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1。周潤發,出生於1955年5月18日。香港著名演員,70年代演出多齣電視劇,後來演出電影。曾三次獲得香港電影金像獎最佳男主角獎,兩次獲得台灣金馬獎最佳男主角獎。1990年代與成龍、周星馳被譽為「雙周一成」,於1995年赴美國好萊塢發展。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Chow Yun-Fat was born on May 18, 1955. Famous actors in Hong Kong, more performances in the 1970s TV series, and later performed the film. Three-time Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actor Award, and twice won the Taiwan Golden Horse Award for Best Actor. 1990s with Jackie Chan, Chow is known as "double Zhou Yicheng" to the United States in 1995 Hollywood.55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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2。王力宏,出生於1976年5月17日。出生於紐約羅徹斯特,為台裔美籍人,台灣知名國語流行歌曲男歌手唱片製作人、電影導演。於日、港、韓及中國發展其歌唱事業。曾九度入圍金曲獎「最佳國語男演唱人獎」,1999年「公轉自轉」、2006年「蓋世英雄」獲「最佳國語男演唱人獎」。近年也參與公益活動和戲劇演出。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Wang Lee Hom was born in May 17, 1976. Born in Rochester, New York, the American people in Taiwan, the well-known Taiwanese male singer of the Mandarin pop music record producer, film director. In Japan, Hong Kong, Korea and China to develop their singing career. The finalists had nine Golden Melody Awards "Best Mandarin Male Vocalist Award" 1999 "public switched turn" 2006 "Heroes" won the "Best Mandarin Male Vocalist Award". In recent years, are also involved in public service activities and theater performances.55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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3。邱淑貞,出生於1968年5月16日。香港女演員,現已息影。87年參選香港小姐,88年得到導演王晶提拔進入影壇。曾演出電影「最佳損友」;於電影「赤裸羔羊」大膽演出,奠定性感女神地位,曾獲93年香港電影金像獎最佳女主角提名。99年與時裝公司創辦人沈嘉偉結婚,翌年誕下長女,婚後即息影,不再公開出現。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Shu-Jen Chiou, born on May 16, 1968. Hong Kong actress, is now leaving perfect. 1987 candidates Miss Hong Kong, 1988 Directed by Wong Jing promoted to enter the cinema. He has performed in the film "Crazy"; bold performances in the film "Naked Killer", to lay a sex goddess status, won the 1993 Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actress nomination. 99 years with the fashion company founder Shen Jiawei to marry the following year gave birth to the eldest daughter, married the break of no longer public appearance.55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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4。蘇見信,出生於1971年5月14日。台灣流行樂男歌手,前信樂團主唱。2002年信樂團發行第一張專輯,憑著他高亢的歌聲走紅,在信樂團擔任主唱期間,共發行了三張專輯、一張精選,以及一張現場演唱專輯。於2007年單飛,以藝名「信」發行個人專輯。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Su see the letter, was born on May 14, 1971. Taiwan pop male singer, the former Shin singer. Shin debut album in 2002, with his high-pitched singing popular during the lead singer in the Shin, released three albums, a selection, as well as a live concert album. Solo in 2007, the stage name of "trust" to release a solo album。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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5。顏志琳,出生於1968年5月13日。台灣歌手,動力火車成員。自退伍後在Pub駐唱,因此被發掘進入演藝圈。與尤秋興組成動力火車後大放異彩。目前已婚、育有二女。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Yan Zhilin was born on May 13, 1968. Taiwanese singer, a member of the Power Station. After the war, Pub bands, therefore excavation showbiz. Shine with After You Qiuxing composition of the power train. Currently married and has two women。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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6。蔣怡,出生於1977年5月12日。香港女模特兒、演員和主持人,出生於江蘇常州。畢業於廣州外國語學院(現廣東外語外貿大學)。1998年廣東省模特兒大賽進入前十名,隔年上海國際模特兒大賽再度進入前十。身高178公分的她到香港發展後,曾與周星馳拍攝啤酒廣告。2005年轉到台灣發展,2010年重返香港娛樂圈。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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7。李毓芬,出生於1985年5月11日。台灣女模特兒、演員、歌手,多利安娛樂演藝經紀事務所旗下藝人。出道時曾拍攝「風色幻想online」、「神魔online」等遊戲的廣告。現時為女子歌唱組合Dream Girls的成員,亦演出偶像劇。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Li Yufen, was born in May 11, 1985. Taiwan's female models, actors, singers, the Doric entertainment performing brokerage firm's artists. The debut had shooting the "Fengsehuanxiang online", the Ghost online game advertising. Is currently a member of the women's singing group, Dream Girls, and also performed a drama.55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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8。何韻詩,出生於1977年5月10日,香港著名女歌手,在無線電視及華星唱片的新秀歌唱大賽獲得冠軍,之後和頒獎者梅艷芳結為師徒。2006年獲得「叱吒樂壇女歌手金獎」,正式奠定她在香港樂壇的地位。2011年,適逢出道十週年,何韻詩朝粵語及國語流行曲作雙線發展,推出國語單曲「GREEN」。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Denise, was born on May 10, 1977, a famous singer in Hong Kong, TVB and China Star Records New Talent Singing Contest champion, and after the award by Anita Mui became mentoring. Became well-known music singer gold medal in 2006, formally laid her position in the Hong Kong music scene. 2011 coincides with the tenth anniversary of his debut, Denise toward the Cantonese and Mandarin pop songs for parallel development, the introduction of Mandarin single, "GREEN".55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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9。許嘉凌,出生於1983年5月9日,台灣女藝人,是歌手許慧欣的妹妹。2007年,發行首張專輯;2008年,參與舞蹈比賽節目-舞林大道,與冠軍隊伍-「法老與舞姬」合作,贏得高分;2009年,始於台灣的綜藝節目擔任來賓與評審;2010年7月,擔綱「FHM」雜誌的封面女郎。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Xu Jialing, born on May 9, 1983, female artist in Taiwan, is the sister of singer Evonne Hsu. 2007, released their debut album; 2008, to participate in the dance competition program - Dance Forest Avenue, with the winning team - the Pharaoh and dancing girls, "won the high score; in 2009, began in Taiwan variety shows as guest with the review; July 2010, featuring "FHM" magazine cover girl.55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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10。張智成,出生於1973年5月8日,是馬來西亞男歌手。1996年於馬來西亞的七星杯歌唱比賽獲得冠軍,2002年到台灣發展,擅長節奏藍調(R&B)曲風的創作和演唱,被歌迷暱稱為「R&B小王子」。實力派歌手張智成擁有超強的音樂天份,獨特的嗓音極具穿透力,乾淨細膩,充滿感情,尤其轉音技巧出色。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Z Chen, born on May 8, 1973, is the male singer in Malaysia. Seven Star Singing Competition in Malaysia in 1996 won the championship in 2002 to Taiwan, specializes in the genre of writing and singing rhythm and blues (R & B), by fans nicknamed the "R & B prince. Z Chen singer has a superior musical talent and unique voice is very penetrating, clean and delicate, full of feelings, in particular, to the sound excellent skills。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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11。窪塚洋介,出生於1979年5月7日,是日本男演員、歌手,出生於日本神奈川縣。演出作品包括早期的金田一少年事件簿、麻辣教師GTO,到後來的池袋西口公園SP,以及近年的Monsters Club、Helter Skelter等。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Depression mound Yosuke, was born on May 7, 1979, is a Japanese actor, singer, was born in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Performance works, including early Kindaichi Shonen Chronicles, spicy teachers in the GTO, later Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Park SP, as well as in recent years, the Monsters Club, Helter Skelter, etc..55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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12。文根英,出生於1987年5月6日,韓國女演員,出生於韓國光州廣域市,在韓國正式的漢字表記為「文瑾瑩」。2000年,年僅13歲的文根英憑藉電視劇藍色生死戀為觀眾所熟知,2004年她因在電影我的小小新娘中的出色演出獲得眾多觀眾的認可與喜愛,迅速成長為韓國一線女演員。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Moon Geun Young, was born on May 6, 1987, South Korean actress, was born in Gwangju Metropolitan City, the official Chinese characters in Korea is recorded as "Jin Ying. In 2000, as young as 13-year-old of the Wen the root Sino-British by virtue of TV series Autumn in My Heart as the audience are well aware, 2004, she due to excellent performances of the in the movie my Little Bride in the to obtain the the recognition and favorite of the large numbers of viewers, the rapid growth for the the the female actor of the South Korea first-line .55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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13。王傳一,出生於1980年5月5日,台灣男演員、男歌手,曾是可米小子成員之一,2005年可米小子解散,現正個人發展。曾演出電視劇「換換愛」、「惡魔在身邊」。近期作品則包括「醉後決定愛上你」、「翻糖花園」、「痞子英雄」、「就是要香戀」等。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Wang Chuan was born on May 5, 1980, Taiwan's male actor, male singer, was the Comic Boyz member of the 2005 Comic Boyz disbanded, and now personal development. He has performed in the TV drama "Why Why Love, Devil Beside You". Recent works include "drunk decided to fall in love with you" the "fondant Garden", "Black and White", "to Hong Love"55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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14。藤原龍也,出生於1982年5月15日。日本男演員,出生埼玉縣。97年在舞台劇甄選中脫穎而出。在日本以和舞台大師蜷川幸雄合作而知名,被喻為「三十年難得一見的天才」。參與電影「大逃殺」、大河劇「新選組」的演出,2006年飾漫畫「死亡筆記本」電影版男主角「夜神月」。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Tatsuya Fujiwara was born on May 15, 1982. Japanese actor, was born in Saitama Prefecture. Come to the fore in the selection of theater in 1997. Yukio Ninagawa cooperation known in Japan and stage master, has been hailed as "three decades of rare genius. Involved in the movie "Battle Royale", river play, "the newly elected group" show in 2006, decorated with comic book, "Death Note" movie actor "Yagami".55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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15。胡慧中,出生於1958年5月4日,是台灣女演員與歌手和節目主持人,她的成名作為「歡顏」,其他作品包括「皇天后土」(曾在香港遭禁播)、「霸王花」(Inspectors Wear Skirts)等,是台灣70年代文藝片的知名女星。現已息影,並擔任江蘇省人大委員。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Hu Hui, born on May 4, 1958, is Taiwan actress and singer and show host, her fame as a "smile" and other works include "The Coldest Winter in Peking (in Hong Kong have been banned)," King spent"(Inspectors Wear Skirts) and other well-known actress of the 1970s art films. Now leaving perfect, and served as the National People's Congress of Jiangsu Province.55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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16。蘇志威,出生於1966年5月3日,香港男歌手及演員,曾與蔡一智和蔡一傑組成了樂隊草蜢,並參加新秀歌唱大賽,後來跟隨梅艷芳發展歌唱事業。亦曾演出無綫電視劇及主持電視節目「娛樂大搜查」。在2008年與伙伴合資開設舞蹈學校I Dance,至今已累積4000多名會員。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Chi Wai, was born on May 3, 1966, the Hong Kong male singer and actor, had formed a band with Calvin and Remus Choy of Grasshopper, and participate in the New Talent Singing Contest, then follow the Anita Mui singing career. Also performed the wireless TV shows and host a TV show "Entertainment Hunting. Partners in a joint venture set up in 2008 and the Dance School Dance, and has accumulated more than 4,000 members。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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17。張震嶽,出生於1974年5月2日,是台灣男歌手,宜蘭蘇澳人,為阿美族原住民。因為參加唱詩班的緣故,開始對音樂產生興趣,在高中開始接觸搖滾樂,在比賽過程中就與滾石唱片簽下合約。2008年8月,張震嶽和羅大佑、李宗盛、周華健組成樂團縱貫線。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Chang Chen-yue, was born on May 2, 1974, is the male singer in Taiwan, should be the center piece of Australia, the Ami aborigines. The sake of participating in the choir, an interest in music began in high school exposure to rock and roll during the game, signed a contract with Rock Records. In August 2008, Zhang Zhen Yue and Luo, Jonathan Lee, Emil Chau, a rock band main line. 55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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18。陳德容,出生於1974年5月1日,是台灣女演員,1983年拍第一支廣告,1988年拍第一部電影「國中女生」,為瓊瑤所注意,兩年後簽給香港邵氏電影公司,拍的第一部電視劇是「梅花烙」。2004年往中國大陸發展,再創事業新高峰。55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Chen Derong, was born on May 1, 1974, Taiwan actress shot the first ads in 1983, 1988, shot the first film, "Girl" Qiong Yao attention two years later signed to Shawthe film company to shoot the first TV series "Meihua Luo. Mainland China in 2004 to develop a new business new heights.55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Chiang Yee was born on May 12, 1977. Hong Kong female model, actress and host, was born in Changzhou, Jiangsu. Graduated from the Guangzhou Foreign Languages ​​Institute (now Guangdong University of Foreign Studies). Model Competition in 1998, Guangdong Province to enter the top ten international model contest to re-enter the top ten in the following year. 178 cm tall to the development of Hong Kong, Stephen Chow filming beer ads. Go to Taiwan's development in 2005, to return to the Hong Kong entertainment industry in 2010.55PRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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