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金正日“御用歌手”脱北 现身韩国电视节目(图)


Kim Jong Il "Queen singer off the North appeared in Korean television programs


P6CRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 P6CRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

30岁的韩瑞姬(译音),甜美笑容中,略带一丝沧桑。原来10年前,她是当时北韩领导人金正日的「御用歌姬」,早前与一众逃离北韩的女人在南韩电视节目《现在去见面吧》,以幽默方式大谈北韩的非人生活,个个努力挤出笑容,但一谈到家,大家都崩溃了。P6CRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

「现在每当我想逗人发笑,或在台上表演,其实感觉还是怪怪的,可能我还是习惯了北韩的拘谨。」韩瑞姬2002年起,是专为娱乐金正日的秘密弘乐歌舞团成员,要在「御前」表演不能有丝毫出错,结果人性压抑得太久,不懂得开怀,人也特别谨慎。P6CRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

她跟很多参加者一样,当初上节目时不愿畅所欲言,担心仍在北韩的家人会遭到报复。但在监制说服下,才慢慢打开心扉,畅谈两韩差异。尽管北韩穷困,她说北韩妇女都很贪靓,找眼科医生或无牌医生割双眼皮。P6CRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

她说,北韩女人找对象,最爱厨师和理髮师,因他们较高薪,但南韩女人最爱嫁医生或律师等专业人士。她还指出,南韩男人口甜舌滑,懂得女孩子,跟北韩男人木独截然不同。P6CRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

谈到仍滞留北韩的亲人,个个泪如泉涌,其中一人说爸爸仍被囚禁在监狱,每次探爸爸,爸爸都会微笑,那笑容令她无法忘记。P6CRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

节目看得南韩人很心酸,有女观众「和丈夫都看到泪流披面」,竟因而决定不离婚,也有观众对两韩问题改观:「看来,南北韩一定要统一,越快越好。」P6CRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

30-year-old Han Rui Ji (transliteration), a sweet smile, a slight trace of the vicissitudes of life. The original 10 years ago, she was the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il's "Queen Diva", the earlier a woman with a congregation fled North Korea in South Korea TV program "to the meeting" a humorous way to talk about North Korea's non-human life, all efforts out of a smile, but it comes home, we all collapsed."Now whenever I wanted people laugh, or performing on stage, in fact, still feel strange, I might still accustomed to the formality of North Korea." Han Rui Ji 2002, is designed for entertainment Kim Jong Il's secret Philip Music and Dance panel members in the "Imperial" performance can not have the slightest error, the results of humanity repressed for too long, do not know how to laugh, and people with particular caution.With many of the participants had on the program do not want to speak their minds, worried about family members still in North Korea's retaliation. But Producer convince, slowly open your heart, talked about the two Koreas difference. Despite North Korea's poverty, she said the North Korean women are Tanjiang to find an ophthalmologist or an unlicensed doctor to double-fold eyelids.She said that the North Korean woman to find the object, favorite chefs and hairdressers, because they are better paid, but the South Korean women love to marry a doctor or a lawyer and other professionals. She also noted that the South Korean male population sweet tongue slip, know how the girl alone with the North Korean man wood distinct.Talking about relatives still stranded in North Korea, all of them burst into tears, one of whom said the father is still being held in prison, and each probe father, the father will smile, that smile that she could not forget.Program see the South Korean people are very sad, female audience, "and her husband to see the tears Phi face, actually and therefore decided not to divorce, there are two Koreas, the audience changed:" It seems that the two Koreas must be unified, the faster the more better. "P6CRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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