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Lin Biao had questioned: not worth half a billion people of China to save the


 HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

雷英夫:“林彪说,为拯救一个几百万人的朝鲜,而打烂五亿人口的中国有点划不来。我军打国民党有把握,但能否打得过美军很难说。把它逼急了,打两颗原子弹,或大规模狂轰滥炸,够我们受的。”HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语


 HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

毛泽东给林彪的信HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

本文摘自《文史参考》2012年第8期,作者:舒云,原题:毛泽东手书曹操《龟虽寿》赠林彪HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

大陆基本解放后,中央军委将渡海作战的主要目标转向台湾。1950年5月,三野进行台湾战役的准备。6月上旬,在中共七届三中全会上,毛泽东提出当前的军事任务是攻打台湾,三野副司令员粟裕汇报了作战方案。台湾战役不仅三野,还有兄弟野战军的四个军参加,已经成为全军的重大战略行动。HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

粟裕在战争年代六次负伤,颅内还残留着弹片,加上各种病症造成的剧烈头痛,他怕身体顶不下来,建议派刘伯承或林彪主持台湾战役。林彪也表示愿意出任解放台湾的司令员。毛泽东也不是没有考虑让林彪挂帅,但林彪那个病弱身体,连解放海南岛都没有坚持下来,怎么能指挥台湾战役呢?毛泽东重申:台湾战役的指挥仍由粟裕担任。HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1950年6月25日,朝鲜战争爆发,毛泽东决定让粟裕挂帅。正在青岛疗养的粟裕怕误大事,8月1日,他撑起病体给毛泽东写了一封信,报告自己的病情和心情。8月8日,毛泽东亲笔回信,让他安心养病。HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1950年10月1日,金日成请求中国政府出兵。从10月2日到5日,毛泽东主持中央政治局扩大会议,讨论朝鲜半岛局势和中国出兵的问题。刚开始很多与会者投了反对票。林彪说:“主席啊,苏联为什么不出兵?苏联老大哥建国几十年了,我们才建国几个月,陈毅说得对,我们要休养生息。美国已经给我们信息,如果中国不出兵朝鲜,立即与中国建交。这可能是一个阴谋,但也不失一个机会。”林彪认为:“朝鲜战争是斯大林挑拨东西方关系的一次阴谋,纵容北朝鲜袭击南朝鲜,引发联合国出兵北朝鲜。”毛泽东问林彪美国会不会过鸭绿江?林彪认为不会,美国如果想介入中国,早在解放战争后期就该有所动作。而我们的当务之急是恢复国力,入朝作战不是上策。林彪甚至对毛泽东说过这样的话:如果美国侵犯中国,我带兵抗击美国。美国侵华,在国际舆论上中国占上风。而现在我们入朝,面对的是联合国军,从世界舆论和中国本身的国力都是不明智的。而且朝鲜的地形不利于北朝鲜和中国,而有利于南朝鲜和有大批军舰的美国。HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

时任军委作战部一局副局长兼总参作战室主任的雷英夫回忆:“林彪说,为拯救一个几百万人的朝鲜,而打烂一个五亿人口的中国有点划不来。我军打国民党军队有把握,但能否打得过美军很难说。它有庞大的陆海空军,有原子弹,还有雄厚的工业基础。把它逼急了,打两颗原子弹,或者用飞机对我们大规模狂轰滥炸,也够我们受的。最好不出兵,如果一定要出,那就出而不战,屯兵于朝鲜北部,看一看形势的发展,能不打就不打。”HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

话是这么说,林彪还是做好了入朝的准备,换了住处,还换掉了一些不宜出国的内勤。林办工作人员接到通知,准备到朝鲜去。他们都换了新军装,但没有什么标志,毛巾、水壶也都无字。最终,毛泽东决定抗美援朝由彭德怀挂帅。周恩来在会上说:“如果林彪同志身体好,不会叫彭德怀去的。”10月6日,周恩来主持军委扩大会议,军方对入朝作战提出很多困难。10月7日,毛泽东约苏联驻中国大使罗申谈话,准备让周恩来到苏联与斯大林商谈,请求苏联给予中国军事援助及提供空军掩护。HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

10月8日,中共中央决定,将东北边防军改为中国人民志愿军,出兵朝鲜。同一天林彪和周恩来前往苏联,苏联派来一架专机。林彪司机初成瑞回忆:“那天早上,我把林彪和夫人叶群送到中南海。汽车在毛主席院子的南门停下,林彪和叶群下了车,走进毛主席的院子,然后与周恩来去机场,飞往苏联,之后周恩来回国,林彪留在苏联治病。”HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

10月24日,中央批准粟裕和夫人楚青去苏联治病。坐专列同行的还有林彪的两个孩子,6岁的林豆豆和5岁的林立果。HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Continent after the liberation, the main objective of the Central Military Commission, the cross-sea combat turned to Taiwan. In May 1950, three wild battle preparation in Taiwan. In early June, the Third Plenary of the Seventh CPC Central Committee, Mao Zedong put forward the current military mission is to attack Taiwan, Su Yu, the three-field deputy commander, reported on the operational plan. Taiwan battle not only wild, brothers Field Army of the four military to participate in, has become a major strategic actions of the army.HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Su Yu, six wounded during the war years, intracranial residual shrapnel, plus a variety of diseases caused by severe headache, he fears that the body top is not down, it is recommended to send Liu Bocheng or Lin Biao and the auspices of the Taiwan battle. Lin Biao also expressed their willingness to serve as commander of the liberation of Taiwan. Mao Zedong is not does not consider allowing the Lin Biao in command Lin Biao and the sick body, even the liberation of Hainan Island did not stick with it, how to command the Taiwan battle? Mao Zedong reiterate: the command of the battle in Taiwan still Su Yu served.HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
June 25, 1950, the outbreak of the Korean War, Mao Zedong decided to Su Yu's command. Su Yu fear of mistakenly being convalescence in Qingdao event, August 1, he propped up ill Mao Zedong wrote a letter to report on their condition and mood. August 8, Mao Zedong handwritten letter to reassure him recuperate.HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
October 1, 1950, Kim Il Sung asked the Chinese government to send troops. From October 2nd to the 5th, Mao presided over the expansion of the Central Political Bureau meeting, to discuss the situation on the Korean peninsula and Chinese troops. The beginning of many participants voted against it. Lin Biao, said: "The President, the Soviet Union Why did not send troops? The Soviet big brother the founding of several decades before the founding of a few months, Chen Yi was right, we need to recuperate the United States has given us the information, if China did not send troops to Korea immediately diplomatic relations with China. This may be a conspiracy, but can serve as an opportunity. "Lin Biao said:" The Korean War was Stalin to sow discord between the East-West relations in a conspiracy, connivance of North Korea attacked South Korea, caused by the United Nations to send troops to North Korea. "Mao Zedong asked Lin Biao and the United States will not be over the Yalu River? Lin Biao do not think so, if you want to intervene in China as early as late in the war of liberation in relation to some action. Our first priority is to restore the national strength, and entry into combat is not the best. Lin Biao and even Mao Zedong said that this is the case: if the U.S. violation of China's troops in the fight against the United States. U.S. invasion of China, China gained the upper hand in the international public opinion. Our entry into the face of United Nations forces from world public opinion and China's own national strength is unwise. North Korea's terrain is not conducive to North Korea and China, and South Korea and a large number of warships of the United States.HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
When he was the Director of the Operations Department of the Central Military Commission, Bureau deputy director of President and General Staff operations room of Lei Yingfu recalls: "Lin Biao said, save a few hundred million people in North Korea, smashed a half a billion people, China is a little worth it. Our military to fight the KMT army sure, but whether to play the U.S. military is hard to say it has a huge land, sea and air forces, atomic bomb, there is a strong industrial base. desperate to play the two atomic bombs, or aircraft for our large-scale bombing, we have had enough. best not to send troops, if you must, then instead of war, troops in northern Korea, take a look at the development of the situation, can not to fight. "HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Then say, Lin Biao or good entry into the preparation, change of residence, and also replace some of the back office should not go abroad. The forest staff of the Office receiving the notice, ready to Korea to go. They have changed the new uniforms, but no signs, towels, water bottles are no words. In the end, Mao Zedong decided to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea by Peng command. Zhou Enlai said at the meeting: "If Comrade Lin Piao body will not be called Peng go." October 6, Zhou Enlai hosted an enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission, the military entry into combat a lot of difficulties. October 7, Luo Shen, Mao Zedong about the Soviet ambassador to China, talking, ready to Zhou Enlai to the Soviet Union and Stalin to discuss, request that the Soviet Union to give the Chinese military aid and providing air cover.HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
October 8, the CPC Central Committee decision to the northeast border guards to the Chinese People's Volunteers, sent troops to Korea. The same day, Lin Biao and Zhou Enlai went to the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union sent a special plane. Morning, Ms. Lin Biaohuo Ye Qun sent to Zhongnanhai. Car stopped in the south gate of Chairman Mao's courtyard, Lin Biao and Ye Qun out of the car, into the courtyard of Chairman Mao and Zhou Enlai, Lin Biao and the driver Chu as Rui recalls: to the airport, and flew to the Soviet Union, after returning Zhou Enlai, Lin Biao stay treatment in the Soviet Union. "HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
October 24, the Central Government's approval to Su Yu and his wife, Chu Qing, Soviet treatment. Take the train accompanied by Lin Biao and the two children, a 6-year-old Lin Peas and 5-year-old Liguo.HeuRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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