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美杂志公布“全球失败国家榜” 中国排76美国159。America magazine published the world's failed states list "China ranked 76 U.S. 159



美国著名政治杂志《外交政策》6月19日发布了一份特别榜单,即全球“失败国家”排行榜,非洲国家索马里连续第五年占据榜首,成为世界上“最失败国家”,其它前10名的国家包括刚果、苏丹、乍得、阿富汗、伊拉克等。在榜首排名最后、意即最稳定的国家则大多来自北欧和北美。中国在这份榜单上排名76,比去年靠后,“稳定性”有所增加,俄罗斯则排名83,美国居第159。e56Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)6月19日报道称,这是《外交杂志》发布的第8份“世界失败国家”榜单,它根据12个社会、经济和政治指标,对全球177个国家进行“不稳定风险”评估,并于6月18日在网站上公布结果。e56Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

索马里因“普遍的无法可依、低效政府、恐怖主义、武装叛乱、犯罪和对外国车队的公然袭击” 以114.9分第五年位居榜单之首。其次是刚果(111.2分)、苏丹(109.4分)、乍得(107.6分)和津巴布韦(106.3分)。第6到10名分别是阿富汗(106分)、海地(104.9)、也门(104.8分)、伊拉克(104.3)、中非共和国(103.8)。此外,巴基斯坦排名13,朝鲜第22,伊朗第34。e56Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国以78.3分排名第76,得分和排名均较去年有所下降,意即稳定性有所增加。俄罗斯第83的位置也较去年下降。而美国则以34.8分排名159.e56Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

受“阿拉伯之春”的影响,埃及、利比亚、叙利亚、突尼斯的情况大幅恶化,尤其是利比亚,从一直居于60名之外前进到今年的第50名,叙利亚则从2011年的48名上升到23名。日本因大规模地震与核电站爆炸事故等,排名跌至151位。由于经济危机与对政府的不信赖,希腊排名跌至138位。e56Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

负责编撰榜单的美国非盈利组织“和平基金”在其网站上称,排名靠前的国家并非“必然是失败的,但是面临着巨大的压力,需克服诸如不平衡发展、经济衰退、人权等问题”。e56Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在榜首上排名最后的国家也是世界上最稳定的国家,新西兰排171,挪威排173,丹麦排175,瑞典和荷兰是排名的最后两位。e56Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

-known American political magazine "Foreign Policy" released on June 19 a special list, the global "failed state" list of African countries, Somalia held top spot for the fifth consecutive year, becoming the world's most failed state ", the other former 10 countries, including Congo, Sudan, Chad, Afghanistan, Iraq and so on. Ranked last in the list, which means that the most stable countries, mostly from northern Europe and North America. China ranked 76 on the list than last year, relying on the "stability" has increased, Russia is ranked 83 and U.S. 159. U.S. Cable News Network (CNN) reported June 19, 2009 This is a list of the Foreign Affairs magazine published eight "failed state", it is based on 12 social, economic and political indicators, 177 countries around the world the risk of instability "assessment results published on the website on June 18. Somalia because of the universal no laws, inefficient government, terrorism, armed rebellion, crime and foreign fleet openly attacked ranked first in the list of "to 114.9 points, its fifth year. Followed by Congo (111.2) (109.4 points), Sudan, Chad (107.6 points) and Zimbabwe (106.3 points). 6-10 of Afghanistan (106), Haiti (104.9) (104.8 points), Yemen, Iraq (104.3), Central African Republic (103.8). In addition, Pakistan ranked 13, Korea 22, Iran's first 34. China ranked 76th with 78.3 points score and ranking compared with last year's decline, which means that stability has increased. Russia 83 position lower than last year. The United States is 34.8 points to finish 159. By the "Arab Spring", Egypt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, a substantial deterioration, especially in Libya, forward to this year's 50 in 60 has been living in Syria from 2011 to 48 rose to 23 Japan due to the massive earthquake and nuclear power plant explosion, ranking dropped to 151. Due to the economic crisis and the government does not trust the Greek ranking dropped to 138. Responsible for compiling the list of U.S. non-profit organization "Peace Fund" on its Web site, said the top-ranking countries are not necessarily a failure, but is facing tremendous pressure to be overcome, such as uneven development, economic recession, human rights problem. " Ranked on the top of the last country is the world's most stable countries, New Zealand ranked 171, Norway ranked 173, Denmark ranked 175, Sweden and the Netherlands is ranked the last two.e56Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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