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Song Xiaojun: billiards in the South China Sea, one by one break of disputes States


内容提示:前些日子美国人专门说了一个中国是要在南海打台球,也就是各个击破,既然这么说我们当然要有一个中长期的规划,对于南海的投资战略,包括不能光立德有的时候还要立威,因为你作为一个大国你不立威你的德有时候是站不住脚的。kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

凤凰卫视5月15日《华闻大直播》节目播出“宋晓军:中国在南海打台球逐个击破争端国”,以下为文字实录:kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

杨娟:有关各方卷入到南海事务当中都有自己的利益要进行考量,我们看到最新的新闻,印度的国有石油公司他们表示说因为技术原因现在退出了和越南一起开发的一块南海的油气田叫做128号油气田,但是这个油气田因为越南和中国是有主权争议的,所以当时他们介入的时候,曾经因为中国和印度方面的外交方面的争端,越南现在当然表示说非常的失望,对于这样的一个决定,但是越南企事业邀请了其他的一些国家的石油公司,例如说像俄罗斯这样的石油公司来参加开发,我们现在不得不面对的一个现状就是跟中国和有主权争议的这些国家,现在在拉拢一些各方的势力都介入到南海的争端来进行搅和,中国会不会陷入到一个疲于应对的这样一个状态当中,中国有没有一个可以一揽子的解决方案?kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

宋晓军:我觉得这个黄岩岛的争端确实给中国提了个醒,原来中国在南中国海地区,或者东盟地区确实有争议的国家一共有五个,除了越南、菲律宾以外,还有马来西亚,另外文莱和印尼之间有一些大陆架划界的问题。怎么解决这五个国家跟我们在南海问题上的争端,前面我说了是双边谈判的原则,但确实由于美国重返东亚两次,一次是1998年跟菲律宾签署部队互访协议,在1999年6月这个协议生效的当月,菲律宾当时的一位明星总统,菲律宾人都开玩笑说他脑子是椰子壳做的,他就把黄岩岛划到了菲律宾的版图之内。kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

所有的这些搅和当然背后有美国人在南海的利益是有关的,因为美国人在乎南海的东西不是南海底下的石油,而是南海作为中国核潜艇第二次核打击出海口的问题,他对这个地方是非常非常在意的,但是他又不说,他又鼓动前面这些小国,在这个地方又把中国双边谈判这样一个原则打乱,但是中国和周边这些国家,我们看到和东盟这些国家贸易发展的非常快,我们的优惠贷款和优惠买方信贷除了文莱和新加坡以外,我们其他八个国家我们都会有钱给他,在这样好的势头下出现这样一个问题给中国一个醒,中国将来对于东盟这样一个贸易,跟我们有争端的国家是要有长远战略规划的,对于有一些国家,比如说他的基础设施的投资,来增加他的工业潜力的这些地方,我们就要进行控制。kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

所以有一些国家,比如说跟中国关系还比较好的,我们的投资和生意可以做大一些,可以各个击破,当然美国人也非常害怕,前些日子美国人专门说了一个中国是要在南海打台球,也就是各个击破,既然这么说我们当然要有一个中长期的规划,对于南海的投资战略,包括不能光立德有的时候还要立威,因为你作为一个大国你不立威你的德有时候是站不住脚的。kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Tip: Recently Americans specifically said that the one-China to play billiards in the South China Sea that is all broken up, so of course we have a medium to long term planning, investment strategy for the South China Sea, including not light Lide even when the prestige, because you as a big country, you are not the prestige of Germany sometimes untenable.kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Phoenix Satellite TV, May 15 the Huawen live "broadcast" Song Xiaojun: China in the South China Sea billiards break disputes States individually, following is the text Record:kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Yang Juan: the involvement of all parties concerned to the South China Sea affairs which has its own interests to carry out the considerations, we see the latest news, India's state oil company said because of technical reasons, pulled out of Vietnam to develop a South China Sea oil and gas field called No. 128 oil and gas fields, but this oil and gas Tian Vietnam and China is to have the dispute over sovereignty of the time when they intervene in the, once because China and India, aspects of the diplomatic aspects of the dispute, Vietnam now, of course, said that very disappointing, for such the a decision, but the Vietnamese enterprises were invited to the oil companies of other countries, for example, oil companies such as Russia to participate in the development, we now have to face a status quo with China and the dispute over sovereignty of these countries now in win over some of the forces of the parties involved in the dispute over the South China Sea to the mix will not fall into to the one struggling to cope with such a state, do not have a package solution?kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Song Xiaojun: I think the dispute over the Huangyan Island is indeed a reminder to the Chinese, the original Chinese in the South China Sea region, or indeed the ASEAN region controversial countries, a total of five, except for Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, the other text the delimitation of the continental shelf between Levin and Indonesia. How to solve the five countries in the South China Sea dispute with us, in front of me that is the principle of bilateral negotiations, but it does the United States to return to East Asia twice, a 1998 agreement signed with the Philippine forces exchange visits in 1999 In June the month of entry into force of this agreement, the Philippines was a star in the President, Filipino jokes that his mind is a coconut shell, he took the Huangyan Island is zoned within the territory of the Philippines.kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
All of these mix, of course behind the interests of the Americans in the South China Sea are related, because Americans care about the oil under the South China Sea, the thing is not the South China Sea, but the South China Sea as Chinese nuclear submarine nuclear combat to the sea, where he is very, very concerned about, but he said not, he agitation in front of a small country, in this place again China bilateral negotiations on such a principle disrupt China and surrounding countries, we see the development of trade and the ASEAN countries very fast, preferential loans and preferential buyer's credit, except for Brunei and Singapore, we have eight other countries we will have money to give him such a good momentum of such a problem a wake up to China, China's future for the ASEAN a trade, we have the countries of the dispute is to have a long-term strategic planning, for some countries, such as infrastructure investment, to increase the industrial potential of these places, we have to control.kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
So there are a number of countries, for example, is still relatively good relations with China, our investment and business can be bigger and, separately, of course the Americans are very afraid of a few days ago the Americans specifically said that the one China in the South China Sea billiards, that is, separately, so that of course we have a medium to long term planning, investment strategy for the South China Sea, one can not Rucker and sometimes also the prestige, because you as a big country you can not stand Viagra you German, sometimes untenable.
kWCRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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