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浙江清代沉船内发现大量文物 包括西班牙银币等


Zhejiang Qing Dynasty shipwreck found in a large number of relics


kubRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 kubRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国考古人员近日在对浙江宁波“小白礁Ⅰ号”古沉船进行水下考古发掘过程中,发现大量文物,这其中不仅有精美的青花瓷和宁波特产---梅园石,还有罕见的西班牙银币、锡盒等。kubRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

位于宁波市象山县石浦镇渔山列岛海域的“小白礁Ⅰ号”沉船,在2008年度浙江沿海水下文物普查中被发现。经前期探摸,“小白礁Ⅰ号”为一艘中等规模的远洋商贸运输船,是一艘以龙骨和肋骨为主要纵横构架的尖(圆)底木质海船,约有两个羽毛球场大小,沉没于清代道光年间。kubRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2011年4月,中国国家文物局批准“小白礁Ⅰ号”沉船遗址水下考古发掘项目立项,由中国国家水下文化遗产保护中心和宁波市文物考古研究所组织开展。2012年6月4日,“小白礁Ⅰ号”沉船正式开始进入潜水发掘阶段。kubRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据水下考古工作队队长林国聪介绍,目前打捞上来的文物已经达到500余件器物,主要包括瓷器、陶器、铜器、锡器、石器、木器等器物,其中不乏“盛源合记”玉印、西班牙银币、锡盒等珍贵文物。kubRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我们每天的工作都在不断推进中,应该还是有值得期待的地方,还会有新的文物出现。”林国聪说,这次发现的青花碗碗底有清晰的道光年款,还有五彩碗,都是全新的。kubRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据悉,沉船目前埋藏于泥砂夹蚝壳的海床之下,船体残长约20.35、残宽约7.85米,遗址散布范围长约23米、宽约11.2米。船体上层和船舷等高出海床表面的构件由于海水侵蚀等原因已不存在,但龙骨、肋骨、隔舱板、船底板等主要构件依然保存较好且清晰可辨,经过专家的研究和判断,可复原程度较高.kubRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 kubRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

China news agency, Ningbo, June 25 (Reporters Xu Xiaoyong and He Jiangyong) - Chinese archaeologists recently in Ningbo, Zhejiang small Baijiao I "ancient shipwrecks, underwater archaeological excavations found that a large number of cultural relics, of which not onlyfine blue and white porcelain and Ningbo specialty --- Meiyuan stone, as well as the rare Spanish silver, tin boxes.Small Baijiao I "wreck is located in Stone Town, Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Yushan Archipelago, in the Zhejiang coastal underwater cultural relics survey in 2008 found. Premenstrual Tanmo small Baijiao Ⅰ ", a medium-sized ocean-going commerce carriers, a keel and ribs for the main vertical and horizontal framework of the tip (round) at the end of wooden ships, about two badminton courts. the size of the sinking of Emperor Daoguang's Reign in the Qing Dynasty.In April 2011, China's State Administration of Cultural Heritage approved the project of small Baijiao Ⅰ "wreck underwater archaeological excavation project carried out by the China National Underwater Cultural Heritage Protection Center and Ningbo Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology organization. June 4, 2012, the small Baijiao I "wreck officially begun to enter the diving excavations stage.According to the underwater archaeological team captain Lin Guocong relics salvaged more than 500 objects, including porcelain, pottery, bronze, tin, stone, wood and other objects, many of whom are "Shengyuan Hop Kee jade India precious relics of the Spanish silver, tin boxes."We work every day are constantly advancing, it should still have to look forward to, there will be the emergence of new heritage." Said Lin Guocong The discovery of the blue and white bowl bowl clear and said light-years models, as well as colorful bowls are brand new.It is reported that the wreck is currently buried under the seabed sediment folder oyster shell, hull residues of about 20.35, the residual width of 7.85 meters, the ruins spread the range of about 23 m and a width of 11.2 meters. Hull and the upper side of the ship contour component of the sea bed surface due to water erosion and other reasons no longer exist, but the main components of the keel, ribs, bulkhead plate, the bottom shell still preserved better and legible, and judgment by experts, can recover a higher degree ofkubRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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