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Mao Yushi: true patriotism so important to you?Hot (Figure)


ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2012年6月26日,中国大陆着名经济学家茅于轼在某微博上发表评论说,“一块土地在中国版图内。现在归了外国,但那里的人民生活更自由了,收入也增加了。你是同意不同意?如果以国为本答案是不同意;如果以民为本答案是同意。我赞成以民为本。当国家的利益和百姓的利益不一致时国家的利益要服从百姓的利益。国家应为人民牺牲,不是人民为国家牺牲。过去皇上教育我们则相反。”ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此语一出,引来广泛争论。有网友说,“上初中时我就考虑过这个问题,地球就是个村,有什么好爱和不爱的,大家好好保护地球,照顾好身边的人,什么都好了,战争,那只是为掌权人做炮灰而已。”还有支持此论的网友说,“高一时曾就这个问题与同学辩论过,几年之后我仍坚持当初的观点:个体的幸福感比虚无的集体荣誉感更重要。”ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

更有网友举香港为例,“这个问题,香港人最有发言权,回归后,幸福感增加了么?”ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

当然,跟帖中不乏“爱国”分子,怒骂茅于轼先生是老煳涂,较理性的网友则说,“茅老轻轻松松一句以民为本,就把国土划了出去,就算那里的民真的得了实惠,也不过是以一小部分民众的利益,伤了一大部分民众的感情甚至利益。虽然国土留在我天朝手里,未必能产生价值,但至少在搞清楚为了哪里的民之前,茅老的一民为本,还是暂且省省也罢。”ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

6月27日,茅于轼先生自己转此微博时评论说:“许多国家都允许百姓有双重国籍。那时候你到底是爱哪个国?爱国真有那么重要吗?”ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

June 26, 2012, the China mainland with the economist Mao Yushi, a microblogging commented that the piece of land within the territory of China, now owned by foreign, but where people's lives more free, income also increasedyou agree to disagree? country-based answer is do not agree; If the people-oriented answers to agree. I am in favor of serving the community. when national interests and the interests of the people is inconsistent with national interests should be subordinated to the common peopleinterests of the State should sacrifice for the people, not the people to sacrifice for the country. the last emperor of Education on the contrary. "ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
This phrase is one that led to widespread debate. Friends have said that "on the junior high school, I considered this issue, the earth is a village, what good love and not love, take good care of the earth to take care of good people around, what a good war, it just for the power of people to do cannon fodder. "users to support this theory, said," freshman in high school had this problem with the students debated a few years later I still adhere to the original point of view: individual happiness is more important than the nothingness of the collective sense of honor . "ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Some users cite Hong Kong as an example, "this issue, the Hong Kong people have the final say, after the reunification, an increase of happiness?"ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Of course, in the thread, there is no lack of "patriotic" elements, curse Mr. Mao Yushi old Hu Tu more rational friends, "Maolao easy one serving the community, put the Land and zoned out, even where people got really affordable, but also is a small part of people's interests, hurt feelings and even interests of most people. Homeland stay in my heavenly hands, may not be able to generate value, but at least figure out the order to where the people before the Maolao the Yimin-oriented, or for the time being the province worth mentioning. "ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
June 27, Mr. Mao Yushi turn this microblogging commented: "Many countries allow people with dual nationality. When you are in the end the love which country? Patriotic really so important?"
ny4Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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