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Wanglaoji trademark battle Guangzhou Pharmaceutical win lawsuit


明報專訊】廣州藥業(0874)周五晚向港交所發出公告表示,其控股股東──廣州醫藥集團有限公司已於當日收到中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會日期為2012年5月9日的裁決書。中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會就廣藥集團與鴻道(集團)(加多寶的母公司)之間的「王老吉」商標許可協議爭議仲裁案作出最終裁決,雙方簽訂的《「王老吉」商標許可補充協議》和《關於「王老吉」商標使用許可合同的補充協議》無效,鴻道需停止使用「王老吉」商標。dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

延期合同因賄賂事件被裁無效dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

廣藥集團和鴻道集團此前的爭論焦點是,原廣藥集團副董事長、總經理李益民在收受鴻道集團董事長陳鴻道的賄賂後,簽訂的兩份協議是否有效。廣藥認為,協定中「王老吉」商標租賃合同延期至2020年是無效的,商標租賃已於2010年到期,而鴻道則堅持協定有效。雙方首次仲裁未取得和解。此後,從廣藥與加多寶的動作中已經可以看出一些端倪。dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2011年底,加多寶便開始了去「王老吉」化,在其飲料包裝上突出「加多寶」三字。從今年3月份開始,加多寶在全國主要媒體投放的廣告,已無「王老吉」相關字眼。dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

加多寶早改力谷涼茶「加多寶」dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

廣藥方面,則是開始大張旗鼓為「王老吉」造勢,先於3月29日宣布成立廣州王老吉大健康產業公司,先期注入綠盒王老吉、潘高壽涼茶以及陳李濟植物飲料等非藥資產。4月20日,廣藥又宣布由王老吉大健康打造涼茶博物館,宣傳廣藥為「王老吉涼茶文化的傳承人」。dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

就在仲裁結果公布前一天,廣藥發布招聘公告,為王老吉大健康特薪急招3000名快銷人員。廣藥還為王老吉大健康設定了「十二五」末期實現500億元的銷售目標,佔2015年全集團銷售目標的八成以上。dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

廣藥聘三千人 推廣「王老吉」dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

對於廣藥的一系列舉動,多名業內人士表示,這是廣藥集團為收回「王老吉」商標的打算。因為以廣藥目前的營銷和管理能力,一旦收回「王老吉」商標,根本無法接收紅罐裝和紅盒裝「王老吉」的160億元銷售額。廣藥的特招,是意在直挖加多寶的人才。dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此前有廣藥內部人士向媒體透露,一旦勝訴,廣藥將會推出紅罐裝「王老吉」,但廣藥市場部負責人對此不置可否。隨著仲裁結果出爐,廣藥或將不日宣布王老吉的下一步生產銷售計劃。廣藥由四月底至今,股價已升超過五成。dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Guangzhou Pharmaceutical (0874) Friday night to the HKEx issued a notice, said its controlling shareholder ─ ─ Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited has received the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, 2012 5 award in September. "Wong Lo Kat" trademark license agreement between the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group and David Tao (Group) (JDB's parent company) dispute arbitration case to make the final decision, signed by both parties, "Wong Lo Kat" trademark license supplement Agreement "and" Wong Lo Kat "trademark license contract supplemental agreement" null and void, David Road, need to stop using "Wong Lo Kat" trademark.dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Extension of the contract due to bribery retrenched invaliddkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, and David Tao Group's previous focus of debate, former Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, vice chairman, general manager of Yimin, received the David Tao Group chairman Chen Hong Road, bribery, signed two agreements are effective. Guangzhou Pharmaceutical believes that the agreements, Wanglaoji trademark of the lease contract extended to 2020 is invalid, trademarks lease was to expire in 2010, David Tao, adhere to the agreements. Both sides, for the first time, arbitration is not achieved reconciliation. Since then, from the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical JDB action can already see some clues.dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The end of 2011, JDB began to "Wong Lo Kat" of prominent "JDB" words in its beverage packaging. Beginning in March of this year, the JDB ads in major media, is no longer "Wong Lo Kat" key word.dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The JDB early to change the force of the valley herbal tea "JDB"dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Guangzhou Pharmaceutical start a big way for the "Wong Lo Kat" campaign, the first on March 29 announced the establishment of Guangzhou Wanglaoji major health industry company, pre-injected into the green box Wanglaoji Pan Gaoshou herbal tea as well as Chen Li Ji plant drinks and other non-drug assets. April 20, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical announced to build Wanglaoji health herbal tea museum to promote wide drug "Wong Lo Kat herbal tea cultural heritage of people.dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
On the day before the announcement of the outcome of the arbitration, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical, job announcement, paid for the Wang Lao Ji Dajian Conte called over 3000 fast selling staff. Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Wanglaoji health setting "12 the end of the 500 billion sales target, accounting for more than 80% of 2015 sales target.dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Guangzhou Pharmaceutical employ 3,000 people to promote the "Wong Lo Kat"dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Guangzhou Pharmaceutical series of moves, the number of people in the industry said, this is the intention of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group for the recovery of "Wong Lo Kat" trademark. Guangzhou Pharmaceutical marketing and management capabilities, to recover, "Wong Lo Kat" trademark and can not receive 16 billion yuan in sales of canned red and red boxed "Wong Lo Kat". Guangzhou Pharmaceutical's special move is intended to direct digging JDB talent.dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Prior to Guangzhou Pharmaceutical insider revealed to the media in favor of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical will introduce a red canned "Wong Lo Kat, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Marketing Department is responsible for this noncommittal. Baked with the outcome of the arbitration, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical, or will soon announce the next step in production and sales plans Wanglaoji. Guangzhou Pharmaceutical far from the end of April, the share price has risen to over half.dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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dkfRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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