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朱克伯格突娶華裔女友 低調行禮fb公布婚訊 狀况「已婚」(图)


Zuckerberg suddenly married a Chinese girlfriend, a low-key salute fb


news_8__522728917.jpgA7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

【明报专讯】facebook创办人朱克伯格喜上加喜,继上周五fb成为史上最大型公开招股上市公司后,28岁的他周六又与拍拖9年、27岁的华裔女友Priscilla Chan结束爱情长跑共谐连理。他透过更新fb网页的「感情状况」,由「交往中」变成「已婚」,公布喜讯,获万计网民「赞好」恭贺。A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

fb上周五才公开招股上市,让朱克伯格一跃成为全球第29大富豪。上周一才庆祝28岁生辰的他,周六选择在其fb上公布自己婚讯,并上传结婚照一张,与网民分享喜悦。照片附上一段批注:「Mark(朱氏的名字)在他的动态时报上新增了一件2012年5月19日的生活要事。和Priscilla Chan结婚。」短短7小时,相片已累积超过54万个「赞好」。朱克伯格和Priscilla同时在两人fb网页的感情状况,由「交往中」改为「已婚」。A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

亲友以为赴毕业庆祝会A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

朱克伯格和Priscilla于2004年在哈佛大学相识,朱克伯格同年创办fb。他曾在上周Priscilla念毕其医科课程时,在fb上写道:「陈医生,我为你感到骄傲。」美国传媒称,这场低调的婚礼,在朱克伯格位于加州帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)的大宅后院举行,只有近百亲友参加,获邀亲友原以为只是出席Priscilla的医学院毕业庆祝聚会,到场后才得悉是参与他们的婚礼。获邀出席的fb营运总监桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)说:「大家都很惊讶。」A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有知情的宾客表示,朱克伯格夫妇数月前已策划婚礼,并非刻意趁fb上市而举行,婚礼最终与fb公开招股在同周发生,实属喜上加喜的巧合。婚礼中,朱克伯格一改平时卫衣牛仔裤的装束,改穿代表fb颜色的深蓝色西装领呔和白衬衣,Priscilla则身穿传统洁白蕾丝婚纱,两人脸上都挂上幸福微笑。朱克伯格为新娘子戴上由他亲自设计的一枚简单红宝石婚戒,据报事前新娘子对戒指式样毫不知情。宾客们则为一对新人欢呼助兴。婚礼的餐饮,包括朱克伯格夫妇爱吃的寿司,以及二人首次约会时曾吃的老鼠造型朱古力。A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一周三喜事 生日上市结婚A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

fb自周五上市后,市值达1000亿美元,与网业巨头亚马逊并驾齐驱,更高于迪斯尼的市值。朱克伯格现仍持有约56%的fb股份,保持其最终决策权。A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
[Ming Pao] facebook founder the Zucker Bo Gexi plus hi, following the fb become the largest in the history of public offerings of listed companies in last Friday, 28-year-old Saturday ended with 9 years of dating, 27-year-old Chinese girlfriend Priscilla Chan love marathon plunge. He looked through the "emotional status" update fb page and become "married" by the "contacts" and announced the good news, by the millions of Internet users like to congratulate.A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fb on the Friday before a public listing of Zuckerberg became the world's No. 29 Big Spender. Last Monday to celebrate the 28 birthday, he announced their marriage hearing Saturday to select their fb, and upload a wedding Internet users to share the joy. Photos attached for a period of endorsement: "Mark (Zhu's name) in the dynamic Times new life events of a May 19, 2012 and married Priscilla Chan, just seven hours, the photo has accumulated more than 540,000 praise. " Zuckerberg and Priscilla at the same time the emotional state of the two fb page from "contacts" to "married".A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Friends and relatives thought to go to graduation celebrationA7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zuckerberg and Priscilla met at Harvard University in 2004, the same year, Zuckerberg founder fb. He had last week Priscilla read the completion of their medical curriculum, in fb wrote: "Dr. Chen, I for you to be proud of." U.S. media said that this low-key wedding in Zuckerberg in Palo Alto, California ( held at the mansion backyard in Palo Alto), only 100 friends and relatives to participate in invited relatives and friends thought only attend Priscilla's School of Medicine graduation celebration party, the scene after that is to participate in their wedding. Invited to attend fb Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg, Sandberg said: "We are very surprised."A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Informed guests that Zuckerberg and his wife a few months ago had been planning the wedding, not deliberately take advantage of the fb listing held, the wedding is the ultimate public offering and fb with Zhou Fasheng, it is hi plus hi coincidence. Wedding, Zuckerberg changed the usual sweater, jeans, dress, wearing a the fb colors dark blue suit and tie and white shirt, Priscilla is wearing a traditional white lace wedding dress, the two faces to put up a happy smile. Zuckerberg for the bride to wear a simple ruby ​​wedding ring, designed by himself and has no knowledge of it has been reported that prior bride on the ring style. The guests was a couple cheering fun. Wedding catering, including a the Zuckerberg couple favorite sushi, and the first date, they had to eat rats modeling chocolate.A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zhou Sanxi things birthday listed on marriageA7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fb since Friday after the listing, the market capitalization of $ 100 billion to keep pace with network giant Amazon, higher market value of Disney. Zuckerberg is still holding about 56% of the fb shares to maintain its final decision-making power.
A7pRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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