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7月1日全球时间增加1秒 出现“7:59:60”奇观


July 1, 1 seconds to appear "7:59:60" wonders


为了让“原子时”与“世界时”协调一致,北京时间7月1日全球将增加一秒,届时,将出现7:59:60的特殊现象。天文专家表示,感兴趣的中国公众可试着在当日7时59分59秒时将自己的电子表或是手机上的时间“拨”慢一秒。HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

我国天文教育专家、天津市天文学会理事赵之珩介绍说,为了确定时间,世界上有两种时间计量系统:基于地球自转得出的“世界时”和基于原子振荡周期确定的“原子时”。由于两种时间尺度对秒的定义不一样,随着时间的推移,这两个时间系统之间就会出现差异,所以有了“协调世界时”的概念。HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“协调世界时”以原子时秒长为基础,在时刻上尽量接近于世界时。1972年,国际计量大会决定,当“世界时”与“原子时”之间时刻相差超过0.9秒时,就在协调世界时上加上或减去1秒(正闰秒或负闰秒),以尽量接近世界时,这就是“闰秒”。“闰秒”一般安排在年中或年末的最后时刻,即6月30日或12月31日的最后一分钟。HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

今年确定在6月30日23:59:59后面增加一秒,记为23:59:60,然后才是第二天的00:00:00。相对于北京时间,也就是7月1日7:59:59后面增加一秒,出现7:59:60的特殊现象,然后才是8:00:00。HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2012年“多”出一秒,你会拿这一秒做什么?“我会对我爸妈多说一遍‘我爱你们’”“我将用这一秒来睡觉,因为是周末。”“那天是我生日,比别人多过一秒,好幸福!”“上班可以晚起一秒了。”这是网络上一些网友“晒”出的五花八门的回答。HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

出现“闰秒”很正常,从1972年到这次的40年间,已经有过25次。天文专家表示,在网络通信、证券、航空、航天、军事等领域,这多出的1秒钟的影响无法忽视。但对于普通人而言,基本可以忽略不计,它对普通民众的日常生活不会产生任何影响。公众只要了解了这1秒时间并非真的凭空“增加”,而是“世界时”与“原子时”之间的“协调”就足够了HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Coordinated in order to let the "atomic" and the "world", in Beijing on July 1 will increase by one second, then, will appear 7:59:60 particular phenomenon. Astronomy experts said that the interested public can try to time in electronic form or on the phone to "dial" second slower in the day 7 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds.HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Astronomy education experts in China, Tianjin Astronomical Association, Zhao Heng said, in order to determine the time, the world's two time measurement systems: based on the rotation of the earth come to the world and determined based on the atomic oscillation period of the "atomic". Two time scales is not the same as the definition of the second, over time, as well as two-time systems there will be differences, so there is "Coordinated Universal Time" concept.HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Coordinated Universal Time to the atomic time second long-based, as much as possible close to the world at the moment. In 1972, the International Measurement Conference decided, between the "world" and the "atomic" time difference of more than 0.9 seconds, plus or minus one second (positive leap second, or negative leap seconds) in the Coordinated Universal Time, as close as possible to the world, this is the "leap seconds". The "leap second" general arrangement in the middle of the year or the end of the last moment, on June 30 or December 31 of the last minute.HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
This year to determine the increase in the June 30 23:59:59 behind the second, recorded as 23:59:60, and only then the next day 00:00:00. For Beijing, July 1 7:59:59 behind the increase in one second, there a 7:59:60's special phenomenon, and then is 8:00:00.HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
2012 "more than" a second, you will take this second what to do? "I would my parents say it again 'I love you'" to sleep "I will use this second, because it is the weekend." "That is my birthday, one second more than others, so happy!" Work evening one second. "This is the network some friends," the sun "a wide variety of answers.HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"Leap second" is normal, from 1972 to 40 years, there have been 25. Astronomy experts said the impact of network communication, securities, aviation, aerospace, military and other fields, which more than 1 second can not be ignored. For ordinary people, can be basically negligible, its ordinary people's daily lives will not have any impact. Public understanding of one second is not really out of thin air to "increase", but "the world" and "atomic" between the "coordination" is enough
HYLRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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