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Just turned 40 years old Zhuang Xiaowei: Academy of Sciences of the youngest


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庄小威曾在一次接受采访时说,自己从小就喜欢科学,她的早期教育,是个性与顺其自然的结合。能取得今日这般成就,最主要是因为顺着自己的心意和兴趣学习,才保有了强烈的动力。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

庄小威的父母都是中科大的教授,但5岁前,庄小威并没有与父母生活在一起,而是在江苏如皋跟随爷爷、奶奶生活。她没有上过幼儿园,也没有正规地学过拼音识字,从如皋回到父母身边后,直接上了科大附小二年级。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

庄小威上初中时,是班里年龄最小的一个,却是最聪颖的学生之一。她曾获得全国中学生数理化竞赛第一名,后来被推荐到北京景山学校上了半年中国科大预备班,13岁转入离家较近的苏州中学科大预备班,成绩一直名列前茅,数学、物理常拿满分。最终,庄小威以高考600多分的状元成绩考进了中科大少年班。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据庄小威在中科大少年班的一位室友回忆,“小威得天独厚,虽然读书无数,视力却是1.5。有时在宿舍里,大家都伏案用功,她躺在上铺的床上看书,还能看见我们书上的字。小威还有个一心两用的本领,一边听三国评书一边做原子物理作业,这些都让我们好生佩服。”U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

站在了世界科学最前沿U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1991年,庄小威在中科大毕业后赴美,这一年,她仅仅19岁。经过6年在异域的潜心学习,她在加州大学伯克利分校拿到了物理学博士学位。此后,她又在斯坦福大学师从诺贝尔物理学奖得主、华裔科学家朱棣文做博士后研究,朱棣文给庄小威印象最深的是他独特的教育方式,在讨论中他常常给庄小威一些非常高瞻远瞩的建议,而这些建议并不是用很枯燥的方法表现出来,而是很生动,经常用一个眼神、一个表情便能让人领会。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

正是这个时候,庄小威偶然与化学、生物学科的合作伙伴一起开始做一些跟踪分子行为的实验,从此开始跨越物理和化学两个学科的研究,站在了世界科学的前沿。做科研是一件十分辛苦的事,只有对自己的学问拥有长期的热情,才能拥有动力,而动力就是化解一切困难的秘诀。常常一周七天,庄小威除了吃饭和睡觉,剩下的时间全是工作。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

庄小威在科学世界的成就,取得了业界内的公认。2001年,不到30岁的庄小威被聘为哈佛大学助理教授。她的物理根底启发她将带荧光的分子标记物附在病毒上,当用激光照射时,标记物发射出特殊的彩色光。用这种方法,借助显微镜,她翔实跟踪了单个病毒的行为,也跟踪了诸如蛋白质和核糖核酸(RNA)片断这样的单个分子行为。她拍摄到单个流感病毒的连续影像,这是世界上首次记录到病毒的各阶段过程。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2003年,庄小威获得麦克阿瑟“天才奖”,是第一位获此荣誉的华人女科学家。2004年,美国著名的《科技评论》评选出在纳米技术、计算机与通信及生物技术领域从事前沿技术研究的、年龄在35岁以下的100名青年创新者,庄小威名列其中。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2006年初,庄小威晋升为哈佛大学物理和化学系的双聘教授。在哈佛大学建立了以自己名字命名的单分子生物物理实验室,带领21名博士、博士后研究流感、艾滋病、SARS等病毒侵入宿主细胞的过程。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

做科研一定要敢于冒险U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

看着庄小威的风光履历,很多人都以为庄小威太一帆风顺了,实际上,任何的成功都不是看起来那么理所当然,只有庄小威自己知道付出了多少艰辛。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“我的秘诀就是忘掉过去的成功和失败,一切从头开始,绝不轻言放弃。”庄小威刚开始读博士的时候,并不是所有学生中最突出的那一个,她甚至一度怀疑自己做实验的能力。在进行博士后研究时,她也曾遇到整整一年时间都在摸索试探,什么结果也做不出来的困境。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在一次次压力和挑战面前,庄小威始终没有轻言放弃,自己的动力来自加倍的努力。在哈佛大学做助理教授时期,庄小威的其他同事都偏向选择相对“安全”的课题,这样才能迅速地出成果、发论文。因为在哈佛大学,如果6年期间发表的论文没有达到要求数量,就面临走人的境地。但庄小威的冒险精神,让她从一开始,就决定选择有难度、有风险的课题。当她或荣誉无数,并晋升为哈佛大学的教授时,有人问她,现在是否可以选一些比较重要的课题做了,她表示:“我一直是在找重要的课题做,从来没有想找容易的问题做。”U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

庄小威建议国内教育界,一定要培养学生的创造能力,要鼓励学生提问题,没有一个问题是笨问题,一百个问题中总会有一个是聪明的问题,这个聪明的问题也许就是一个很大的科学发现。其次,鼓励学生尽早进实验室作科研,不要把分数看得太重,要让学生多接触科学前沿,大胆地思考和解决那些还没有解决的问题。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

站在讲台上像变了一个人U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

与众多华裔科学家相比,庄小威非常朴素,没有任何讨好人的姿态,且有着一种单纯和非常的专注。一位友人这样形容庄小威:只要一回到科学里,她立刻变了个人,比如在演讲时,不仅用词准确优雅,而且语调流畅,十分自如。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

原中国科技大学校长、现任南方科技大学校长的朱清时,对这个87级少年班的女孩子,仍留有印象。2003年10月,庄小威回母校中国科技大学做了一场报告会,当时她刚刚获得美国麦克阿瑟基金会当年度的“天才奖”。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

那一次,庄小威所做的报告叫《展现单个核糖核酸酶分子的折叠和单个流感病毒的感染过程》,光这个名字让人一听,就觉得很煳涂了。但庄小威运用自己“讲故事的能力”,甚至连让学科外的人都听懂了。她的语言十分幽默,其中包括肢体语言。她在讲述“流感病毒如何侵入生物细胞”时,她会模仿病毒对细胞说:“我在这儿,让我进来。”她还幽默地评价:“我认为流感病毒相当聪明,而细胞挺笨的。要知道,病毒只想着要进入细胞,而余下所有的感染动作都是由细胞自身完成的。”U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

庄小威的研究方法、实验原理、装置、结果、分析,逻辑清晰,简洁紧凑,充满科学精神,均让同行赞不绝口。庄小威表示,从来不曾因为不是美国人而受到歧视,只要科学研究做得好,就一定会被别人承认。不过她表示,由于中国传统教育方式有其弱点,以致中国人的创造性思维不够活跃,华人学生在此方面应注意调整。在选择研究课题时,要挑选对社会产生影响、能使多数人受益的主题,避免肤浅式研究。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

人物名片U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

庄小威,1972年生于苏州。1987年,15岁时考入中国科技大学少年班。1991年本科毕业赴美,1997年,在加州大学伯克利分校拿到物理学博士学位。2001年,被聘为哈佛大学助理教授。2006年初,成为物理和化学系的双聘教授,此前曾获得2003年“天才奖”,是第一位获此荣誉的华人女科学家。2012年,成为84位新晋美国科学院院士之一。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在2012年5月1日公布的84位新晋美国科学院院士名单中,一位华人女科学家的名字格外引人注目,她就是1972年生人的庄小威。她的当选,刷新了最年轻美国科学院华人院士的纪录。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

人们都说庄小威是少年天才,她15岁时就上了大学,25岁时获得了物理学博士学位,34岁就成为美国哈佛大学的双聘教授,拥有以自己名字命名的实验室;而她所进入的美国科学院,去年院士的平均年龄为61.5岁,今年庄小威当选时才刚满40岁。U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Zhuang Xiaowei, said in an interview, he had a habit of science, her early education, personality and go with the flow a combination of. Able to achieve such achievements today, the most important down their wishes and interest in learning to maintain a strong momentum.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Cultivation of Zhuang Xiaowei's parents are professors, before age 5, Zhuang Xiaowei, and not with their parents living together, but in the the Rugao follow grandfather, grandmother living. She did not attend kindergarten, there is no formal study of phonetic literacy, from the Rugao returned to their parents directly on the HKUST school to second grade.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zhuang Xiaowei in junior high school, is one of the class the youngest, but it is one of the best and the brightest students. She won the National Middle School Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry contest first came to be recommended to the Beijing Jingshan School on the six months HKUST preparatory classes, and 13-year-old transferred closer to home in Suzhou discipline preparatory classes, has been in a math The physical constants take out. Eventually, Zhuang Xiaowei admitted to the college entrance 600 the multisection the champion results of the USTC Youth Class.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zhuang Xiaowei memories in a roommate of the USTC Youth Class, "Serena unique, although reading numerous, visual acuity was 1.5. Sometimes in the dorm, desk hard, she was lying on the upper berth bed reading a book, but also can see the word in our book. Williams also bent on dual-use skills while listening to the storytelling of the three countries while doing atomic physics operations, which are exceedingly admire. "U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Standing in the forefront of world scienceU7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In 1991, Zhuang Xiaowei in the the USTC After graduating from the United States this year, she was only 19 years old. After six years of painstaking study in the exotic, she got a doctorate in physics at the University of California, Berkeley. Since then, she Stanford University where he studied under Nobel Prize in Physics laureate Steven Chu of the Chinese scientists to do postdoctoral research, Steven Chu Zhuang Xiaowei impression most is his unique way of education, in the discussion, he often Zhuang Xiaowei, some very far-sighted recommendations these recommendations is not a very boring way to show it, but a very vivid, often with a look, an expression will be able to make people understand.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Is this time, Zhuang Xiaowei occasional partner of the chemical, biological disciplines to start doing some tracking of molecular behavior of the experimental, from across the physical and chemical study of the two disciplines, standing on the forefront of world science. Is a very hard thing to do scientific research, only has a long-term enthusiasm for their learning, in order to have power, while the power to resolve all the difficulties and the secret. Often seven days a week, Zhuang Xiaowei In addition to eating and sleeping, the rest of the time all the work.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zhuang Xiaowei achievements in the scientific world, and achieved recognized within the industry. In 2001, less than 30-year-old Zhuang Xiaowei was hired as assistant professor in Harvard University. Her physical foundation is inspired by her fluorescent molecular markers attached to the virus, when using laser irradiation markers emit colored light special. In this way, the aid of a microscope, her full and accurate tracking of the behavior of a single virus, but also track such as protein and ribonucleic acid (RNA) fragments such as single molecule behavior. She captured the continuous image of a single influenza virus, which is the world's first recorded to the virus-stage process.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In 2003, Zhuang Xiaowei get a MacArthur "genius grant" is the first Chinese woman scientist to receive this honor. In 2004, the famous American "Technology Review selected to engage in cutting-edge research in nanotechnology, computer and communication and the field of biotechnology, the age of 100 young innovators under the age of 35, Zhuang Xiaowei one of them.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In early 2006, Zhuang Xiaowei was promoted to double - appointed professor of physics and chemistry department of Harvard University. Established in their own name for Single Molecule Biophysics Laboratory, Harvard University, led by 21 doctoral and postdoctoral research influenza, AIDS, SARS and other viruses invade the host cell process.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Doing research must take risksU7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Looking at the scenery resume of Zhuang Xiaowei, many people thought the Zhuang Xiaowei too smooth, in fact, any success will not look so of course, only Zhuang Xiaowei paid how much hard.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"My secret is to forget the successes and failures of the past and start all over again, never give up." Zhuang Xiaowei just started reading Dr., not all students that the most prominent one, She was even doubt their own experiments. capacity. During post-doctoral research, she also encountered a whole year all groping test, what results to draw up the predicament.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In the face of time pressures and challenges, Zhuang Xiaowei never give up their own power from redouble our efforts. An assistant professor at Harvard period Zhuang Xiaowei other colleagues tend to select relatively "safe" topics, so as to rapidly results, send the paper. Harvard University, if the papers published by the six-year period did not reach the number of requests, you face the situation of leave. Zhuang Xiaowei spirit of adventure, from the beginning, it was decided to choose the difficult and risky subject. Or her numerous honors, and was promoted to professor at Harvard University when someone asked her, you can choose whether some of the more important issue to do, she said: "I have been looking for important subject, never looking for easy the problem to do. "U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zhuang Xiaowei recommendations of the domestic education sector, and to cultivate students' creativity, to encourage students to ask questions, no one is stupid, there will always be one hundred questions a smart, smart is perhaps a great scientific discoveries. Second, encourage students as early as possible into the laboratory for research, not to score too seriously, to let students have more contact with the cutting-edge science, daring to think and solve problems that have not yet been resolved.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Standing on the podium like a changed manU7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Compared with many Chinese scientists, the Zhuang Xiaowei very simple, without any gesture to please people, and has a simple and very focused. A friend described Zhuang Xiaowei: as long as a return to science, she immediately changed the individual, for example, in a speech, not only the wording is accurate and elegant, smooth tone, and very comfortable.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
President of the former China University of Science and Technology, the principal of the incumbent South University of Technology ZQ, this 87 Junior class girls, still leaves the impression. In October 2003, Zhuang Xiaowei back to his alma mater, the University of Science and Technology of China to do a report, when she has just won a MacArthur Foundation year "genius grant".U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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On that occasion, Zhuang Xiaowei his report, called "demonstrate a single RNase molecule folding and a single influenza virus infection process, light the name of a people, and found it very burnt painted. Zhuang Xiaowei but use their own "story-telling ability, are able to understand and even people outside the discipline. Her language is very humorous, including body language. She described how the influenza virus invade living cells ", she would imitate the virus on the cells, said:" I am here, let me come, "she humorously Rating:" I think the influenza virus is very clever, but the cells are very stupid To know that virus just want to enter the cell, while the remaining infection action by the cell itself. "U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Zhuang Xiaowei research methods, experimental principle, fixtures, results, analysis, logic is clear, concise, compact, full of the spirit of science, all the peer praise. Zhuang Xiaowei said, never be discriminated against because they are not Americans and, as long as scientific research well, it must be recognized. However, she said, traditional education in China has its weaknesses, so that the creative thinking of the Chinese people is not active, the Chinese students in this regard should be noted that adjustment. Choice of research topics, selection of impact on society, make the majority of people benefit from the subject to avoid superficial research.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Character cardU7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zhuang Xiaowei, was born in Suzhou in 1972. 1987, 15 years old admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China Youth Class. 1991 graduated from the United States, 1997, to get a doctorate in physics at the University of California at Berkeley. 2001, was hired as assistant professor at Harvard University. In early 2006, the Department Adjunct Professor of physics and chemistry, had won the 2003 "Genius Award" is the first Chinese woman scientist to receive this honor. 2012, becoming one of 84 new Jinmei Guo Academy of Sciences.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The name of a Chinese woman scientist is particularly noticeable in the list of 84 new Jinmei Guo Academy of Sciences announced on May 1, 2012, she was born in 1972, Zhuang Xiaowei. Her election, has broken the record of the youngest of the National Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences.U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
They say Zhuang Xiaowei is a young genius, she was 15 years old on the university at the age of 25 received a doctorate in physics, 34-year-old Harvard University Adjunct Professor, with laboratories in their own name; and she enter the National Academy of Sciences, academician of the last year the average age of 61.5 years, only just turned 40 years old this year, Zhuang Xiaowei elected.
U7MRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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