplomatic efforts to resolve the "war crisis"zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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April 15, 1987, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mayu really refute India groundless accusations against China, Ma Yuzhen pointed out that China did not occupy an inch of land in India, to the contrary it touches the vast territory of China by the Indian occupation. China has basically completed the task of cutting military personnel by one million people, India 1987-1988 annual defense budget has increased by 43%. The next day, India's "Daily Times" reported that the Indian Army at least five fighter squadrons have been deployed in forward positions, and an unspecified number of MiG-23 fighters mobilized. "Hindustan Times" reported on April 17, said India, "the reliable sources confirmed that the Indian Army and Air Force to mobilize along the Sino-Indian border to the east".zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In fact, the Chinese Government has consistently advocated through friendly consultations, the spirit of compromise, as soon as possible and reasonable manner to resolve the Sino-Indian border issue, India's hawkish remarks have been stirred up public opinion frequently to China to launch an attack, the Indian army movements also cause for concern . In this case, the Central Military Commission Vice Chairman Yang Shangkun visit in the United States said that China has demanded that a peaceful solution, but if India insists on aggressive spying along the border, China will have to respond.zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In the Western media have predicted that the second Indian war when the outbreak of China and India to resolve the "war crisis" diplomatic efforts are also in full swing. When Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi (the son of Indira Gandhi) does not want the hawks really stir up a full-scale war with China. Geopolitical and logistical considerations, regardless of the outcome of the war with China is worth the wait. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Yuzhen, also said India from Indian border to withdraw its troops, you can make the tensions to ease. May Tiwari, Indian Foreign Minister to go to Pyongyang to participate in the Non-Aligned Countries Foreign Ministers' Meeting during paid a visit to Beijing, he brought Rajiv Gandhi a message to Chinese leaders that New Delhi does not intend to continue the deterioration of the situation in the border zone . Internationally, the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev also felt the need to more seriously between China and India, "more realistic" to negotiate in order to reach a settlement. In July of that year, Rajiv Gandhi, a mass rally in Uttar Pradesh Congress Party supporters said the error reports about the situation of Sino-Indian border is deliberately spread by certain Western powers, the purpose is in India and China between manufacture of misunderstanding and tension.zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
China and India are aware of the risks of confrontation of the border zone between the two governments decided to gradually reduce the deployment of troops in forward areas, and reopen the bilateral dialogue. In December 1988, Rajiv Gandhi's visit to China, seeking to achieve true reconciliation between China and India, I hope the two countries can share a blessing of peace. 1993, the two countries signed an agreement to ensure that the line of actual control on both sides of the peace in this Agreement, the introduction of the safety principles of "equality and mutual benefit". At this point, this border crisis was finally resolved.
zYMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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