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巴黎半夜率60隨從欲溜走 沙特皇妃住酒店欠6000萬


Saudi Princess hotel owes 60 million


 uMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

(星岛日报报道)沙特阿拉伯皇妃玛哈.苏德里(Maha Al-Sudairi)在巴黎入住一间五星级酒店,欠下五百万英镑(约六千万港元)房租不想付款,半夜偷偷溜走,被酒店职员发现报警。原来,玛哈不是从后门溜走,而是带同六十名随员和堆积如山的行李,不结账便大摇大摆离开酒店,自然逃不过酒店职员的眼目。
  酒店报警 截住车队
  其后,沙特皇室的好友、卡塔尔酋长安排玛哈一行人,暂时入住他经营的巴黎香榭丽舍大道附近另一家豪华酒店Royal Monceau,直至这宗纠纷解决为止。
  据《巴黎人报》报道,玛哈皇妃习惯挥金如土,但又拖欠账单,债务有增无减。二○○九年六月,她在法国疯狂购物,欠债一千五百万英镑(约一亿八千万港元),单是购买名牌内衣裤便花去六万镑(七十二万港元)。当时,她同样利用外交豁免权「甩身」。翌年,她故态复萌,到巴黎一间商店订购了大批玻璃用具和银器,价值一万八千镑,又要沙特皇室出手打救,皇储纳伊夫.阿卜杜勒阿齐兹一度对她经济封锁。据法国报章报道,这么多年来玛哈光顾过但又赖账的巴黎名店多达三十家,包括Dior、Chaumet和Victoria Casal等。

Sing Tao Daily reported) Saudi Arabian Princess Maha. The princess (Maha Al-Sudairi) admitted to a five-star hotel in Paris, owed five million pounds (about $ 60 million) in rent do not want to pay to sneak away at midnight, the hotel staff found the alarm. It turned out that Maha is not the back door, but with the 60 suite and a mountain of luggage, checkout will be swaggering to leave the hotel, naturally can not escape the eyes of the hotel staff.uMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
uMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Maha and his party to stay at the Shangri-La Hotel, Paris, 40 room rental starting from the end of December last year. Half past three on Friday, the hotel staff to see large numbers of people attempt to leave, they did not check out, so the police for help, and Maha, a pedestrian stopped. At that time, was about to board the RV outside the hotel team departed.uMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
uMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The hotel alarm stopped the convoyuMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
uMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The authorities confirmed that was stopped Saudi Crown Prince and Deputy Prime Minister Naif. Maha Abdel Aziz's ex-wife. The princess was Princess. Others have done this conduct will be arrested on the spot, charged or detention, but Maha enjoy the diplomatic immunity, the French police can not arrest her, can not prosecute her with any crime, only to contact the Saudi Embassy in Paris to deal with .uMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
uMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Subsequently, the friend of the Saudi royal family, Qatar, Emirates arrangements Maha, a pedestrian, temporarily staying at the Royal Monceau, Paris Champs Elysees, he operated a nearby luxury hotel, until the dispute is resolved.uMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
uMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
According to Le Parisien newspaper reported, Princess Maha accustomed to big spenders, but arrears bill, the debt increase. In June 2009, she was in France shopping spree, fifteen million pounds (about HK $ 180 million) in debt, single buy underwear they spent six million pounds ($ 720,000) brand name within the. At that time, she was the same diplomatic immunity "and dumped the body. The following year, she relapsed, to Paris, a shop and ordered a large number of glass utensils and silverware, valued at 18,000 pounds, but also the Saudi royal family shot to bail, the Crown Prince Naif. Abdul Aziz was once an economic blockade. According to French newspaper reports, over the years Maha patronize but deadbeat Paris Shoppes up to 30, including Dior, Chaumet and Victoria Casal and so on.uMtRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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