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2017末日迪拜:繁华尽丧 只剩孔雀犀牛(组图)


2017 doomsday Dubai: bustling bereaved only peacock rhino


据英国《每日邮报》6月18日消息,阿联酋沙漠城市迪拜在过去30年中实现了极大的历史巨变,从游牧部落转变成高楼林立、生机盎然的现代化大都市。然而,随着近年来席卷全球的经济衰退和信贷危机,这座在沙漠中崛起的城市的未来受到极大威胁。很难想象在此投资的海外富商以及为其技术设施建设贡献巨大的200万外国劳工集体撤离会给该城市带来什么灾难性后果。英国著名摄影师和艺术家理查德·艾伦比-普拉特(Richard Allenby-Pratt)大胆地构想了2017年迪拜的样子,将怪诞的情景体现在他的摄影作品中。EkVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
EkVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
在他想象的情景中,迪拜街道上和度假山庄里没有了人的踪影,所有建筑工程都搁浅了,唯一灵动的生命只有这座城市里富豪和权贵认为能体现他们地位的雄狮、鬣狗、鳄鱼等野兽,以及其他异域野生动物。所有这些动物都在凄凉萧索的空洞城市中漫游,享受应有的自由。EkVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
EkVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
摄影师解释说,他将动物引入到这些情景中是想说明,自然生态系统或许最终会更加具有生命力。作品中的动物都是重获自由的动物园的动物。“我希望着重强调我们经济系统的脆弱性,以及我们人类急切需要与地球上的其他生灵和谐共处。”他还希望借此强调这些被人类掠夺走栖息地的动物的悲惨境地。EkVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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 EkVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on June 18, the UAE desert city of Dubai in the past 30 years a great deal of historical changes, from the nomadic tribes into a city of skyscrapers, the vitality of the modern metropolis. However, with sweeping the global recession and credit crisis in recent years, this rise in the desert city of the future be at risk. It is difficult to imagine that overseas investment in this wealthy and its technical facilities made ​​great contributions to two million foreign workers in collective evacuation will give the city what disastrous consequences. The famous British photographer and artist Richard Allenby - Pratt (Richard the Allenby-Pratt) boldly conceived in 2017 in Dubai like the grotesque scene of his photographs.He imagined scenario, the streets of Dubai and Resort traces of the people, all construction works are stranded, only full of life only the rich and powerful in the city that reflect their status lion hyenas, crocodiles and other wild animals, and other exotic wildlife. All of these animals roaming the bleak and desolate empty city, enjoying their freedom.The photographer explained that he will be the introduction of animals to these scenarios is to illustrate the natural ecosystems may ultimately be more vitality. The animals are in the works to regain the freedom of zoo animals. "I hope that the emphasis on the urgency of the vulnerability of our economic system, and we humans live in harmony with other living things on Earth." He also would like to take this emphasis on the tragic plight of these human snatched away the habitat of animals.EkVRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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