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Chinese Air Force fighter family inventory: the United States is serious concern


 YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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资料图:中国空军歼-10战斗机群。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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近几年,随着中国航空工业迅猛发展,中国空军歼击机家族越来越壮大,从建国初期的歼-5一直到最新的歼-20。见证了中国空军歼击机家族的发展。其中哪一款战机创下了辉煌的战绩?又有哪一款战机性能优异惨遭淘汰?美军又最担忧哪一款战机?请看中国空军歼击机家族最全盘点YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国军队特殊的排次顺序,和涉及到军事秘密的特殊情况,再加上媒体发布消息过程中通过推测和军迷自己给中国歼击机加上的习惯性编号,让外界对中国歼击机的型号认识混乱不堪。那么中国空军歼击机的编号到底是怎么排列的呢?YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

俄罗斯技术副博士瓦谢斯拉夫·瓦罗金专门在俄《独立报》上撰文,对中国歼击机的编号进行了分析。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

瓦谢斯拉夫·瓦罗金文章称,据情报部门反映中国不仅有J-10战机、J-11战机、J-15战机和J-20战机。还有J-12、J-13、J-14甚至J-16和J-18的代号出现。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

综合一切材料,可以判断出一些从未曝光过的新型号的战机是沈飞从八十年代末就开始着手研发,九十年代初得以迅猛发展。从那时起的英文媒体,包括专注于中国军事动向的香港电子刊物都暗示中国在进行未知型号的J-XX飞机计划,该计划属于5代机(北约惯用的划代称为四代机)计划。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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资料图:歼-10战机具有空中加油的能力。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

要强调的是,中国设计者并不公开承认自己的工作,有时候发布的消息还会把读者搞昏了。究其原因,中国人自己特殊的排次顺序,他们将5代机归入到4代机范围(即中国官方称之为4.5代战机)。让情况更加混乱的还有按照歼击机计划出现的J-XX在公开媒体报道都说是4代机的继续(按照北约惯用战斗机划代)。在不久刚刚曝光的J-10基础上发展起来的改进型号也增加了这种混乱。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

真正的混乱是来自那些未知战机的编号--J-12,J-13以及后来的J-14,还有已经公开曝光的J-20,它们隶属于不同的设计者(主要的设计者基本是来自沈阳和成都航空制造公司的601、611研究院)。其实,这些番号不仅是按照飞机制造项目排列,而且也是考虑到中国5代机制造项目的特殊要求,按照规则型号排列。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

总之,J-XX的制造与传统的战机制造定义有的冲突。与作者讨论过该问题的中国专家特别强调说,2005年例行完成的飞机研制是一回事,而现实中到底选择哪个方案具体执行又是另一回事。他说:“虽然歼击机的最终方案已经有了,但是对它的最终要求还未确定。”确实是这样,在所有中国媒体公开的关于J-XX歼击机的资料中,已出现了各种工艺模型照片,这些模型照片是根据最可能采用的方案加工而成的。而最终方案的选择和对J-XX战术技术要求的确定要到几年才能揭晓,投入使用也只能到2015年甚至更久了。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

就目前得到的消息,可以推测J-XX是采用所谓的新航空技术--螺旋式开发方法。类似开发方法是美国军事部门在90年代初进行军事工艺制造技术改革后取得的成果。曾使用这种开发方法的有美国正在进行研制的无人驾驶飞机--UCAV(多机协同路径规划和航迹产生算法研究),UCAV-N(海军无人作战飞行器),J-UCAS(联合无人空战系统)等项目,F-22猛禽也包括其中。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

文章称,中国人目前进行的都是别人从来都没有干过的事:螺旋式开发的每一个步骤都是按照制造真正的战机工艺来进行,而不是在建造试验品。因此,中国人完成研制也就需要5年,而不是美国人的10年。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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资料图:地面上的歼-10战斗机机群。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国军用飞机命名规则基本是按用途加序号。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1.歼击机,“歼”加序号,代号为汉语拼音字母加序号,如歼5(J5)、歼6(J6)、歼7(J7)、歼8-2(J8-2)、歼8-2M(J8-2M)、歼10(J10)、歼10B、歼11(J11)、歼11B、歼11BS双座型号YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2.强击机,“强”加序号,代号为汉语拼音字母加序号,如强5(Q5)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

3.轰炸机,“轰”加序号,代号为汉语拼音字母加序号,如轰5(H5)、轰6(H6)、轰6丁(H6D)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

4.运输机,“运”加序号,代号为汉语拼音字母加序号,如运7(Y7)、运8(Y8)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

5.直升机,“直”加序号,代号为汉语拼音字母加序号,如直8(Z8)、直9(Z9)、直10(Z10),武装直升机,“直”前加“武”,如武直9(WZ9)、武直10(WZ10)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

6.加油机,未知(现在我军所拥有的加油机为轰6(H6)改装型,定名为轰油6,在未有新型加油机面市的情况下只能推测为“原机型代号”(多为轰炸机或运输机)加“油”加序号,代号为汉语拼音字母加序号。)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

7.FC-1歼击机,FBC-1歼击轰炸机,则按西方国家方法命名YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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资料图:歼-5战斗机。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国空军歼击机盘点 YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-5YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1951年12月,周总理亲自主持会议研究决定,要在3到5年的时间里试制成功苏制雅克-18初级教练机,以及米格-15。后歼击机项目改为试制更加先进的米格-17喷气式歼击机。1954年中国第一批飞机及其发动机试制成功,两年以后,1956年9月8日,沈阳飞机厂试制成功中国第一种歼击机歼-5--喷气式,即米格-17Ф型,随后获批准批量生产。中国成为当时世界上少数几个能够成批生产喷气歼击机的国家之一。歼-5战斗机一亮相,就在东南沿海击落美制台湾来犯战机八架,其后更为中国的国土防空作战立下了赫赫战功。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-6YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1964年1月,沈阳飞机厂成功地仿制出前苏联米格-19型超音速歼击机,命名为歼-6,该歼击机于1959年9月23日首飞成功,它的制造成功,标志着新中国航空工业进入了超音速时代。六十年代中国向巴基斯坦提供了歼-6,印巴战争中歼-6共击落一架米格-21,八架苏-7和三架英制“猎人”战斗机。当时在巴的美国顾问认为歼-6技术水平相当高,爬升率比印度的米格-21和巴基斯坦当时拥有的美制F-104都快,低空缠斗性能好过当时亚州除F-86外的所有战机,随着时代的进步装备数量曾高达3000架的歼-6已逐步退出现役。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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资料图:歼-7战斗机。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-7YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1967年6月,我国为了国土防空和夺取战区制空权,以前苏联米格-21战斗机为基础,研发了单座单发轻型超音速歼-7战斗机。因为当时中苏交恶,我国实际上并没有从前苏联得到的有关米格-21战斗机的大部分技术资料,到手的资料也有有很多的错误,使得该机的研制过程步履维艰,最后经过负责此项目的沈飞公司和成都飞机工业公司艰苦努力,硬是看着样机,用“照猫画虎”的方式成功的仿制出了歼-7战斗机。通过歼-7战斗机的研制,中国走完了引进--消化--吸收-自主开发战斗机的全过程,为中国航空工业的发展积累了一笔宝贵的财富。现在歼-7战斗机作为中国20世纪80年代中至90年代中的主力战斗机,仍在中国国防中起到了重要的作用。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-8YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1964年,我国开始在歼-7的基础上独立进行重大改进研制歼-8战斗机,并于1969年7月5日首飞成功。但由于十年动乱的严重干扰、迟滞了该机的研制工作,直到“文化大革命”结束3年,歼-8方才设计定型。而这时的歼-8与当时国外航空强国装备的战机相比,已经落后了很多,中国航空人不得不再次加快追赶世界先进水平的脚步。但是它在中国航空工业史上却有着举足轻重的地位,它标志着中国战斗机设计跨进了自行研制的新阶段。歼-8战斗机主要装备中国的空军和海军,已于1987年停产,总共生产架数不多。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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资料图:歼-9战斗机CG图。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1964年,在我国进行歼-8战斗机设计的同时,为了解决战斗机升限留空时间短,高空高速性能差,没有雷达,高空机动性差等缺陷,提出了设计歼-9的计划。当时歼-9设计思想前卫,在设计性能上大大超越了歼-8方案,但是也因此使得研制过程出现了大量不可逾越的困难。考虑到当时的国情,我国最终选择了歼-8这个渐改方案,并于1980年彻底放弃了对于歼-9战斗机的研发,此前共投入机体研制费约为2122万元。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-10YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

为了不在未来的战场上受制于人,我国于1988年开始了对歼-10战斗机的完全自行设计的研制,该机是中国空军历史上最具神秘色彩的一种战斗机了。自从外界第一次发现它的存在起,各种关于它的传闻就一直没有中断,据说歼-10采用了我国20年改革开放中所开发积累的大量先进技术,如四重数位数字电传操纵系统、翼身融合技术、整体玻璃座舱、复合材料以及部分隐身技术等。因此歼-10的任何动静都牵动国际军事观察家的神经,美国中央情报局甚至还绘制了种类各异歼-10三维立体模拟构。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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资料图:歼-12想象图。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-11YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-11战机1990年9月17日,包括多位高级将领在内的中国军事代表团参观了莫斯科城外的库宾卡空军基地。据传当时苏联拒绝了中国购买苏-27的要求,极力推荐米格-29。但中国人决定选择性能更加优异的苏-27。中国希望能引进国外先进技术自行研制,或者只购买少量的样品,只有在紧迫的情况下才会成批大量引进外国战斗机。因此中方与苏联/俄罗斯洽谈引进苏-27一开始就立足于引进其生产线。随后中央作出了尽快将苏-27国产化的决定。国产化的苏-27将命名为歼-11。在组装仿制和国产化中,在我国出厂的苏-27逐个批次性能有所提高,整机进口的苏-27也不断得到改进,尤其在电子设备方面。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-12(计划夭折)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-12是一款轻型战斗机。在我国的空军航空博物馆公开露面之后,引起中外人士的广泛关注,这不仅是因为她解开了海外曾盛传一时的“歼-12之谜”,更重要的是因为他在我国航空工业史上具有特殊地位。歼-12飞机在国内也曾是一个另人迷惑的角色。声誉不低,但终未被列入装备。1968年4月,我国空军提出了研制“小歼”(即后来的歼-12)的计划。原型机于1969年12月26日首次试飞成功。1978年2月,因调整装备体制而决定停止研制。除一架做破坏性强度试验的原型机外,共生产了5架经过试飞的整机。目前,有两架收藏于我国空军航空博物馆。歼-12的真正弱点是电子火控设备过于简单和陈旧,使其潜在的战斗力不能充分发挥。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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资料图:歼-13想象图。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-13飞机的设计思想酝酿于1971年底,当时根据六院的指示由601所着手研究下一代歼击机方案。601所根据作为我国空军歼击机主力的歼6已经落后的情况,认为应研制接替歼6的空战歼击机,作为80年代的空军主力战斗机。在当时同量级的新战斗机中,同时研制的还有美制的F-16,这一型飞机设计非常成功,并经过了不断改进,成为了北约国家的主力装备。虽然同处两个世界,意识形态完全不同。歼-13与F-16的外形差别也是非常之大,但是在主翼的设计上确是惊人的相似。同是采用了边条翼形式。虽然这一机翼构型现在已是十分常见,但在60年代末却是绝无仅有的。而且美国毕竟至少拥有二次世界大战以及喷气时代歼击机设计的经验,而中国什么都没有,能参考的至多不过是米格-19,然而在完全独立的,没有任何经验的情况下,竟能设计出如此先进而巧妙的机翼构型,本身就是个奇迹。歼-13歼击机的致命弱点在于其发动机,也正是因此未能服役。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-14(未公开)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

官方没有公布歼-14。据网络资料显示,歼-14具有全新的高性能、多用途、全天候的空中优势的战斗机。飞机以重型、低成本为主导思想,以高性能、高生存力、高作战效能为设计目标,要求飞机有大推重比,非加力超音速巡航;具有中国特色的隐身性能;具有很高的敏捷性和失速机动性。日本曾报道歼-14“鹰隼”战机要装备主动的电子扫描的相控阵雷达,同时也具备了追踪多目标的同时作战攻击的能力,将是美军的F-22A隐形战机的重要的对手。歼-14总体布局是单座双发、双v形垂尾翼、菱形进气道的纵向一体化三翼面的气动布局。主要技术采用前掠式机翼,翼身融合的隐身设计,武器装载在机身的武器舱和推力矢量控制技术。机体的36%由碳纤维复合材料制成。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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资料图:J-16参照的样本Su-30。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-15YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-15战斗机(简称J-15)是中国研制的第三代战斗机,属于重型舰载战机,由沈阳飞机公司设计。歼-15由中国从乌克兰购得的苏-33原型机T-10K-3,在歼-11B基础上研制并融合苏-33的技术,装配鸭翼,折叠式机翼,机尾装有着舰尾钩等舰载机特征,其起落架强度很高,前轮能够拖曳弹射,因为设计之初就考虑到弹射器起飞的问题,将部署到瓦良格号航空母舰上。有分析称歼-15性能接近或超过美国海军F/A-18E/F“超级大黄蜂”。有消息称,歼-15已于2009年8月进行了首次试飞,2011年4月25日,第二架歼-15原型机进行试飞。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-16YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据资料显示,J-16是中国沈飞正在研制的三代半多用途战机,并可能被命名为歼-16,J-16就是J-11的超级改型,J-16高Su-30一个级别,网传2011年10月17日已在沈阳首飞。歼-16具有很强的对空对地攻击能力。歼-16装备自动电子扫描相控阵雷达(AESA)具有与多目标作战的能力,并可以识别出目标的相关资料。据称,这一项目是中国独立创新设计、开发制造先进战机,在技术上超过俄罗斯苏-47,甚至最终赶上美国的一个重要步骤。歼-16不是一款隐身战机,其气动外形和苏30MK2基本一致。武器外挂。不过在航电,雷达上长足进步使得歼-16战力胜出苏30MK2。减小的RCS值是对苏-27系列战斗机一个最大缺点的改进;WS10A也优于AL31F。12吨的最大武器挂载和1500公里的作战半径使得海航战力大增。据传首批24架部署在海航8师22团。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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资料图:央视曝光歼-18。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-18(垂直起降战斗机)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

日本媒体称,根据美国驻日本军方情报部门透露,中国的新型4.5代重型战机歼-18(中文名“红鹰”)2008年8月就已经在沈阳飞机厂正式下线,2008年10月在北京郊区的某空军基地进行首次试飞,首飞暴露了歼-18的某些问题。随后中国军方立即对歼-18进行改进,并在2009年10月12日进行了第二次试飞,取得圆满成功。同日,美国《军事周刊》主编罗斯卡特发表评论称根据美国军方消息,歼-18第二次试飞在沈阳空军基地由中国特级试飞员王国林试飞,试飞试验按原定计划飞到高空,然后加速到最大飞行速度,启动引擎冷却系统,实现完全“隐形”,并在高空连续做了包括“眼镜蛇”在内的十几个高难度动作,以躲避雷达锁定。但是根据中国一向的保密习惯,中国军方和政府没有对此事发表任何评论,但也没有否认。消息被美国军方确认可信后,美国空军计算机模拟控制中心紧急召开会议,实施模拟空战演习(代号“捕鹰行动”)。但空战结果,令国防部部长罗伯特·盖茨和希德·马丁公司大为吃惊:F22以3:1惨败于歼-18。此举引发了美国国防部的严重担忧。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-20YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-20是成都飞机制造厂研制的中国第五代隐身重型歼击机,采用两台国产涡扇10B发动机、DSI两侧进气道、全动垂尾,鸭式布局。该机于2010年10月14日完成组装,2010年11月4日进行首次滑跑试验。2011年1月11日12时50分,歼-20在成都实现首飞,历时18分钟,这标志着我国隐形战斗机的研制工作掀开了新的一页。歼-20空军代号为“威龙”,因为该机将担负我军未来对空,对海的主权维护,北约代号为“FireFang”(炎齿)“FireTooth”(火牙)。该机由中国成都飞机设计研究所设计、中国成都飞机工业公司制造的用于接替歼-10、歼-11等第三代空中优势/多用途歼击机的未来重型歼击机型号。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

歼-60YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

传说中的歼-60并没有太多的报道,只有美国《航空周刊》网站在3月16日的时候曝出。《航空周刊》发表国际评估和战略研究中心研究员理查德·费舍尔的文章,文章提到,中国空军正在进行双轨现代化,发展新的覆盖范围更大的远程作战能力;除了正在研发大型隐形战斗机歼-20项目之外,还在研发歼-60中型隐形战机。YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Data Figure: China Air Force F-10 fighter jet base.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In recent years, with the rapid development of China's aviation industry, the Chinese Air Force fighter family getting larger and larger, from the early days of the F to the latest F -20 -5. Witnessed the development of the Chinese Air Force fighter family. Which a fighter hit a brilliant record? Where a fighter performance has been eliminated? The U.S. and most worried about what a fighter? See the Chinese Air Force fighter aircraft family is the most complete inventoryYsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Chinese army special order of ranking, and special circumstances related to military secrets, coupled with the media to publish the message the process of speculation and military fans to the Chinese fighter with the customary number, and confusion about the outside world on the model of the Chinese fighter unbearable. Then the number of China's air force fighter in the end is how arranged?YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Russian technology vice 博士瓦谢斯 Ralph Navarro gold, specifically in Russia, "The Independent" article, the number of Chinese fighter.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Vyacheslav Navarro gold article said that the intelligence agencies to reflect not only the J-10 fighter, the J-11 fighter, the J-15 fighter and the J-20 fighter. And also the J-12 J-13 J-14 or J-16 and J-18 code appears.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The combination of all the materials can be judged never been exposed to new types of fighter Shen fly from the end of the 1980s began working to develop, to the rapid development in the early 1990s. Since then, English-language media, including electronic publications focus on China's military developments imply that during unknown model J-XX aircraft program, the program belongs to the 5th generation aircraft (NATO program on behalf of the usual known as the four generations of machines) scheme.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Data Figure: F -10 fighter has the ability to air refueling.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Want to emphasize is that the designer is not publicly acknowledged their work, and sometimes news release will readers to engage in unconscious. Reason, the Chinese people own special ranking the order, they will be 5th generation aircraft classified into four generation machine (that is, the Chinese official called 4.5 generation fighter). Make the situation even more confusing in accordance with the fighter plan, the J-XX in the public media reports say this is the 4th generation machine to continue (in accordance with NATO's usual fighter program generation). Improvement model developed shortly exposure of J-10 on the basis of this confusion.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The real confusion is the number of those unknown fighter - J-12 J-13 and later J-14, there are already exposed to the public J-20, they belong to different designers (designers of basic 601,611 Research Institute of Shenyang and Chengdu Aircraft Corporation). In fact, these designations not only in accordance with the aircraft manufacturing project arrangement, but also taking into account the special requirements of China's 5th generation aircraft manufacturing project, in accordance with the rules of model order.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In short, the manufacturing of the J-XX define some conflict with the traditional fighter manufacturing. Chinese experts to discuss the issue with the author in particular that the routine completed aircraft development in 2005 is one thing, reality in the end choose which programs to the specific implementation is another matter. He said: "Although the final plan of the fighters already have, but its ultimate requirements has not been determined." Indeed it is, in all the media information on the J-XX fighter has appeared in a variety of process models photographs, photographs of models and is processed according to the most likely program. The choice of the final program and the J-XX tactical and technical requirements to determine will not be known until a few years, put into use only in 2015 or even longer.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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On the news, we can speculate that the J-XX is the so-called new aviation technology - spiral development approach. Similar development achievements in military technology manufacturing technology reform in the early 1990s, the U.S. military authorities. United States is to develop unmanned aircraft - UCAVs had used this development method (multi-machine cooperative path planning and track Algorithm), the UCAV-N (Navy unmanned combat air vehicles), the J-UCAS (Joint Unmanned Combat Air System) and other projects, the F-22 Raptor is also included.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The article said that Chinese people are other people have never done something: every step of the spiral development are in accordance with the manufacture of a real fighter craft, rather than the construction of the test product. Therefore, to complete the development will take five years, instead of Americans 10 years.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Data for the F-10 fighter jet fleet: on the ground.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Relevant informationYsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Chinese military aircraft naming convention is basically use plus serial number.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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A fighter, "F" plus serial, code-named for the Chinese phonetic alphabet plus serial number, such as the F 5 (J5), F-6 (J6), F-7 (J7), F 8-2 (J8-2), F 8-2M (J8-2M), two-seater F-10 (J10), F 10B, F-11 (J11), F 11B, F-11BS ModelYsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Attackers, "strong" plus the serial number plus serial number, code-named for the Chinese phonetic alphabet, such as Johnson & 5 (the Q5)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Bombers, "H" plus the serial number plus serial number, code-named for the Chinese phonetic alphabet, such as H-5 (H5), H-6 (H6), H 6 D (H6D,)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Transport aircraft, "Yun" plus serial number, serial code for the Chinese phonetic alphabet plus transport 7 (Y7), shipped 8 (Y8)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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5 helicopters, "straight" plus the serial number, code-named the Chinese phonetic alphabet plus serial number, such as direct 8 (the Z8), straight (Z9), straight 10 (Z10), helicopter gunships, "straight" front "arms" such as WZ-9 (WZ9) WZ-10 (WZ10)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Tanker, unknown (our military tanker owned by the H-6 (H6) modified type, named the oil boom 6, no new tanker market can only speculate about the original model code (mostly bombers or transport aircraft) plus the "oil" plus the serial number plus serial number, code-named for the Chinese phonetic alphabet.)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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7.FC-1 fighter and FBC-1 fighter-bombers, according to Western countries, methods namedYsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Data for: F -5 fighter.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Chinese Air Force fighter inventoryYsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F -5YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In December 1951, Premier Zhou personally presided over the meeting to study the decision, in 3-5 years time, a successful trial of Soviet-made Yak -18 primary trainer aircraft, and MiG -15. After fighter projects as trial more advanced MiG-17 fighter jet. 1954 the first batch of aircraft and engines in China succeeded in the trial, two years later, on September 8, 1956, the Shenyang Aircraft Factory trial success of the first Chinese fighter J - 5 - jet, the MiG-17Ф type, followed by been approved mass production. China has become one of the world at that time a few to mass-produced jet fighter. F -5 fighters an appearance, shot down in the southeast coast of US-made Taiwan the invading fighters eight, followed by more homeland defense combat set an illustrious military exploits.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F-6YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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January 1964, the Shenyang Aircraft Factory successfully reproducing the former Soviet MiG -19 supersonic fighter, named F-6 aircraft, the fighter made a successful maiden flight on September 23, 1959, its manufacturing success, marking the new China The aviation industry into the supersonic era. In the 1960s, China provided Pakistan with the F-6, India-Pakistan war, the F-6 shot down a MiG-21, eight Su-7 and three inch "Hunter" fighter. F-6 level is very high, rate of climb faster than India's MiG-21 and Pakistan at that time owned by US-made F-104, low-altitude dogfight performance is better than that of Asia in addition to the F-86 American advisers in Pakistan all fighters, with the progress of the times and equipment number was as high as 3000 J-6 has been gradually withdraw from active duty.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Data Figure: F-7 fighter.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F-7YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In June 1967, in order to homeland defense and seizure of the theater air supremacy, before the Soviet MiG-21 fighters, based on research and development of single-seat single light supersonic F-7 fighters. Because of the hostility of the then Soviet Union, China actually most of the technical information the former Soviet Union, the MiG-21 fighter hand information have a lot of errors, making the aircraft development process very difficult, and finally through for this project Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and the Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation is hard work, he just looked at the the prototype, "Zhaomaohuahu way successfully reproducing the F-7 fighter. F-7 fighter, China has completed the introduction - digestion - absorption - self-developed fighter, has accumulated a valuable asset for the development of China's aviation industry. F-7 fighter in China in the 1980s to the mid-1990s, the main fighter, and is still played an important role in China's national defense.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F-8YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In 1964, China began to make significant improvements in F-7 on the basis of independent development of the F-8 fighter, and a successful maiden flight on July 5, 1969. However, due to the serious interference of the ten years of chaos, hysteresis machine development work for three years until the end of the "Cultural Revolution", F-8 had just design finalized. When the F-8 fighters of the foreign aviation power equipment, has been behind a lot of aviation people have to re-accelerate to catch up with the world advanced level in the footsteps of. But it is in the history of China's aviation industry has a pivotal position to step onto a new stage of self-developed, it marks the Chinese fighter design. F-8 fighter major equipment to China's air force and navy, was discontinued in 1987, a total of not more than the production of frame number.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Data Chart: J -9 fighter CG map.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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J -9YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In 1964, the design of the F-8 fighter in China at the same time, in order to solve the fighter ceiling blank time, high-altitude high-speed performance is poor, there is no radar, and poor high-altitude maneuverability defects, design F-9 program. Was J -9 design forward-thinking in the design of performance far beyond the F-8 program, and therefore makes the development process of a large number of insurmountable difficulties. Taking into account national conditions at that time, our final choice of the F-8, this gradual reform program, and in 1980 the total abandonment of the R & D for the J -9 fighter, had invested a total the Airframe fee of about 21.22 million yuan.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F -10YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Controlled by others is not the future of the battlefield, in 1988, China began a fully developed self-designed F-10 fighter jet, the aircraft is a fighter of the most mysterious in the history of the Chinese Air Force. Since the outside world for the first time since its existence, all kinds of rumors about it has not been interrupted, said that the J-10 developed in the 20 years of reform and opening accumulated a large number of advanced technologies, such as quadruple digital fly-by-wire system BWB, the whole glass cockpit, composite materials, as well as some stealth technology. Therefore, any movement of F-10 affects the nerves of international military observers, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and even draw the types of different F -10 three-dimensional simulation structure.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Data Figure: F -12 to imagine the map.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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J-11YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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J-11 fighters September 17, 1990, including a number of senior generals, including the Chinese military delegation visited the Kubinka Air Force base outside Moscow. According to legend was the Soviet Union refused China's purchase of the Su-27 requirements, highly recommend the MiG-29. However, the Chinese decided to choose the more excellent performance of the Su-27. China hopes to introduce foreign advanced technology developed, or buy only a small number of samples in batches only in urgent cases will introduce a large number of foreign fighters. China and the Soviet Union / Russia to discuss the introduction of the Su-27 one based on the introduction of its product lines. Followed by the central government made as soon as the Su-27 localization decision. The localization of the Su-27 will be known as J-11. Imitation and localization of the assembly, manufactured in China, Su -27-by-batch performance improved, the whole import of the Su-27 also constantly improved, especially in electronic equipment.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F-12 (planned mortality)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F-12 is a light fighter. Public appearance of China Air Force Aviation Museum, causing the widespread concern of the Chinese and foreign, not only because she undid overseas once rumored moment "F -12 mystery, but more importantly because he has a history of China's aviation industry special status. F -12 aircraft in the country has a confusing role. The reputation is not low, but was not included in the equipment. In April 1968, China's Air Force development of the "F" (F -12) plan. The prototype of a successful maiden flight on December 26, 1969. In February 1978, decided to stop and adjust the equipment system developed. In addition to the one doing the destructive strength test of the prototype, produced a total of 5 test machine. Currently, there are two favorites in the ROC Air Force Aviation Museum. The real weakness of the F-12 is too simple and old-fashioned electronic fire control equipment, their potential combat can not be fullyYsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Data Chart: J -13 imaginary map.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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J -13 (not in service)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F -13 aircraft design ideas brewing at the end of 1971, according to the instructions of six homes from 601 to proceed the next generation fighter program. 601 as the main force of China's air force fighter, F-6 has lagged behind that should be developed to replace the F-6 air combat fighter, the Air Force's main fighter aircraft as the 1980s. Was the same order of magnitude in the new fighter, developed at the same time the US-made F-16, this type of aircraft design was very successful, and through continuous improvement, has become the main equipment of the NATO countries. Although the same at the two worlds, ideology is completely different. J -13 with the F-16 shape difference is very large, but is indeed a striking resemblance in the design of the main wing. With the edge of the wing form. Although the wing configuration is very common, but in the late 1960s, but it is unique. And the United States, after all, at least the experience of World War II, as well as the design of the jet age fighter, the Chinese are not able to reference at best, MiG -19, however, completely independent, with no experience were you able to design so clever wing configuration itself is a miracle. F -13 fighter fatal weakness lies in its engine, it is also therefore not in service.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Jian-14 (unpublished)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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No official announcement F -14. According to network data, the Jian-14 has a new high-performance, multi-purpose, all-weather air superiority fighter. Aircraft as the dominant ideology to heavy, low-cost, high performance, high viability, high operational effectiveness of the design goals, requiring aircraft to be a big thrust to weight ratio, non-afterburning supersonic cruise; stealth performance with Chinese characteristics; with high agility and stall maneuverability. Japan have reported a J-14 "falcon" fighter equipped with active electronically scanned phased array radar, but also has the ability to track multi-target at the same time combat attack, will be the major opponent of the U.S. military's F-22A stealth fighter . J-14 overall layout of the single-seat twin, double v-shaped vertical tail, diamond-shaped inlet vertically integrated wing aerodynamic layout. The main technical with forward-swept wing, stealth design, the BWB weapons mounted on the fuselage weapons bay and thrust vector control technology. 36% of the body made from carbon fiber composite material.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Data for: a sample of reference J-16 Su-30.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F -15YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F -15 fighter (referred to as J-15) is a third-generation fighter aircraft developed by China, a heavy carrier-based fighter, designed by the Shenyang Aircraft Company. Su-33 prototype F from China purchased from Ukraine -15, the T-10K-3 in the F-11B on the basis of the development and fusion of the Su-33 technology, the assembly of the canard, folding wings, the tail is equipped with landing characteristics of the tail hook aircraft carrier, its landing gear strength is high, the front wheel can drag and drop ejection from the beginning to design a catapult takeoff, will be deployed on the aircraft carrier Varyag. Some analysts said that the F -15 performance close to or exceed the U.S. Navy's F/A-18E/F "Super Hornet". It is said that the F -15 was in August 2009 carried out its first test flight, April 25, 2011, J -15 prototype test flight.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F -16YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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According to statistics, the J-16 China's Shenyang Aircraft being developed by three generations of semi-multi-purpose fighter, and may be named F -16, Su-30, J-16 J-11 Super modified J-16 high a level network pass its first flight on October 17, 2011 in Shenyang. F -16 with a strong right-to-ground attack capability. -16 F equipped with automatic electronically scanned phased array radar (AESA) has the ability to multi-target engagement, and identify goals. Allegedly, this project is the independent innovation of China design, development and manufacturing of advanced warplanes, more than the Russian Su -47 technically, and even eventually to catch up with the United States as an important step. F -16 is not a stealth fighter, its aerodynamic shape and Su-30MK2 basically the same. Weapon plug-in. However, considerable progress in the avionics, radar, the F -16 combat power to win Su-30MK2. Reduced RCS is the improvement of the Su-27 fighter one of the biggest shortcomings; and the WS10A better than AL31F. 12 tons, the largest weapon mount and a combat radius of 1500 km naval combat power greatly increased. According to legend the first batch of 24 deployed in the Haihang 8 Division 22 group.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Information: CCTV exposure F -18.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F -18 (vertical takeoff and landing aircraft)YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Japanese media said, according to the intelligence agencies of the U.S. military in Japan said that China's new 4.5 generation heavy fighter J -18 (Chinese name "Red Eagle") in August 2008 was officially put at the Shenyang Aircraft Factory, October 2008 Air Force Base in the outskirts of Beijing, the first flight, first flight exposed some of the F-18. Then the Chinese military to immediately improve the J -18, and in the second test flight on October 12, 2009, a complete success. On the same day, Ross Carter, editor in chief of the U.S. military magazine commented that according to U.S. military sources, F -18 second test flight, originally planned to fly high-altitude Air Force Base in Shenyang by Chinese super Wang Guolin test flight, test pilot, flight test, and then accelerated to the maximum flight speed, start the engine cooling system, a completely "invisible" at high altitude for more than a dozen challenging moves, including the "Cobra", in order to evade radar lock. However, China has always kept confidential habits, the Chinese military and the government was not available for any comment, but did not deny. Messages identified by the U.S. military credibility, the U.S. Air Force Computer Simulation Control Center held an emergency meeting, the implementation of the simulated aerial combat maneuvers (code-named "catch Eagle Action"). But air combat results, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Lockheed Martin Corporation in amazement: the F22 in a 3:1 defeat at F -18. This led to the serious concerns of the U.S. Department of Defense.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F -20YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F -20 is developed by the Chengdu Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, China's fifth-generation stealth heavy fighter, the use of both domestic turbofan 10B engine, the DSI on both sides of the inlet, all-moving vertical tail, canard. Aircraft to complete the assembly on October 14, 2010 November 4, 2010, the first taxi tests. At 12:50 on the January 11, 2011, F -20 in Chengdu its first flight lasted 18 minutes, which marks China's stealth fighter opened a new chapter. F -20 Air Force code-named "Cops", because the aircraft will be responsible for our military-to-air, on the maintenance of the sovereignty of the sea, NATO code-named "FireFang (inflammation tooth)" FireTooth "(fire teeth). The aircraft from China's Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute, China Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Company manufacturing used to take over the J-10, J-11 and other third-generation air superiority / multi-purpose fighter, heavy fighter model.YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F -60YsyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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F -60 and not too many reports, only the United States, "Aviation Week" website in March 16 when exposed. Aviation Week published the article of the International Assessment and Strategy Research Center, Richard Fisher, the article mentioned, the Chinese Air Force, the ongoing two-track modernization and development of new coverage of a larger long-range combat capability; large invisible in addition to being developed outside the fighter F -20 project is also developing the F -60 medium-sized stealth fighter.
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