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Korean girls why be afraid to mention the pants


朝鲜和中国山水相连,却是个喜欢关起门来过日子的老邻居。因为意识形态的因素,朝鲜更像30年前中国的影子:在外界眼里,他们的政治信仰高于一切,封闭而团结,贫穷而虔诚。无论是已故领袖金日成,还是前任领导人金正日,都是全民的绝对权威,朝鲜人民视其为红太阳,并可为之赴汤蹈火,牺牲一切。领袖一句话,可以改变全民的生活方式。比如,朝鲜女性,一提裤子就非常紧张。ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
 ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
按理说,怎样过日子,是私人问题,用不着外界指手画脚;但是,朝鲜不行,任何人的饮食起居、吃穿住行,完全被格式化,换句话说,谁也没有权力将个人置身于制度之外;除非是找死,自绝于人民。朝鲜女性的裤子问题就是这么来的。如果翻历史,朝鲜女人和俄罗斯女人一样,只穿裙子——这是个风俗问题;假如看现在,朝鲜禁止本国女性穿裤子——这又纯属政治问题。ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

去过朝鲜的人,见怪不怪:平壤宽阔的马路上,那些来来往往的女人,的确都穿裙子。要么是鲜艳的民族服装,要么是飒爽英姿的套装制服。即便在寒冬腊月,朝鲜女人依旧“清一色”是裙装,当然,为了抵挡刺骨的西北风,女人们要在长长的朝鲜大裙子里,套上厚棉裤。很有趣,女性的装束,居然能检验政治忠诚,就像上世纪六七十年代的中国,军装或者中山服是标准样式,倘若男人穿西服、打领带;或者女人穿迷你裙、牛仔裤,肯定会被群众当作“异己”、“另类”,弄不好,还可能被抓起来,判几年。朝鲜女性必须严格遵守标准打扮,因为,街头巷尾,总会有人监督过往行人,看你的前胸佩有没有戴领袖像章,看那些爱美的姑娘有没有偷换裤子什么的——在那种格式化的社会环境里,谁敢冒天下之大不韪,大摇大摆地脱了裙子,将自己置身于全社会的对立面呢?ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
至于外国妇女,可以另当别论,毕竟不是一个国家,所以在平壤街头,能够享受朝鲜女性无法享受的“特权”,那就是穿裤子。倘若朝鲜女人穿裤子上街,肯定会被管事儿的“阿妈尼”拦住去路,正颜厉色地批评:“同务(在朝鲜,人们称和自己平级或比自己级位低的人为同务,比自己级别高的人为同志),作为一个女人,你怎么能穿裤子呢?”即便你老老实实穿了裙子,仍不免有质量问题,比如,裙摆高过膝盖,则被视做“不正经”,必须换长裙才行。ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

原来,朝鲜女性的裤子,已经被金日成在生前“钦点”过了。不知什么原因,他老人家非常不喜欢女人穿裤子,为此,曾在公开场合表示:“裤子是男人穿的。”言下之意,女人穿裤子很不成体统。既然领袖发了话,全体民众自然要无条件地遵从。ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据说,朝鲜社会流行三种“裤子”,那就是“军裤”、“党裤”和“学裤”。可惜,如果不是女军人、女干部和女知识分子,贸然穿那些制服裤子,还会惹来一屁股官司,那又何必呢?因为男人有权穿裤子,男人也就成了朝鲜女人嘴里的“裤子”。男孩子叫做“新裤子”;离过婚的是“旧裤子”;离过两次婚的,被贬为“破裤子”。话又说回来,早朝鲜离婚手续繁琐,的确不太容易。ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其实,朝鲜有自己的民族服装,因为他们喜欢白色,故有“白衣民族”之称。朝鲜男子爱穿“灯笼裤”,当然是白色居多。款式主要分为“巴基”——裤子,和“古克”——坎肩两种。“巴基” 裤裆裤腿肥大,穿着陆随便轻松,适合其盘腿席坐的习惯,裤腿有系丝带,可防风寒。“古克”一般套在上衣外面,多用绸缎作面,毛皮或布料作里儿。女装也是白色居多,款式分为“则高利”和长裙。“则高利”是朝鲜女性青睐的上衣,不钉纽扣,用布带打结,袖口、衣襟、腋下镶有色彩鲜艳的绸缎边,穿起来非常飘逸;朝鲜长裙多熨有长长的皱褶,可以做成缠裙、筒裙、长裙、短裙、围裙……年轻女子多爱穿背心式的带 褶筒裙、裙长过膝盖的短裙,这样非常便于劳动。ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
如果说,朝鲜女性爱穿裙子是古风使然;那么,她们只穿裙子,别无选择,纯属响应领袖的政治号召。即便私下迷恋长裤,也是对领袖的精神亵渎——“大不敬”。不过,随着时光消磨,现代社会的风气似乎也吹到了朝鲜,尽管这个国家规矩很多,却开始慢慢转变了。外界感受到的,首先是女性穿裤子的问题。ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2009年8月,朝鲜劳动党机关报《劳动新闻》忽然刊出一篇文章,题为《穿着应方便且好看》。文章罕见地提倡女性,可以穿“端正的裤子”。什么叫“端正”呢?显然,又是一种带有意识形态色彩的审美眼光。裤子,居然能够反应全社会的价值取向,含蓄内敛、中规中矩,永远不会出事儿,一旦沾上外国味儿,尤其是西方元素,就难免在裤子问题上冒进。《劳动新闻》果然明确要求:“紧贴在女性下身的裤子和喇叭裤,不是我们提倡的款式。”好在,裤子这玩意儿终于“解禁”了,先迈出这一步再说吧。ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Korea and the Chinese mountains and rivers, but it is like behind closed doors to live the old neighbors. Because of ideological factors, like North Korea 30 years ago, China's shadow: the eyes of the outside world, their political beliefs above all else, the closure of unity, the poor and pious. Regardless of the absolute authority of the late leader Kim Il Sung, former leader Kim Jong Il, are all the Korean people view them as the red sun, whom can jump through hoops, to sacrifice everything. Leader of a word can change the lifestyle of the whole people. For example, the Korean women, mentioning pants very tight.ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
It stands to reason, how to live, is a private issue, do not need the outside world to find fault with; However, North Korea not to anyone's daily diet, clothing, housing, completely formatted, in other words, no one has the power to the personal exposure to the system outside; unless it is to court death, from the people. Korean women's pants that way. If you turn the history of Korean women and Russian women, wearing only a skirt - it is a customs problem; if can see, the DPRK to prohibit their women pants - this is purely political issues.ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Been to North Korea, not surprising: Pyongyang's wide roads, comings and goings of a woman is indeed wearing a skirt. Either in colorful national costumes, or the valiant and heroic suit uniforms. Even in deepest winter, the Korean woman is still "uniformly" is a skirt, of course, in order to protect them from freezing northwest wind, the women in the long Korean skirt, put on thick cotton trousers. Very interesting, female costume, and actually be able to test political loyalty, like the 1960s and 1970s, military uniforms or Zhongshan Fu is the standard style, if a man wearing a suit and tie; or woman to wear miniskirts, jeans, and will definitely masses as "dissidents", "alternative" fix, may be arrested and sentenced to several years. Korean women must strictly abide by the standard dress, the streets will always be those who oversee the passers-by, see you the former Xiongpei of not wearing the leader badge, to see the beauty of the girl did not steal for the pants, what - in that format social environment, who would dare to defy world opinion and strutted off the skirt, put themselves in the opposite of the whole society it?ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
As for foreign women, can be a different matter, after all, is not a country, so in the streets of Pyongyang, be able to enjoy Korean women can not enjoy the "privilege", that is, trousers. If the Korean women wear pants to the streets, will certainly be Guan Shier "Grandma Benny blocked by, look serious and severe criticism:" Services (in Korea, people said the same level or lower than its own level artificially with Service, a high level than their human comrades), as a woman, how can you wear pants do? "Even if you honestly wear a dress, still can not help but have quality problems, for example, the skirt higher than the knee, were as "not serious", you must change the dress to the job.ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
It turned out that the Korean women's trousers, has been Kim Il Sung in his lifetime "chosen" over. I do not know why, His Holiness is not like a woman wearing trousers, To this end, once said in public, said: "The pants are the men to wear." This implies that a woman wearing trousers very was improper. Since the leaders have made all people naturally want to unconditionally compliance.ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Said that the Korean society and popular three kinds of pants, "trousers", "party pants" and "school pants". Unfortunately, if not the female soldiers, female cadres and female intellectuals hastily wear those uniform pants, but also attracted an ass lawsuit, then why? Because men have the right to wear pants, men will become the mouth on the Korean woman "pants". The boys called "trousers"; divorced is "old trousers"; been divorced twice, disparaged as a "shabby trousers. Then again, as early as the Korean divorce is complicated, and indeed is not easy.ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In fact, North Korea has its own national costume, because they like the white, so white nation, "said. Korean man wearing pants, of course, is a white majority. The styles are divided into "Bucky" - pants, and the ancient g "- two kinds waistcoat. "Bucky" crotch trouser legs mast, wearing Lu casually relaxed, and suitable for the habit of sitting cross-legged seat, legs Department of ribbon, anti-cold. Guk general set out of his jacket, multi-use satin surface, fur or fabric where children. Women's white majority, the style is divided into "Gregory" and dress. "Gregory" is the coat of the Korean women favor, do not nail the buttons, tie with a cloth belt, cuffs, skirts, the armpit inlaid with colorful silk side, wearing a very elegant; Korean dress and more iron a long wrinkled fold, can be made wrapped skirt, skirts, dresses, skirts, aprons ...... young woman wearing a vest with pleated skirts, skirt longer than knee skirt, so very easy labor.ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
If we say that the Korean women wearing skirts antiquity dictates; then, they only wear skirts, have no choice but to purely political response leaders called on. Even private fascination with trousers, but also the spirit of the leaders of blasphemy - "disrespectful". However, with time to spend, the culture of modern society seems to have blown Korea, despite this national rules, but slowly began to change. Outside to feel the first is the issue of women wearing trousers.ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In August 2009, the Korean Workers' Party official newspaper Rodong Sinmun suddenly published an article entitled "should be dressed in a convenient and good-looking". Articles rare advocate of women can wear the correct pants. What is the "correct"? Obviously, the aesthetic with the ideological vision. Pants, was able to reflect the full social value orientation, subtle and restrained, formal, never the thing, once stained with the foreign taste, especially in the Western elements, which inevitably aggressive in the pants issue. "Labor News" really clear requirements: close to the women's pants trousers and bell bottom pants, not the style we advocate. "Fortunately, the pants this thing finally lifted", the first take that step to say.
ZBMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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