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The face of China's rise, Japan's growing sense of crisis


vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

面对中国的崛起,日本的危机感与日俱增,因此不断有舆论惊呼中国军力的强大主要针对日本,对日本而言是一种“威胁”。近日在日本学术界对中国的“解读”又出了新说法,认为中国的战略意图不仅限于日本。日本《产经新闻》6月12日刊登了日本中国军事研究家平松茂雄的文章。文章认为,中国的“战略野心”很大,已经将目光转向了太平洋彼岸。vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

文章称,中国空军目前的主力轰炸机仍为苏联进口的“图-16”(北约称为“獾”),是一种双发中型轰炸机。这种轰炸机早在冷战时期就曾频繁飞抵日本海上空进行侦察。虽然该轰炸机可携带与美军战斧式巡航导弹相同性能的装备,但已过时。该机型已于1990年在俄罗斯退役,中国也将逐步淘汰这种机型。中国空军的能力一旦得到加强,将会给整个东亚地区的安保环境带来重大影响,因此“不得不防”。vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

文章指出,中国目前已经保有被称为“航母杀手”的反舰弹道导弹“东风-21D”(DF-21D),若加上新型轰炸机,中国今后将能够针对美军有效地实施“拒止战略”。该学者文章认为,中国的“战略野心”并不仅限于日本,而是更远的太平洋彼岸。文章称,提到中国的海洋进出,日本国内会普遍关注中方围绕钓鱼岛的动向,东京都政府计划用捐款的形式募集资金“购买”岛屿的事情一直以来成为最热话题。然而中国的视野不止是在钓鱼岛,还包括更远的海域。vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2001年以来,中国海军舰艇编队不断通过东海“春晓”油气田,经由冲绳-宫古之间公海水道南下太平洋,并在日本冲之鸟礁(日称“冲之鸟岛”)附近海域“频繁现身”。同时,中国海军还不断地由海南岛东进,经由台湾岛与菲律宾之间的巴士海峡,冲破“第一岛链”行驶至冲之鸟礁附近海域。如果中国海军沿冲之鸟礁南下,将会直接面对美军在西太平洋的重要基地——关岛。vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2012年5月6日,中国海军舰艇编队再次进行了远洋航行训练,并以登陆舰为旗舰进行了“雁行阵”队形演练。在不久的将来,中国海军很有可能将动用航母进行远洋训练,此后甚至可能动用潜艇。中国已经顺利完成对“瓦良格”号航母的改建工作,并成功的进行了多次海试。目前中国已开始计划独自建造国产航母。vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

反观美军,为抑制中国的海洋进出以及远洋海军基地建设,美军已将驻日本冲绳海军陆战队人员减半,实现在关岛、印度尼西亚以及澳大利亚的分散部署。不过,纵观美军动向,美军对于中国的防线已经由此前连接冲绳-台湾-菲律宾的“第一岛链”退至“第二岛链”。vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

文章最后称,面对这样的局面,日本应怎样“肩负”起防御任务,今后日本自卫队将怎样与美军航母打击群协作,这一切都还未知,但日本应清楚的认识到,中国越过钓鱼岛海域,并试图将“势力圈”扩大至西太平洋海域,这才是中国真正的“战略野心”。vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

In the face of the rise of China, Japan's growing sense of crisis, so constantly public opinion exclaimed powerful Chinese military power against Japan, Japan is a "threat". Recently in the Japanese academic "reading" a statement that China's strategic intentions are not limited to Japan. Japan's "Sankei Shimbun, June 12 published an article of Japanese Chinese military Hiramatsu Shigeo. The article believes that China's strategic ambitions have turned to the Pacific Ocean.vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The article said that the main bomber of the Chinese Air Force is still the Soviet Union imported 16 "(NATO called" Badger "), is a twin engine medium bomber. Bomber as early as during the Cold War had frequently fly to the Sea of ​​Japan to conduct reconnaissance. Although the bombers can carry the equipment, but with the same performance of the U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles obsolete. The model was retired in Russia in 1990, China will phase out this model. Once the ability of the Chinese Air Force has been strengthened, will have a major impact to the entire East Asian region, the security environment, and therefore had to prevent ".vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The article points out, has been to maintain known as the "aircraft carrier killer" anti-ship ballistic missile "Dongfeng-21D (DF-21D), plus new bomber will be for the U.S. effective implementation of the" denial strategy . " The scholars, the article, China's strategic ambitions are not limited to Japan, but farther across the Pacific. The article said, referring to China's marine and out of Japan will generally concerned about the trends in China around the Diaoyu Islands, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government plans to raise funds in the form of contributions to "buy" things of the island has since become the hottest topic. However, the vision of China's more than the Diaoyu Islands, but also further out to sea.vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Since 2001, the Chinese naval fleet and continuously through the East China Sea "Early Spring" oil and gas fields to the south Pacific, through the high seas waterway between Okinawa - Miyako Okinotori reef in Japan (Japan called "Okinotori") in waters near frequent visible. " The same time, the Chinese navy from Hainan Island East, through the Bashi Channel between the island of Taiwan and the Philippines, to break through the "first island chain" traveling to Okinotorishima reef waters near. Chinese navy along the Okinotorishima reef south, will directly face an important base for U.S. forces in the Western Pacific - Guam.vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
May 6, 2012, the Chinese naval fleet offshore sailing training, and the landing ship as the flagship of the array "of the" flying geese formation drill. In the near future, the Chinese navy is likely will be spent on aircraft carriers for ocean-going training, then even the possible use of the submarine. China has successfully completed the alterations on the aircraft carrier "Varyag", and successfully conducted a number of sea trials. At present, China has begun to plan the construction of aircraft carriers alone.vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The other hand, the U.S., halved in order to contain China and out of the ocean and ocean-going navy bases, U.S. troops have been stationed in Okinawa, Japan, Marine Corps personnel to achieve deployment in Guam, Indonesia and Australia dispersion. However, throughout the U.S. trend, the U.S. military for the defense of China from the previous connection Okinawa - Taiwan - Philippines' first island chain "to retreat into the" second island chain ".vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The article concluded by stating Faced with this situation, Japan should be how to "shoulder" from the defense mission, the Japan Self-Defense Forces in the future how will the U.S. aircraft carrier strike group collaboration, all still unknown, but Japan should be a clear understanding of China across the Diaoyu Islands waters, forces circle and try to expand to the western Pacific Ocean, this is the real "strategic ambitions.
vYNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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