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调查称中国城市家庭平均资产247万 年入7万元(组图)


The survey said the average assets of the urban households in China 247 million years


dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此次《中国家庭金融调查报告》的问世,共历时三年,其权威性和详实的内容填补了行业空白。中国人民银行研究局张健华局长表示:“此次《中国家庭金融调查报告》调研数据的出炉,不仅为目前对家庭消费金融行为的了解提供有价值的补充,还将为政府和监管层制定重要政策提供有益参考。”dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

城市家庭平均资产247.60万元 dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

高收入家庭储蓄占总额74.9%dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

77%的炒股家庭没从股市赚钱dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

80后大学毕业比例19%硕士最赚钱dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

投资兴业家庭比例是美国1倍dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

城市家庭年进账70876元dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

人情支出远大于人情收入dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报告显示,中国家庭年均可支配收入均值是51569元,城市70876元,农村22278元。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从数据中发现有0.5%的中国家庭年可支配收入超过100万元,有150万中国家庭年可支配收入超过100万元,10%的收入最高的家庭收入占整个社会总收入的57%,说明中国家庭收入不均等的现象已经较为严重。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报告还显示了中国家庭人情往来的收支情况。数据显示,中国家庭人情支出方面,全国平均水平为6051元,占总收入比的22.1%。城市平均为7837元,占总收入比的25.5%。中国家庭人情收入方面,全国平均水平为1944元,占总收入比的7.1%。城市平均为2305元,占总收入比的7.5%。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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报告显示,截至2011年8月,中国家庭资产平均为121.69万元,城市家庭平均为247.60万元,农村家庭平均为37.70万元。城市家庭中,金融资产11.2万元、其他非金融资产145.7万元、住房资产93万元,负债10.1万元、净资产237.5万元。相应的农村家庭数据为3.1万元、12.3万元、22.3万元、3.7万元、34万元。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报告显示,中国家庭负债平均为6.26万元,总体资产负债率为4.76%。其中,城市家庭平均负债100815元,农村家庭平均负债36504元。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从全国平均水平看,在家庭资产中,金融资产为6.37万元,仅仅只占总资产8.76%,而非金融资产为66.40万元,占91.24%。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报告数据还显示,家庭金融资产中,银行存款比例最高,为57.75%;现金其次,占17.93%;股票第三,占15.45%;基金为4.09%;银行理财产品占2.43%。银行存款和现金等无风险资产占比高。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报告数据还显示,资产最多的10%家庭占全部家庭总资产的比例高达84.6%,其金融资产占家庭金融资产总额的比例也有61.01%,非金融资产占家庭非金融资产总额的比例更高达88.7%。还有,中国收入最高10%的家庭,其储蓄率为60.6%,其储蓄占当年总储蓄的74.9%。大量低收入家庭在调查年份的支出大于或等于收入,没有或几乎没有储蓄。而中国较高储蓄的根本原因,不在于广大民众没有足够的消费动机,而在于没有足够的收入。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

我国家庭自有住房率近90%城市首套房收益率超300%dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国家庭的非金融资产以住房为主。《中国家庭金融调查报告》显示,中国家庭自有住房拥有率为89.68%,远高于世界平均水平。据资料,世界平均住房拥有率为63%,美国为65%,而日本为60%,我国自有住房拥有率处于世界前列。报告还指出,城市家庭拥有两套以上住房的占19.07%,其第一套房平均收益率在300%以上。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报告显示,城市户籍受访者3996个家庭中,有3412.36个家庭拥有各种类型的自有住房,自有住房拥有率为85.39%。这一比率在农村显然更高一些,为94.60%。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2011年中国城市户均拥有住房已经超过1套,为1.22套。这一数值比2010年中金公司发布的数据0.74套住房相比有大幅提高。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此外,报告显示,在城市中,第一套住房平均收益率均值为340.31%,第二套为143.25%,第三套为96.70%。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

住房贷款方面。非农家庭购房贷款总额平均为28.39万元,占家庭总债务的47%;农业家庭购房贷款总额平均为12.22万元,占家庭总债务的32%。住房贷款总额远远大于家庭年收入,户主年龄在30岁~40岁之间的家庭负担最重,贷款总额平均为家庭年收入的11倍多。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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赚得多的学历不高年龄不小dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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《中国家庭金融调查报告》显示,高达77%的炒股家庭没有从股市赚过钱。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报告称,股票投资盈利的家庭占22.27%;盈亏平衡的家庭占21.82%;亏损的家庭比例达56.01%。也就是说,高达77%的炒股家庭没有从股市赚过钱,这与人们说的“二八”法则比较接近。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

值得注意的是,炒股的盈亏水平与学历的高低并不成正比,反而是小学学历水平炒股盈利的更多。报告显示,没上过学炒股盈利的股民占33.33%,小学占37.04%,初中占9.84%,中专/职高占20.59%,大专占25.4%,大学本科占19.31%,硕士研究生占22.22%,高学历与炒股赚钱之间并没有必然关系。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报告还显示,在户主为青年的家庭中,炒股盈利占16.14%;在中年家庭中,炒股盈利的占23.71%;在老年家庭中,炒股盈利的占30.30%;总体来看,随着年龄的增加,炒股赚钱的比例呈增加的态势。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国家庭办企业比例倍于美国至少33%家庭介入过民间金融dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报告显示,中国家庭投资意愿大大强于美国家庭。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在美国,拥有工商业项目的家庭只有7.1%。而在中国,总体14.06%的家庭拥有工商业项目,这一比例是美国的一倍。具体看,在城市该数据为12.44%,在农村该数据为15.16%。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国人的投资兴业意愿还不光表现在办企业的数量上,民间金融的相关数据也能间接说明问题。报告显示,有借出资金的家庭比例为11.9%,有借入资金的家庭比例为33%。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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报告显示,九年制义务教育和高考扩招效果明显,“80后”初中以下比例仅为7.5%,而大学毕业比例则高达并稳定在19%。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

大学教育及硕士生教育回报显著。数据显示,本科学历收入是大专或高职学历的1.75倍,硕士学历收入则为本科学历的1.73倍,而博士学历收入则只有硕士学历的70%。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

另外,到海外接受高等教育已经成为中国公民重要选择之一。中国家庭中9.78%在校大学生(含研究生)留学海外。在有15岁以下小孩家庭中,8.31%打算送小孩出国,29.43%看情况决定是否送小孩出国。dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

The household financial survey report "come out, which lasted for three years, and its authoritative and informative content to fill the gaps in the industry. Research Council of the People's Bank of China, Zhang Jianhua Secretary, said: "The Chinese family financial survey report research data released not only provide a valuable supplement to the current understanding of the financial behavior of household consumption will also be important for governments and regulators to develop The policy provides a useful reference. "dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Average urban household assets of 2.476 million yuandCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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High-income household savings accounted for 74.9% of the totaldCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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77% of the stock family did not make money from the stock marketdCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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80 graduated from college the proportion of 19% master's most profitabledCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Invest in the proportion of households is 1 times the United StatesdCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Urban households fetched 70,876 yuandCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Favor spending is much larger than the human incomedCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The report shows that China's average annual household disposable income mean is 51,569 yuan, the city of 70,876 yuan, 22,278 yuan in rural areas.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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From the data found that 0.5% of annual household disposable income over one million yuan, a 1.5 million annual household disposable income of more than 1 million yuan, 10 percent of the income of the highest household income accounted for 57% of the total revenue of society as a whole, description of family income inequality, such as the phenomenon has been more serious.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The report also shows that the balance of payments situation of the Chinese family of human exchanges. The data show that Chinese families favor the expenditure side, the national average of 6051 yuan, the total income ratio of 22.1%. Cities, an average of 7837 yuan, 25.5 percent of total income ratio. Chinese families favor the revenue side, the national average of 1944 yuan, 7.1 percent of total income ratio. City average of 2305 yuan, 7.5 percent of total income ratio.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Urban household assets is much higher than in rural areas 10% of household savings accounted for 74.9% of the totaldCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The report shows that as of August 2011, average Chinese household assets of 121.69 million yuan, the urban households an average of 2.476 million yuan, and rural families an average of 377,000 yuan. Urban households, the financial assets of 112,000 yuan, 1.457 million yuan of other non-financial assets, housing assets of 930,000 yuan, 101,000 yuan of liabilities, net assets of 2.375 million yuan. Rural household data for 31,000 yuan, 123,000 yuan, 223,000 yuan, 37,000 yuan and 340,000 yuan.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The report shows that the average household debt was 6.26 million, total assets and liabilities was 4.76%. Urban households the average debt of 100,815 yuan, and rural families an average of 36,504 yuan in debt.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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From the national average in household assets, financial assets was 6.37 million, only 8.76% of the total assets of non-financial assets of 664,000 yuan, accounting for 91.24%.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The report data also show that household financial assets, the highest proportion of bank deposits, 57.75 percent; cash second, accounting for 17.93%; stock, accounting for 15.45%; Fund was 4.09%; financial products accounted for 2.43%. High proportion of bank deposits and cash, risk-free assets.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Report data also show, the assets of the largest 10% of families accounted for the proportion of all households in the total assets of 84.6 percent, of its financial assets accounted for the proportion of household financial assets total of also have 61.01%, the family of non-financial assets total the ratio of non-financial assets more up to 88.7 %. Also, the highest income 10% of households, the savings rate was 60.6 percent, their savings accounted for 74.9% of the total savings. A large number of low-income families spending greater than or equal to the income in the year of investigation, there is little or no savings. While the root cause of high savings in China, does not lie in the general public does not have enough consumer motivation, but that does not have enough income.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Family owner-occupied housing rate of nearly 90% of cities in the first suite of yield over 300%dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Chinese families of non-financial assets to housing. Household financial survey report shows that Chinese families own homeownership rate was 89.68%, much higher than the world average. According to statistics, the world's average housing rate of 63% and 65% in the United States and Japan 60%, our own homeownership rate in the world. The report also indicates that urban households have more than two housing accounted for 19.07%, the average yield of its first suite in more than 300%.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The report shows that urban household respondents in 3996 households, 3412.36 family has different types of owner-occupied housing, owner-occupied housing has a rate of 85.39%. This ratio is clearly higher in rural areas, 94.60%.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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2011 China's urban household ownership housing has more than 1 set 1.22 set. This value is more than 2010 data released by the China International Capital Corporation 0.74 housing units compared to a substantial increase.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In addition, the report shows that the average yield rate of the first set of housing in the city is 340.31% 143.25%, the second for 96.70% in the third set.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Housing loans. Total non-farm home purchase loans an average of 283,900 yuan, accounting for 47% of the total household debt; agricultural home purchase loans totaling an average of 12.22 million, accounting for 32% of total household debt. Total housing loans is much larger than the annual household income, head of the household age 30 years old ~ 40 years old, the family is the heaviest burden, the average total amount of loans more than 11 times the annual household income.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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77% of households do not have any money earned from the stock marketdCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Earn the degree is not high age is not a smalldCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Household financial survey report shows that up to 77% stocks families do not earn money from the stock market.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The report said the families of the stock investment earnings accounted for 22.27%; breakeven families accounted for 21.82%; loss of 56.01% the proportion of households. In other words, the family of up to 77% of the stock is not any money earned from the stock market close to this and people say "28" rule.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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It is worth noting that the stock level of profit and loss and is not proportional to the level of education, but is more of the primary education level of stock earnings. The report shows that the uneducated stocks profitable investors accounted for 33.33%, accounting for 37.04% primary schools, junior high school accounted for 9.84%, accounting for 20.59% secondary / vocational, college accounting for 25.4%, accounting for 19.31 percent undergraduate, graduate students accounted for 22.22%, between highly educated and stocks to make money and not necessarily related.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The report also shows that families headed by young people, stock earnings accounted for 16.14%; in the middle-aged families, stocks profit accounted for 23.71%; elderly families, stocks earnings accounted for 30.30%; Overall, with age increase in the proportion of stocks to make money showed an increasing trend.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Chinese family run enterprises, the proportion of times in the United States at least 33% of families involved in private financedCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The report shows that Chinese households willingness to invest much stronger than the American family.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Commercial and industrial projects in the United States, with only 7.1% of the families. In China, overall 14.06% of families with industrial and commercial projects, this ratio is double that of the United States. Specific look at the data in the city was 12.44% and 15.16% in rural areas of the data.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The Chinese people to invest will not light on the number of enterprises run by private financial data indirectly describe the problem. The report shows that the proportion of households have lent funds to 11.9 percent, the proportion of households to borrow funds for 33%.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Master of return than the PhD study abroad proportion close to 10%dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The report shows that the nine-year compulsory education and the college entrance examination enrollment effect, "80" compared to just 7.5% of the junior high school, university graduation ratio is as high and stable at 19%.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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University education and the returns to education of graduate students. The data show that the undergraduate degree 1.75 times the income of college or higher education, master's degree is $ 1.73 times the undergraduate degree and doctorate from income only 70 percent of master's degrees.dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In addition, access to higher education overseas has become one of the important choice of Chinese citizens. 9.78% of the family of college students (including graduate students) to study overseas. In families with young children under the age of 15, 8.31% intend to send children abroad, and 29.43% look at the situation to decide whether to send children abroad.
dCERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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