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香港第六大富豪劉鑾雄被澳門起訴行賄 (图)


Joseph Lau, Hong Kong's sixth largest Regal Macau prosecution of bribery


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華人置業集團晚上通告,集團主席兼行政總裁劉鑾雄被澳門檢察官刑事起訴行賄及清洗黑錢罪。Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

聲明稱,澳門刑事起訴當局在預審程序中,正式受理檢察官就收購澳門土地起訴劉鑾雄觸犯行賄及清洗黑錢罪,並駁回基於證據不足而撤銷該控訴的要求,因此,案件在適當時間移交澳門初步法院審理.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

華人置業昨晚發出通告表示,主席兼行政總裁劉鑾雄知會公司,澳門刑事起訴法庭昨已在預審程序當中,正式受理檢察官因應一宗澳門土地交易,起訴劉鑾雄行賄及清洗黑錢。雖然辯方曾以證據不足為理由,要求法院撤銷上訴控訴,不過卻遭駁回。該案件將在適當時候移交澳門初級法院審理,但通告並沒有提及到具體的審訊時間。外界關注另一香港商人羅傑承會否同時牽涉。Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  法律界人士黃國桐表示,港、澳兩地司法制度不同,亦沒有引渡協議,因此劉鑾雄可以留在香港,毋須親身赴澳門出席審訊,只要聘請律師在澳門打官司便可以。Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  劉鑾雄這次惹上官非,源於捲入前運輸工務司司長歐文龍貪瀆案。在第三階段歐文龍案審訊當中,控罪指,歐文龍涉嫌收受二千萬元賄款,讓香港商人劉鑾雄及羅傑承之公司獲批澳門國際機場對面五幅土地。上月十七日,劉鑾雄任主席兼行政總裁的華人置業集團曾發出通告,指劉鑾雄並非被告,僅被要求以證人身分出席作供,並否認曾向歐文龍行賄。Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  同時涉及羅傑承Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  劉鑾雄本應於上月二十日以證人身分到終審法院作供,但他缺席,當時澳門檢察院指劉鑾雄捲入其他案件,同意放棄劉鑾雄作證。當時合議庭主席法官已提示,同日以證人身分出庭的羅傑承涉及另一刑事案,且正向刑事起訴法庭提出預審,而該案與第三階段的歐文龍案有關聯,可有權拒絕回應第三階段歐案任何問題,但羅傑承選擇作供。Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  羅傑承當時指該二千萬元給予建築商人何明輝作土地開發的前期費用,因何明輝需要現金周轉,按其要求匯款入某戶口,其後才知悉款項存入歐文龍控制的一家公司。Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

  據了解,檢察院早前已對劉鑾雄及羅傑承提出起訴,同時涉及另一商人羅傑承,當事人則申請預審。昨日,刑事預審法庭法官作預審後,確認檢察院有關起訴。劉鑾雄及羅傑承涉及一項行賄作不法行為罪及一項洗黑錢罪,移送初級法院排期審訊Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 Statement said, Macao criminal prosecution authorities in the pre-trial proceedings, formally accepted the prosecutor on the acquisition of Macau Land prosecution of Joseph Lau violated bribery and clear money laundering crime, and rejected based on insufficient evidence and revocation of the complaint's requirements, therefore, the case at the appropriate time transfer of Macau preliminary Court.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Chinese Estates last night issued a circular, said Chairman and Chief Executive Joseph Lau informed the company, Macau criminal prosecution court yesterday in which the pre-trial proceedings, formally accepted the prosecutor should be a Macau land transactions, prosecute bribery Joseph Lau and clear money laundering. Although the evidence of the defense once the grounds, asking the court to withdraw the appeal complaint, but it was dismissed. The case will be handed over in due course Macao primary court hearing, but the notice did not mention the specific time of the trial. Outside attention to another Hong Kong businessman Steven Lo Kit Sing Will involve.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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WONG Kwok-tung said of the legal profession, Hong Kong, Macao and the judicial system, there is no extradition agreement, Joseph Lau can stay in Hong Kong, no person to go to Macau to attend the trial, a lawyer litigation in Macau will be able to.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Joseph Lau's get involved in lawsuits from the involvement of the former Secretary for Transport and Public Works Ao Man Long corruption case. Ao Man Long, the third stage trial of which, the charge alleged, Ao Man Long, allegedly accepted $ 20 million in bribes, five land opposite the Hong Kong businessman Joseph Lau and Steven Lo Kit Sing of the company approved the Macao International Airport. Last month on the 17th, Joseph Lau, chaired by Chief Executive Officer of Chinese Estates Holdings Limited has issued a circular, refers to Joseph Lau is not a defendant is only required to attend as a witness to give evidence, and denied that the Ao Man Long bribery.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Also involving Steven Lo Kit SingSv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Joseph Lau should have as a witness to give evidence to the Court of Final Appeal on the 20th last month, but his absence, when Macau's Procuratorate involved in other cases refers to Joseph Lau, agreed to give up Joseph Lau testify. Was judge of the collegial panel Chairman prompt the same day to the witness, Steven Lo Kit Sing involved in another criminal case, and forward the criminal prosecution pre-trial, while the case with the third stage of the case of Ao Man Long, to the right to refuse to respond to the third stage of European case any problems, but Steven Lo Kit Sing to testify.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Steven Lo Kit Sing was given the $ 20 million construction businessman He Minghui the upfront cost of land development, because He Minghui need cash flow, according to their remittances into a account, only after the deposit money into a company controlled by Ao Man Long.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
It is understood that the Procuratorate earlier, Joseph Lau and Steven Lo Kit Sing prosecution, involving another businessman Steven Lo Kit Sing, the parties to apply for prequalification. Yesterday, criminal pre-trial court judge for pre-confirmation of Attorney relating to prosecution. Joseph Lau and Steven Lo Kit Sing involved a bribe for illegal acts and one count of money laundering, and transferred to the primary court for hearing.
Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

刘銮雄刘銮雄 (英文名:Joseph Lau Luen Hung,1951年-)人称「大刘」,籍贯潮州潮安县,香港出生,香港富商,加拿大滑铁卢大学校友,。Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

早年就读于加拿大大学,获学士。1974年毕业回港,加入其家族的吊扇制造业务,获“风扇刘”之绰号,1978年组爱美高公司。1983年上市,并出任爱美高主席。上市即被称为第一只新兴工业股,大受基金公司垂青,发行7500万股,集资1.5亿港元。 至1987年发行股数迅速扩大至20亿股的水平。刘銮雄眼光敏锐,极具魄力,以狙击手姿态驰骋于香港股市,自1985年迅速崛起。首战收购能达,二战收购华人置业,三战狙击中华煤气,四战挑战于嘉道理大酒店,一一得手。现已发展成为拥有4家上市公司的综合性大集团,总市值追随十大财团之后,成为香港候补财阀,业务扩及地产、传媒、建筑及制造业等方面。Rainbow mandarin
身价2011年超600亿港币,在香港,刘銮雄仅次于李嘉诚,李兆基(恒基兆业),郭氏兄弟(新鸿基地产),鄭裕彤 和嘉道理(半岛酒店和中华电力)
刘銮雄拥有的其中一个车牌1 L0VE U刘銮雄以奢华享受,出手阔绰著名。他拥有3架私人飞机,其中一架波音商务喷射机,供前妻宝咏琴的母亲使用。他亦购买了Maybach名贵房车。并对车牌号码甚为讲究,曾在政府车牌拍卖会上多次共购得20多个车牌,包括1 L0VE U、C00L、5、11、48、66、67、2222(宝咏琴生前挚爱)等,共价值超过4000万港元。他亦常到湾仔福临门酒家用膳。刘銮雄亦是奢侈品牌Hermes的忠实VIP之一。Rainbow mandarin
刘銮雄1970年代在加拿大安大略省的滑铁卢大学留学,求学期间结识原配妻子宝咏琴(已故,1954年1月24日~2003年4月20日),1977年与宝咏琴结婚,1990年代离婚。育有大儿子刘鸣炜(1980年--)及小女儿刘秀融(1983年--)。2000年代与吕丽君相恋,育有一女刘秀盈(2003年--)一子(2010年--),2008年又与另一女友陈凯韵育有一女刘秀桦。此外,刘銮雄的长子刘鸣炜现有一对龙凤胎儿女,即是刘銮雄的长孙子和长孙女。Rainbow mandarin

Chinese Estates Holdings night circulars, Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Lau Macao prosecutor criminal prosecution of the bribery and money laundering.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Statement said, Macao criminal prosecution authorities in the pre-trial proceedings, formally accepted the prosecutor on the acquisition of Macau Land prosecution of Joseph Lau violated bribery and clear money laundering crime, and rejected based on insufficient evidence and revocation of the complaint's requirements, therefore, the case at the appropriate time transfer of Macau preliminary Court.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Joseph Lau (English name: Joseph Lau Luen, Hung, 1951 -), known as "Liu", country of origin the Chaozhou CHAOAN, Hong Kong born, Hong Kong businessman, Canada University of Waterloo alumni.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
 Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Had studied in a Canadian university with a Bachelor Graduated return to Hong Kong in 1974, to join its family of ceiling fan manufacturing business by Fan Liu, "nickname, the 1978 group Evergo company. Listed in 1983, and served as Evergo Chairman. Listed to be known as the first emerging industrial stocks, greatly fund company favored to issue 75 million shares, raising $ 150 million. To 1987, the number of shares outstanding is rapidly expanding to 2 billion shares. Joseph Lau discerning, great courage, to the the sniper attitude to surf in the Hong Kong stock market since 1985, the rapid rise. Can opener acquisition of up to World War II, the acquisition of Chinese Estates, three war sniper China Gas, four-game challenges Hotel Kadoorie, one by one succeeded. Now developed into a large group of four listed companies, total market capitalization followed the ten consortium, Hong Kong alternate chaebol, business expansion and real estate, media, construction and manufacturing and so on. The Rainbow mandarinSv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Worth in 2011 over 60 billion Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong Joseph Lau after Li Ka-shing, Lee Shau Kee (Henderson, Henderson), Kuok Brothers (Sun Hung Kai Properties), Cheng Yu-tung and the Kadoorie (Peninsula Hotel and the China Light and Power)Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Joseph Lau in the driving seat use as a private VIP luxury Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft order to Boeing in May 2007. The aircraft is priced at $ 153 million, equivalent to approximately 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars. Joseph Lau's latest orders, including the world's seven guests ordered the machine, this machine can be used as a VIP or business aircraft.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Joseph Lau has a license plate L0VE U Joseph Lau, luxury, lavish famous. He has three private jets, a Boeing Business Jets for his ex-wife treasure Alice AU mother. He also bought a Maybach luxury cars. And license plate numbers are very particular about, had purchased a total of more than 20 several times in the government license plate auction license plates, including 1 L0VE U C00L, 5,11,48,66,67,2222 (Po Alice AU loved during his lifetime), a total value of more than 40 million Hong Kong dollars. He fairly frequently, Wan Chai, Fook Lam Moon Restaurant meal. Joseph Lau Luen-hung, one of the loyal VIP luxury brand Hermes. The Rainbow mandarinSv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Contact the artistSv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Joseph Lau Superstar actress sniper, "said the wealthy businessman Joseph Lau close confidante and more numerous, which spin the most like an oven than Rosamund Kwan, Michelle Reis and Ada Choi have more reports that the three confidante property, nor does Joseph Lau has a delicate relationship, we can imagine Liu Sheng side companion pet.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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It is understood that large Liu in 1989 with Michelle Reis exchanges, although the repeated rumors of large Liu Michelle Reis compound, However, Liu said that officially broke up with her in 1992, the two are only friends relationship, from time to contact. As for the understanding of Ada in 1991, it is learned that the two exchanges a six-year period, large Liu spent on its body and on behalf of CAI mother gambling debts of more than 1 million. ! Cai also generous to admit in an interview to thank Liu years of care. As for Rosamund Kwan in 1993 by friends, contacts, and the Po Alice AU after divorce, have openly appreciation for Liu girlfriend has only Rosamund Kwan. 1999 off with big the Liu Jiuqingfuchi rumors much Rehong treasure Alice AU more generous blessing of two, but at that time love will Wangying Yu refused to talk about.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
 Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In addition, large Liu worked with movie stars Fennie Yuen, Catherine Hung, ladies Linxue Hua and Cheng Ming Ming female Chen Wei Rui pass over sex scandal. Subsequently, Liu turned to the pursuit of a career woman, the first the confidante universal love Wangying Yu, after Ling edge of the court and in 1998 voted Miss Hong Kong, and now pass and has been promoted to directors of private companies in large Liu Lv Lijun very close, had be photograph with photos of the tour the UK with Lu in the airport.Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
 Sv4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Students of the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada in the 1970s, Joseph Lau, school days to get to know his first wife wife Alice AU (deceased, January 24, 1954 ~ April 20, 2003), Alice AU, and Po, in 1977 married, divorced in the 1990s . With the eldest son Lau Ming-wai (1980 -) and small daughter Xiu financial (1983 -). 2000s and Lv Lijun fell in love with a daughter Liu Xiuying (2003 -) child (2010 -), 2008, with a daughter with another girlfriend Kai Chen Yun education Liu Xiuhua. In addition, the eldest son of Joseph Lau Lau Ming-wai has a pair of twins sons and daughters, that is, the long grandson and granddaughter of Joseph Lau. The Rainbow mandarin
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