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Chinese economist Hu spray "has become a public nuisance


这个“天下攘攘皆为利往”的经济社会中,没有哪个学科比经济学更耀眼,自然,也没有哪种知识精英比经济学家更风光。这个时代,敢于和娱乐明星比拼出镜率和出场费的,只有明星经济学家了;没有哪个行业和学科,像经济学界这样与权力和资本有着如此深的关联。正因为经济学是这样的“显学”,经济学家又扮演着那么重要的角色,那些在公共空间中“胡喷”的经济学家才格外地为害甚广,毫不客气地说,已经成为社会的一大公害。9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这种危害,向来以“狂言”闻名于经济学界的邹恒甫已经作了犀利的点评。这个本就口无遮拦的经济学狂人,日前在国际权威排行榜中成为“全球最强华人经济学家”,在接受媒体专访时,指责国内经济学界水平低下、信口开河,不学无术,误国误民,不务正业,点名批评某些经济学家“一边骂权贵一边当权贵”、“当婊子还要立牌坊”。(《广州日报》6月6日)9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

批评异常辛辣和尖锐,当然有不少情绪化的成份,可能还夹杂着经济学圈内的江湖恩怨,但不可否认,邹恒甫的一些判断还是击中了当下经济学界的某些病症和要害。9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

首先,是在迎合媒体和公众中失去了独立判断和专业精神。经济社会需要专家学者,通过大众传媒传播经济学知识、输送经济理性,就经济走向提供见解。可现实形成了一个恶性循环,某些专家为了迎合媒体和舆论的偏好,频频发出充满轰动效应却大悖常理的惊人之论,诸如“腐败是经济发展的润滑剂”、“拥堵是城市繁荣的标志”、“改革首先是要取消发改委”、“小康就是拥有两套房”、“改革要利用腐败和贿赂减少再分配障碍”等。不可否认,这些荒唐的语录中有媒体断章取义和扭曲的成份,但不少确实是从经济学家嘴中说出来的,也反映了他们真实的意思。9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其实,翻看这些经济学家的专著,他们对相关话题的分析要理性和谨慎得多,结论也会很保守。可是,一面对媒体,一站到话筒和镜头前,他们立刻变得亢奋和轻率起来,语不惊人誓不休,不把逻辑推到极致绝不罢休。在长期与媒体的合作与交往中,他们深知媒体需要什么,更深知公众喜欢听什么、期待听什么,明白什么样的表达才会有新闻性、才能引起轰动。这种揣磨和迎合中,便有了那些惊世骇俗的断语。他们不是用独立且专业的判断和理性,去引导社会、给公众启迪,而是通过出镜率、点击率、争议度和话题热度来提升自己的出场费。9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第二,是“信口开河”。某些经济学家的信口开河,已经到了令人瞠目结舌的地步,网上看到一个有利于自己立场的数据,立刻不加分辨地引来;轻率地根据一个缺乏权威性和公信力的数据,作出一个耸人听闻的判断。有时就形成了这样一种舆论奇观,专家随意从网上拿来某个数据,比如,称“世界上只有10多个国家没实行免费医疗”,据此来批判中国的医疗改革(这其实是一个谬误,全世界只有古巴实行完全免费医疗)。这种符合公众期待的言论自然成了大新闻,然后,其他专家再以讹传讹,以此作为自己论点的权威论据发论。9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

第三,就是邹恒甫所批评的:人格分裂。一边骂权贵,一边当权贵——一边在银行当独立董事,一边给银行当传声筒;一边批评垄断体制,一边在垄断行业拿高薪。“骂权贵”是树立舆论形象,“当权贵”可以拿到现实利益。这样的人格分裂使经济学界成了一个没有了是非的利益场。经济学家的身份不过是一个攀附权贵、有资格混入利益圈、成为既得利益者的敲门砖和入场券。喊几句口号,造几个热点,镀一些金,不过是提高身价的筹码。9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“人格分裂”还算好的,起码说明还有一些羞耻心,知道掩饰和伪装,有些人干脆“公然裸奔”。可怕的是,这种趋炎附势已然成为一种风气,大家都心照不宣地闷声大发财,以致失去了自我反思和净化的能力。9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

"World Rangrang are interest to the economic and social, no discipline is more dazzling than economics, natural, nor what kind of intellectual elite more than economists scenery. This era, the courage to competition, and entertainment stars photographed and appearance fees, only star economists had; no industries and disciplines, such as the economics profession has such a deep association with the power and capital. Because economics is that "learning", the economist plays a less important role, economists in the public space, "Hu spray" particularly to damage a wide unceremoniously said, has become a public nuisance.9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
These risks, has always been famous for its "wild" in the economics profession Zouheng Fu has been made a sharp reviews. This this outspoken economics madman, recently in the international authority of the rankings to become the strongest global Chinese economist, media interview, accusing the academic level of the domestic economy is low, lip, ignorant and incompetent, wrong China and its people, much work, some economists criticized "side of the curse the rich and powerful side when the rich and powerful", "bitch also Paifang. (Guangzhou Daily, June 6)9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Criticism unusually spicy and sharp, of course, a lot of emotional ingredients may be mixed with economics circle lakes grievances, but it is undeniable Zouheng Fu's judgment or hit the moment the economics profession of certain diseases and vital.9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
First of all, to meet the media and the public lost its independent judgment and professionalism. Economic and social needs experts and scholars, through the mass media dissemination of knowledge of economics, transport economic rationality, and provide insights on economic trends. Reality form a vicious cycle, some experts in order to meet the preferences of the media and public opinion, frequently surprising on the issue full of sensational effect of the perverse common sense, such as "corruption is the lubricant of economic development", "congestion is the city's prosperity signs "," reform is to cancel the Development and Reform Commission, "well-off is to have two suites, the reform should take advantage of corruption and bribery to reduce the redistribution of obstacles". Admittedly, these absurd quotations out of context and distorted media ingredients, but a lot of really from the mouth of economists say it's also a reflection of their true meaning.9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In fact, look at the expertise of economists, their analysis of the relevant topics to be rational and much more cautious conclusion will be very conservative. However, one face of the media, to stand before the microphone and the lens, they immediately become excited and reckless up, language is not surprising that until they, not the logic to the extreme, never give up. In the long-term cooperation and exchanges of media, they know what the media needs, but also know that like to hear what the public look forward to listening to what, understand what kind of expression before the news can cause a sensation. This hides wear and to meet, there was the shock of breaking language. They are not independent and professional judgment and reason to guide social enlightenment to the public, but by the appearance rate, click rate, dispute the degree and topic Reduo to enhance their appearance fees.9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Second, is the "lip service". The lip of some economists, has come to the point of staggering line to see an environment conducive to their position data, immediately attracted indiscriminately; lightly based on a lack of authority and credibility of data, made a sensational judgment. The formation of such a public opinion wonders sometimes, experts from the Internet brought a casual, for example, more than 10 countries in the world did the introduction of free health care ", under which to criticize China's health care reform (which is actually a The fallacy in the world except Cuba completely free medical care). This naturally became big news in line with the remarks of the public expect, then, other experts and then repeated the baseless assertion, issued on the authority of the argument as their argument.9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Third, Zou Hengfu the criticism: split personality. Curse the rich and powerful side, one side when the rich and powerful - side of independent directors in the bank, one side to the bank when the mouthpiece; side of the criticism of the monopoly system, while the high salaries in monopoly industries. Curse dignitaries is to establish public opinion image, "When the rich and powerful can get practical interest. This split makes the economics profession has become a right and wrong interests of the field. Economists identity, but clings to the rich and powerful, are eligible to mixing the sphere of interest, to become a stepping stone of the vested interests and tickets. Chanting slogans, made some hot, some gold plating, but is worth a bargaining chip.9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"Split personality" is still good, at least, that there is some sense of shame, conceal and camouflage, some people simply "openly streaking. Frightening is that this fawn has become a trend, we were feeling muffled large fortune, resulting in loss of self-reflection and purification.
9fERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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