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Inventory "poison territory": As the Chinese people can not go


7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

曾滋养过六世达赖的美丽小镇如今被印度非法占据7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Had nourished the beautiful town of the sixth Dalai Lama is now illegally occupied by India7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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这个高山深处静谧安详的小镇有一个动人的名字—达旺,位于西藏山南地区的错那县。世代生息繁衍在这块土地上的门巴人,用勤劳的双手建造了这片富饶之地。小镇平均海拔2900米,外有喜马拉雅山脉众多高耸的山峰护佑,内有茂密丰腴的丛林,它还因为是六世达赖仓央嘉措的诞生地而被藏民视为圣地。可惜,这个世外桃源却在1951年时被印度非法占有,中国军队曾于1962年中印边界自卫反击战时收复过,但后来因为各种原因撤出,印度遂再次将其非法占据。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这些没有名字的中国领土若干年后会怎样?7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

我的朋友—中科院测量与地球物理研究所的研究员郝晓光和他的同事正在做一件事:在西藏东南部(藏南地区东段)的地图上填地名。这是一块几乎没有地名的空白区,包括西藏山南、林芝两个地区的南部,位于非法的麦克马洪线以南和我国国境线以北之间。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

看一下2002年出版的1∶400万的全国地图,你会看到这块地方仅有9个地名。但这是一片面积相当于整个浙江省的地方,而且人口稠密,只是被印度非法侵占着。这是我国的领土,我们却让它连地名都空白着。就像你有一个儿子,你既不叫他过去的名字,也没有为他取一个新名字,别人不但为他取了名字,还一直和他生活在一起。若干年后,这个儿子还会是你的吗?7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其实这些地方不是没有名字,小到村庄、大到集镇,以及每一座山、每一条河,都有名字。想想看,这个地区生活着几百万人,怎么会没有地名?7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

郝晓光他们所做的,是参考历史上的西藏地图,以及各种历史典籍,在2002年版1∶400万的全国地图上,将这片原本显得相当“空白”的地区的地名,从9个增加到36个。他们是无名英雄,在默默地维护祖国的荣誉和领土的完整。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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This alpine depths of the quiet and peaceful town has a charming name - Tawang, located in Cona County of Shannan Prefecture.Generations live the Mamba multiplied on this land, the construction of this fertile land of industrious hands. Town an average elevation of 2900 m, outside the Himalayas, many towering peaks of the finder of lush plump jungle, it is the birthplace of the Dalai Lama's Tibetan regarded as the Holy Land. Unfortunately, this paradise was in 1951 when the Indian illegal possession of the Chinese army in 1962 Sino-Indian border in self-defense counterattack wartime recovered, but then for various reasons, the withdrawal of India then again its illegally occupied.

No name Chinese territory a few years later what would happen?

My friends - the Chinese Academy of Sciences of Geodesy and Geophysics Institute researcher Hao Xiaoguang and his colleagues are doing one thing: to fill the place names on the map of south-eastern Tibet (southern Tibet and East). This is almost a blank area of the place names, including the two regions in southern Tibet Shannan, Nyingchi, located between the north of the south of the illegal McMahon Line, and our border.

Look at the 1:400 000 national map, published in 2002, you will see that this place is only nine names. But this is an area equivalent to the place of Zhejiang Province as a whole that, but densely populated, but the Indian illegal occupation with. This is our territory, we have to make it even place names are blank with. Just like you have a son, you neither tell him the names of the past did not give him a new name, others not only to take his name and he has also been living together. Several years later, the son will you?

In fact, these places is not the name of small villages, large enough to town, and every mountain, every river has a name. Think about it, this area lives of millions of people, how will be no place names?

Hao Xiaoguang they have done, the reference in the history of Tibet map, and a variety of history books, this piece was originally seemed quite "blank" areas in the 2002 edition 1:400 of the national map, place names, from the 9 to 36. They are the unsung heroes, quietly, to maintain the honor and territorial integrity of the motherland.
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英国殖民统治印度时,在中印之间炮制出一条非法的“藏印边界”,企图将西藏境内最富饶的藏南地区东段划进其殖民地范围。这条“边界”虽然从未被中国任何一个中央政府所承认,但在地图上,它却表现出与我国其他领土与众不同的特质来。在中国地图出版社2002年12月出版的1∶400万的《中华人民共和国行政区划图》上,这片区域仅标注了达旺、德让宗、邦迪拉、哥里西娘、尼乌木、格当、里戛、阿帕龙、瓦弄9处地名,相比起同一幅地图上其他地区的地名密集度,这里俨然一大块“空白”区域。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

为了填补这一空白,郝晓光等一批研究人员采用综合编绘的方法,在参考各种资料的前提下,按照均匀分布的原则,将这一区域的地名点增加了27个:鲁巴、曲那门、塔库姆、尼克特、巴里金、胡巴、瓦宗、伦卡、埃打让、培洛根、加士岗、旁金、巴昔卡、野如、营五、拉曼、都登、埃洛莫、尼杂木哈特、恩多林、钦邦、基明、娃买、卡多、惹英、布瑞尼、因通埃坡。虽然这一地区的地名增补还需更深入细致的研究,但仅这27处地名,已大致勾勒出那个地区的动人风貌。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

西藏东南部这块地方是我们做地理工作的人最难处理的。一是有关部门规定,地图上绝对不可以出现麦克马洪线;再者,不能在地图上标注任何类似“被印度侵占”的字样,因此我们在地图上看不出这块领土与其他领土有何区别(除了地名稀少外)。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但是中国人很难接近这里。那年我们去下察隅,很想接近这部分地区,但是沿途有边防军的几道边卡,在远离国境线几十公里的地方,我们就被迫停止了脚步。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有朋友想从印度进入这块领土,我说:“你会被印度警方抓捕和判刑的。”他回答:“那也值得,因为这样可以唤起国人对这块中国领土的关注。”7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这时,忽然一个概念在我的头脑中闪过:毒领土。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

藏东南这块领土与我国其他领土确实不一样,应该有一个名称将它表示出来,这个名称就是“毒领土”。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

所谓“毒领土”是这样一些领土:在我国出版的地图上,它们被显示为中国领土,实际上却被其他国家非法占据,其他国家的军队和居民在上面生活,我国的国民却并不知晓。它们被占的事实暗暗地潜伏着,一切风平浪静,好像什么也没发生过。可是某一天,一旦有中国人进入该地区,就会被其他国家扣留、罚款、判刑等。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这种事过去也发生过,但未被媒体报道。但在今天互联网发达的时代,这种事一旦发生,就会在网上迅速传播,从而引起轩然大波。这很像一个电子文件中毒了,但病毒一直潜伏着,并未发作,一旦被某个因素激活,病毒就大面积爆发开来。我把这种领土称为“毒领土”,那些因为进入这些地区而被占领者抓捕并引起媒体关注的中国人,就是这块毒领土的“激活者”。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

藏东南地区是我国毒领土最集中、面积最大的地方,但它并非唯一。我国的“毒领土”最集中的还有一个地方:南海的南沙群岛和中沙群岛。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

南沙群岛有数百个岛屿、环礁、暗沙、沙洲、暗礁等,但我国实际控制的仅有8个,且基本都不是岛屿,只是几个环礁(即珊瑚礁围成的环状体)。在南沙20多个岛屿中,除太平岛被我国台湾控制外,其余全被越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、文莱非法占据。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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British colonial rule in India, India concocted an illegal "Tibetan-Indian border in an attempt to Tibet richest southern Tibet and eastern section of the program into its colonies. "Boundary" had never been any one of the central government recognized, but on the map, it showed the distinctive qualities of the other territories in China to On the map of China Press, December 2002, 1:400 million of the People's Republic of China administrative divisions map, this area is only marked Tawang, so that cases of Germany, Bang Dila, Geli Xi mother, Niwu Wood grid when, where Hom, ARPA Long Walong nine names, compared with other regions on a map place names intensity, as if a large piece of "blank" area.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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To fill this gap, Hao Xiaoguang and a number of researchers using the method of comprehensive compilation, reference information, in accordance with the principle of uniform distribution, the point of the regional geographical names 27: Ruba, Qu door, Taku Mu, Nike Te, Barry Gold, Hu bar, tile were, Lenka, Ivy fight so that, Peiluo root Gascoigne Kong, next to the gold bar past the card, such as wild, camp five, Raman, Gordon, of Ai Luomo, Niger Hardwood Hart, Enduo Lin, Chin, Jiming, baby Buy, multi-card mess with the United Kingdom, Bu Ruini, due to pass Aye slope. Although the additions of the region's place names needed more detailed study, but only 27 names have been sketched out in that area and moving style.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Tibet southeast of this place is that we have done the geographical work of the most difficult to deal with. First, the relevant departments of the map must not be the McMahon Line; Furthermore, can not be anything like the word "Indian occupation" marked on the map, so we have the map, not this territory with other territories He difference (except for place names rare).7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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But China is very difficult to close. We go to the next Zayu would like to close this part of the region, but along the border guards of the few border posts, where tens of kilometers away from the border, we were forced to stop in her tracks.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Have a friend who would like to enter this territory from India, I said: "You Indian police arrested and sentenced," he replied: "It is also worth it, because it can arouse people's concern on this piece of Chinese territory."7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Then, suddenly an idea flashed in my mind: drug territory.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Southeastern Tibet Territory and other territories in China does not, there should be a name said it out, the name is "poison territory.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The so-called "drug territory," such territory: on the maps published in China, they are shown as Chinese territory in fact been illegally occupied, the army and residents of other countries living in the above, China's National does not know . Account for the fact that they are secretly lurking, all calm, as if nothing had happened. But one day, once the Chinese into the region, will be detained by other countries, fines, sentencing.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Such a thing has happened, but not to media reports. But in the era of the Internet today, such things happen, it will spread rapidly on the Internet, thereby causing an uproar. This is similar to an electronic document poisoning, but the virus has been lurking, and does not attack, by a factor activation, the virus is a large area open to the outbreak. I call this the territory known as "poison territory, access to these areas occupied arrested and attracted media attention, is this poison territory activated by7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In southeast Tibet is China's toxic territory the most concentrated area of ​​the largest local, but it is not the only. Our "drug territory," the most concentrated one place: the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea and Sand Islands.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Nansha Islands have hundreds of islands, atolls, dark sand, sand bars, reefs, etc., but only eight of China's actual control, and basic are not islands, but several atolls (ie coral reefs surrounded by the annular body). In more than 20 islands in the Spratly Islands, in addition to the Taiping Island is outside the control of Taiwan, China, the rest of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei illegally occupied.
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The number of actual control of the Spratly Islands reefs in Vietnam and the Philippines has far exceeded our7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Nansha Islands all year round out of the water and the land area of ​​over 0.1 square kilometers of the island the only Pacific island, industry, island, projectile Reef, west on the island, South Island, North sub Island, South sub-Island 7. Careful observation of the site according to authoritative information and draw the chart shows, the actual control range of only 7 Taiping Island in Taiwan, China. The remaining six, as well as some other area smaller, irregular exposed surface of the water reefs are neighboring countries illegally occupied. Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, and their respective occupation number, ranging from reefs. One of the most prominent, most regret is: the actual control of the number of islands and reefs in Vietnam and the Philippines have been far more than China. Source: Claimed by the South China Sea dispute with the international Law of the Sea "marine development of the State Oceanic Administration Institute for Strategic Studies" exclusive economic zone and continental shelf7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Nansha Islands "poison territory," the largest and most complex, Huangyan Island is not the most poisonous7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Recently, the Huangyan Island became the focus of attention of the country and around the world. In fact, as early as before the outbreak of the Huangyan Island incident "of April 10, it has a drug territory.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Huangyan Island has been Chinese territory, in the past the Philippines to admit it. However, since the Philippines signed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, without Huangyan Island included in their territory. Since then, the Philippines in the Huangyan Island and the surrounding waters of Chinese fishermen who came to fishing take a drive away, snatch, sentencing, and a series of moves, but the spread of these messages do not go out, no one concerned about the Huangyan Island has not been "activated" all attention.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Two years ago, I went to Hainan Island, Lake Town, where to see the captain of a man named Chen Zebo. Chen Zebo was not tall, sun and sea breeze gave him a bronze color. In front of me, his feet like an anchor, like anchor there, steady as a rock. And similar to the fishermen in the Huangyan Island event, but several times he has to the Huangyan Island fishing Philippines arrest, and even spent time in prison in the Philippines.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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January 11, 1998, he and the other a fishing boat more than 20 fishermen in the northern part of Huangyan Island fishing when all the Philippines snatch the Philippine side will they escorted the Subic Bay Marine Police Station has been closed to 5 6 May before being released. But they do not become poisonous piece of territory "activation".7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In the evening of 26 May 2000, Qiong Qionghai 01068 "fishing boat was a submachine gun fire of the Philippine Coast Guard, Captain Fu Gong Wu, the breakdown of the heart, died on the spot, seven fishermen were seized by the Philippine military to the Philippines, Puerto Princesa Palawan Prison.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In April of this year, 12 fishing boats in Hainan Tan Town Philippine warship snatch China's ocean surveillance ship subsequently arrived at. Network media quickly reported, and other mainstream media have also reported that, soon caused a nationwide well-known "Huangyan Island Phenomenon" Huangyan Island this poison territory. Activate a result, the Chinese people from all know that China has a Huangyan Island.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Huangyan Island has not been fully resolved, but it is after all the surface of the water, have a newborn. Huangyan Island is activated, would like to thank the captain of the 12 fishing boats in Hainan Tan Town, they are poisonous piece of territory "activated".7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In fact, say that drug activation of the territory, first to mention the Fujian Min Jin Yue 5179 "who go to the Diaoyu Islands fishing of arrest by the Japanese fishing boat captain - ZhanJiXiong. His boat Dawn of the Diaoyu Islands, on the morning of September 7, 2010, came to drive away the Japan Coast Guard vessels collided in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands and the subsequent trial was arrested by the Japanese. It became a major event on the network, the issue of sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands are thus placed in front of the Chinese people, and led to the official fishing protection, and ocean surveillance ship cruise, a series of initiatives of the declaration of sovereignty. This drug territory has since been activated.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The South China Sea "poison territory, Huangyan Island is not the most poisonous, is only" activate ".7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Spratly Islands is one of the most concentrated and most complex drug territory. Total Island, reef, sand, beaches and more than 200, but the majority of illegal occupation of his country. Vietnam is the illegal possession of the country with the largest of the Nansha Islands, there are as many as 29; also Spratly Islands in the Philippines occupation of the nine reefs, still one of the island - industry built the airport on the island and claims to on the establishment of schools; occupation of Malaysia five reefs; even projectile occupies a small country, Brunei is also Spratly Islands reefs.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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More than one State and some claim that these reefs have the so-called sovereignty, while others are muffled fortune if things do not have occurred. But once the Chinese fishing vessels allowed to enter these places, they will encounter the attack, arrest, sentencing, the fate or even be shot.7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Such an incomplete statistics: 1989 to 2010 period, the neighboring countries in the South China Sea in the Nansha Sea assault, robbery, snatch shot and killed our fishing, the fishermen in the event of more than 380 cases. Among them, 25 fishermen were killed or missing and 24 fishermen were injured, more than 800 fishermen were snatch sentencing.
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越南和菲律宾实际控制的南沙群岛岛礁数已远超我国7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

南沙群岛常年露出水面且陆地面积超过0.1平方公里的岛仅有太平岛、中业岛、弹丸礁、西月岛、南威岛、北子岛、南子岛7处。仔细观察这幅根据权威资料而绘制成的图表可知,这7处仅有太平岛在我国台湾的实际控制范围内。其余6处,以及另一些面积更小、不定期出露水面的岛礁,则被周边国家非法占据。越南、菲律宾、文莱、马来西亚,他们各自占领着数目不等的岛礁。其中最为突出,也最为遗憾的是:越南和菲律宾实际控制的岛礁数量已经远远超过我国。资料来源:李金明《南海争端与国际海洋法》 国家海洋局海洋发展战略研究所《专署经济区和大陆架》7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

南沙群岛“毒领土”最多、最复杂,黄岩岛还不是最毒的地方7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

最近一段时间,黄岩岛成了全国乃至全世界关注的焦点。其实早在4月10日“黄岩岛事件”爆发之前,它就已经是中国的一块毒领土。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

黄岩岛一直就是中国领土,过去菲律宾方面也承认这一点。但是自从菲律宾签署了《联合国海洋法公约》后,就擅自把黄岩岛划入了他们的版图内。此后,菲律宾在黄岩岛及周边海域对前来捕鱼的中国渔民采取了驱赶、抓扣、判刑等一系列举动,但是这些消息传播不出去,无人关注,黄岩岛一直没有“激活”大家的关注。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

两年前,我去海南岛的潭门镇,在那里见到了一位名叫陈则波的船长。陈则波个子不高,烈日和海风给了他古铜色的肤色。站在我面前时,他的两脚就像铁锚一样锚在那里,稳如磐石。和“黄岩岛事件”中的渔民类似,他也曾因为前往黄岩岛捕鱼而几次被菲律宾方面抓捕,甚至蹲过菲律宾的监狱。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1998年1月11日,他和另一艘渔船的20多名渔民在黄岩岛北部打鱼时,全部被菲律宾抓扣,菲方将他们押至苏比克湾海警站,一直关到5月6日才获释放。但他们没有成为这块毒领土的“激活者”。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2000年5月26日晚,“琼琼海01068号”渔船遭菲律宾海岸警卫队冲锋枪扫射,船长符功武被击穿心脏,当场死亡,其余7名渔民被菲军扣押至菲律宾公主港的巴拉望监狱。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

今年4月,海南省潭门镇的12艘渔船被菲律宾军舰抓扣,我国海监船随后赶到。网络媒体对此迅速报道,其他主流媒体也相继报道,很快便造成了一个举国皆知的“黄岩岛现象”,黄岩岛这块毒领土被激活了。激活了的结果,是中国人从此都知道了中国有个黄岩岛。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

黄岩岛的问题尽管目前并没有得到完全解决,但它毕竟浮出了水面,有了新生。黄岩岛的被激活,要感谢海南省潭门镇12艘渔船的船长,他们是这块毒领土的“激活者”。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其实要说“毒领土”的激活者,首先要提的是那位因为去钓鱼岛捕鱼而被日本人抓捕的福建“闽晋渔5179号”渔船的船长—詹其雄。他的渔船勇闯钓鱼岛,于2010年9月7日上午在钓鱼岛海域与前来驱赶的日本海上保安厅舰艇相撞,其后被日本人抓捕审判。这件事成为网络上的一个重大事件,钓鱼岛的主权问题也由此摆在中国人面前,并引发了官方的护渔和海监船巡航等一系列宣示主权的举措。这一毒领土从此被激活。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

南海“毒领土”还有很多,黄岩岛还不是最毒的,只不过是被“激活”了而已。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

南沙群岛是毒领土最集中、最复杂的地方之一。这里共有岛、礁、沙、滩200多个,但目前多数被他国非法侵占。其中,越南是非法占有南沙岛礁最多的国家,有29个之多;菲律宾也在南沙群岛侵占了9个岛礁,还在其中的一个岛—中业岛上建起了机场,并声称要在其上建立学校;马来西亚侵占了5个岛礁;连弹丸小国文莱也在南沙群岛中占有岛礁。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

以上国家有的声称对这些岛礁拥有所谓的主权,有的则闷声发财,好像什么事也不曾发生。但是一旦中国的渔船驶进这些地方,他们就会遭遇被袭击、抓捕、判刑,甚至被枪毙的命运。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有这样一份不完全的统计:1989年至2010年期间,南海周边国家在南沙海域袭击、抢劫、抓扣、枪杀我国渔船、渔民事件达380多宗。其中,25名渔民被打死或失踪,24名渔民被打伤,800多名渔民被抓扣判刑。7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
 7VMRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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