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赵本山小姨子“谢大脚”晒性感照 两人毫无暧昧(图)


Zhao sister Xie Feet "Sai sexy photo two there is no ambiguity


VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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说起于月仙,这个女人不简单!首先是有实力,于月仙能够跻身于赵本山的剧中并饰演主要角色,也是通过自己的努力和实力才进入剧组的。其实大家不知道,赵本山对小姨子也不留情面,硬是凭借自己对谢大脚的成功塑造,跻身内地一流女演员行列。其次是有潜力,作为赵本山的小姨子,当然赵本山最了解她,于月仙的潜力也是很大的,她需要的也许正是赵本山的挖掘。VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

而且,有网友发现这样一个规律,但凡有大场面,必能出现于月仙的身影,只要是赵本山的片子,于月仙的身份也显得至关重要。赵本山慢慢发现于月仙是一可造之才,如能培养之,必能和小沈阳一样独扛大梁。于是,在很多重要场合,赵本山干脆让于月仙“全权代理”,于月仙驾驭酒场的能力也非同寻常,不亚于港台经常光顾饭局的大牌女星,由此可见赵本山的良苦用心。VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

赵本山是霸主,指点“本山传媒”江山,指哪打哪;小沈阳和王小利则是赵本山的左膀右臂,凭借着在春晚打响的知名度,见缝插针般的搅浑娱乐圈,出演小品、影视剧、甚至接代言,插手和玩转各个层面。于月仙则成了赵本山的“贤内助”,相信在“本山传媒”集团里,于月仙也是一个举足轻重的人物。这四个人如果劲儿往一处使,心往一处想,还有什么办不成的?!VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

无论现实还是网上,只要提及赵本山的小姨子于月仙,很多人会想起“暧昧”两个字。众所周知,于月仙和赵本山妻子马丽娟是姨姐妹,虽然她是表演系科班出身,但出道很早、已经十几年的她星路可谓坎坷,据说早年就曾和戴军拍过戏,然而一直没有播出,也便没火过,甚至即使后来零零碎碎拍过不少戏,根本便没有得到赵本山的好感或肯定,只是人生峰回路转,在赵本山上海医院住院事件后,于月仙以亲戚身份逐步越来越多地走进了人们的视线,也越来越得到赵本山的 “厚爱”以及“赏识”。也就是说,两人根本没有什么!VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Speaking at Yuet Sin, this woman is not simple! First, strength, and played a major role to play Yuet Sin can be one of Zhao, but also through their own efforts and strength before entering the crew. In fact, we do not know, Zhao sister also unflinchingly, simply by virtue of their success in shaping thank Bigfoot, among the ranks of the Mainland-class actress. Secondly there is the potential, as Uncle Zhao's sister-in-law, of course, Zhao who knew her best, Yu Yuet Sin's potential is great, she needs to, perhaps, it was Zhao's excavation.VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
And users find such a rule, whenever there is a big scene, will be able to appear at Yuet Sin figure, as long as the films of Zhao Yu Yuet Sin's identity is crucial. Zhao slowly Yuet Sin is the only one can be made of, such as culture, will be able alone to carry the beam and small Shenyang. Thus, in many important occasions, Zhao simply let Yuet Sin "sole agent", the ability of the control wine at Yuet Sin is also unusual, as much as Hong Kong and Taiwan frequented the big star of the dinner, we can see Zhao care and thought.VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zhao is the dominant, pointing the media of the mountain country, wherever; small Shenyang and Musgrave Zhao's right hand man, by virtue of the visibility started at the Spring Festival, they must attack like muddy entertainment, starred in the comedy, TV drama, and even received endorsement, to intervene and Fun at all levels. Yuet Sin then became Zhao wife believe Yuet Sin is also a pivotal figure in the "Mountain Media Group. These four individuals vigor to a make the heart of a want, what can not be accomplished?VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Whatever the reality, or online, as long as mentioned Zhao's sister Yu Yuet Sin, many people will think of the word "ambiguous". We all know, Yuet Sin and Zhao wife Greate aunt and sisters, although she is performing the Department of technical education, but his debut early, has 10 years of her Star Road can be described as rough, it is said the early years, once and Dai Jun filmed play, however, has not been broadcast, they will not fire even later piecemeal filmed a lot of play, simply will not have to get the goodwill or affirmation of Zhao, but life took a dramatic turn in the hospital after the incident Zhao Shanghai, Yu Yuet Sin identity with relatives and gradually more and more into the people's attention, but also more and Zhao's "love" and "appreciated". In other words, they did not!
VdwRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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