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中國撤團 菲損失千萬美元


Chinese withdrawal group Philippine loss of 10 million U.S. dollars


國家旅遊局說,正在菲律賓的旅遊團周三前全部返國。專家稱,若中國暫停赴菲旅遊將致菲損失千萬美元。PP9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

黃岩島事件對旅遊的影響仍在繼續,昨天,多家旅行社的菲律賓旅遊團回國。國家旅遊局監管司表示,為保障我國遊客赴菲旅遊安全,目前正在菲律賓的旅遊團將於本月16日後全部撤離。PP9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

國家旅遊局監管司司長李仁芷昨日在接受中央電台中國之聲採訪時透露,截至昨天,國內在菲律賓還有旅遊團隊15個,遊客376人。16日之後所有團隊都將離開菲律賓。PP9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

本月10日,國家旅遊局發布出行提示,提醒中國遊客近期除非必要應暫緩前往菲律賓旅遊。同時,包括北京、上海、廣州在內的國內多個省市旅行社已暫停所有菲律賓旅遊團,旅行社對遊客實施勸退、全額退款等措施。PP9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

菲律賓長灘島是日漸被中國遊客所喜愛的海島之一,進入今年以來,北京多家旅行社大力推廣長灘島的包機旅遊線,但是受黃岩島局勢影響,近期所有包機取消、菲律賓旅遊線暫緩。華遠國旅市場部經理孫麗嬋表示,對於部分不願意退團的遊客,將勸其更改線路,比如改赴泰國、馬來西亞等國家旅遊。PP9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中國是菲律賓重要的遊客來源國,中國旅遊研究院國際所副所長蔣依依表示,每年赴菲律賓旅遊的中國遊客人數在100萬人次以上,如果中方暫停赴菲旅遊,將會對菲律賓的旅遊業帶來影響,根據不完全估算,將給菲律賓造成至少上千萬美元的損失PP9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

China National Tourism Administration, said the Philippines tours all return home Wednesday. Experts said that if China is to suspend travel to the Philippines caused by the Philippine loss of 10 million U.S. dollars.

Huangyan Island events on tourism continues, yesterday, a number of travel agents, Philippine tour to return home. Supervision Department of China National Tourism Administration, said the Philippine tourism safety, for the protection of the visitors went to the Philippines tours this month after 16 full withdrawal.

National Tourism Administration regulatory Secretary Liren Zhi said yesterday in an interview with the central station, Voice of China, as of yesterday, the domestic in the Philippines travel team of 15, 376 visitors. On the 16th after all teams will be leaving the Philippines.

On the 10th of this month, the China National Tourism Administration issued a travel, reminding Chinese tourists near future unless absolutely necessary should be deferred to the Philippines tourism. The same time, domestic provinces and cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou travel agency has suspended all Philippine tours, travel agency implementation discouraging to visitors, a full refund and other measures.

Boracay in the Philippines is one of the increasingly popular Chinese tourist island, since the start of the year, many travel agents to promote the charter of the Long Beach Island tourist routes, but the situation influence by the Huangyan Island, the recent all charter flights to cancel, suspend the tourist routes in the Philippines. The the Huayuan trip Marketing Manager Sunli Chan said that part do not want to be imposed for the tourists, will persuade them to change the line, such as the change to go to the tourism of Thailand, Malaysia and other countries.

China is an important source of tourists in the Philippines country, said Jiang Yiyi, deputy director of China Tourism Research Institute International, the number of Chinese tourists travel to the Philippines every year in more than one million people, if the Chinese pause to go to the Philippine tourism will be the tourism industry in the Philippines with to influence the incomplete estimates, will cause at least tens of millions of dollars in losses in the Philippines
PP9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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