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稀土资源战争:中国代价大 美国实际受制于日本(图)


Rare Earth Resource Wars: The cost of large U.S. real subject to Japan


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资料图:马来西亚在建的世界最大稀土提炼厂HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Data Figure: Malaysia to build the world's largest rare earth refineryHX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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近日,以有色金属协会、中铝公司、中国五矿等13家单位为发起人,联合全国142家企业的中国稀土行业协会正式在北京成立。该协会的成立正是近些年愈演愈烈的国际稀土贸易战的产物,也标志着我国在保护自己的战略稀土资源上迈出了重要一步。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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西方国家正是靠着从中国进口的大量稀土,保持着对中国的军事技术优势HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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稀土资源非常宝贵,其重要性大致可以归结为三点:一是成分特殊。稀土的英文名直译过来就是“稀少的土”,其实质是化学元素周期表中镧系元素再加上性质相近的钪、钇等17种元素的总称。每种稀土元素都有着极丰富的光、电、热、磁特性。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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二是数量稀少。虽然理论上的稀土全球储量绝对值并不小,但是,高含量的稀土仅存在于特定的矿藏中,且分布极不均匀。真正能集中开采的稀土矿主要集中于中国、美国、俄罗斯、印度等国。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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三是用处巨大。目前,稀土已被广泛用于电子信息、石油化工、冶金、机械、能源等13个领域40多个行业,尤其是在功能材料应用上有着极为特殊的地位。稀土在工业上虽然总体用量少,但是对于提高各领域产品和系统的功能上效果很明显,起着“四两拨千斤”的增效作用。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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然而,稀土之所以成为资源争夺的焦点,很大程度上还是因为它能广泛应用在导弹、智能武器、喷气发动机、导航仪及其他相关现代军事高新技术上。可以说,稀土广泛应用在陆海空天部队的武器装备中。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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在陆军的武器装备中,稀土元素可用于装甲用钢材料。如我国早在上个世纪60年代,就设计出了稀土碳钢,由其制成的装甲钢抗击力提高了70%左右。而包含稀土元素的可延展性球磨铸铁制造的迫击炮炮弹杀伤力大大提高。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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稀土元素还可以用在火控瞄准系统中,如美国引以为豪的M1A2坦克凭借自身先进的火控系统,能够在战场上做到先敌发现和先敌开火,主要是它装备了独特的激光测距仪,这就要用到稀土金属钇元素。在海湾战争中,美军M1A2坦克的激光测距仪测距距离为4000米,而伊拉克T-72坦克的激光测距仪只能达到2000米。同时,美军坦克还装备了含有稀土金属镧元素的夜视仪。结果,在沙尘漫天的战场上,无论白天还是黑夜,美军坦克都占有无可比拟的绝对技术优势。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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在空军的武器装备中,稀土应用的程度更深,17种稀土元素在航空维修领域都有用途。其中,镝、钕、铽、铕、钇是飞机上最重要的5种稀土金属元素,它们可用于飞机的热障涂层、有色荧光材料和电机永磁材料。而稀土金属的高强度和高耐用性,还大大减轻了飞机的自重。如在美军的F-22战机上,机体和发动机都大量采用了稀土铼元素,以满足超音速巡航对机身坚固性的高要求。在机载精确制导弹药中,含有钐、钴稀土元素的永磁发动机则在武器的操控中起着至关重要的作用。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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在海军的武器装备中,也有稀土金属大显身手之地。铼元素可以极大地强化钛合金,从而用于制造极高航速和较大潜深的合金潜艇。苏联上世纪60、70年代制造的P级、“阿尔法”级、M级和S级潜艇都属于钛合金潜艇。这些潜艇的航速普遍达到40节以上,潜深可至400~600米,远比当时鱼雷25~40节的平均航速和最大400米的潜深优越得多。这种鱼雷追不上、够不着的潜艇,一度成为美国海军的心头大患。而作为美国海军“宙斯盾”系统核心部分的 SPY-1 雷达上也使用了由稀土元素制成的磁铁。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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在航天上,以钼元素为主的二硫化钼能够适应太空的高真空和宇宙射线的强辐射,成为各类航天器上必不可少的轴承润滑剂。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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由此可以看出,稀土的军事应用,不但范围广,而且用途都很关键。这是其成为世界各国,尤其是军工大国关注焦点的主要原因。从某种程度上说,西方大国正是靠着从中国进口的大量稀土,保持着对中国的军事技术优势。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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我国大量出口稀土,环境污染严重,却没有国际稀土市场的定价权HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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此次我国成立稀土行业协会,主要目的是从根本上解决国内稀土产业长期存在的过度开采、破坏环境、过量出口和低水平利用的乱象。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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由于缺乏国家层面的统一规划,我国的稀土资源产业长期以来处于盲目开发的失控状态。国内大部分稀土矿山企业都属于规模小的中小厂矿,在对稀土矿的过度开采中,由于技术低下,采出来的矿石质量较低,采富弃贫、采易弃难现象极为严重,对稀土资源产生了极大浪费。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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同时,在开采稀土的过程中,由于主要采取池浸、堆浸和原地浸矿等落后工艺,滥采滥伐现象极为严重,造成植被破坏、水土流失等一系列生态环境问题。而在对稀土进行萃取分离的过程中,由于使用了酸碱和萃取剂等化工原料,产生大量废气、废水、废渣等排放物,对环境的危害更大。在今年的两会上,人大代表廖丽萍表示,要对江西南部因稀土开采被破坏的土地进行生态修复,初步的资金投入就达380亿元以上。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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与此形成鲜明对比的是,我国的稀土出口量不断增加,付出的环境成本越来越高,但国际市场稀土的平均价格却在大幅下降,以至被戏称为以肉、菜的价格将宝贵的稀土卖遍全球。而且,当全世界都在使用中国稀土资源时,中国竟然没有国际稀土市场的定价权。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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这一问题造成的直接后果,就是中国的稀土储量急剧下降。上世纪90年代初期,我国稀土的储量还占世界储量的88%,到现在已经降到了30%左右,稀土资源流失惊人。中国科学院院士徐光宪甚至发出了“几十年后,中国将由‘稀土大国’变成‘稀土紧缺国’”的警告!HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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此外,中国对稀土资源开发利用更主要的问题还在于缺乏技术含量,而稀土的真正价值就在于开采出来后的二次开发。过去很长一段时间内,卖稀土资源一度是中国做大稀土产业的主要着眼点,忽视了稀土在高新技术领域的应用。中国出口的稀土资源产品80%以上是原料和中间产品,附加值很低。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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为了扭转稀土产业面临的被动局面,我国政府近几年逐渐开始对稀土开采规模、产量和出口总量进行总体规划和限制。2007年,国土资源部就开始对稀土实施保护性开采,采取总量控制管理措施。同时,根据稀土的产量、国内外需求和可持续发展的需要,对于每年的稀土出口配额进行规定,以求最大限度地保护和合理利用有限的稀土资源。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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至2011年1月,我国的稀土矿山从400个整合为116个。当年2月,国土资源部又决定在江西赣州设立11个区块、2500平方公里的稀土矿国家规划矿区。从2011年10月1日起,国家开始实行由国家环保总局和国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合制定的《稀土工业污染物排放标准》,以提高稀土行业入门的“环保门槛”,使稀土产业尽快走上绿色发展之路。但是,没想到美国、欧盟、日本不干了,向世贸组织提起针对中国限制稀土出口的贸易诉讼。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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稀土之争的深层原因HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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今年3月13日,奥巴马专门就对华贸易问题发表讲话,宣布美国已联合欧盟、日本向世贸组织提起针对中国限制稀土出口的贸易诉讼,指责中国违反世贸贸易准则。以美日为首的发达国家认为,中国是在拿稀土资源作为要挟发达国家的武器。中国工信部部长苗圩则表示,中方将会“主动应诉”。一场争夺稀土资源的贸易战已经开始。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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这些国家真的像他们说的那样,在稀土问题上如此依赖中国吗?其实不然,这场“稀土战争”的背后有着说不出来的原因:HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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一是保护本国的稀土资源。看看全球主要国家的稀土储量和产量分布,就足以说明这个问题。2010年10月,美国能源政策分析家马克·汉弗莱斯在向国会提交的题为《稀土元素:全球供应链》的报告中列出了2009年的相关统计数据。其中,中国稀土储量3600万吨,占世界36%,产量12万吨,占世界97%;俄罗斯储量1900万吨,占世界19%,产量0吨;美国储量1300万吨,占世界13%,产量0吨;澳大利亚储量540万吨,占世界5%,产量0吨。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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时至今日,这组数据变化最大的就是中国的稀土储量已经减至占世界30%。可以看出,美国和俄罗斯的稀土储量也都超过千万吨,且人均储量均高于中国,但其产量一直保持为零,纯依赖进口。《华盛顿邮报》就曾报道,美国之所以放弃一度占主导地位的稀土矿业市场,封存了本国最大的稀土矿硭廷帕斯矿,既是为了保护自己的战略资源,也是要把因开采造成的环境污染挡在国门之外。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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有稀土资源的国家尚且如此,没有稀土资源的国家则尽其所能大量买入囤积,日本就是如此。日本近年来90%的稀土由中国进口,其中的三分之一用于生产,三分之二则被作为战略资源用焊接钢板封闭后沉入海底保存。日本在储备机制上建立了由“日本石油天然气金属矿产资源机构”和“特别金属储备协会”牵头的官方和民间两条稀土储备渠道。现在,日本储备的稀土资源足可供其使用20年。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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二是维系自身所处稀土产业链的高端优势地位。日本是目前唯一拥有完整稀土产业链的国家,也是稀土产业的最大受益者。由于具备对稀土进行深加工的高技术开发能力,日本长期以来一直处在稀土产业链的顶端,并因此赚取了惊人的利润。例如,当中国以每吨20万元的价格出口氧化钕时,却又在以每千克20万元的价格从日本进口金属钕。因此,当中国宣布要紧缩稀土出口时,日本自然不乐意。实际上,日本并不是缺稀土,缺的是中国的廉价稀土。当美国、日本和欧盟就“中国稀土出口限制措施”向世贸组织提出诉讼时,其目的正是为了增加与中国日益升级的贸易战的筹码,维护自身所处的优势地位。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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日本在稀土产业链的高端位置不仅为它带来了巨大的经济效益,更带来了意想不到的政治利益。由于稀土在军事技术领域上特殊而关键的作用,连美国这样的超级大国也不得不在稀土高技术应用上受制于日本。美军现役的很多高精尖武器中,半数以上的微电子芯片是由日本研发和制造。如果没有了日本在微电子领域的稀土深加工技术和产品,美国赖以立足的军事技术优势将会大打折扣。因此,也就不难理解为何日本会对稀土问题如此敏感和担忧了。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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必须建立起具有自主知识产权的高科技稀土产业链HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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面对愈演愈烈的稀土之争,中国应该化被动为主动,争回自己应有的权利,维护自己的利益。从长远来看,解决问题的根本在于制定和实施一整套可持续的稀土资源开发利用战略,其重点在三个方面:HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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一是加强稀土资源开采的管理。针对长期存在的过度开采和环境污染问题,对稀土资源管理的第一个环节就是进行保护性的开采。在现有的稀土矿中,国家应在充分考虑实际需求和环境承载能力的基础上有选择地进行开采,封存部分矿区作为战略储备,达到对稀土资源和当地环境双重保护的目的。近年来,国内相关部门在这方面已经有了良好的开端和成功的实践。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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二是加强稀土资源出口的管理。过去,国内不但存在开采的乱象,甚至还出现过本国稀土企业竞相压价出口的“自残”局面。因此,应长期保持限制性的出口政策,在平衡国内稀土资源产能和国内外总体需求的基础上,继续制定合理的稀土出口配额。一方面还中国稀土以公平的身价,同时也有助于我国在国际稀土市场争回稀土资源供应国应有的权益。事实证明,这两年我国采取的稀土资源出口配额措施,既达到了保护本国稀土资源的目的,也满足了国际市场对稀土的正当需求。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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三是建立具有自主知识产权的高科技稀土产业链。这是改变当前我国稀土应用领域被动局面的关键。只有加大在稀土资源基础领域和应用领域的投入和研究,注重技术创新和产品创新,提高我国稀土二次开发水平,才能从根本上扭转我国一方面靠卖资源换取得不偿失的少量外汇,另一方面却在高端稀土产品上又严重依赖进口受制于人的不利局面。最终在国内建立起一整套稀土资源开采、初级开发、二次开发、回收利用的完整良性循环产业链,真正形成自己的稀土产业链。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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3月13日,作为对美国、欧盟、日本等向世贸组织提出诉讼的回应,我国商务部条约法律司负责人表示,中方的政策是为了保护资源和环境,实现可持续发展,无意通过扭曲贸易的方式保护国内产业,表明了中国在这个问题上的正当立场。HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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当前,保护和利用好我国仅存不多的稀土资源,不单是对这种稀缺自然资源的保护,更是对我国长远国家利益的维护。相信,今天我们所进行的“稀土保卫战”,将会对国家和民族的未来产生深远的影响。Data Figure: Malaysia to build the world's largest rare earth refineryHX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Recently, the promoters of 13 units of Nonferrous Metals Association, the aluminum company, China Minmetals, the joint 142 enterprises of China Rare Earth Industry Association formally established in Beijing. It is in recent years intensified the establishment of the Association of International Rare Earth product of the trade war, also marks an important step to protect their strategic rare earth resources in China.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Western countries relying on imports from China Rare Earth, maintained on China's military technology advantageHX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The rare earth resources is very valuable, and its importance can generally be attributed to three things: First, the composition of special. The English name of the rare-earth literal translation is "rare earth", its essence is the general term of the lanthanides in the periodic table, plus a similar nature scandium, yttrium, and other 17 kinds of elements. Each rare earth elements are extremely rich in light, electricity, heat, and magnetic properties.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Second, the number of rare. Although the global reserves of rare earth theoretical absolute value is not small, however, high levels of rare earth exists only in a specific mineral deposits, and is unevenly distributed. Can really focus on the exploitation of rare earth mine in China, the United States, Russia, India and other countries.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Usefulness great. , Rare earth has been widely used for more than 40 of the 13 areas of electronic information, petrochemicals, metallurgy, machinery, energy and other industries, especially in the application of functional materials with a very special place. The rare earth industry, although the overall use less, but for improving the functionality of the products and systems of various fields obviously, play skillfully deflected the question, "synergies.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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However, rare earth have become the focus of the struggle for resources, largely because it is widely used in missiles, smart weapons, jet engines, navigation systems and other modern military high-tech. It can be said that the rare earth is widely used in weapons and equipment of the land, sea and air forces of days.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Army weapons and equipment, rare earth elements can be used for armor steel materials. In the early 1960s in the last century, on the design of a rare earth carbon steel, made from armor steel to fight the force increased by about 70%. Containing rare earth elements in the the ductility milling cast iron mortar shells of mass destruction increased substantially.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Rare earth elements also can be used in fire control sighting system, proud of M1A2 tanks such as the United States by virtue of its advanced fire control system, able to do on the battlefield before the enemy discovered and before the enemy opened fire, mainly equipped with unique laser range finder, which use rare earth metal yttrium element. In the Gulf War, the U.S. M1A2 tank's laser rangefinder ranging distance of 4000 meters, the Iraqi T-72 tanks, laser range finder can reach 2000 m. At the same time, U.S. tanks also equipped with night vision devices containing rare earth metal lanthanum element. As a result, the dust filled the battlefield, no matter the day or night, U.S. tanks occupy the absolutely unmatched technological advantages.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Air Force weapons and equipment, the application of rare earth's deeper, and 17 kinds of rare earth elements have a purpose in the field of aviation maintenance. Which, dysprosium, neodymium, terbium, europium, yttrium is the most important aircraft of five kinds of rare earth elements, they can be used for aircraft thermal barrier coatings, fluorescent colored materials and motor permanent magnet materials. Rare earth metals of high strength and high durability, but also greatly reduce the weight of the aircraft. Such as in the U.S. military's F-22 aircraft, airframe and engine are a large number of rare earth rhenium elements, in order to meet the high requirements of the supersonic cruise body robustness. Airborne precision-guided munitions, containing samarium cobalt rare earth elements in permanent magnet engine plays a vital role in the manipulation of weapons.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Naval weapons and equipment, but also the land of the rare earth metals to show their talents. Rhenium elements can be greatly enhanced titanium, alloy submarine used in the manufacture of high speed and a larger potential depth. The Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s made the P-class, "alpha" level, the M-Class and S-class submarine is a titanium submarines. Generally more than 40 of the speed of these submarines, submersible to 400 to 600 m deep, than was the torpedo 25 to 40, average speed and maximum 400 meters of the potential depth is much more superior. This torpedo catch up, out of reach of the submarine, became a big concern in the U.S. Navy. The use of magnets made from rare earth elements as the U.S. Navy's Aegis system core part of the SPY-1 radar.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In the aerospace, molybdenum disulfide, molybdenum-based, able to adapt to the high vacuum of space and the strong radiation of cosmic rays has become essential in the various types of spacecraft bearing lubricant.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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It can be seen, the military applications of rare earth, not only wide, but use is very critical. This is their world, especially the military the main reason for the large country focus. To some extent, the Western powers, it is relying on imports from China are a large number of rare earth, maintaining China's military technology advantage.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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China's massive exports of rare earth, serious environmental pollution, but there is no international rare earth market pricingHX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The establishment of the rare earth industry in China Association, the main purpose is a fundamental solution to the long-standing domestic rare earth industry over-exploitation, environmental destruction, excessive exports and the low level of use of the chaos.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Due to the lack of unified planning of the national level, China's rare earth resources industry has long been in the blind development of out of control. Most rare earth mining enterprises belong to small and medium-sized factories, mines and small-scale, over-exploitation of rare earth mine, due to the low technology, low quality of the ore taken out, mining the rich abandoning the poor mining easy to abandon difficult is extremely serious, rare earth a great waste of resources.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Meanwhile, in the process of mining of rare earth, due mainly to take the pool leaching, heap leaching and in situ leaching, backward technology, indiscriminate deforestation is very serious, cause damage to vegetation, soil erosion and a series of ecological and environmental problems. Extraction separation of rare earth, due to the use of acid-base extraction agent chemical raw materials, produce large amounts of waste gas, waste water, waste and other emissions harmful to the environment. In this year's two sessions, deputies said Liao Liping, to land in southern Jiangxi rare earth mining damage the ecological restoration of the initial capital investment of more than 38 billion yuan.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In sharp contrast with this, the increasing export volume of China's rare earth to pay the environmental costs are getting higher and higher, but the average price of international market of rare earth has dropped significantly, as well as dubbed will be valuable to the price of meat, vegetables Rare Earth to sell all over the world. Moreover, when the whole world is China's rare earth resources, China is not even the pricing of international rare earth market.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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A direct result of this issue is China's rare earth reserves declined sharply. The early 1990s, China's rare earth reserves accounted for 88 percent of the world's reserves, is now down to about 30%, the loss of rare earth resources amazing. Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangxian and even sent out a few years later, China will be 'rare-earth big country' into a 'shortage of rare-earth country' "Warning!HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In addition, China's rare earth resources in the development of the main problem lies in the lack of technical content, and secondary development of the real value of the rare earth is mined. Over a long period of time, selling rare earth resources, once the main focus of the bigger Chinese rare earth industry, ignoring the rare earth application in high-tech fields. China's exports of rare earth resources and products for more than 80% of raw materials and intermediate goods and low value-added.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In order to reverse the passive situation of rare earth industry, our government in recent years, gradually began to on the rare earth mining scale production and total exports in the overall planning and restrictions. In 2007, the Ministry of Land and Resources on the rare earth the implementation of protective mining is to take total control and management measures. Rare earth production, domestic and external demand and the need for sustainable development, the annual rare earth export quota regulations, in order to maximize protection and rational use of limited rare earth resources.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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January 2011, China's rare earth mine from the integration of 400 116. In February of that year, the Ministry of Land and Resources also decided to set up 11 blocks in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, national planning mining area of ​​2,500 square kilometers of the rare earth mine. Since October 1, 2011, the state began to implement the "rare earth industrial pollutant discharge standards, developed jointly by the State Environmental Protection Administration and State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, in order to improve the environmental threshold of rare earth industry started to make rare earth The industry soon as possible onto the green development path. However, we did not expect the United States, European Union, Japan, quit, brought to the WTO trade action against China of restricting exports of rare earths.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The underlying causes of the rare-earth battleHX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
March 13 this year, Obama specifically on trade with China speech, announced that the United States has joined the European Union, Japan, brought to the WTO trade action against China of restricting exports of rare earths, accusing China of violating WTO trade rules. Countries headed by the United States and Japan that China is to take the rare earth resources as a weapon of blackmail developed countries. Chinese Minister of Industry and Miao Wei said that China will "active responding". Of a trade war to compete for rare earth resources has begun.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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These countries is as true as they say, in the rare-earth problem so dependent on China? In fact, this "rare-earth war" behind unspeakable reasons:HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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First, to protect its rare earth resources. Take a look at the rare-earth reserves and production distribution of the world's major countries, it is sufficient to illustrate this problem. In October 2010, U.S. energy policy analyst Mark Humphreys listed in the report submitted to Congress entitled "rare earth elements: the global supply chain", the relevant statistical data in 2009. Among them, China's rare earth reserves of 36 million tons, accounting for 36% of the world output of 120,000 tons, accounting for 97% of the world; Russia's reserves of 19 million tons, accounting for 19% of the world, yield 0 t; U.S. reserves of 13 million tons, accounting for 13% of the world. output 0 t; Australia reserves of 5.4 million tons, accounting for 5% of the world production of 0 t.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Today, this set of data the greatest change in China's rare earth reserves have been reduced to account for 30 percent of the world. It can be seen that the rare earth reserves in the United States and Russia are more than ten million tons and reserves per capita are higher than China, but its output has remained zero, pure dependence on imports. Washington Post had reported that the reason why the United States to give up once the dominant rare earth mining market, and sealed the country's largest rare earth mine crude saltpeter Pass mine, both in order to protect their strategic resources, but also take caused due to mining environmental pollution is blocked out of the country.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Rare earth resources in the country like this, no rare earth resources, countries do its utmost to hoard a lot of buying, Japan. Japan in recent years 90% of rare-earth imports from China, one-third for the production of two-thirds were as strategic resources, closed with welded steel plate submerged by the sea to save. Japan established a reserve mechanism led by the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals mineral resources agency "and" Special Metals Reserve Association official and civil two rare earth reserve channels. Now, Japan's reserves of rare earth resources enough available for 20 years.HX6Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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