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车晓和山西首富离婚原因:婆家催添丁 传其实曾经小产过


The dawn and Shanxi richest man in the reasons for divorce


fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

新快报4月12日报道 昨天下午有网友在微博中爆料,指30岁的演员车晓与比她大一岁的“山西首富”李兆会已结束15个月的婚姻,并说车晓分得了3亿元家产。两人于2010年1月25日在李兆会老家山西办了一场气派的中式婚礼,婚后车晓继续拍戏,两人并未育有孩子。去年年底,车晓传说以六位数的代价,离开了老东家华谊。新快报记者联系了车晓新经纪公司的宣传人员,对方称不能证实传闻真假,只表示在向车晓本人求证真假以及征得她的同意后才会对外发布统一的说法。fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

婚后生活解约华谊,既演又商fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2010年1月25日车晓与山西首富——海鑫钢铁掌门人李兆会结婚。据悉李兆会的家族在2008年、2009年的胡润百富排名中排名山西首富,而李兆会个人资产就在40亿元左右。在车晓结婚的前一天正是华谊另一女星罗海琼与华谊副总裁费麒的婚礼,当时两人一前一后的婚礼一度轰动娱乐圈。车晓这段婚姻也成为娱乐圈一段佳话,也有说两人男财女貌是“资产的合理组合”。2011年12月,车晓承认与华谊解约,据说解约赔偿金高达6位数。现在她签约完美世界影视李波工作室。fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

车晓的经纪人曾表示:“男方没有要求车晓婚后息影,只是在拍片数量上会有所减少。”有传李兆会的家人要求车晓减产拍戏,事实上婚后的车晓也很少出现在荧幕上。鲜少拍戏的车晓婚后便在北京投资经营了一家奢侈品店,老公李兆会为其出钱。当时开幕时,车晓笑言自己并不是做生意的料,“我从没想过接手老公的生意,这个店有专门的人员在打理。”但据知情人士透露称车晓其实有名无实,对这个奢侈品店没有执行权。fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

车晓现状上海拍戏,微博如常谈笑fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

车晓的妈妈是总政话剧团国家一级演员王丽云,车晓的父母很早就已离异,这样的家庭环境令车晓更加珍视传统婚姻,车晓曾表示:“我还是一个比较传统的人,很向往幸福、温馨的家庭生活。”有圈内知情人士透露车晓与丈夫离婚是因为两人生活的圈子不同,两人的朋友也没有交集,很少有共同语言,再加之两人性格不合、聚少离多,多方面因素最终导致两人走上离婚的道路。fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

相关人士称,车晓在离婚后分得了3亿家产,令人咋舌。不过,在2010年的胡润百富榜排名上,李兆会凭借100亿元的财富排在第85位。即便真的是分给车晓3亿财产,对他来说,也不算什么大数目。不过也有网友评论说,如果车晓真的分得巨额家产,按结婚15个月算笔账,平均每秒车晓就赚了7.7元,何必再辛苦继续拍戏呢?新快报记者致电车晓所在的李波工作室宣传总监万小姐,她表示这是艺人的私事,公司是不过问的。至于车晓的现状,万小姐直言:“她现在正在上海拍摄《浦江危情》,都是《风声传奇》的原班人马,我现在也联系不上她,稍后会与她联系。”车晓的微博最近如常在更新,大多写的是拍戏花絮或是分享下厨乐趣。记者问车晓最近情绪如何,万小姐说因为去年年底才正式签入,加上过年休息并没有太多联系,《浦江危情》是她今年接的第一个戏,但就否认车晓近半年因为感情问题而寄情于工作。fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

离婚原因婆家催添丁,传车晓曾小产fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

尽管外界传言,聚少离多、性格不合是两人婚姻破裂的主要原因,不过有知情人表示,作为山西巨富的李家相当传统,在车晓嫁入家门后,一直希望她尽快给家族添男丁。另据知情人透露,“车晓在婚后曾传出怀孕的消息,但是后来孩子并未保住。”2010年,婚后受访的车晓曾表示自己要全心冲事业,暂时不考虑生孩子的事情,并称自己还没有做好当妈准备,“生孩子是件大事,得想好,造一个小生命,你要对他负责。我现在还没想好牺牲自己干这么一事,但我一定会干,早晚的事。”fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

●车晓档案fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

车晓1982年出生在一个军人的演艺世家里。车晓是华谊兄弟力捧的“新一代青衣”,因在冯小刚(微博)导演的《非诚勿扰》中出演“性冷淡”而出名。2010年1月25日,车晓嫁给29岁的山西首富—海鑫钢铁集团掌门人李兆会,这段婚姻一度成为娱乐圈“演得好不如嫁得好”的范本,车晓也因为有豪门的背景,在华谊地位飙升。2011年12月,车晓表示已与华谊解约。fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

●李兆会档案fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

山西闻喜人,曾就读于武汉科技大学,后赴澳留学。父亲是2003年被枪杀的著名民营企业家、山西海鑫钢铁集团有限公司董事长兼总经理李海仓。父亲遇害后,正在海外求学的李兆会辍学回国,成为海鑫钢铁集团掌门人,目前个人身家超过100亿元,数次入选胡润富豪榜“最年轻的内地富豪”。2010年1月,李兆会迎娶华谊兄弟女星车晓。2010年3月,在福布斯全球十位最年轻的亿万富翁中,李兆会排名第九。fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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●两人一见钟情fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

车晓与李兆会认识是在成龙大哥的一次饭局中,并且两人一见钟情。成龙与李兆会是多年好友,“成龙海仓慈善基金”就是以李兆会的父亲李海仓命名的,初始基金5000万元人民币来源于海鑫钢铁的捐助。在基金会运作的过程中李兆会也是出钱出力,帮了很多忙,想不到成龙竟歪打正着成了两人的“媒人”。fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

●不介意被说傍大款fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

车晓婚后接受采访时候表示完全不介意别人说她傍大款,“自古美女爱英雄。虞姬为啥找项羽?你有美貌,对另一半肯定有期待。婚姻是两个人的事,两情相悦碍着谁了?!抛出这样的问题,如果我说:‘对啊,我是跟风嫁大款啊。’然后就头版头条了,我就雷了。所以我还是得不断重复解释。”fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

●最喜欢老公浪漫fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从车晓的微博来看,她的生活过得有滋有味。被问及最喜欢老公什么,车晓说:“他特别浪漫,也热爱工作。我不是特别浪漫的人,他是双鱼座,我是双子座,可能是一种互补吧。”除了工作邀约,婚后车晓基本深居简出,但她并未闲着,学吉他、画画、养猫,生活很是丰富。车晓是个“吃货”,问及家里谁做饭,她说:“一般都是阿姨,偶尔我做,老公也能做,但我觉得我做饭比他有天分。”fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Married life termination Huayi both play another providerfPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
January 25, 2010, the dawn and Shanxi's richest man - Haixin Iron and Steel head Andy Lee married. It is reported that Li Zhaohui family ranking in the 2008 ranking of the 2009 Hurun Shanxi's richest man, Li Zhaohui personal assets of 40 billion yuan. The day is Huayi's wedding to another actress the Luo Haiqiong and Huayi, vice president of Fei Qi, Xiao married in the car when the two one after the wedding was sensational entertainment. The car knows this marriage has also become the entertainment section of the elephants, there are two men fiscal female appearance is "the rational combination of the assets. In December 2011, the car knows recognize and Huayi termination, said termination compensation of up to 6 digits. Now she signed a Perfect World Television Bo studio.fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The car knows the broker has said: "The man did not require car dawn break of marriage, but in the film number will be reduced." There are rumors that Li Zhaohui family car Xiao cut the filming, in fact, the car of marriage dawn also very less appear on the screen. Rarely filming car Xiao marriage will invest in Beijing in operation for a luxury store, her husband Andy Lee for their money. Was opening the car Xiao said with a smile that he was not doing business material, "I never thought to take over her husband's business, a dedicated staff in the care of this store." According to informed sources said the car knows in fact, merely nominal, This luxury store has no enforcement power.fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The status quo in the car knows, filming, microblogging as usual laughingfPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The car knows the mother is the General Political Department Repertory Theatre at the national level actors Liyun car Xiao's parents had divorced early, and such a family environment so that the car knows more cherished traditional marriage, car Xiao said: "I was a more traditional am looking forward to a happy, warm family life. "insiders to informed sources in the car Xiao and her husband divorced because the two circle of life, two friends there is no intersection, there is little common language, coupled with the two characters substandard, living together from many, many factors that ultimately resulted in two embarked on the road to divorce.fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The sources said the car Xiao points scored after divorce 300 million fortune, staggering. However, on Hurun ranking in 2010, Li Zhaohui With the wealth of 10 billion yuan in 85. Even really points to the car knows the 300 million property, for him, is not that big. However, some commenters said that if the car knows really share the huge fortune by marriage 15 Counting car dawn of the average per second to earn $ 7.7 Why do we have to continue filming hard? Express reporter to call the car knows where Bo studio publicity director of Miss Wan, she said that this is a private matter of the artist, but ask. As for the car knows the status quo, Miss bluntly: "She is now filming in Shanghai Pujiang Dangerous Love, are wind legendary" original cast, I can not contact her, and later will be in touch with her. "Car dawn of the micro-blog in the update as usual, mostly written by filming Highlights or share cooking fun. Reporters asked the car Xiao recent mood, Miss Wan said as the end of last year, was formally checked with the New Year to rest and do not have too much contact, "Pujiang crisis situation," her this year, then the first play, but he denied the car dawn nearly six months focussed on the work because of emotional problems.fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Divorce because the husband's family urge childbirth, Chuan Xiao car had a miscarriagefPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Though rumors, spends little time away from the multi-personality clashes is the main reason for the breakdown of their marriage, but the source said, Shanxi wealthy Lee very traditional in her as soon as possible to the family car Xiao married into the house, has been Tim male. According to insiders revealed that the car Xiao marriage came the news of pregnancy, but later the child did not keep. "In 2010, the car of the marriage of respondents dawn has said to be fully washed the cause, not to consider the Health children's matters, adding that he still did not do When the mother is ready, "having children is a serious matter, need to find good, made a little life, you are responsible to him. not want to sacrifice themselves to dry so the issue, but I will do, sooner or later. "fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
● car Xiao filefPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Car Xiao was born in 1982 in a soldier's performing arts world at home. Car Xiao Huayi Brothers touted "new generation of Tsing Yi," directed by Feng Xiaogang (microblogging), "You Are the One" starred in "sex" is famous for. January 25, 2010, the car knows to marry 29-year-old Shanxi's richest man - Haixin Iron and Steel Group head Li Zhaohui, the marriage became the entertainment business is so good than a good marriage "template car Xiao and because wealthy the background, in Huayi status soared. In December 2011, car Xiao with Huayi termination.fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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● Li Zhaohui filefPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Shanxi Wenxi who was educated at the Wuhan University of Science and Technology, after study in Australia. The father is a famous private entrepreneurs, who was shot dead in 2003, Shanxi Haixin Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., chairman and general manager, Li Haicang. After the father was killed, Andy Lee is studying abroad will drop out of school to return Haixin Iron and Steel Group's head of personal net worth of more than 10 billion yuan, a number of selected Hurun Rich List, "the youngest mainland Spender". In January 2010, Li married Huayi Brothers star vehicle dawn. In March 2010, at 10 the youngest billionaire in the Forbes Global, Li will ninth.fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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LinkfPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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● two fall in lovefPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Car Xiao and Li Zhaohui recognize Jackie a dinner, and the two fall in love. Jackie Chan and Andy Lee, a longtime friend, "Jackie Chan Haicang Charitable Foundation is named Li Zhaohui Li Haicang's father, the initial fund 50 million yuan from the contributions of the Haixin Iron and Steel. Andy Lee will be in the process of operation of the Foundation is also donated money and helped out a lot, think of Jackie Chan actually a lucky hit has become two of the "matchmaker".fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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● do not mind being said sugar daddyfPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Car Xiao marriage in an interview when others said her sugar daddy do not mind, "Since ancient times, beautiful women love a hero the Concubine why to find Xiang Yu? You have beauty, the other half is certainly looking forward to marriage is a matter of two people, two love gracious hurt anyone? throw this problem if I said: 'Yes, I follow the trend to marry wealthy.' and then the headlines, I on mine, so I still have to continue to repeat to explain. "fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
● favorite husband romanticfPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
From the car knows, microblogging, her gusto. Asked favorite husband what car Xiao said: "He particularly romantic, but also love the work I am not particularly romantic, he is a Pisces, I am a Gemini may be a complement." In addition to the solicitation of work, marriage car knows the basic reclusive, but she was not idle, learn guitar, painting, cats, life is very rich. Xiao car is "eating stock", who asked at home cooking, she said: "are generally aunt, occasionally I do, my husband can do, but I think I cook than his talent."
fPMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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