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艾未未受到新指控 被控传播色情和重婚罪


Ai Weiwei, subject to the new allegations was charged with disseminating


星期五(6月22日),对艾未未的取保候审期结束,这位中国艺术家和民权活动家本应重获自由。但是,他没有重新获得被当局没收的护照,仍然被禁止离开中国。艾未未受到"传播色情"和重婚罪的新指控。prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

艾未未很清楚,当局只给了他"部分"自由。在北京的一个公安局派出所,他被告知仍然不能离开中国。据称,理由是艾未未受到涉嫌传播色情的新指控。背景显然是2010年公开的一张艾未未与4个女人的裸体照片。艾未未说,这简直是开玩笑,我们相互间没有任何肢体接触。新的指控是一出"闹剧"。另一个例子是当局的为所欲为,自从去年开始对他进行绑架和拘留以来,当局千方百计地想让他保持沉默。prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

没有讨回清白的可能prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

周三,艾未未在北京接受德国电视一台的记者采访时说:"没有人准确的告诉过我我为什么被捕,也没有人准确的告诉我我为什么被释放。我能够知道的就是在审讯期间,大量的时间用在所谓的煽动颠覆国家政权,关于我和国外的联系,我和西方媒体的关系,有没有什么人在支持我。"prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

之后他受到逃税1522万元人民币的指控。艾未未坚决反驳这一指控,但是本周三,他甚至被禁止参加他本人对北京税务局提起诉讼的庭审。艾未未表示:"中国可以把卫星送入太空。但是在这片土地上,正义永远是缺席的。你永远没有可能,不管你花1522万还是你躺在车轮下,你都不会得到讨回清白的可能。 司法系统、公安、税务、法院联合作案、作弊。"prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

称中国是警察国家prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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法院外的警察prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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艾未未再次严厉谴责了中国的专制政权。他称中国是一个警察国家,对中国的改变不报太多希望-至少近期内不会从上层发生改变。他说:"我的故事只是中国几十年来千千万万的不幸、受害、抗争者的最轻微的一个故事。很多人死去,很多人在监狱,很多人永远无法告诉别人他们的故事。"prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

自认为是不可救药的乐观主义者的艾未未试图通过艺术反映其经历。他不懈地挑战当局。周三他被禁止出席法院审理后,一张艾未未面带笑容身穿短小警服的照片在网上流传,讽刺在他家门前和法院外的的大量警力。prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

尽管如此, 新的旅行限制给他带来严重影响。艾未未曾计划秋季前往美国和德国,并在柏林艺术大学担任客座教授。由于当局再次对他进行旅行限制,他的这些计划现在成为泡影。prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Ai Weiwei's bail period ends on Friday (June 22), the Chinese artist and civil rights activists should have regained his freedom. However, he did not regain passports confiscated by the authorities, is still forbidden to leave China. Ai Weiwei by the transmission of pornographic and new allegations of bigamy.prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Ai Weiwei is very clear, the authorities gave him "some" freedom. In Beijing Public Security Bureau police station, he was told and still can not leave China. Allegedly on the grounds that Ai Weiwei be suspected transmission of pornographic new allegations. The background is obviously open in 2010, an Ai Weiwei and four women's nude photos. Ai Weiwei said, This is simply a joke, we with each other without any physical contact. The new allegations were a "farce". Another example is that the authorities do whatever they want, since the kidnapping and detention in the last year since the authorities do everything possible to want him to remain silent.prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Did not recover the possibility of innocentprHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Wednesday, Ai Weiwei in Beijing German TV station's reporter interviewed said: "tell me why I was arrested, nor tell me why I was released I was able to know at the trial period, with a lot of time in the so-called incitement to subvert state power, contact me and abroad, and the Western media, no one supported me. "prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
After he received 15.22 million yuan of the tax evasion allegations. Ai Weiwei resolutely refuted the allegations on Wednesday, however, he has even been barred from participating in the trial, he sued the Beijing Tax Bureau. Ai Weiwei, said: "China can put a satellite into space but in this land, justice is always absent, you will never be possible, whether you spend 15.22 million or you're lying under the wheels, you will not get to discuss return to innocence may be the judicial system, public security, taxation, the court committing the crime, cheating. "prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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China is a police stateprHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The police outside the courtprHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Ai Weiwei once again severely condemned China's authoritarian regime. He said China is a police state, the change is not reported too much to hope that - at least in the near future will not change from the top. He said: "My story is just the most minor of a story of the hundreds of thousands of unfortunate, victims, protesters in China in decades a lot of people died, many people in prison, many people will never be able to tell others their stories."prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Since that is an incurable optimist, Ai Weiwei trying to reflect their experience through art. His tireless efforts to challenge the authorities. Wednesday he was prohibited after the court hearing, an Ai Weiwei smiling wearing a short police uniforms of photos circulated on the Internet, ironically, a large number of police in front of his house and the court.prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Nonetheless, the new travel restrictions to give him a serious impact. Ai has not planned to fall to the United States and Germany, and a visiting professor at the Berlin University of the Arts. Due to travel restrictions again, his plan fell through.
prHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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