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俄罗斯为印改装航母推迟试航 折射俄造船业衰落(图)


Russia is India converted aircraft carrier to postpone the trial refraction decline


N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

俄罗斯为印度改装的"戈尔什科夫"号航母可谓命运多舛。自2004年签署合同以来,整个改装过程一波三折。经过8年的改装,俄方终于将这艘航母整修一新,并准备在25号进行首次试航。但24号俄新社表示,原定的海试计划因为天气原因将推迟到6月初进行。N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

俄罗斯为何一再推迟交付这一改装航母?改装后的"戈尔什科夫"号战斗力又究竟如何?N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据俄新社报道,改装后的"戈尔什科夫"号航母原计划于本月25号在白海和巴伦支海海域进行首次海试,但由于未来一周试航海域将出现恶劣天气,而且目前已发出本周末将有风暴的警报,因此海试工作被迫推迟到6月初。面对突如其来的变化,印度海军无奈地表示,"推迟海试时间,这已经并不是头一回了。"据报道,去年9月印度海军与俄罗斯造船厂曾达成协议,将原定于去年11月进行的首次海试推迟到今年3月,后来又推迟到5月。而早在改装过程中,印度便感受到了什么叫做水涨船高。N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2008年俄罗斯海军向印度通报,需要追加一亿美元左右的改装费用和七亿美元购买舰载机的费用,到2009年底改装费又被提升到23亿美元,而且还要延迟到2012年印度才能获得这艘航空母舰;而印度获得航空母舰后不可避免的要向俄罗斯购买配套设备和技术支持,外界估计印度花在这条航母上的钱很可能超过40亿美元,已经接近于美国大型航母迷你兹级造价的一半。N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

无偿赠送给印度的"戈尔什科夫"号航母,为何交付期限一拖再拖?且改装经费一涨再涨?《世界军事杂志》总编陈虎表示,虽然不排除俄方希望从中牟利的可能性,但是这一事件也表明折射出来的是俄罗斯造船工业大幅衰落的情况:N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

陈虎:折射出来的是俄罗斯造船工业大幅衰落的情况,因为前苏联解体之后,当时唯一一个航母建造厂到了乌克兰手里,现在大型"戈尔什科夫"这个厂实际上以前是个战略潜艇的建造厂,因此在技术上、在工艺上都存在很多的问题。再加上"戈尔什科夫"号虽然之前的服役时间不是很长,但是因为处于常年失修的状况,这个航母恶化的情况远远超出了最初俄方的估计。所以造成了一再的翻修周期延长,费用在提高,当然这里面也不排除俄罗斯在卖方市场的情况下希望获得更大收益这样的企图。N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

面对俄罗斯,的一再拖延,印度方面显然失去的耐心,据报道,印度国防部长安东尼去年就强调,印度必须在2012年12月从俄罗斯接收这艘航母。外界猜测,航母极有可能于12月4号印度海军节当天交付印度。而让印度苦等8年之久的这艘航母,战斗力又究竟如何?空军指挥学院教授陈洪介绍说:N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

陈洪:“戈尔什科夫”海军将军号这艘航母其实已经是俄罗斯退役的一艘航母,后来准备把它加装一些舰载机,这些舰载机的战斗能力倒是比较强的,如果真的把米格29飞机加在航空母舰上,能够短距起降或者滑翔式起降的话应该说还是有一定的威慑力量的。但印度从很早的时候采购的武器装备主要是俄罗斯系列,但是后来有一段时间印度人转向世界了,它开始采购万国产品了,一会儿美国的,一会儿法国的,一会儿其他英国的,所以它的武器系列就有点紊乱,这艘"戈尔什科夫"海军将军号航母就算是它改建成功,真正与其他各种武器系列能否配套使用我,觉得都是个问号。N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此前有消息称,为表明对俄印关系的重视,俄罗斯总统普京原计划参加首次试航仪式。而俄罗斯和印度在这艘"改装航母"上漫长的合作,又折射出俄印两国在军事合作上的哪些变化?《世界军事杂志》总编陈虎表示:N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

陈虎:这两年我们也可以看到,俄罗斯也开始从欧美采购一些大型的先进装备。但是印军,在未来它的主战装备的来源还是俄系装备为主,至于说俄印之间的关系,虽然也有一些小的波波折折,但是先进装备的联合研制方面,俄印应该说是在世界上为数不多的合作水准比较高的这样一对国家。俄罗斯和印度在军工方面的合作也存在很多的问题,但是我觉得这些问题更多的是商业上的问题,也就是说是俄罗斯越来越体现出一个生意人的本色。N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Gorshkov aircraft carrier converted by Russia for India can be described as ill-fated. Since signed a contract in 2004, the twists and turns throughout the conversion process. After eight years of conversion, Russia finally the carrier renovated and is ready to conduct the first trials in the 25th. On the 24th, the Russian news agency said that the original sea trials because of the weather, will be delayed until early June.N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Why Russia has repeatedly postponed the delivery of this modified carrier? Modified "Gorshkov" combat effectiveness and how?N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
RIA Novosti reported, modified, "Gorshkov" aircraft carrier originally planned in the White Sea and Barents Sea waters on the 25th of this month, the first sea trials, but inclement weather trials seas will appear in the next week has issued an alert this weekend storm, the sea trial was forced to be postponed until early June. The face of sudden changes in the Indian Navy is no choice but to postpone the sea trial time, this is not the first time. "It is reported that in September last year the Indian Navy and the Russian shipyard had reached an agreement will be scheduled to last 11 month, the first sea trial postponed until March of this year, and later postponed to May. As early as in the conversion process, India will feel what is gone up.N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Russian Navy to inform India in 2008, require additional conversion costs about one hundred million U.S. dollars and 700 million U.S. dollars to buy the cost of the aircraft carrier to the end of 2009, the conversion fee has been raised to $ 2.3 billion, but also delayed until 2012 in India in order to aircraft carrier; inevitable after India access to an aircraft carrier to the Russian purchase of equipment and technical support, the outside world is estimated that India spent this money on the aircraft carrier is likely to over 4 billion U.S. dollars, has been close to the large U.S. aircraft carrier mini hereby level half of the cost.N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Donated it to India, "Gorshkov" aircraft carrier, and why the delivery period dragged on? Jumped up and converted funds? Chen Hu, editor-in-chief of the military magazine ", although do not rule out the possibility of Russia hopes to profit from this event that is reflecting the sharp decline of the Russian shipbuilding industry:N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Chen: reflecting the sharp decline of the Russian shipbuilding industry, as the former Soviet Union, was the only one aircraft carrier construction plant to the hands of Ukraine, now a large "Gorshkov" this plant is actually used to be a strategic submarine construction plant, technically, in the process a lot of problems. With the "Gorshkov" Although the service is not very long, but the situation in a perennial state of disrepair, the deterioration of the situation of the aircraft carrier far beyond the original Russian estimates. As a result of the repeated cycle of refurbishment to extend the cost increase, of course, which does not rule out Russia in the case of a seller's market to greater benefit for the attempt.N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The face of Russia, the repeated delays, the Indian side apparently lost patience, according to reports, Indian Defense Minister AK Antony last year, emphasized that India must receive the carrier from Russia in December 2012. Speculation that the carrier is most likely to be delivered in India Indian Navy Day on December 4. India waiting for eight years aboard the aircraft carrier, combat effectiveness and how? Professor Chen Hong of the Air Force Command College, said:N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Chen Hong: "Gorshkov" Admiral, the carrier is already decommissioned Russian aircraft carrier, and later it is ready to install some aircraft carrier, the fighting capacity of the aircraft carrier is actually relatively strong, if really put the MiG-29 aircraft and the aircraft carrier can STOL or glider taking off and landing should still have a certain deterrent. India from the early procurement of weapons and equipment mainly to the Russian series, but later period of time the Indians turned to the world, it began to purchase the products of nations, while the United States, while France, while other British, so it weapon series a little disorder, aboard the "Gorshkov" Admiral aircraft carrier, even if it is converted, whether supporting real series with a variety of other weapons I use, that is a question mark.N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
After the news, as indicating the great importance of Russian-Indian relations, Russian President Vladimir Putin had planned to attend the first trial of the ceremony. Russia and India in the ship "modified aircraft carrier" on the long cooperation, but also a reflection of the Russian-Indian bilateral military cooperation on what changes? Chen Hu, editor-in-chief of the military magazine ":N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Chen: The past two years, we can also see that Russia has begun to purchase some large advanced equipment from Europe and the United States. But the Indian Army, the main source in the future of its main equipment of Russia Department equipment, said relations between Russia and India, although some small Bobo Folding, but the advanced equipment of the jointly developed by Russia and India should be said that is one of the few relatively high standard of cooperation in the world such a pair of countries. Russia and India in the military aspects of cooperation in a lot of problems, but I think these problems is the commercial, which means that Russia is increasingly reflect the true nature of a businessman.
N9yRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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