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韩媒称韩国过度信任俄罗斯 火箭研发遭其摆布(图)


Korean media said the Korea undue reliance on Russian rocket R & D


2djRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

韩国“罗老”号火箭发射升空2djRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

韩国《朝鲜日报》25日发表文章称,韩国两次发射“罗老号”都以失败告终,后独自开发了初级水平的火箭发动机,但由于俄罗斯方面不予配合,阻止韩国使用测试火箭发动机的地上燃烧试验设施,最后连性能试验都无法进行。2djRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

文章称,因为依赖俄罗斯而尝到“罗老号”(KSLV-1)发射失败的教训后,韩国制定了到2021年自主开发韩国型运载火箭(KSLV-2)的计划。但无法参与韩国型运载火箭开发项目的俄罗斯拒绝韩方使用本国的燃烧试验场。也就是说,继“罗老号”之后,独自开发火箭项目也受到俄罗斯的摆布。2djRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

文章指出,韩国原本期待在开发“罗老号”的过程中,得到俄方的技术转让。但俄罗斯2006年改变立场称,不会转让“罗老号”一级火箭相关技术,只提供完成品。使用液体燃料的一级火箭是为“罗老号”飞向宇宙提供大部分力量的核心部分。如果不能确保一级火箭技术,接下来韩国型运载火箭的开发也会前景不明。2djRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

文章称,韩国着手开发运载火箭已经有15年时间,但韩国国内至今没有大型火箭发动机使用的地上燃烧试验场。只有可供10吨级小型发动机使用的燃烧试验场。韩国型运载火箭使用的75吨级发动机试制品只能大幅降低功率进行试验。2djRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

文章援引了汉阳大学机械工学教授赵辰洙的话说:“如果刚开始就独自开发,国内一定会建立燃烧试验场。”另一位火箭专家表示:“由于俄罗斯不断改变立场,韩国白白浪费了很多年。”2djRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

文章指出,韩国航空宇宙研究院计划在2015年之前投入3700亿韩元,在罗老太空中心建立地上燃烧试验场。但由于预算没有到位,计划一直没有进展。如果今年10月“罗老号”第三次发射再次失败,对火箭开发的质疑恐怕会大幅扩散。2djRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
South Korea, "Chosun Ilbo published an article on the 25th, South Korea launched two" old Law No. failed originally developed the rocket engines of the primary level, but because lack of cooperation from the Russian side, to prevent South Korea from test rocket engineground combustion test facility, the final performance test can not be.

The article said that the taste of the old Law No. (KSLV-1) because of its dependence on Russian launch failures, South Korea has developed to the 2021 plan of the independent development of Korea Launch Vehicle (KSLV-2). But unable to participate in Korea's launch vehicle development projects of the Russian refusal to ROK using the combustion test site in the country. In other words, following the "Lo Lo" after the rocket project, originally developed by the mercy of Russia.

The article pointed out that South Korea was expecting to get Russia's technology transfer in the process of development of the old Law No.. But Russia in 2006 to change its position that it would not transfer the old Law No. a rocket related technologies, and provide only the finished product. A rocket using liquid fuel is a core part of most of the power of the old Law No. fly the universe. If you can not ensure that a rocket technology, the next development of the Korean launch vehicle will be uncertainty.

The article said that South Korea started to develop the launch vehicle has 15 years, but in Korea there has been no large rocket engine used in ground burning test site. Only available for 10-ton small engines use combustion test site. Korean launch vehicle 75-ton engine test products, only substantially reduce the power test.

The article quoted the Hanyang University, Mechanical Engineering Professor Zhao Chen Zhu's words: "If you just started alone development, the country certainly will be the establishment of combustion testing ground." The other a rocket expert, said: "Russia constantly change position, and South Korea in vain to waste the many years. "

The article pointed out that the Korea Aerospace Research Institute in 2015, invested 370 billion won in the Naro Space Center, on the ground burning test site. However, due to the budget are not in place, the scheme has been no progress. October this year, "the old Law No. launch failed again, and questioned on rocket development probably will be a significant spread.
2djRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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