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媳妇网上规定好婆婆8标准引热议 网友褒贬不一(图)


Wife online provides a good mother-in-law standards cited friends of hot mixed


 YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

日前,一名网名为“阳光桔子树”的女网友在网上推出了一个“好婆婆8项标准”,还对关注她的网友表示:“大家都来看看吧,自家的婆婆是不是个好婆婆啊!”她的自创“标准”一出,引发了网上诸多女性的热议,但从大部分网友的评论来看,在她们看来自己的婆婆都能达到其中大部分标准,都是合格的“好婆婆”。YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

好婆婆标准1:不摆架子:有些女性多年来,当家做主惯了,带有家长架子。因此,婆婆一定要采取民主的作风,让儿媳感到你对她是平等的。YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

好婆婆标准2:不偏心:这一点主要体现在物质关心上,婆婆给自己儿女买了东西,别忘了儿媳的一份。做到一视同仁,儿媳才会从心理上觉得自己被这个家庭接纳了。YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

好婆婆标准3:不啰嗦。这才是让家庭平静的良方。YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

好婆婆标准4:不守旧。不要用自己的审美和消费习惯去要求儿媳,要学着跟随儿媳接受新的观念。YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

好婆婆标准5:在家务方面不提过高要求。如果婆婆提出的要求过高,会伤害儿媳的自尊心,从而挫伤她的积极性。YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

好婆婆标准6:在任何情况下都不要用非沟通性的语言与儿媳对话,这种语言包括直接攻击、旁敲侧击和背后说坏话。YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

好婆婆标准7:尊重私人空间。不会打听儿媳的隐私,儿媳不主动说的就不问。儿子、儿媳的房间不要随便进。YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

好婆婆标准8:不重男轻女。YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

网友称自己婆婆8项全达标YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

婆媳关系被称为中国家庭中最重要的关系之一。因此“阳光桔子树”的“8项标准”一推出,网友们就热烈讨论起来。网友“杰崽妈妈”表示:“俺家那位只有第8点做到了。”网友“黑钊妈”则说:“我家的婆婆偏心、摆架子、说难听的话。”YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

对于指责自己婆婆的网友,网友“坤仔娘”提醒说:“先问问自己如果成为婆婆能做得到这8点吗?要求别人的同时自己也要能达到人家眼里的标准。”YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

当然,与数落婆婆缺点的网友相比,赞扬婆婆的网友数量更多。网友“xingyiyi11”就表示:“我是不是太幸福了?我家婆婆这八个标准都可以对号入座啊!”网友“希宝妈妈”更表示:“我婆婆8项都达标。她在我这里和我妈妈一起给我带了2年孩子,两个老太太住一个房,很合得来。我婆婆很忍让我那位脾气比较大的妈妈。时间长了,我妈也觉得我婆婆这人不错。我很佩服她,不麻烦别人,不乱说话。”YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Recently, a network called "sunshine orange trees Nvwang launched a" good mother of eight standard also concerned about her friends, said: "We all look at their own mother-in-law is not Good mother ah! "her own" standard "one, causing many women online hot look at the comments but the majority of Internet users, in their opinion, his mother-in-law can reach most of the standard are is a qualified "good mother".A good mother-in-law standard: do not put on airs: some women over the years, the masters used to, with parents the shelf. Therefore, the mother must adopt a democratic style of work, so that the daughter-in-law to feel equal to her.Standard 2: of the good mother is not eccentric: this is mainly reflected in the material concerned about the mother to their children buy something, do not forget the daughter-in-law a. Ensure fairness, the daughter-in-law will feel the family has accepted psychologically.The good mother Standard 3: long-winded. This quiet family recipe.Good mother-in-law standards: old-fashioned. Daughter-in-law requirements with their own aesthetic and consumption habits, to learn to follow the daughter-in-law to accept new ideas.Good mother-in-law standard of 5: not to mention the excessive demands of housework. If the mother-in-law proposed is too high, the daughter-in-law will hurt the self-esteem, in order to dampen her enthusiasm.Good mother Standard 6: In any case, do not use non-communication of language dialogue with the daughter-in-law, this language, including direct attacks, insinuations and say bad things behind.Standard 7 of the good mother-in-law: respect personal space. Does not inquire about the privacy of the daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law do not take the initiative to say do not ask. Son, daughter-in-law's room should not enter.Standard 8 of the good mother: son preference.Friends said eight full compliance when her motherLaw relationship is known as one of the most important relationship in the Chinese family. Therefore, the "sunshine orange tree" and "8 standard was released, netizens lively discussion. Friends, "Jay cubs mother said:" our household who only 8:00 to do. "Friends" black-chiu mother said: "my mother-in-law bias, and put on airs, said a harsh word."Users to charge their mother, friends, "Kun Tsai mother" the alert said: "ask yourself if you become a mother can do to get the 8:00? Ask others at the same time we also have to be able to reach the standard of people eyes."Of course, users compared with the to reprove mother shortcomings commended the number of friends from her mother more. Users "xingyiyi11" on, said: "I was not too happy the? My mother-in-law the eight standard Du can sit in seat ah!" Friends "Xibao mother" more, said: "my mother eight are standard. Her in me here and I 2 years child with her mother brought me two old ladies living room, very close to my mother very much patience and care I who temper mother a long time, my mother also felt good my mother and I am admire her, do not bother other people, not talking nonsense. "YgNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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