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iPhone 5開售 首日炒價漲四成



 vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

22gm601_new_09_2012.jpgvGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

【明報專訊】蘋果iPhone 5昨日在港開售,一如以往,首批新機成為中港兩地水貨客爭奪對象,以2500元至3000元的溢價向首輪買家收購,至昨晚收購價仍然堅挺未見下跌;蘋果專門店外,內地客收機價格明顯較香港水貨客高,有本地水貨客收集新機後更是直接向內地水貨客大批兜售。有內地水貨客直言,早上收購約20部手機後,下午即有接頭人乘飛機送到北京散貨。vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

內地水貨客聚蘋果店外 即日飛北京散貨vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

國金二期的蘋果專門店今次改變排隊售機做法,改為安排買家先在網上登記,再抽簽派籌,收到確認電郵的客戶可以訂兩部新機。昨日網上有流傳香港蘋果網站的網上訂機網頁有設計漏洞,令客戶訂機的頁面可被其他人輕易進入,然後取消訂單,但昨日不見有人到蘋果專門店投訴。有蘋果員工解釋,客戶訂機後公司會有紀錄,不會因網頁再被登入而取消訂單。vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨晨7時,近百名被抽中的「果粉」已在蘋果店外排隊,有保安及警員維持秩序,經確認買機資格,8時正入店內取機。排頭位的張小姐笑言,前日以個人身分證號碼登記一次,就成功訂購一部白色iPhone 5,感覺「猶如中大獎」,但由於自身是忠實「蘋果迷」,遂無意將其變賣。而抽中兩部32GB黑色iPhone5的張先生卻稱,因新機功能無甚驚喜,會盡快格價放售兩部電話,免價位太快滑落。vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

雖然新機設計被評無驚喜,「炒情」亦一度被唱淡,但昨現場所見iPhone 5仍有價有市。早上9時起,蘋果店外開始湧現30至40名收機買家,有本地亦有內地水貨客,都帶着大疊現金準備收機。僅一句鐘,銷情最好的16GB新機已由原價5588元被炒至7600元再到8000元,漲價逾四成,最高價至8500元。vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

銷情理想 先達店日收180部新機vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

來自深圳的水貨客透露,因眾人「互爭生意」以致不斷抬價吸引賣家,更着記者有興趣可親自到深圳關口,與接頭人鄭先生放機,每部16GB的新機可售7000元人民幣(約8600港元)。他又叮囑要在下午2時前交收,因鄭要馬上搭機到北京散貨,但未知當地機價。在旺角先達廣場,昨午一直有人聯群結隊放售iPhone 5。零售商數碼匯負責人阿勇稱,全日約收180部新機,但因16GB機種早被搶購一空,所收新機多為32GB或64GB。整日銷情相當理想,至黃昏已轉售出九成即近160部,客戶不乏兩岸三地人士,多數一次買入5至6部又不拆封檢驗,估計會再轉手至內地。另亦有小量俄羅斯及日本人問價。vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Apple iPhone 5 yesterday, Ming Pao in Hong Kong on sale, as usual, the first of the new machine and Hong Kong both parallel passenger contention object to the acquisition of the first round of buyers to 2500-3000 yuan premium to last night, the purchase price still no firm fell; outside Apple stores mainland visitors receiver prices significantly higher compared to the parallel-off in Hong Kong, a local parallel passenger to collect new machine is to direct passengers to the mainland gray large number peddle. Mainland parallel off bluntly, after the acquisition of about 20 in the morning phone connectors fly to Beijing bulk afternoon.vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The mainland gray passenger polymalic shop outside the same day to fly to Beijing bulkvGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Two IFC Apple Store's change of queuing machine sales practices instead arrange buyers first register online, and then draw lots of chips handed out, customers receive a confirmation e-mail can be set two new machines. Yesterday online circulating in Hong Kong Apple website online booking of web design vulnerabilities, others easy access so that the client machine's page, and then cancel the order, but it was not to the Apple store yesterday complaints. Apple employees to explain, Custom Machine Company will have the record, will not cancel the order pages longer be Login.vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7:00 yesterday morning, nearly a hundred drawn "fruit powder" have been queuing outside the Apple store security and police officers to maintain order and buy the machine recognized qualifications, take the machine into the store at 8:00. Miss Chang said with a smile of the head of the queue, the day before yesterday, a personal identity card numbers to register once successfully ordered a white iPhone 5 feel "as if the jackpot, but due to their own loyal Apple fans, then no intention to sell. Pumping in two 32GB black iPhone5 Mr. Zhang said, are no pleasant surprises of the new machine function will compare the prices as soon as possible to put the sale of two phones, free price too fast slipping.vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Although the design of the new machine has been assessed surprise, fried love "once sing short, but yesterday the site can see the iPhone 5 still a market price. 9:00 in the morning, Apple stores have begun to emerge 30-40 receiver buyers, there is a the local also Mainland parallel off, with a big stack of cash ready receiver. Only one bell, 16GB new machine sales of the best from the original price 8000 yuan pushed up to 5588 yuan 7600 yuan to the prices Sicheng, the highest price to 8500 yuan.vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Satisfactory sales the first day to close up shop 180 new machinesvGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The parallel off from Shenzhen disclosed, everyone "to compete for business," so constantly shill to attract sellers, more significantly reporters interested in Shenzhen mark, the joint can personally to Mr. Cheng player, 16GB of each new machine can be sold at 7,000 yuan yuan (about HK $ 8600). He told the settlement to 14:00, bulk Zheng to immediately fly to Beijing, but unknown local machine price. Padium in Mong Kok yesterday afternoon has been someone the knot Lianqun team put the sale of the iPhone 5. Retailers Cyber ​​responsible person yong said, the whole day is about $ 180 new machines, but 16GB models have long since been sold out, received the new machine more than 32GB or 64GB. Quite ideal for a full day's sales of Jiucheng nearly 160 have been transferred to dusk sold, customers no shortage of the three persons, the majority of time to buy 5-6 without unpacking inspection, estimated to be changed hands to the mainland. There are other cases a small amount of the Russian and the Japanese asked the price.
vGDRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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