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Japanese media exclaimed Japanese multiple defense hub near land has been


18日发行的日本《信使周刊》推出题为“中国正在把日本领土化”的特别报道。报道指出,距离尖阁列岛(即中国钓鱼岛)170公里的石垣岛正面临着中国房地产商的“购买攻势”,几位中国房地产商在石垣岛购买的高层公寓,从楼上直接可以看到停泊在该地滨崎港的海上保安厅巡视船的动向。为此,日本海上保安厅感到“非常不安”。iLBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报道还举例称,2010年夏,曾有中资企业试图购买日本长崎县五岛列岛上航空自卫队雷达基地和国家石油储备基地附近的森林,希望开采该片森林,以向中国出口木材。此事遭当地居民的反对。在鹿儿岛县的冲永良部岛,也曾发生中国投资者试图购买航空自卫队通信基地附近山林的事。文章称,这位中国投资家表示,“可以直接现金交易”。iLBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《信使周刊》称,诸如此类中国投资者打算购买日本国防要冲附近土地的事情一件接一件地发生。例如,在北海道自卫队的驻地俱知安町,有中国人和中国企业购买了3处土地,总面积在100公顷以上。在东京都市之谷的防卫省附近、位于静冈县的东富士演习场附近等地,都发现有中国人购买土地或建筑物。“如今,至少在日本自卫队13个据点附近出现了这样的事。”iLBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

报道引述日本国土交通省和农林水产省的联合调查称,去年一年,外国资本在日本购买森林达157公顷,是前年的4倍,其中有87公顷被中国企业购买。报道还指出,中国企业在日本购买土地时,都异常关心地下水资源的问题。对此,日本北海道、埼玉县政府已经先后通过了《水资源保护条例》,山形县、群马县等4县也正在酝酿实施。报道引用前仙台市长梅原克彦的话说:“中国在统治其他民族时,总是先从确保水资源入手。”iLBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《信使周刊》的文章称,日本有国会议员建议,日本无法限制外国资本购买土地,但可以将国防要冲附近的土地国有化,或创建大臣签字的土地交易制度。文章最后耸人听闻地说,“日本不仅存在着能够看得到的诸如尖阁列岛、竹岛这样的领土问题,还存在看不到的逐渐被侵食的领土问题。”iLBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

旅日学者庚欣18日对《环球时报》表示,日本总有一些人拿一些上不了台面的问题大肆渲染,主要是对中国继续和平发展有一种抵触情绪。中国人投资买地等一些非常正常的举动,甚至都会遭到一些人恶意对待。这种炒作很容易激起日本民众的民族主义感情,并滋长反华情绪。中国驻日本名古屋等地领事馆购地遇阻,都和这种恶意势力脱不了关系。iLBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

18 issue of The Courier magazine launched a special report entitled "China is Japanese territory," the. Reported that the 170 kilometers from the Senkaku Islands (Chinese Diaoyu Islands) Ishigaki Island is facing the real estate business "to buy offensive" to the purchase of several Chinese real estate developers in the Ishigaki high-rise apartment upstairs can be seen directly trends to the Coast Guard patrol boat anchored in the ground, Hamasaki Hong Kong. To this end, the Japan Coast Guard was "very disturbed". The report also provided examples of that summer, there were Chinese-funded enterprises trying to buy the nearby forests of the Goto Islands, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan Air Self Defense Force radar base and the national oil reserve base in 2010, exploitation of the film forest, the export of timber to China. The matter has been opposition from local residents. In Kagoshima Prefecture Okinoerabu Island, has happened to the Chinese investors trying to buy a thing of the Air Self-Defense Force communications base near the mountains. The article said that the Chinese investors, said direct cash transactions. Courier Weekly "said, and so Chinese investors plan to buy land near Japan's defense hub of things occur one after the other. For example, the Self-Defense Force in Hokkaido resident Kutchan On-cho, China and Chinese companies have bought 3 of land with a total area of ​​100 hectares. In the Tokyo Metropolitan Valley near the defense ministry in Shizuoka Prefecture, near the East Fuji exercise field, the Chinese people to buy land or buildings. "Today, at least 13 near the base of the Japanese Self-Defense, such a thing." The report quoted a joint investigation of the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said last year, foreign capital in Japan to buy Sen Linda 157 hectares, which is four times that of the previous year, of which 87 hectares of Chinese companies to buy. The report also pointed out that Chinese companies to buy land in Japan are simply concerned about the groundwater resources. Hokkaido, Japan, Saitama county government already has passed the Water Resources Protection Ordinance, Yamagata Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, and other counties are also preparing to implement. The report quoted the words of former Sendai Mayor Umehara Katsuhiko: "China in the domination of other peoples, always start with to ensure that water start." Courier Weekly "The article said that members of Congress suggested that Japan can not be restrictions on foreign capital to buy land, but can the defense hub of nearby land nationalization, or create a land transaction system of the minister signed in Japan. Finally sensational to say that Japan is not only the existence of be able to see such as the Senkaku Islands, Takeshima territorial issues, there do not see the gradual erosion of the territorial issue. " Japan scholars, 18 Geng Yan, "Global Times" said that Japan's total, some people take some not on the table loudly proclaimed, mainly to China's continued peaceful development, there is a resentment. Some very normal behavior of the Chinese investment to buy land, and even will have been some malicious treated. This speculation, it is easy to arouse the nationalistic feelings of the Japanese people, and grow the anti-China sentiment. Chinese Consulate to purchase Difficult in Nagoya, Japan and other places, and this malicious forces can not.iLBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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