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beat a mainland drama just buy a million mansion in Hong Kong


vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

内地拍剧身价vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

近年大批TVB艺员转战内地拍剧赚钱,前日多位小生花旦到上海出席电视节时隔空比拼身价。蔡少芬被指凭《甄嬛传》身价升至20万元人民币一集,成为香港女星之冠。畲诗曼不示弱,露口风说自己身价相若,更暗踩扬言拍两部内地剧便能买到千万豪宅的胡杏儿(微博),阿畲豪气说:“我拍一部就买到!”vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
畲诗曼近期拍摄内地剧《嫁入豪门》,有说片酬超过20万,她对此笑说:“还好。”并未否认。面对身价之争,畲诗曼认为,“我不知道别人的片酬多少,比来比去太辛苦了,而且我的片酬一直都在变。大家赚到便好,价钱是商业秘密”。谈到胡杏儿说拍两部内地剧便能买到千万豪宅,那她要拍多少部能买到?阿畲豪气地说:“一部啦!当然看要求的目标。我都想过买楼,但现在楼市不划算。”她自言目前感情生活空白,那有否想过嫁入豪门?“嫁不嫁入豪门无所谓,开心最重要”。有传她会客串《金枝欲孽(贰)》?畲诗曼否认道,“无线没找过我,之前因撞期未能参演都好遗憾。日前在横店撞到戚其义,一起吃了顿饭。”vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

去年至今已拍了4部内地电视剧的胡杏儿,被乐易玲踢爆是TVB花旦中叫价最高的一个,杏儿闻言笑说:“再高怕没有人找我了,现在的酬劳已好满意。其实每部剧所收酬劳都有不同,如果班底及对手是自己很想合作的,收便宜一点都值得。拍两部内地剧,已经可以买到自己心仪的逾千万的豪宅,以后与家人可以住得更近。”vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

郑嘉颖(微博)在内地拍剧片酬据说25万一集,当媒体提到黄宗泽(微博)说自己接近20万时,嘉颖一度听错说:“他都过20万?我不知道他赚多少,真的有20万要他请吃饭。”此时坐在他身旁的乐易玲爆料道:“嘉颖的目标是买3幢别墅。”他笑着投诉:“老板,是理想而已,分别给妈咪、将来的儿子及收租用,等儿子大了有个窝,仍在努力中。”vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Taking a competition worth in recent years a large number of TVB artistes fought in Mainland filming to make money, the day before yesterday a number of niche artistes to Shanghai to attend the TV section. Ada accused by Zhen Huan Biography worth rose to 200,000 yuan set to become the highest of the Hong Kong actress. She Poetry Man does not show weakness, the dew-lipped that his value is similar to a darker step threatened to shoot two Mainland drama can buy 10 million mansion, Myolie Wu (microblogging), pride A She said: "I shot a buy! "vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
She Poetry Man recent shooting Mainland drama "to get married in," said paycheck more than 200,000 and she laughed and said: "Fortunately," did not deny. Worth dispute, She Poetry Man, "I do not know someone else's paycheck, than to go too hard, but my paycheck has been change we make will be good, the price is a commercial secret". Talking about Myolie shot the two Mainland drama can buy 10 million mansion that she wanted to take, how many can I buy? A She is confident that: "an see it! Required goals. I thought to buy property, but now the property market is not worth." She was saying that he was the love life blank, that ever thought to get married in? Married not married into the wealthy does not matter, happy is the most important. " There are rumors that she will be a guest "War and Beauty (II)"? She deny Poetry Man, "Wireless did not find me before due to the clash do not have a good participating regret. Recently the Hengdian hit Qiqi Yi, going out to dinner."vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The last year has been shot four Mainland TV series Myolie Wu, Lok exposed TVB artistes who bid the highest, Myolie heard with a smile: "high fear of people to find me, now reward and satisfaction. In fact, the play received the reward has a different, if the team and the opponents he would like to cooperate, to close a little cheaper and are worth shot two Mainland drama, you can buy their favorite more than 10 million mansion, and later with his family live more. "vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Kevin (microblogging) in the Mainland filming fee is said set of 25 case, when the media referred to Bosco (microblogging), nearly 20 million, Kevin got it wrong once said: "He had 200 000? I do not know that he earned how much there really 20 million he invited him to dinner. "sitting beside him, Lok broke the news:" Kevin's goal is to buy the three villas. "he smiled and complained:" the boss, is an ideal only, respectively, to the Mummy, the future son and received hire the son of a large nest, still struggling. "
vcrRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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