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菲律宾王曾上书乾隆 想成为"中国固有领土"被拒绝


Philippines king had a letter to Qianlong want to be a "Chinese territory" to be rejected


17世纪,中国清朝时期,江河日下的菲律宾苏禄苏丹国希望依靠中国,抵御西班牙人的步步蚕食。1753年,国王苏禄“老苏丹”上书乾隆皇帝,请求将本国土地、丁户编入中国版图,希望依托中国寻求庇护,但被乾隆拒绝。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

5月7日,央视《24小时》女主播和佳一句“菲律宾是中国固有领土”的口误,引起轩然大波。菲律宾如今是主权独立国家,又向以“亚洲近代第一个共和国”为自豪,当然不是“中国固有领土”。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不过,这个群岛国家海岸线离中国岛屿最近距离尚不足200公里,其9500万人口中,至少有1500万人带有华裔血统,是东南亚华裔血统人口比例较高的国家之一,至今仍具有鲜明华人特征、且自认为华裔的菲律宾人,也有100万以上,这一切都表明,菲律宾和中国之间,的确是有一些“固有”关系。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

最早到达菲律宾群岛的国家力量是东吴BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

菲律宾在漫长历史时期内,其境内7000多个岛屿上虽有人居住,但并未形成国家形态,而最早到达菲律宾群岛的国家力量,是中国三国时期的东吴。公元226(吴孙权黄武五)年,东吴官员宣化从事朱应、中郎康泰浮海巡抚东南亚,前后历时数十年,抵达过越南、柬埔寨和南洋群岛等地,也曾到过今天菲律宾境内的臣延、耽兰和杜薄。由于康泰回国后著有《吴时外国记》(俗称“扶南传”,扶南即柬埔寨),这本书虽然早已亡佚,但裴松之注《三国志》时有所引述,《晋书》中也有提及。此次“出访”的目标是扶南,菲律宾各地仅是顺风路过,因此中国此时对菲律宾,也只能说是“到此一游”,去过而已。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

隋唐时期,中国航海业空前发展,南方大港泉州十分繁荣,海船和航海设备也大为进步,已出现了中国-菲律宾之间的较固定海上贸易航线。由于风浪、潮流的关系,这条航线并非从福建沿海直接前往直线距离最近的吕宋岛(即今菲律宾群岛中的吕宋岛),而是从泉州出发,先绕过海南岛,沿越南海岸线抵达越南南部的占城,然后继续沿海岸线南下,在马来半岛一带横渡南海,抵达加里曼丹岛的渤泥(文莱),再从文莱北上,抵达今天菲律宾的苏禄群岛和棉兰老岛一带。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

还应看到,唐代“海上丝绸之路”十分繁荣,但菲律宾群岛却只是这条海商黄金航线的一个并不起眼分支。菲律宾列岛人烟稀少、经济落后,中国的大宗输出产品(丝绸、瓷器、茶叶),当地市场容量有限,而当地出产的水果、香料、海产品等,其它南洋地方也不难买到。这条航线最重要的意义,是开辟了一条中国福建沿海居民迁徙菲律宾的通道,此后几百年间,吕宋等地逐渐聚集起不少华人,他们经商、务农,甚至成为海盗,在当地居住下来。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

菲律宾第一个国家的第二代东王葬在山东BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

唐、宋、元三代,中国官方对菲律宾群岛的兴趣似乎并不大,一直到明初这种局面才开始改变。1405(明成祖永乐三)年,郑和第一次下西洋,在前往渤泥途中经停吕宋,在当地见到许多福建侨商,并应侨商请求,任命福建晋江籍华侨商人许柴佬为吕宋总督,此后直到1424年,吕宋岛的最高行政长官都是这位华侨商人。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从理论上讲,这17年是菲律宾和中国关系最直接、最密切的时期,因为此时吕宋最高行政长官是中国人,最高行政机构法理上直属中国明朝中央政府。但实际情况却远没这么夸张:郑和许下的不过是“纸上富贵”,既没有给兵,也没有派员,而许“总督”所能依靠的,不过是听命于己的一些商人、同乡和伙计,所能控制的不过是商埠周围一小块地盘,广大岛屿上绝大多数土地、人口他们既不能统治、管理,也无法征收赋税,甚至彼此间都未必知道对方的存在。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1424年明成祖去世,明朝对外政策发生剧变,耗资巨大的“下西洋”因内部激烈争议暂停。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在此前后,吕宋以南,出现了菲律宾历史上第一个国家——苏禄苏丹国(在西班牙入侵菲律宾前,该国是当地社会经济比较发达的国家之一)。公元1409年郑和三下西洋时路过苏禄,在和乐与苏禄第二代东王巴哈剌会晤,并赠对方丰厚礼物。叭哈剌对中国富庶繁荣十分仰慕,与同信奉伊斯兰教的郑和也一见如故,请求同船到中国“朝觐观光”,但郑和当时领命出访印度、锡兰(斯里兰卡),归期未卜,因此婉拒。叭哈剌在郑和走后向西王、峒王转述中国“盛况”,令二王啧啧称羡,三王决定共同设法赴华。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1417年,东王巴都葛叭哈剌、西王麻哈剌叱葛剌麻丁、峒王妻叭都葛巴剌卜及随员、家属等共340多人航海来到中国,当时明成祖正在北京为迁都做准备,苏禄三王抵达南京后又换船沿运河北上,于八月初一抵达北京朝觐,逗留27天,受到明成祖接见、赐封和隆重接待,进贡“金镂表文”和“珍珠、宝石、玳瑁诸物”,明成祖“赐印诰、袭衣、冠带及鞍马、仪仗器物,其从者亦赐冠带有差”,临行时再获接见,三王各获得“金镶玉带一条,黄金100两,白金2000两,罗锦文绮200匹,绢300匹,钞1万锭,钱3000贯,金绣蟒衣、麒麟衣各一袭”。终明朝一世,外国国王亲自来访的寥寥无几,三王一齐来访的仅苏禄一例,因此所受的礼遇也是最郑重的,和南洋号称“最恭顺”的满剌加相同。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

由于南北往返,舟车劳顿,加上寒流突袭,习惯热带气候的叭哈剌沿运河南下至山东德州,因病医治无效,于九月十三日与世长辞,遗命留葬中国。明成祖闻讯后派礼部郎中陈士启前往祭奠,以国王礼节将扒哈剌葬于德州,并赐谥号“恭定”。安葬扒哈剌后,西王、峒王一行辞别归国,而东王一家除长子都马含回国嗣位外,其余家属包括王妃葛本宁、叭都葛苏性,次子安都禄、三子温哈剌等10人留德州守墓。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

苏禄苏丹国希望成为“中国固有领土”被乾隆拒绝BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

东、西、峒三王则得到明朝“册封”,属于东亚典型的“藩属关系”,但这种所谓“藩属国”并非真正的统治,而是一种特殊利益交换关系,即中国皇帝从“天无二日民无二主”传统理念,认为自己是天下万国宗主,其它国家都归自己“领导”,而弱小邻国一来畏惧中国实力,二来希望通过“朝贡”换得成倍的“赏赐”,获取利益,也乐得“嘴上服软”。不过,此后在明朝官书上,苏禄三王此后的“朝贡”纪录寥寥无几。苏禄东王留下守墓“三年”的10名家属,仅叭都葛苏性一人在6年后归国,其余都留在德州,终明朝一世,他们的国籍都是苏禄,是明朝的“客人”。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

17世纪,清朝取代明朝统治中国,此时江河日下的苏禄苏丹国,国王正是东王后裔,他们希望依靠中国,抵御西班牙人的步步蚕食。1726(清雍正四)年,苏禄苏丹遣使“朝贡”,重建了和中国的“藩属”关系;1731年,苏禄苏丹亲自“来朝”并拜谒了苏禄东王墓;1733年,苏丹应在德州守墓的东王后裔请求,上书雍正,希望给予这些人中国国籍,获得批准;1753(乾隆十八)年,苏禄“老苏丹”上《请奉纳版图表文》,请求将本国土地、丁户编入中国版图,这是因为苏禄被西班牙百般欺凌,强弱不敌,希望依托中国,寻求庇护。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但此时乾隆正奉行闭关锁国政策,对海岸线以外并无兴趣,甚至认为华侨都是“汉奸”,死不足惜,殖民者杀死华侨对中国有利,在这种思维定式下,他显然不会对纯属“外人”的苏禄请求有丝毫积极回应。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

苏禄希望成为“中国固有领土”的请求最终被婉言谢绝,但双方的“藩属”关系依旧维持。1851(清咸丰元)年,西班牙人占领苏禄古都和乐,苏禄和中国间的航路就此被切断,这一年也是中国太平天国金田起义的年份,此后中国自顾不暇,所谓“藩属”关系,也只剩下民国时清朝遗老所编“清史稿”中云山雾罩的几笔了。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1897年11月2日,吕宋成立了菲律宾第一共和国,1902年7月4日,美国吞并了菲律宾,次年宣布“摩洛兰”为“非法土地”,向原苏禄苏丹国领土大量移民。1946年7月4日,菲律宾第三共和国成立并维持至今,和“摩洛兰”的关系始终不睦,屡屡爆发战争和暴力冲突。1989年11月6日,“棉兰老穆斯林自治区”成立,包括巴西兰、马京达瑙、南拉瑙、苏禄和塔威塔威五省;2012年4月26日,菲政府和摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线签署协议,宣布同意该组织在菲律宾南部组建“政治实体”,但具体细节尚未议定,目前南方这块苏禄故地局势仍十分微妙,至于“苏禄苏丹国”,理论上一直存在,如今已传至17世,在当地享有崇高威望,但并无实权,如今的苏丹王室,仍然是当年苏禄东王的后裔。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从前文可知,菲律宾北方的吕宋,和南方的苏禄,历史上的确都曾和中国存在一些“固有”,但大抵为象征性隶属关系,中国并未真正实际控制过菲律宾,最接近于“隶属”的,自然是乾隆年间的那一次苏禄苏丹“请奉纳版图”,但请求者系被殖民者所逼而迫不得已,被请求者又正式拒绝,这件事并未成为事实——哪怕是理论和形式上的事实。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

如今“苏禄国恭定王”的陵墓仍矗立在山东德州市北的长庄乡北营村,东王后裔如今繁衍为安、温两姓(分别为二王子安都禄、三子温哈剌之后),已传承至第21代,被划为回族(因苏禄人笃信伊斯兰教),大部分聚居于北营村,世代守墓,一部分则散居江苏、河北、天津等地,已很难看出他们与普通中国东部回民的区别了。BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

In the 17th century, the Qing Dynasty, decline Philippines Sulu Sultanate of hope to rely on China to resist the Spanish step by step eroded. 1753, the countries Wang Sulu, "the old Sudan," a letter to Emperor Qianlong, to request their own land, the small household incorporated into Chinese territory, relying on China to seek asylum, but was refused by the Emperor Qianlong.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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May 7, CCTV "24 hours" female anchors and good one, "the Philippines is Chinese territory" slip of the tongue, causing an uproar. The Philippines is now an independent sovereign country, Youxiang "Modern Asian Republic of pride, of course, not a" Chinese territory ".BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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However, this archipelago nation coastline from the Chinese island distance less than 200 kilometers, 95 million of its mouth, at least 15 million people with Chinese descent, is one of the countries with a high proportion of people of Chinese descent in Southeast Asia still has a distinctive Chinese characteristics, and believe that ethnic Chinese, Filipino, more than 1 million All this shows that, between the Philippines and China, there are indeed some "inherent" relationship.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The first to reach the national forces of the Philippine Islands is the SoochowBZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Although people living more than 7000 islands of the Philippines in a long historical period, its territory, but do not form a national form, the earliest to reach the national forces of the Philippine Islands, China's Three Kingdoms period of Soochow. AD 226 (Wu, Sun Quan, Huang Wu-five) years, Soochow officials Xuanhua in Zhu Ying, Zhonglang the Contax floating sea governor of Southeast Asia, and it took several decades, arrived in Vietnam, Cambodia and the islands of Southeast Asia and other places, also visited today the Philippines the territory of the minister extended delay Lan Du thin. Contax returning with there "Wu when foreign remember (commonly known as" Rotary South pass "help South, namely Cambodia), this book although has long been the Lost, but s Annotations" Three Kingdoms Chi "when some quote," Jin "also have to mention and. "Visit" the goal in Funan, only the Philippines around the wind passing through, so the Philippines can only say that "a visit", been to it.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Chinese maritime industry unprecedented development, the South Dagang Quanzhou very prosperous, ship and marine equipment has been greatly advanced, there have been more fixed maritime trade routes in China - Philippines. Due to storms, the trend of the relationship, this route is not directly from the coast of Fujian to the straight line distance from the nearest island of Luzon (now the Philippine Islands of Luzon), but starting from Quanzhou, the first bypass the Hainan Island, along the Vietnamese coastline arrived Champa in southern Vietnam, and then continue south along the coastline in the vicinity of the Malay Peninsula across the South China Sea, arrived at the Boni (Brunei) in Kalimantan, and then north from Brunei, arrived in the Philippines, the Sulu archipelago and Mindanao area.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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We should also see a very prosperous Tang Dynasty "Marine Silk Road", the Philippine Islands maritime gold route, a humble branch. The Philippine archipelago is sparsely populated, economically backward, the bulk of output products (silk, porcelain, tea), the limited capacity of the local market, locally produced fruits, spices, seafood, other Nanyang place, is not difficult to buy. This route is the most important meaning is opened up a Chinese Fujian coastal residents migration channel in the Philippines, since several hundred years, Luzon, etc. gradually gathered many Chinese, their business, farming, and even become a pirate, living down in the local .BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The Philippines the first country's second-generation East the king was buried in ShandongBZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Tang, Song, Yuan three generations of Chinese official interest in the Philippine Islands does not seem large, this situation began to change until the early Ming Dynasty. 1405 (Yongle Emperor Yongle), Zheng He and the first time under the Western stop on his way to the Boni Luzon, to see many of the local Fujian Chamber of Commerce, and the request of the Chamber of Commerce, the appointment of Jinjiang, Fujian Overseas Chinese businessman Xu Cai guy Luzon, the Governor, then until 1424, the highest of the Chief Executive of Luzon are the overseas Chinese businessmen.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In theory, this 17 years relations between the Philippines and China is the most direct and close the period, because Luzon highest executive official of the Chinese people, the highest executive organ legal under Chinese Ming Dynasty, the central government. But the reality is far not so exaggerated: but "paper wealth", Zheng He promised neither to the soldiers, nor staff, and Xu, "Governor" can rely on, but some traders to take orders from their fellow man, beyond the control of the commercial port around a small site, the vast number of islands, the vast majority of land, the population can neither rule, management, and can not levy taxes, even to each other may not know each other's existence.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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1424 Chengzu death of Ming foreign policy upheaval at a cost of great voyages suspended due to an internal heated controversy.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Before and after, south of Luzon, there has been a national of the history of the Philippines - Sulu Sultanate of (before the Spanish invasion of the Philippines, the country is one of the more developed countries in local social and economic). 1409 AD, Zheng He's voyages, passing Sulu, in the meeting and the music and Sulu East King Baja assassination and presented rich gifts. Pair of Halaa admire the rich and prosperity, and Zheng to Islam and also hit it off, to request the same boat to China "pilgrimage tourism, but Zheng He was kicked off the visit to India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), the return date is uncertain, and therefore declined to . A pair of Halaa in Zheng He had gone west king dong Wang quoted Chinese "grand", two king tut envy of the three kings decided to work together to try to go to China.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In 1417, East Wang Ba Ge pair of Halaa West Wang Ma Halaa scold Ge assassination of Ma Ding dong Wang wife pair of more than 340 nautical Geba assassination Bu and suite, families came to China, when Chengzu are Beijing ready for the relocation of the capital, Sulu three kings arrived in Nanjing and then change the ship to go northward along the canal, arrived in Beijing on August first pilgrimage to stay 27 days, subject to Chengzu interview encomienda and the grand reception, tribute gold engrave table text and the "string of pearls, precious stones, tortoise shell take things, the Yongle Emperor," thanks to the India Patent passage of clothing, crowned, and the pommel horse, ceremonial objects, the difference with a gift from Zheyi crown, re-interviewed when leaving the Three Kings Get "the Gold yudai a 100 two gold, 200 platinum 2000 two Luojin Wen-chi, silk 300, note-10000, 3000 consistent money, gold embroidered python clothing, unicorn clothing dressed in". The end of the Ming Dynasty I, few visiting foreign king himself, the three kings together visiting Sulu one case only, the adulation is the most solemn and southeast Asia known as "the most deferential" full assassination and the same.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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And from the north and south, travel, coupled with the cold raid, accustomed to the tropical climate pair of Halaa south along the canal to Dezhou, Shandong, illness invalid, died on September 13, testament to remain buried. Chengzu after hearing sent to the Ministry of Rites doctor Chen Shiqi go to pay homage to the king courtesy Pa Halaa buried in Texas, and given the posthumous title of "Christine set. After the burial of Pa Halaa, the West King, Cave king and his entourage said goodbye to returning East king of an addition to the eldest son of (horse) with returning Siwei, the remaining family members, including GE Benning Princess pair of Du Gesu, the second son of Andu Lu, third son of Wen Ha the assassination of 10 people stay in Texas to observe the tomb.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Sulu Sultanate of hope to become "China's inherent territory" Qianlong refusedBZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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East, West, Cave Wang Ming Dynasty "canonized", belonging to the East Asian typical "vassal relationship", so-called "vassal state" is not a real rule, but an exchange between special interests, namely, the Emperor of China from suns China goes for the main "traditional concept, think of themselves as the sovereign of all the kingdoms of other countries is your own" leadership ", while the small neighbor to the fear of Chinese power, and secondly, through the" tribute "in exchange for doubled "reward" to obtain benefits is also happy to lip service soft ". However, later in the Ming Dynasty on the official books, few of Sulu Three Kings since the "tributary" record. Sulu King left the grave keeper, "three years" 10 family members, and only pair of Du Gesu returned after six years, the rest stay in Texas, and finally I of the Ming Dynasty, their nationality is Sulu, is the Ming Dynasty. " guests. "BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In the 17th century, the Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty ruled China at this time decline of the Sultanate of Sulu, the king is the East king descendant, they want to rely on China to resist the Spanish step by step eroded. 1726 (Qing Emperor Yongzheng four) years, the Sultan of Sulu emissary "tributary" reconstruction "vassal" relationship and China; 1731, the Sultan of Sulu himself "to the DPRK and paid respects to the Sulu tomb; 1733, Sudan the East king of the descendants of the grave keeper in Texas request letter Yongzheng, hope to give these people of Chinese nationality have been approved; 1753 (Qianlong 18), Sulu, "Sudan" "Bong satisfied version of the chart text, the request to its own D households of the land incorporated into the Chinese territory, it is because of the Sulu Spanish sorts of bullying, strong or weak losing to relying on China, seeking asylum.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
But at this time, Qianlong is pursuing a policy of seclusion, not interested in other than on the coastline, and even that overseas Chinese are "traitors", Sibuzuxi colonists killed overseas Chinese to China, this mindset, he was clearly not purely "outsiders" Sulu request has no positive response.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sulu hopes to become China's inherent territory "request was eventually politely refuse, but the two sides" vassal "relationship still remain. 1851 (Qing Xianfeng), the Spanish occupation of the ancient capital of Sulu and music, between Sulu and China routes thus been cut off, this year, China Taiping Jintian uprising the year, after the Chinese leg to stand on the so-called "vassal" relationship, but also The only remnant of the Qing Dynasty in the Republic of China compiled a few strokes of the Qing Dynasty "Yunshanwuzhao.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
November 2, 1897, Luzon established the First Republic of the Philippines, July 4, 1902, the United States annexed the Philippines, announced that Mo Luolan "illegal land" the following year, the original Sulu Sultanate of territory large number of immigrants . July 4, 1946, the Philippines, the Third Republic was established and maintained so far, and "Mo Luolan relationship has always been at odds repeatedly outbreak of war and violent conflict. November 6, 1989, "in Muslim Mindanao autonomous region, including the five provinces of Basilan, Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Sulu and Tawi Tawi; April 26, 2012, the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front signed the agreement, announced that it agreed to the formation of a "political entity" organizations in the southern Philippines, but details have not yet agreed upon, Southern piece of Sulu haunt the situation is still very subtle, The Sulu Sultanate of, in theory, there has been, and now has spread to the 17th Century and enjoys a high prestige in the local, but no real power, and now the Sudan, the royal family still was the descendants of Sulu King.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The former shows that the north of Luzon of the Philippines, and South Sulu, really have the history and China, there are some "inherent", but probably for symbolic affiliation, China has not really actual control over the Philippines, the closest subordination "natural Qianlong Sultan of Sulu" Bong satisfied territory ", the requester Department of colonists forced and compelled, the requester also formally rejected, the matter did not become a reality - even if The fact of the theory and form.BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sulu country Christine given to King's tomb still stands in long Shandong Dezhou North Township North Yingcun, Eastern king descendants now multiply the last name for security, temperature (respectively, two Prince An Dulu, three sons and temperature Halaa ) has heritage to the generation of 21 was classified as Hui believe in Islam) (due to the Sulu people, most of the settlements in North Yingcun generations to keep the tomb, part of the diaspora, Jiangsu, Hebei, Tianjin and other places, has been difficult to see the difference between them and the ordinary Chinese eastern Hui.
BZPRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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