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Smartphone the originator BlackBerry Empire Fall: the Blackberry brand will disappear


诺基亚的衰败就在眼前,智能手机鼻祖黑莓(微博)便很快地成为了“继承者”。孤芳自赏、缺乏创新让黑莓的制造商RIM饱受质疑。而近来所遭遇的专利赔偿、市值缩水、大幅裁员等一系列坏消息更是引来了业界的一致唱衰,福布斯甚至预测,黑莓品牌或将在2015年消失。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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近日来,有关黑莓和它的制造商RIM的坏消息就没有间断过。上周末,美国北加州地方法院的一个陪审团裁定,RIM对美国移动管理开发商Mformation Technologies公司的专利技术构成侵权,并责令RIM支付1.472亿美元损害赔偿。陪审团要求RIM为每台连接到该公司企业级服务器软件的黑莓设备支付8美元的专利许可费,总计1.472亿美元。这项判决只涉及美国市场已售设备,不包括将来和国外市场销售的设备。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这一判决无疑在“伤痕累累”的RIM身上又撒了把盐。RIM近日发布的2013财年第一财季财报显示,该公司营收28.14亿美元,比去年同期的49.08亿美元下滑43%;净亏损5.18亿美元。不计入商誉减损支出,RIM第一财季净亏损1.92亿美元,每股亏损37美分,这一业绩远不及分析师此前预期。受此负面消息的影响,RIM股价盘后重挫18%,市值缩水至41亿美元。过去一年间,RIM股价已累计下跌70%。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

为了节省开支,RIM在全球范围内进行裁员5000人,约占该公司总员工数的30%,这也是RIM在一年内的第二次大规模裁员。去年7月,RIM公司曾宣布已在全球范围内裁员2000人,以推动公司重组。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

RIM业绩的下滑,与其黑莓手机和playbook平板电脑始终无法改变销售疲软的局面有关。在这种情况下,RIM把希望寄托在其下一代操作系统BlackBerry 10上。但让人失望的是,BlackBerry 10的发布日期再次被拖延至明年初。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

RIM首席执行官海因斯对此做出的解释是:RIM不会在还没准备好时就让产品上市,这件事情绝不妥协。不过这一举动引发了RIM股东不满,公司或面临被诉讼危险。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

市场研究公司Forrester Research分析师表示,推迟发布黑莓10,意味着该款智能手机将在新型iPhone、其他基于微软Windows 8操作系统的手机,以及升级的安卓手机预期上市时间后才能面市。这使得RIM在吸引市场对其新款手机的关注度上面临更大的困难。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不过,自信的海因斯却表示,公司目前运转良好,并有信心在未来几年内成为智能手机领域的强劲竞争者。RIM没有忽略全球市场,也没有陷入死亡漩涡。不过他也承认,公司正处在转型期,面临非常严峻的挑战。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

IDC数据显示,RIM今年一季度在全球智能手机市场上所占份额下滑了一半以上,跌至6.4%。而谷歌Android所占份额上升至59%,苹果iOS占了23%。从这一数据上看,离海因斯的预期还很遥远。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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作为智能手机的鼻祖,RIM的黑莓手机因“推送邮件”服务以及安全稳定的表现,在2001年“9·11”事件后开始风靡全球,那时众多商务人士迫切需要及时收到电子邮件,因此将短信做成电子邮件的方式非常受欢迎。但是,随着3G时代的到来,手机的发展风向已变,而RIM却一直沉浸在自我境界中,没有及时跟上时代的变化。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

苹果iPhone的问世,将智能手机带进触摸屏时代,这对物理键盘的黑莓而言是个不小的冲击,但黑莓并不认同苹果的设计理念。可事实却是,苹果iPhone成功了,再加上安卓手机的迅速扩张,黑莓手机正一步步走向没落。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

对此,易观国际(微博)分析师王颖表示,黑莓是由其他功能性终端转做通信产品的,这一点与其他手机终端厂商有所不同,这样的定位注定黑莓将是一款小众产品。RIM内部对黑莓的用户定位也是这样:仅为政府和企业用户提供拥有独特加密技术的硬件产品。然而整个行业都在往大屏、触屏以及大众娱乐的方向转化,这使黑莓的认知度在一点一点减少。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

电信专家项立刚表示,黑莓在移动互联网时代来临的时候,没有找到智能手机的感觉,而是片面地从办公角度来看待智能手机,从而走进了一条小胡同。没有以开放的心态积极接受用户需求,是黑莓走下神坛的一大因素。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

而对于转型动作的迟缓,项立刚认为,紧跟时代步伐说起来容易做起来难。诺基亚在2004年就宣称自己不是一个手机企业,而是一个互联网企业,可最后结果怎样?有些公司不是看不见市场的变化,但真正抓住机会转型成功其实是很难的。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

管理层争斗平添内耗nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

另一方面,管理层的混乱也严重拖累了RIM。此前,该公司一直由两位CEO联合执掌大局,他们对公司发展战略有不同的认识,在管理路线上互相掣肘,甚至很少同时出席公司活动,而两人的解决方案也大相径庭。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

比如拉扎里迪斯主张推出新的黑莓操作系统,而贝尔斯利则试图走上授权自有技术的道路。后来RIM又做出一系列自乱阵脚的行为,让黑莓Mobile Fusion同时支持iPhone和Android设备。这一举动无疑让RIM放弃了自己的核心资产,也放弃了利用操作系统形成独有竞争壁垒的可能性,并为RIM带来了更加负面的影响。这样的局面,直到今年1月海因斯的上任才得以终结。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此后,谷歌和微软都给了RIM机会,业界也呼吁黑莓手机转投Android或是Windows Phone平台,不过碍于面子,在做过短暂考虑后,RIM还是放弃了改变系统的决定。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

海因斯明确表示不希望RIM进入一个自己无法完全控制的商业领域。“我们并不太重视进入其他开源操作平台的建议,尤其是仅仅作为一个生产商,并被告知这个你不能做,你只能做那个,那么潜能的差异化该如何体现?增长的潜能该如何体现?我个人不认为进入其他操作平台就能够给RIM和其股东带来可观的股息收入。”他说道。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有专家指出,失去创新能力是RIM被竞争对手远远抛在身后的真正原因。RIM的错误在于在大方向上从来没有认识到手机作为一个入口,可以做得更多。同时,管理层之间的争斗也增加了内耗。没有鼓励创新的机制,当中层员工处于随时会被裁掉的边缘时,保住饭碗不出大错就比什么都更重要。而中层员工本应该是创新的推动器。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

出售还是转型nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

对于未来,一直想东山再起的RIM却因迟迟没有明确战略目标而让业界对其前景有了不同的猜测,抑或出售?抑或转型?抑或死去?nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

前不久,有消息称,RIM正在考虑将公司一分为二,把手机部门从其信息网络部门分离出来,并且出售黑莓硬件业务。另一种计划是公司保持完整,但将股份出售,而潜在买家是微软。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

通信世界网总编辑刘启诚认为,与微软合作能得到的好处是有大量资金和技术的注入。但是这样一来的话,RIM原有的手机业务就会受到冲击。同时也要吸取诺基亚的教训,不能轻易放弃自家的系统。而对于出售手机部门,此举可以效仿此前的摩托罗拉。或许拆分手机部门然后高价出售就是海因斯所说的RIM新发展战略。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但对于这些猜测,RIM则称更希望依靠自身力量渡过难关。可就在黑莓10推出的消息出来后,业界对RIM“自力更生”的做法一片看衰。很多分析师认为,黑莓10发布时间太晚,容易导致RIM的许多用户都在此空档区转投苹果iPhone和谷歌Android的阵营。而消费者也已经厌倦了继续等待BlackBerry 10系列智能手机,因此RIM很难借此逆转局势。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

除了出售,有另一种声音则是转型。正如加拿大财政部长所言,RIM需要自己想出办法并选择自己的道路。如果RIM及时认清自身衰败的原因及目前的市场形势,丢弃旧观念创新技术,并能对市场未来前景做出准确的预判,或将开拓出一条复兴之路。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有分析人士认为,传统上RIM是一家软件、硬件和服务一手包办的公司。在系统和硬件越来越缺乏竞争力的情况下,抛掉硬件制造部门转型为企业级服务提供商不失为一个选择。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据悉,这一选择有IBM(微博)成功的榜样在前,而RIM也一向以企业级的邮件推送和数据加密等服务闻名。事实上,RIM也确实在做出这样的尝试。今年4月以来,RIM花了很大力气推进跨平台企业管理服务BlackBerry Mobile Fusion在全球范围内的采用。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

然而在这个方向上RIM也是困难重重。根据最新的财报,2013财年第一财季RIM的利润构成中,硬件业务占了59%,而服务只占36%。如果RIM希望专注于企业级服务,则不仅要面对剥离硬件业务带来的大量裁员和利润流失,还要面对竞争对手的全面阻击。此前,微软在Surface和Windows Phone8两场发布会上都强调了产品的企业级应用和可靠的企业服务,而苹果也长期在官网推广其产品的企业应用。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

到底是转型还是出售,RIM没有明确答复,业界也没有统一定论。项立刚表示,支持出售做法,如果现在不卖掉,以后就更难卖掉了。而王颖则认为,企业要紧跟市场的变化,改变自身的产品预期,并且越快越好。手机行业是瞬息万变的。如果没有及时转型,恐怕很难补救。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不过,不论是转型还是出售,RIM都面临着不小的难度。但有一点可以肯定的是,如果在决策上继续迟缓下去,RIM离死去或许真的不远了。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据福布斯预测,随着黑莓市场影响力的急剧下滑,潜在收购者也面临两难,继续沿用还是打造全新的品牌将是个大问题,黑莓品牌或将在2015年消失。nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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The decline of Nokia in front of the smartphone originator of the BlackBerry (microblogging) will quickly become a "successor". Narcissistic, lack of innovation so that Blackberry manufacturer RIM has suffered questioned. The recent patent damages suffered, the market value has shrunk, massive layoffs and a series of bad news is attracted to the industry's consistent bad-mouthing, Forbes and even predict, the BlackBerry brand or will disappear in 2015.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Bad luck followednNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In recent days, the bad news about the BlackBerry and its manufacturer RIM continued without interruption. Last weekend, the United States Northern California District Court jury ruled that RIM Mformation Technologies of the U.S. developer of mobile management company's patented technology to constitute infringement, and ordered RIM to pay $ 147.2 million damages. The jury requirements of the RIM BlackBerry devices to connect to the company's enterprise-class server software for each to pay patent licensing fees of $ 8, a total of $ 147.2 million. The ruling involves only the U.S. market sold equipment, not including future foreign markets, sales of equipment.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The verdict is no doubt in the "scars" RIM who sprinkled the salt. RIM recently released the first quarter of fiscal year 2013 results, the company revenues of $ 2.814 billion, down 43 percent from $ 4.908 billion in the same period last year; net loss of $ 518 million. Not included in the goodwill impairment charge, the RIM's first-quarter net loss of $ 192 million loss per share of 37 cents, this performance far less than analysts had expected. Affected by this negative news, RIM shares after-hours fell 18 percent, the market value has shrunk to $ 4.1 billion. Over the past year, RIM shares have fallen 70 percent.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Order to save money, RIM 5,000 job cuts worldwide, account for about 30% of the total number of employees, which is RIM's second within a year large-scale layoffs. In July last year, RIM has announced to lay off 2,000 people worldwide to promote corporate restructuring.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The decline in the performance of RIM and its BlackBerry phone and playbook Tablet PC still can not change the situation of weak sales. In this case, RIM hopes pinned on its next-generation operating system, the BlackBerry 10. But it is disappointing that the BlackBerry 10 release date once again dragged until early next year.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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RIM CEO Hynes, the explanation is: RIM does not not ready to let the products listed on this matter is by no means compromise. However, the move triggered a RIM shareholder dissatisfaction, companies or facing litigation dangerous.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Market research firm Forrester Research analyst, said the delay the release of the BlackBerry 10 implied that the smart phone in the new iPhone, other mobile phones based on Microsoft Windows operating system, and upgrade the Andrews phone after the expected time to market to market. This makes the RIM face greater difficulties in attracting the attention of the market its new phones on.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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However, confident Hynes, said the company is currently a well-functioning, and have the confidence to become a strong competitor in the field of smart phones in the coming years. RIM did not neglect the global market, did not fall into a death spiral. But he also acknowledged that the company is in transition, facing very serious challenges.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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IDC data show that the RIM in the first quarter of this year in the global smart phone market share fell by more than half fell to 6.4%. Google Android's share rose to 59 percent, Apple iOS accounted for 23%. From this data point of view, from Hynes expectations are far.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Lack of innovation in a decliningnNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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As the originator of the smart phone, RIM's BlackBerry "push mail" service as well as safe and stable performance in 2001, "9.11" incident, swept the world, when many business people is an urgent need for timely receipt of e-mail, so e-mail text messages made very popular. However, with the coming of 3G era, mobile phone wind direction has changed, and while RIM has been immersed in the realm, there is no time to keep up with the changing times.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The advent of the Apple iPhone, smart phones into the era of touch screen is not a small impact on the physical keyboard BlackBerry, but the BlackBerry does not agree with Apple's design philosophy. But the fact is, Apple iPhone, coupled with the rapid expansion of the Andrews mobile phone, the BlackBerry is a step toward decline.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In this regard, an analyst with Analysys International (microblogging), said Wang Ying, the BlackBerry is by switching to other functional terminal communications products, this and other mobile terminal vendors are different, such a position is bound to a small BlackBerry niche products. RIM BlackBerry user positioning within this: only the government and business users with a unique encryption technology hardware products. However, the entire industry to the big screen, touch screen and the direction of the mass entertainment transformation, which makes the BlackBerry awareness in a little bit reduce.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Telecommunications expert Xiang Ligang, the BlackBerry in the mobile Internet era, did not find the feeling of the smart phone, but one-sided point of view from the office to look at the smart phone, walked into a small alley. Positive reception of user needs, not with an open mind is a major factor of the BlackBerry altar.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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As for the slow transition movements, Xiang Ligang, keep up the pace that is easier said than done. Nokia in 2004, declared that he was not a mobile phone companies, but Internet companies, the final outcome? Some companies do not not see the changes in the market is difficult, but truly seize the opportunity to transform successfully.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Management of the battle added to the internal frictionnNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Management confusion, on the other hand, a serious drag on the RIM. Previously, the company has been jointly by two CEO in charge of the overall situation of the company's development strategy, they have a different understanding of each other in the management route constraints, and rarely even to attend, and the two solutions is also very different.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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For example, Lazaridis advocate the introduction of the new BlackBerry operating system, Balsillie tried to path of licensing its own technology. Later, RIM has made a series of acts that stampeded into the BlackBerry Mobile Fusion supports both the iPhone and Android devices. A move that undoubtedly RIM to give up your core assets, and gave up the possibility of the formation of the unique barriers to competition operating system and RIM to bring more negative impact. Such a situation, until January this year, Hynes took office to an end.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Since then, Google and Microsoft gave the RIM opportunity, the industry also called for the BlackBerry to switch to Android or Windows Phone platform, but due to face, done a brief consideration, RIM gave up to change the system of decision.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Hynes made it clear that do not want RIM to enter the field of one can not completely control the business. "We do not attach importance to enter the recommendations of other open source operating platform is only as a manufacturer and was told you can not do, you can only do that, then the potential difference is how to reflect? Growth potential of the embody? I personally do not think that access to other operating platforms RIM and its shareholders will be able to bring a substantial dividend income. "he said.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Experts have pointed out, lose the ability to innovate is the real reason for RIM's competitors far behind. RIM's error lies in the general direction never recognize the phone as an entrance, you can do more. Meanwhile the struggle between the management has also increased internal friction. Does not encourage innovative mechanisms which layer of employees is at any time will be laid off the edge, to keep their jobs no big mistakes than anything else is more important. Middle-level staff should have innovative pusher.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Sale or transitionnNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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For the future, RIM has always wanted to make a comeback because of the delay there is no clear strategic goals and enable the industry to have a different guess its prospects, or the sale? Or transformation? Or dead?nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Not long ago, the news that RIM is considering the company into two, the mobile phone unit from the information network department separated, and the sale of BlackBerry hardware business. Another plan is to remain intact, but will sell the shares, the potential buyer is Microsoft.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Communications World Network editor-in-chief Liu Qicheng that can get the benefits of working with Microsoft is a large injection of capital and technology. This, then, RIM's original mobile phone business will be adversely affected. But also learned the lessons of Nokia, can not easily give up their own system. Sell ​​mobile phone unit, a move that could be replicated previous Motorola. Perhaps split the mobile phone unit, and then sold at high price Hynes said RIM's new development strategy.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
But these speculations, RIM claimed that prefer to ride out the storm on their own. May BlackBerry 10 launch of the news came out, the industry RIM "self-reliance" in one look bad. Many analysts believe that the BlackBerry 10 too late to easily lead to many users of the RIM in this gap to switch to Apple iPhone and Google Android camp. And consumers have also been tired continue to wait for BlackBerry series of smart phones, RIM is difficult to take this reversal of the situation.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Addition to the sale, the sound of another transition. As the Canadian Finance Minister said, the RIM need to find a way to choose their own path. If RIM is timely to recognize their own reasons of the decline and the current market situation, discard the old concepts of innovative technologies and future prospects of the market to make accurate pre-sentence, or to carve out a revival of the road.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Some analysts believe RIM is traditionally a software, hardware and services to single-handedly company. Systems and hardware are increasingly uncompetitive, throw away the hardware manufacturing sector in transition would be a choice for enterprise-class ISP.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
It is reported that the choice of IBM (microblogging) successful example for the former, while RIM has always been known for its enterprise-grade push email and data encryption services. In fact, RIM did make such an attempt. Since April this year, RIM has taken great pains to promote the cross-platform business management services to the BlackBerry Mobile Fusion adoption worldwide.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
However, RIM is also difficult in this direction. According to the latest financial report, fiscal year 2013 first quarter, RIM's profit structure, the hardware business accounted for 59%, while services account for only 36%. If RIM wants to focus on enterprise-class service, only to face massive layoffs and loss of profits, divest the hardware business to bring, but also the face of competitors comprehensive check. Previously, Microsoft the Surface and Windows Phone8, two conference emphasized the products of enterprise-class applications and reliable business services, and Apple is also long-term enterprise applications in the official website to promote their products.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In the end, the restructuring or sale, RIM has no clear answer, the industry has no uniform conclusion. Xiang Ligang said that supporting the sale of the practice, if not sold, the future is even harder sell. Ying believes that enterprises should closely follow the changes in the market, to change their products are expected, and the sooner the better. The mobile phone industry is rapidly changing. If no timely transition, it would be difficult to remedy.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
However, the transition or sale, RIM faced with no small difficulty. But one thing is sure, in decision-making continues to slow down, RIM from the dead may be really far away.nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
With the sharp decline of the influence of the BlackBerry market forecast, according to Forbes, the potential acquirer faces a dilemma, continue to use or create a new brand will be a big problem, the BlackBerry brand or will disappear in 2015.
nNARainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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