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张艺谋回应铁路宣传片质疑 称自己"被署名"


Zhang Yimou to respond to the railway videos questioned said that their own "on the signature


近日,张艺谋拍摄铁路宣传片花1850万一事在被广泛热议,众多网友则对1850万元的巨额投资提出质疑质疑。7月2日下午,张艺谋助理庞小姐代表张艺谋方面对此事做了简单的说明,称导演的署名在不知情的情况下被使用。但未澄清张艺谋究竟究竟有没有收钱DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

张艺谋。DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

7月2日报道 近日,张艺谋拍摄铁路宣传片花1850万一事在被广泛热议,审计署强调该铁路宣传片未达到预期效果的消息,而众多网友则对1850万元的巨额投资提出质疑质疑。7月2日下午,张艺谋助理庞小姐代表张艺谋方面对此事做了简单的说明,她称张艺谋此前只是对于宣传片的样片提过意见,但未参与拍摄。庞小姐还称,导演的署名在不知情的情况下被使用,张艺谋方面曾向制作公司要求撤下署名,但一直未被拿下。DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

张艺谋助理个人说明:DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2010 年,刘志军还是铁道部长时,有一家制作公司找到导演,说铁道部想请导演拍宣传片,导演提出不署名,只是出出主意,这家制作公司同意了。之后开过两三次创意会。刘志军突然下台后,宣传片方案一度搁浅,后来重新开始时,方案也改来改去,拍摄过程导演一直没参与,只是后来看了剪接的样片,提了些意见。再后来,做成什么样,有什么公司参与,导演都不知道了。2011年的一天,有朋友告诉导演,说高铁车厢公开播映了宣传片,片头有很醒目的“张艺谋导演”五个字,导演立即找制作公司询问为什么又署上了名?制作公司过了几天答复导演,说铁道部答应尽快替换,但据导演所知,一直未拿下署名。DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在说明中,庞小姐未澄清张艺谋究竟究竟有没有收钱,而1850万的费用具体如何分配和使用,则是大家关心的焦点。DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

July 2, reported recently by Zhang Yimou, spent 1850 to the railway videos in case things in hot, the Audit Commission stressed the message of the railway promo does not achieve the desired results, the number of users questioned the huge investment of 18.5 million yuan questioned. In the afternoon of July 2, Miss Zhang Yimou assistant Pang on behalf of Zhang Yimou to do the simple instructions on the matter, she said Zhang Yimou previously only for the sample of the API mentioned views, but did not take part in the filming. Miss Pang also said that the director's signature is used unknowingly, Zhang Yimou had the production company requirements removed for signature, but has not been won.DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zhang Yimou's assistant personal note:DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2010, Liu Zhijun, or the Minister of Railways, had a production company to find the director, said the Ministry of Railways would like to ask the director to shoot commercials, the director made ​​not signed, just out of ideas, the production company agreed. After opening the creative will of two or three times. Liu Zhijun after the sudden resignation of the API program was grounded, and later restart, the program also changed to change to go, have not been involved in shooting director, just after I read the sample splicing, to mention some opinions. Then what made, what companies to participate, the director did not know. Day in 2011, a friend told the director, said the high-speed rail cars publicly broadcast commercials, titles and very eye-catching, "Zhang Yimou" five words, the director immediately to find a production company asked why the Department on the name? The production company a few days to reply to the director, said the Ministry of Railways agreed to replace as soon as possible, but according to the director know, has not won a signed.DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In the notes, Ms. Pang did not clarify Zhang Yimou exactly how there is no money, while 18.5 million cost of the specific allocation and use of, is the focus of concern.DKGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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