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中评社:菲律宾必须接受惩罚 保证不再滋事(图)


the Philippines must accept the punishment to ensure trouble-making is no longer


JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中评社日前发表文章,题为《菲律宾必须接受惩罚 保证不再滋事》。作者为特约评论员 王名舟。文章如下:JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

自从中国外交部副部长付莹于2012年5月7日就菲律宾挑衅中国黄岩岛(专题)主权一事向菲律宾发出最后通牒式严厉交涉后,菲方态度似乎在高压下出现软化。9日,菲外交部发言人说已开始恢复与中国就黄岩岛(专题)事件进行的外交对话,正在努力提出新的外交解决倡议,做一些工作,希望能够缓和局势。JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

然而菲方有什么新倡议及有何种缓和黄岩岛(专题)局势的工作正在进行?关注到事态发展,中国外交部发言人洪磊于10日例行记者会上再次声明:“我们注意到菲方的有关表态,也肯定菲方与我驻菲律宾使馆重新接触的态度。我方向菲方重申,菲方应尊重中国对于黄岩岛问题的主权,不要采取使事态扩大化、复杂化的行动。我们将密切跟踪形势发展和菲律宾方面的行动。”JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中方对处理黄岩岛事件,目前为止仍然留有余地。JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

显然,中方要求菲方只要“不要采取使事态扩大化、复杂化的行动”,“尊重中国对于黄岩岛问题的主权”,是合情合理的。在这里,菲律宾必须尊重中国对于黄岩岛的主权是事情的关键;肯定菲方,表明了中国人热爱和平的传统,在处理与菲律宾的国家主权与领土归属之争中,中国坚持和平手段,并非只有军事解决的途径。JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
──礼乐滩(Reed Tablemount),位于北纬11度20分,东经116度50分。菲律宾抢占中国礼乐滩后,与外国石油公司合伙钻油采气,据说已开采出一个可能是“目前探明最大的天然气田,将有助菲律宾应对未来能源需求”。消息还称,南海礼乐滩附近石油储量可能达到60亿桶,天然气储量达到556亿立方米。礼乐滩必须交还中国,菲律宾必须赔偿掠夺中国石油及天燃气给中国造成的损失。JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

──还有被菲律宾侵占的其它中国南海岛礁,如:马欢岛(Mahuan Dao或称Nanshan Island,北纬10度44分,东经115度48分)、费信岛(Feixin Dao或称Flat Island,北纬10度49分,东经115度50分)、北子岛(Beizi Dao或称Northeast Cay)、西月岛(Xiyue Dao或称West York Island)、仁爱礁(Second Thomas Reef,北纬9度39-48分,东经115度51-54分), … …,等等,菲方任何设施标牌应一律拆毁,设立中国主权标志。JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

黄岩岛事态下一步将向如何方向发展,取决于菲律宾政府如何作为。阿基洛三世不要继续误判形势了:1、黄岩岛及其它受菲律宾侵占的南海岛礁主权皆属中国,中国的忍耐已到了最后底线;2、美国决不会出兵为菲律宾卖命与中国作战;3、菲律宾只是美国重返亚洲战略的一只小棋子,如此而已。JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国有一句古话:“善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时机末到。时机一到,一切都报!”黄岩岛事件必须以菲律宾接受全面惩罚并保证不再滋事为结束。JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

The agency recently published an article entitled "The Philippines must accept the punishment to ensure that no longer cause trouble". The author is a special commentator Wang name of the boat. The article is as follows:JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Since the Chinese Vice Foreign Minister to pay Ying on May 7, 2012, the Philippines, China Huangyan Island, provocative (thematic) the sovereignty issue to the Philippines issued an ultimatum-style stern representations with the Philippine side approach seems to be softening under high pressure. On the 9th, the Philippine Foreign Ministry spokesman said resume diplomatic dialogue with China over the Huangyan Island (thematic) event, is trying to put forward a new diplomatic initiative to do some work, hoping to defuse the situation.JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
However, the Philippine side to what new initiatives and how to ease the situation in Huangyan Island (thematic) work in progress? Concerned about the developments, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei once again on the 10th regular press conference: "We note that the Philippine side to the stance, but also certainly the attitude of the Philippine side to re-engage with me in the Philippines Embassy. I directions Philippine The parties reiterated that the Philippine side should respect China's sovereignty over the Huangyan Island, do not take matters to the expansion, the complex action we will follow closely the actions of the development of the situation and the Philippines.JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
China to deal with the Huangyan Island incident, so far still leave room for.JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Obviously, the Chinese side demands that the Philippine side as long as "not to take matters magnification, complex action" and "respect China's sovereignty over the Huangyan Island, it is reasonable. Here, the Philippines must respect China's sovereignty over the Huangyan Island is the key to the matter; certainly the Philippine side, that the tradition of the Chinese people love peace, in the struggle to deal with national sovereignty and ownership of the territory and the Philippines, China adheres to peaceful means, not only way to a military solution.JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
─ ─ Liyue Beach (Reed Tablemount), located at latitude 11 degrees 20 minutes east longitude 116 degrees 50 minutes. Philippines seize Chinese ritual music Beach, in partnership with foreign oil companies to drill oil gas, and is said to have mined one might be "proven largest natural gas fields, will help the Philippines cope with future energy needs". The message also said that the oil near Nanhai Liyue Beach reserves could reach 60 million barrels of natural gas reserves of 55.6 billion cubic meters. Liyue Beach must be returned to China, the Philippines must compensate predatory losses caused by the China Petroleum and natural gas to China.JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
─ ─ occupied by the Philippines, the South China Sea islands and reefs, such as: Ma Huan Island (Mahuan, Dao, or Nanshan Island, latitude 10 degrees 44 minutes east longitude 115 degrees 48 minutes), Fei Xin Island (Feixin,, Dao, or the Flat Island, latitude 10 degrees 49 minutes east longitude 115 degrees 50 minutes), the North sub-Island (Beizi Dao, or Northeast Cay,), West Island (Xiyue Dao, or the West, York, Island), the Renai reef (Second Thomas, the Reef, 9 degrees north latitude and 39 -48 minutes, longitude 115 degrees 51-54 minutes), ......, etc., the signs of any facilities of the Philippine side should be demolished, the establishment of China's sovereignty flag.JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Huangyan Island events next step will be how to develop in the direction depends on how the Philippine government as. Aki Luo Sanshi do not continue to misjudge the situation: 1, Huangyan Island and the sovereignty of the South China Sea islands and reefs occupied by the Philippines are among China, China's patience has reached the final bottom line; the United States will never send troops for the Filipinos their lives fighting with the Chinese ; 3, the Philippines, only the United States to return to Asia strategy of a pawn, nothing more.JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
An old saying: "What goes around, comes around, is not reported, the timing of the late time came, all reported Huangyan Island incident to the Philippines to accept full punishment and promised not to cause trouble for the end.
JfzRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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