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云南一寺庙方丈还俗 与26岁女老板结婚(图)


Yunnan a temple abbot to return to secular life and the 26-year-old woman married


9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

千年古寺昆明筇竹寺掌门清贤大方丈,放弃多年修行,于6月9日还俗离寺,于6月17日星期天在昆明大观酒店大厅三楼摆30桌举行婚礼,而与他结为夫妇的则是一个专做玉石生意、年仅26岁的女老板。图为婚礼现场。9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Millennium temple the Kunming Qiongzhusi head of the Qing Yin abbot, to give up the practice for many years to return to secular life from the Temple on June 9, Sunday, June 17, put 30 tables wedding hall on the third floor of the Grand View Hotel in Kunming, while the knot with histhe couple or one specializing in jade business, 26 years old female boss. The photo shows the wedding scene.9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

筇竹寺建于唐贞观年间,是中国佛教文化圣地之一,距昆明市区18公里,从昆明城西至黑林铺,转向玉案山腰盘旋而上3公里,便抵达该寺。现存建筑和其中的彩塑都是清朝光绪年间修造的,筇竹寺内五百罗汉像在清朝众多的佛教雕塑中具有创造性和典型性。记者找到了目前寺中最年长的修观老法师。修观老法师今年90高龄,从小在筇竹寺出家,至今已经78年了。老法师证实清贤还俗完婚的消息。图为婚礼现场。9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Qiongzhusi built in the Tang Dynasty, is one of the Chinese Buddhist cultural sites, 18 km from Kunming city turned to jade case mountainside circled on three kilometers from Kunming Cheng west of the black forest shop, they arrived at the monastery.Existing buildings and one of the painted sculptures are built in the Qing dynasty, the Five Hundred Arhats Qiongzhusi creative and typical in the Qing Dynasty, a large number of Buddhist sculptures. The reporter found the old Master of the oldest temple-cultivation. Revised view of Old Master this year, 90 years old, grew up in Qiongzhusi monks, it has been 78 years. Old Master confirmed the news of the Qing Yin return to secular life married. The photo shows the wedding scene。9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我还是第一次听说方丈还俗结婚的。我们佛教有三不留:还俗不留,求学不留,云游不留。他心不在了,就算还俗了。”修观老法师说。图为婚礼现场。9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

"I first heard the abbot to return to secular life to get married. Buddhism we do not stay: the return to secular life without leaving school without leaving wander without leaving his heart is gone, even if the return to secular life." Said the old Master of the revised concept. The photo shows the wedding scene.9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

清贤还俗,没有和寺庙任何人打招呼,包括他的弟子,直到佛教协会收到清贤的辞呈,赶到筇竹寺召开僧侣大会大家才知道。修观老法师笑着说:“昨天有人给我打电话,说他在大观楼举行婚礼了。很多其他地方的居士都给我打电话,问我们是不是他犯错了,但人家已经还俗,做什么都是个人行为,和我们寺院也没关系了。”图为婚礼现场。9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Qing Yin return to secular life, without greeting anyone and temples, including his disciples, until the Buddhist Association received the resignation of the Qing Yin to rushed Qiongzhusi the convening of the monks of the General Assembly we know. Revised view of old Master smiled and said: "Yesterday someone called me and said he held the wedding at the Grand View Pavilion. Lay in many other places gave me a call, asking us not he made a mistake, but people have to return to secular life. What are the personal behavior, and our temple does not matter. "the picture shows the wedding scene.9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昆明市佛教协会的师父也向记者证实了清贤方丈还俗一事,其称:“他辞职是经过正常手续的,具体辞职后他做什么佛教协会也管不了,那是他个人行为。”图为婚礼现场的车辆。9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

清贤大方丈还俗前图片。9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

9yxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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