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Asian first time in more than Hispanics leapt to the first largest ethnic group


美国人口普查局此前对美2011年人口统计显示,美国少数族裔新生人口首次超越白人。外界预测,美国将成为少数民族的天下。美国报告近期指出,亚洲裔已经超过拉美裔成为美国第一大移民族群。PPrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《纽约时报》6月18日报道,在美国,亚洲裔已经超过拉美裔成为美国第一大移民族群。皮尤研究中心(Pew Center) 新近报告指出,目前亚洲裔在美国的人口数量已经超过1,820万,这使得亚洲裔移民成为了美国境内人口数量最大的群体。PPrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2010年美国新移民浪潮中,亚洲裔占据36%,人口约有43万;同期,约有37万拉美裔移民至美国,占美国移民总人口31%。这一数据,同三年前皮尤中心研究数据相比,正好相反;2007年,进入美国的亚洲裔移民人数为39万,拉美裔移民数量为54万。2007年至2010年间,拉美裔移民数量下降31%,而亚洲移民数量增加了10%。PPrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据悉,亚洲裔移民数量超过拉美裔原因归结于近年来拉美裔移民的大量减少。皮尤研究中心执行副总裁泰勒(Paul Taylor)表示:“亚洲人口已经成为了美国移民新浪潮中的主力军。”对于拉美裔移民数量减少,移民学者将这一现象归结于几个原因:美国经济衰退,复苏缓慢;美国政府对移民实施强制驱逐出境手段,促使拉美裔移民在美人口减少;与此同时,墨西哥出生率不断降低,也是拉美裔人口降低的原因之一。PPrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

皮尤中心人口统计学家发现,美国政府对非法移民实施的强制措施对拉美裔移民产生了重要影响,同亚洲裔移民相比,大量在美拉美裔移民并不具备合法的移民文件。数据显示,大约45%拉美裔移民为非法移民,而亚洲裔非法移民数量为13%至15%。PPrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此前,美国人口统计局于1月3日至3月27日通过电话调查方式,对全美境内亚洲移民的生存现状加以了解。大约有3,500名亚洲人参与了这一调查。调查结束后,在长达214页调查报告显示,亚洲移民是美国收入最高、受教育程度最高的种族群体。PPrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

人口统计局调查显示,25岁及以上年龄的亚洲移民中,49%都拥有大学学历;美国同龄人群中拥有大学学历的平均比例为28%。亚洲移民家庭年收入平均值为66,000美元,其他在美种族家庭年平均收入为49,800美元。PPrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

同时,调查显示,亚洲移民也比其他种族更加具有传统的家庭观念,在受访者中,54%的亚洲人表示拥有强烈的家庭观念,并称拥有一个成功的婚姻是人生重要目标之一;相比之下,美国成年人中,拥有传统家庭观念的人数比例为34%。PPrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

调查显示,亚洲人也以他们强调传统的家庭观念。约54%的受访者,相比之下,34%的成年人在这个国家,说有一个成功的婚姻是一个很重要的人生目标;另一个是一个好的家长,据亚洲成人的67%,相比之下,大约一半的成年人一般人口。PPrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

亚洲移民也重视职业和物质上的成功,这反应在亚洲人育儿风格上。受访者中,62%的亚洲人认为,大多数美国家长并没有对子女在学校的学习成绩上施加过大的压力。调查显示,至少83%的美国亚裔人口的祖先可以追朔到中国、菲律宾、印度、越南、朝鲜半岛以及日本。PPrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

U.S. Census Bureau had the United States 2011 population statistics show that the newborn population of the U.S. minority for the first time beyond the white man. The outside world predicted that the United States will become dominated by ethnic minorities. The recent U.S. report said that Asian-American has more than Hispanics to become the first large immigrant populations. The New York Times reported on June 18 in the United States, Asian-American has more than Hispanics to become the first large immigrant populations. Pew Research Center for the Pew Center, recently reported that Asian-American population in the United States has more than 18.2 million, which makes the Asian-American immigrants into the United States population groups. The 2010 wave of new immigrants in the United States, Asian descent account for 36% of a population of about 430,000; the same period, about 370,000 Hispanic immigrants to the United States, accounting for 31% of the total population of the United States immigration. This data, compared with three years ago, the Pew research data, just the opposite; 2007, Asian descent number of immigrants entering the United States 390 000 540 000 the number of Hispanic immigrants. Between 2007-2010, the number of Hispanic immigrants dropped 31 percent, while the number of immigrants from Asia increased by 10%. It is reported that the number of Asian-American immigrants more than Hispanics attributed to Hispanic immigrants in recent years significantly reduced. Executive vice president of the Pew Research Center Taylor (Paul Taylor,) said: "The Asian population has become a main force in the new wave of U.S. immigration." For the decrease in the number of Hispanic immigrants, immigration scholars of this phenomenon is due to several reasons: The economic recession, recovery is slow; the U.S. government on immigration to the implementation of mandatory deportation means to promote the Hispanic immigrants in the United States population reduction; At the same time, the Mexican birth rate and a lower, but also the reasons for the decrease of the Hispanic population. Pew Center demographer found that the implementation of coercive measures against illegal immigrants by the U.S. government had an important impact on Hispanic immigrants, compared with the Asian-American immigrants, a large number of Hispanic immigrants in the United States does not have legal immigration documents. The data show that about 45 percent of Hispanic immigrants, illegal immigrants, while the number of illegal immigrants of Asian descent 13-15%. Previously, the U.S. Census Bureau on January 3 to March 27, the telephone survey method, the survival status of Asian immigrants in the nation's territory to be understood. About 3,500 Asians to participate in this survey. After the investigation, up to 214 investigation reports show Asian immigrants is the United States with the highest income, highest level of education ethnic groups. The Census Bureau survey showed that Asian immigrants in the 25 years of age and older, 49 percent have a university degree; age U.S. population has a university education average 28%. Asian immigrant families, annual income of an average of $ 66,000, and the other families in the United States race average annual income of 49,800 dollars. The survey also shows that Asian immigrants than other races more traditional family values, respondents, 54 percent of Asians have a strong sense of family, and said to have a successful marriage is one of the most important goal; In contrast, the proportion of people with traditional family values ​​34% of U.S. adults, The survey showed that Asians with their emphasis on traditional family values. About 54 percent of respondents, compared to 34 percent of adults in this country, said a successful marriage is a very important goal in life; the other is a good parents, according to 67 percent of Asian adults In contrast, about half of all adults in the general population. Asian immigrants also attaches great importance to career and material success, reflected in the Asian parenting style. Respondents, 62 percent of Asians, most American parents and their children imposed on school grades too much pressure. The survey shows that at least 83% of the ancestors of the Asian American population can be traced to China, the Philippines, India, Vietnam, the Korean Peninsula and Japan.PPrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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