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豪门阔太时尚养成记 郭晶晶土妞修炼成名媛(组图)


Wealthy too wide fashion to develop the the Hutchison Guo Jingjing soil Niu practice


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5岁开始练跳水,15岁首次参加奥运会,连续经历两届奥运会的失败,骨折,改变技术,视网膜脱落,感情出现问题……苦苦等了11年,直到2004年雅典奥运会取得成功,郭晶晶属于典型的“大器晚成”。她是“后伏明霞时代”跳水世界的女一号,因为一张“明星脸”而处处受关注,更因为精湛的跳水技术时时成为高光人物。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

5-year-old started practicing diving, 15-year-old to participate in the Olympic Games for the first time, continuous experience of the Olympic Games in failure, fracture, changing technology, retinal detachment, relationship problems ... could not wait 11 years until the 2004 Athens Olympic Games success, Guo Jingjingis a typical "late bloomer". She is the female lead of the diving world of "post-Fu Mingxia era, because a star face and concern everywhere, but also because of the superb diving skills from time to time become a high-light figures.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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早期的郭晶晶一直与另一个响亮的名字连在一起。在国家队的阵营中,相仿的年纪、相似的经历、相投的性情,让郭晶晶和田亮在漫长的训练时光中培养了革命友谊。那时的郭晶晶留着和男孩子一样的小平头,私下的穿着也很普通。那时还没有“亮晶晶”组合,他们还只是郭晶晶和田亮。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Early Guo Jingjing has been linked with another famous name. In the national team camp, similar age and similar experience, congenial disposition, Guo Jingjing and Tian Liang cultivated a revolutionary friendship in the long training time. When Guo Jingjing keep the small flat and boys, in private dress is also very common. Was not "shiny" combination, they just Guo Jingjing and Tian Liang.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2000年悉尼奥运会后,香港报纸上出现了一个很有创意的词汇——亮晶晶。从此,郭晶晶和田亮开始被推上了前台,媒体开始就“亮晶晶之恋”大做文章,时常报导他们关系亲密。而“亮晶晶”组合,也成为了人们心目中的金童玉女和饭后谈资,连苛刻的媒体也少有地以祝福的姿态出现。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2000 Sydney Olympics, the Hong Kong newspaper, a very creative vocabulary - sparkling. Since then, Guo Jingjing and Tian Liang brought to the foreground, the media began sparkling Love "a big fuss, often reported that their close relationship. "Sparkling" portfolio has also become the golden couple, and after dinner the talk of people's minds, even the harsh media a rare gesture of blessing.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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 H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

和霍启刚相恋后,郭晶晶开始频繁往来于香港和北京。受到时尚大都市的耳濡目染,郭晶晶品味自然略有提升,不过对于自身的优势还没完全掌握,选择的服装不伦不类容易暴露身材缺陷。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Guo Jingjing and Fok fell in love, began to frequent travel between Hong Kong and Beijing. By the fashion metropolis of the monasteries, Guo Jingjing, the natural taste of a slight increase, but for their own advantage is not fully grasp, neither fish nor fowl of choice of clothing is likely to expose the body defects.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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 H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

The news headlines object, from the Olympic champion Guo Jingjing began broker. Her own side of the brokerage assistant and strive to shape her into a fashion star, coupled with the impact of the boyfriend, access to upper-class social networking sites, Guo Jingjing's wearing level gradually increased, although the play was not stable, but good taste began to take shape.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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 H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在场上和场下,郭晶晶的明星范儿越来越受到媒体界和公关界的认可,作为横跨文体两界,兼具话题性和影响力的跳水王后,郭晶晶凭借着艺人的外形和巨星的气质,成为时尚品牌争相邀请的座上嘉宾。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

And off the field, Guo Jingjing, the star child more and more recognized by the media sector and the public relations profession, as across cultural and sports circles, both the topic and influence of the diving queen Guo Jingjing by virtue of the shape and star of the artisttemperament, eager to seat guests invited by the fashion brand.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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 H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

碧波荡漾的跳水池洗去了当年的稚嫩,沉淀下来的则是岁月积累赐予的从容。经过多年的磨练,郭晶晶已经掌握了自己的穿衣哲学,简单大方的名媛风也更符合豪门媳妇的形象。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

The blue waves of the diving pool to wash away the year tender, and settle down in the calm bestowed by the years of accumulated. After years of training, Guo Jingjing have already mastered their own clothes to wear, simple and elegant ladies wind is also more in line with the image of the wealthy wife.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2011年1月,跳板女皇郭晶晶终于做出了“谢幕”的决定,前往英国留学进修。有深度有涵养有层次有身份,这样才便于和上层社会沟通,自我增值被看做郭晶晶嫁入豪门的准备之一。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

In January 2011, the springboard queen Guo Jingjing finally made the decision of the "curtain call", to study in the UK studies. Depth there is conservation level identity, so as to facilitate communication and the upper classes of society, self-enhancement was seen as Guo Jingjing to marry Homer to prepare one.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

霍家的媳妇标准,以朱玲玲为例,标准是有才华,低调,够靓,最重要的是,丑闻和绯闻一概不沾身。而被香港人认定肯定会入住霍家的郭晶晶,除了越来越有范儿,人也越来越低调。端庄大气的黑色是豪门媳妇的标准色之一,不同层次的黑色搭配,永远不会出错。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Huo's daughter-in-law standards, to Loletta for example, the standard is talented, low-key, pretty enough, the most important scandal and the scandal is not and will not Zhanshen. Been identified by the Hong Kong people will definitely stay at the Huo Guo Jingjing, more and more low-key addition to the growing range of children. The dignified atmosphere of the black is the wealthy daughter of one of the standard color, different levels of black, never go wrong.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

霍启刚与郭晶晶相恋多年,首次公开同台亮相。两人黑色情侣装出镜,郭晶晶黑色旗袍配披肩,粉色的手拿包虽然小奢华了一把,但太过低调的搭配稍显老气。不过豪门太太的着装准则不求出位,但求端庄。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Fok and Guo Jingjing fell in love for many years, initial public appearance at the same table. Two black lovers appearance, Guo Jingjing, black dress with shawl, pink clutch, though a small luxury one, but too low-key with a slightly old-fashioned. However, the wealthy wife's dress code is not obtained, but for the dignified.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

两人再次携手亮相,作为香港海洋公园保育基金新任大使,郭晶晶一袭改良式旗袍婀娜多姿,喜气盈盈。霍启刚呵护备至,大红色映出小女儿的娇羞。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

The two together again appeared, as the Hong Kong Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, the new ambassador, Guo Jingjing, dressed in a modified cheongsam graceful festivity Angela. Fok love and care for the big red reflected the modesty of the young daughter.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

自2004年结缘郭晶晶和霍启刚一路走来十分坎坷,拍拖8年,霍启刚多次拖延婚期,迟迟不愿娶郭晶晶过门,但女方为上岸嫁入霍家放弃跳水,正式退役离开国家队,到英国及美国读英文课程增值自己。日前准婆婆终于承认两人婚期将至,这次应该假不了吧!H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Since 2004 to become attached to Guo Jingjing and Fok along the way is very rough, dating for eight years, the Fok repeatedly delayed marriage, reluctant to marry Guo Jingjing get married, but the woman ashore to marry Huo family to give up diving, officially retired leaving the national team to the UKand the United States to read English courses add value to themselves. Prospective mother-in-law before finally admitted that the two wedding is approaching, this should not fake it!H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

郭晶晶的大片很惊艳。当然,修片的水准也很高。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Guo Jingjing large is stunning. Of course, the the Retouch level is also high.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2009年,郭晶晶决定淡出跳水舞台,在“休养”的一年多时间里,郭晶晶没有如人们所预期的那样嫁入豪门,而是低调地走进大学校园上学。而在此期间,郭晶晶的衣着气质和形象也渐渐有了变化,一方面面貌褪尽青涩渐显成熟之美,另一方面衣着打扮时尚味道越来越浓,不用每天训练,有了大把的时间用在穿衣打扮上,想不漂亮都很难。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

In 2009, Guo Jingjing decided to fade out stage diving, Guo Jingjing in the "rest" is more than a year, not, as one might expect as get married in, but low-key into the university campus school. In the meantime, Guo Jingjing clothing temperament and image gradually has changed, on the one hand, the face of faded a Sentimental fade mature, on the other hand dress fashion taste more and more concentrated, do not train every day, with a lot of of their time on the dress, and does not want beautiful and are very difficult.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

除了商业活动之外,生活中的郭晶晶偏爱运动装。穿惯了队服服的她,对私下的打扮还没有自己的主见,仍以舒适的运动款为主,可大黄大绿藕荷的颜色难改土气本色。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

In addition to commercial activities, Guo Jingjing in life prefer sportswear. She used to wear uniform clothing, private dress up their own minds, is still on a comfortable sporty rhubarb large green pale pinkish purple color of die hard rustic qualities.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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从奥运冠军成为新闻头条报道对象,郭晶晶开始有了经纪人。她自己和身边的经纪助手也努力把她塑造成时尚明星,加之在男友的影响下,出入上流社交场所,郭晶晶的穿着水平逐渐上升,虽然发挥不甚稳定,但好品味初见端倪。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2004年雅典奥运会结束前,郭晶晶不过是一个长相漂亮且优秀的跳水选手。而自那之后郭晶晶逐渐接触到商业活动与绯闻炒作,使得媒体关注的重心逐渐由她的运动员身份转向名人的新闻价值。数次为时尚杂志拍摄大片,让郭晶晶过足了被锦衣华服环绕的瘾,一向埋头训练的她也开始注重穿着。稚嫩年纪套上老气横秋的衣服款式,彻头彻尾的扮演着“土妞儿”的角色。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Before the end of the 2004 Athens Olympics, Guo Jingjing is a beautiful appearance and excellent diver. Since then, Guo Jingjing gradually come into contact with commercial activities with the sex scandal speculation, the focus of media attention gradually turned to the news value of celebrities by her athlete status. Shooting large number of occasions for the fashion magazine, so Guo Jingjing Guo enough silk clothing and costumes, surrounded by addiction, has always been hard at training, she also began to focus on wearing. Tender age, put on the clothing style of old-fashioned, downright plays the role of soil little girls ".H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

雅典奥运会之后,郭晶晶事业如日中天,田亮则黯然离开国家队。郭晶晶不仅形象上成为了天后,思想上也逐渐成熟,她知道了自己并非田亮所爱,悲痛之时真正的白马王子出现了。2004年9月,奥运金牌选手访港表演,霍启刚便借父亲是香港奥委会主席之便,频频出现在任何有郭晶晶出席的活动。在香港金钟酒店的欢迎晚宴中,霍启刚扮FANS亲近郭晶晶,要求合照。随后,郭晶晶承认霍家公子正热烈追求她。H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

After the Athens Olympics, Guo Jingjing and a flourishing career, Tian Liang had to leave the national team. Guo Jingjing is not only the image of the days after becoming mature, ideologically, she knew he was not loved Tian Liang, the real Prince Charming when grief appeared. In September 2004, the performance of Olympic gold medalists to visit Hong Kong, Fok will be by the father is a Hong Kong Olympic Committee president will frequently appear in any activities that Guo Jingjing attend. Welcome Dinner of the Admiralty, Hong Kong Hotel, Fok play FANS close Guo Jingjing, requested to take pictures. Subsequently, Guo Jingjing to recognize the Huo family child is enthusiastic pursuit of her.H2NRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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