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李嘉诚首次宣布分身家:股票给长子 现金给次子


Li Ka-shing announced that cloned home for the first time: stock to the eldest


5月26日电据香港文汇报报道,“超人”李嘉诚25日首次宣布分身家安排,众多传媒除不停追问细节外,长子李泽鉅的反应也是关注的焦点。在长达一小时的记者会全过程中,李泽鉅始终保持平静,且不时面带笑容回答问题。对于李嘉诚的分产安排,他称”爸爸的安排我们永远都OK“。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

长和系主席李嘉诚在股东大会后会见传媒,首次谈及资产分配表示,他所持有的40%长江(00001-HK)及和黄(00013-HK)股份,(市值约2000亿港元)全归予长子李泽鉅,长和系日后由他打理;至于细仔李泽楷,”给钱他,会多于他本人现时拥有资产好多倍“。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

长和系主席李嘉诚在股东大会后会见传媒表示,细子李泽楷想收购很多公司,会全力支持他。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

被问及是否传媒和娱乐企业,李嘉诚否认,指出是传统公司,也不一定是香港公司,与长和系业务没有关系,这样可以分得清楚,两兄弟便没有冲突,但补充不会限制泽楷今后不可以收购与长和系有关的生意,因为这样不公平。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李泽鉅表示,对于父亲的安排认为OK,被问及会否担心给予李泽楷的钱,多于长和系,他笑说父亲没有这多钱。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李嘉诚补充,李泽楷也喜欢这安排。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李泽鉅被问及会否觉得父亲偏心时,李嘉诚代答,李泽鉅若不满意,可以和李泽楷交换。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

李嘉诚视他的“李嘉诚慈善基金”为“第三儿子”,因此也谈及基金的财产分配。他说,基金占了他家产很大的一部分,早前投资的Facebook股权亦已全部注入基金。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

他还透露,近两年频频增持的公司股份,他亦会注入基金。他表示,基金的规模早已经超越他个人定下的目标,于公益事务服务投入的金额更加是高到“估不到”。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

他表示,基金将会由两名儿子共同管理,他希望两个儿子都开心。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

对于记者一直追问的退休问题,在记者会结束时,李嘉诚特别从衣袋里拿出一张纸,密密麻麻的纪录了他当日要出席的会议,他反问记者“我今日有10个会议,我要不要退休?”他对记者说,即便今天退休,他明天也会到基金那边工作,不会去钓鱼。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

港上市王国总市值8230亿ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据《福布斯》今年最新统计,李嘉诚的身家多达255亿美元(约1,989亿港元),全球排名第九,连续多年稳居华人首富的宝座。他将交予长子的长和系,拥有多家公司在本港上市,其中长实(0001)、和黄(0013)、电能(0006)和长江基建(1038)均是举足轻重的大蓝筹。此外还拥有和电香港(0215)、长江生科(0775)及TOM集团(2383)等,亦都在各自行业上占据重要地位。截至2012年4月30日,长江集团旗下在香港上市之公司的总市值为8,230亿港元。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

长实私人住宅占港1/7ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

长实源自李嘉诚在1950年创立的长江工业有限公司,随后发展成一间具主导地位的香港物业发展公司,于1972年上市,现时长实为香港规模最大的地产发展商之一,在香港每七个私人住宅单位中便有一个由长实发展。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

长实股价25日收报91.50元升0.384%,市值为2,119亿元。而和黄总共经营六项核心业务,分别是港口及相关服务、地产及酒店、零售、基建、能源以及电讯。和黄25日收报66.55元升0.833%,市值2,837亿元。ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

May 26 - Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po reported, "Superman" Li Ka-shing, announced on the 25th for the first time to spare at home arrangements, numerous media kept asking details, eldest son Victor Li reaction is also concerned about the focus. In the hour-long press conference, Victor always remain calm, smiling and not when answering questions. Li Ka-shing, the sub-production arrangements, he said, "Dad arranged for us to always OK."ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The long and the Department Chairman Li Ka-shing in the shareholders' meeting after meeting with the media, talk about asset allocation for the first time said he holds some 40% of the Yangtze River (00001-HK) and yellow (00 013-HK) shares (market value of about HK $ 200 billion) vested in the eldest son Victor, long lines in the future take care of him; As for the fine, Aberdeen, Richard Li, the money he will be more than he currently holds assets of good times ".ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Length and Li Ka-shing, Chairman of the Department to meet the media after the general meeting of shareholders that fine son Richard wanted to buy a lot of companies will fully support him.ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Asked whether the media and entertainment companies, Li Ka Shing deny that traditional companies, is not necessarily a Hong Kong company, has nothing to do with the long lines business, which can distinguish the two brothers will be no conflict, but added that does not limit the Chak Kai in the future can not be related to the acquisition of long lines business, because it is unfair.ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Victor said that her father had arranged that the OK, and asked whether it is concerned to give Richard Li, the money, rather than long lines, he laughed and said his father does not have this much money.ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Li Ka-shing, added Mr Li also like this arrangement.ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Victor was asked to consider that father eccentric, Li Ka-shing Pickup, Victor Li, who is dissatisfied with, and Richard exchange.ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Li Ka-shing as the "Li Ka-shing's charitable fund" for the "third son", also touched on the Fund's distribution of property. He said the funds accounted for a large part of his possessions, and the earlier investment in Facebook equity has been fully injected into the fund.ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
He also revealed that frequent holdings of shares in the past two years, he will be injected into the fund. He said that the size of the fund already beyond his personal target set by the amount of investment in the service of charity more to "Gu Budao.ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
He said that the Fund will be jointly managed by two sons, he hoped that the two sons are happy.ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Reporter kept asking the question of retirement at the end of the press conference, Li Ka-shing, especially from his pocket, took out a piece of paper, dense record he had to attend on the day of the meeting, he asked the reporter, "I have 10 meeting, I do not to retire? "he told reporters, even today, retirement tomorrow will be to fund work, do not go fishing.ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Hong Kong-listed Kingdom of total market capitalization of 823 billionps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
According to Forbes, the latest statistics, the Li Ka-shing net worth up to $ 25.5 billion (about HK $ 1,989 billion), ranked ninth in the world for many years ranked the throne of the richest Chinese. He will be handed over to the eldest son of the long and the Department has a number of companies listed in Hong Kong, which Cheung Kong (0001) and Huang (0013), electricity (0006) and Cheung Kong Infrastructure (1038) are large blue-chip decisive. In addition, also owned and Kong (0215), the Yangtze River Health Branch (0775) and TOM Group (2383) also occupy an important position in their respective industries. As of April 30, 2012, the Cheung Kong Group's Hong Kong listed company's total market capitalization of 82.3 billion Hong Kong dollars.ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Cheung Kong private housing accounted for 1/7ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Cheung Kong from Li Ka-shing in the Yangtze River Industrial Co., Ltd. was founded in 1950, subsequently developed into one of the leading position of Hong Kong property development companies listed in 1972, is now actually one of the largest real estate developers in Hong Kong in Hong Kong seven private residential units will have a real long.ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Cheung Kong shares close at 91.50 yuan on the 25th or 0.384%, market capitalization of 2,119 billion. And yellow, a total of six operating core business, namely, ports and related services, real estate and hotels, retail, infrastructure, energy and telecommunications. And yellow on the 25th to close at 66.55 yuan rose 0.833%, the market capitalization of 2,837 billion yuan.
ps9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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