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黄岩岛事件影响中菲经贸 中国牌多 菲律宾损失惨重


Huangyan Island incident Chinese brand more than the Philippines, Philippine


核心提示:黄岩岛事件已经影响到了中菲贸易。由于黄岩岛事件的影响,原本京沪至长滩岛的航班已经停飞,中国部分旅行社也暂停了赴菲旅游。除了旅游方面的损失,菲律宾出口中国的水果也遇到了中国方面更严格的检验检疫,据悉,菲律宾每年所产香蕉有一半要出口中国。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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黄岩岛事件已经影响到了中菲贸易。菲众议院少数党领导人丹尼罗·苏亚雷斯日前建议菲国会通过决议,对中国进行经济制裁,还有议员试图推动对中国产品征收惩罚性关税。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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对于菲方欲挑起的“经贸战”,有关专家对《国际金融报》记者表示,菲律宾在这种经贸基础上敢于和中国发动贸易战,“简直是不自量力”。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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据了解,中国是菲律宾第三大贸易伙伴。由于参与了中国东盟自贸区建设,菲律宾对华贸易保持高速增长,且有经济学家指出,中菲经贸尚有较大成长空间。中国海关数据显示,2011年中菲双边贸易总额为322.5亿美元,创历史新高,同比增长16.2%。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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反华“头目”被揪出?4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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厦门倍顺回应:已跟我们没有任何关系4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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有意思的是,在菲律宾喧嚣要用经济战制裁中国的同时,菲反华示威活动幕后策划者也被我们“揪”了出来。日前,有媒体报道称菲律宾裔美国人、在华美资外企倍顺集团CEO洛伊达·尼古拉斯·刘易斯,就是上述活动的策动者。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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该报道称,倍顺集团在华投资成立的独资公司名为倍顺(中国)有限公司。该公司已在厦门、成都、苏州、广州等城市拓展了不少零售业务。仅就厦门而言,从1997年至今,该公司便已开设了27家连锁超市,超市的数量、规模、市场占有率及行业经营年限方面均位于厦门同行业之首。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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针对这一说法,5月13日,厦门倍顺连锁店有限公司副总经理李锋向媒体解释称,倍顺集团在2008年已退出国内连锁店市场,现在公司和品牌完全是国内企业所有。“厦门倍顺与菲律宾裔美国人洛伊达·尼古拉斯·刘易斯没有任何关系。”他说。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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国家质检总局上周三表示,将加强对进口菲律宾水果的检验检疫。这被舆论解读为“中菲贸易摩擦”的其中一例。虽然商务部国际经济贸易研究院主任梁艳芬公开表示称,就菲方出口香蕉受阻这一个案来看,检验检疫程序、技术标准等均可能是造成其无法进入中国的原因,此事不应与黄岩岛事件挂钩。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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但菲律宾香蕉种植与出口商协会主席安蒂格却担心,这一事件将使菲律宾香蕉失去“有价值的中国市场”:“每年菲对外出口的7500万箱香蕉中‘超过一半运往中国’,如果失去中国市场,菲律宾香蕉产业将经受重创。”4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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赴菲旅游也陷入停滞。5月13日,酷讯旅游网向《国际金融报》证实,已经暂停了几条菲律宾旅游线路,转而向游客推荐其他海岛游。据了解,采取相似行动的还有携程、中青旅、凯撒旅游等多家旅游机构。据国家旅游局不完全统计,截至5月13日,菲律宾境内尚有中国游客共12团299人,预计到5月16日后,这些旅游团将完成所有旅游行程按计划返回国内。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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据悉,旅游业是菲律宾外汇收入重要来源之一。目前,中国是菲律宾外国游客的第四大客源地,每年赴菲律宾旅游的人数在100万人次以上。有统计显示,中方暂停赴菲旅游,将会对菲律宾的旅游业造成上千万美元的损失。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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菲将损失惨重4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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除了经济牌,中国手上还有很多牌可打4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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菲律宾的上述经济损失,还只是冰山一角。事实上,中国自菲律宾进口的主要产品为机电产品、高新产品及镍矿砂等,所有的这些项目,都可能因为黄岩岛事件受到影响。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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商务部网站商务数据中心统计显示,2011年9月,中国从菲律宾进口的高新产品及机电产品金额分别达10.36亿美元、12亿美元。与此相比,同期从菲律宾进口的农产品仅0.57亿美元。此外,有外媒报道称,菲律宾2010年即已成为全球第三大镍矿出产国,大多数镍都出口至中国。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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而据菲律宾国家统计办公室数据显示,该国2011年进出口总额为1081.86亿美元。这意味着,中菲双边贸易总额占其外贸总额近30%。与此相对,中国海关总署5月10日的数据显示,我国今年4月对菲律宾的出口占出口总额的0.9%。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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“菲律宾在这种经贸基础上敢于和中国发动贸易战,简直是不自量力。”北京中国当代世界研究中心研究员杨鸿玺在接受《国际金融报》记者采访时表示,一方面,中国市场对菲律宾至关重要,另一方面,目前菲律宾对华出口产品多具有可替代性,对中国影响不大。4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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“中国手上还有很多牌可以打。”杨鸿玺说,如果菲律宾一意孤行,绑架其国民经济利益与中国叫板,必定导致国内政局不稳,输得倾家荡产.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Core Tip: Huangyan Island incident has affected the Sino-Philippine trade. Huangyan Island events, the original Beijing and Shanghai to Long Beach Island flights have been grounded, some Chinese travel agencies also suspended travel to the Philippines. In addition to the loss of tourism, the fruit of the Philippine exports to China have also met the more stringent inspection and quarantine in China, the Philippines every year, half of the bananas produced to be exported.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Huangyan Island incident has affected the Sino-Philippine trade. Danilo Suarez, a few party leaders of the Philippine House of Representatives has recommended that the Philippine Congress passed a resolution to impose economic sanctions on China, as well as Members try to push to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese products.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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For the Philippine side to want to provoke a "trade war", the experts said that the "reporter" International Finance, Philippines in this trade on the basis of the courage and China launched a trade war, "overconfident".4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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It is understood that China is the third largest trading partner in the Philippines. Participated in the China-ASEAN free trade area, the Philippine trade with China to maintain rapid growth, and economists pointed out that Sino-Philippine economic and trade there are still large room for growth. Chinese customs data show that the 2011 Sino-Philippine bilateral trade amounted to $ 32.25 billion, a record high, up 16.2 percent.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Anti-China "leader" has been uncovered?4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Xiamen times along Response: We do not have any relationship4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Interestingly, the noisy to use in the Philippines economic war sanctions against China at the same time, the mastermind of the Philippine anti-China protests that we "pulled" out. Recently, the media reported that Filipino Americans in China and the United States-owned foreign enterprise Bei Shun Group CEO Luo Yida Nicolas Lewis is the instigator of the above activities.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The report said that the times shun investment in China set up a wholly-owned company called Bei Shun (China) Co., Ltd.. The company has a lot of retail business in Xiamen, Chengdu, Suzhou, Guangzhou and other cities to expand. Only in Xiamen since 1997, the company had already opened 27 supermarket chains, the number, size, market share and industry operating life of the supermarkets are located in Xiamen, first in the industry.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In response to this argument, May 13, Xiamen times along chain Co., Ltd., deputy general manager Li Feng explained to the media, said times along in 2008, have withdrawn from the domestic chain store market, companies and brands of domestic enterprises. Xiamen times along with the Philippine-American Luoyi Da Nicholas Lewis, no, "he said.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said on Wednesday that will strengthen the inspection and quarantine on imported Philippine fruits. Opinion this was interpreted as the "Philippine trade friction," one example. Director of International Economic and Trade Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce Liang Yanfen public said that the Philippine side, exports of bananas blocked this case, the inspection and quarantine procedures, technical standards, etc. may cause it can not enter China because, the matter should not be Huangyan Island events linked to.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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But the Philippine banana plantation and Exporters Association, Xiandige worry, this event will allow Filipino bananas lose the valuable market: 75 million boxes of bananas annually Philippine exports 'more than half to China', if lose the Chinese market, the Philippine banana industry will be subjected to heavy losses. "4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Travel to the Philippines to a halt. May 13, Cool News Travel to the "International Finance confirmed that it has suspended a few tours of the Philippines, but instead took the tourists to recommend other island tour. It is understood that a number of travel agencies to take similar action Ctrip, CYTS, Caesar tourism. According to incomplete statistics of the China National Tourism Administration, as of May 13, 12 Regiment 299 in the Philippines there are Chinese tourists is expected after May 16, these tours will be the completion of all tours scheduled to return home.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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It is reported that the tourism industry is an important source of foreign exchange earnings in the Philippines. At present, China is the fourth largest source of foreign tourists in the Philippines, the number of people each year travel to the Philippines in more than one million people. Statistics show that the Chinese pause to go to the Philippine tourism, will cause tens of millions of dollars in losses to the tourism industry in the Philippines.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Philippine losses4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In addition to the economic card, the Chinese have a lot of cards to play4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The Philippines, the economic losses, is only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, China's main imports from the Philippines for the mechanical and electrical products, high-tech products and nickel ore, all of these projects are likely to Huangyan Island incident affected.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Ministry of Commerce Website Business Data Center statistics show that in September 2011, China imported from the Philippines the amount of high-tech products and mechanical and electrical products were $ 1.036 billion, $ 1.2 billion. This compares with only $ 057 million over the same period of agricultural products imported from the Philippines. In addition, foreign media reported that the Philippines in 2010 which has become the world's third largest nickel mine producing countries, most of the nickel are exported to China.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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According to the Philippine National Statistics Office data show that the country's 2011 total imports and exports of $ 108.186 billion. This means that nearly 30% of the total bilateral trade of its total foreign trade of China and the Philippines. With this relative, the General Administration of Customs of China May 10, the data show that in April this year, exports to the Philippines accounted for 0.9 percent of total exports.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"In this economic and trade on the basis of the Philippines dare and China launched a trade war, was of himself." Beijing Chinese Contemporary World Research Center, Yang Hong Xi said in an interview with the "International Finance reporter, on the one hand, the Chinese market to the Philippines to crucial, on the other hand, Philippine exports to China more than has substitutability, has little effect on China.4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"China hands, there are a lot of brand can play." Yang Hong Yuxi said, if the Philippines is bent on kidnapping of its national interests and destabilize China, will lead to domestic political instability, lose bankrupt.
4i3Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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