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Bethune how to solve the problem?Refused the Yan'an arrangements to accompany


LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

2006 年,又一秘密曝光,曝光者是一位在延安工作过的老革命沈容的作品《红色记忆》。她在书中披露了,令人难以理解的“临时夫人”现象。有两位在延安工作的苏联 人,要求组织给他们找两位“临时夫人”,只限他们在延安期间有效。他们竟然如愿以偿的办到了!每人得到了一位夫人。他们回国时,就给每位夫人发了“复员 费”。而这“复员费”竟然成了沈容同伴们打秋风的对象。弗拉基米洛夫的《延安日记》就写到毛泽东曾经问他是否需要一个“伴侣”。连日本共产党鼎鼎大名的野 板参三先生在延安时也找了一位“临时夫人”。对这些“临时夫人”来说,这也许可以算是她们为革命作出的牺牲吧。LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

曾为中共军事顾问的李德在支援中国革命期间,先与组织安排的萧月华做了临时夫妻,后来又结识了第二位妻子来自上海的漂亮女明星李丽莲,李德在1939年返回 苏联时请求将李丽莲带走,但因没有护照签证未得到批准,李丽莲当场晕倒。毛泽东祝李德一路平安。李德含泪吻别李丽莲后,依依不舍地登上飞机。从此他们天各 一方,再也没有见过面。LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

日共领袖野坂参三来延安时,他的妻子留在了莫斯科。但是他一直也没闲着,与一位很有活力的中国女子庄涛一起生活,这名女子会说流利的日语。LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

当美女庄涛出现时,野坂参三自然赞成“衣不如新”;而当与老妻重逢时,野坂又信奉“人不如故”了。野坂参三后来对庄涛的“薄情寡义”并非没有前兆,他早已将话向庄涛挑明:我们的恋情是没有结果的,你不过是红色延安为我找来的“临时夫人”、“性伴侣”。LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

唯独个色的白求恩是个例外,领导让他当毛主席的保健医,他不干。领导帮他找个中国妻,他也不干。理由很简单,语言不通,习惯不同,在一起也不会幸福,所以,坚决不娶。让人没有料到的是,在等船渡黄河的时候,他跑掉了。LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

白求恩真的跑掉了,但不是开小差。源于两项“中国特产”的吸引:一是高粱米酒,二是乡村娼寮。大家苦苦寻找,没有结果,便求助于一位正在农村行医的加拿大牧师,他的名字叫罗明远。罗明远不负重托,很快就从一家娼寮中把白大医生架了回来。原来白求恩已经喝了好几天酒,醉倒女人身边。此时情景,恰如唐代诗仙李白的天子呼来不上船,自称臣是酒中仙。也是,李白有个白,白求恩也有个白,一笔写不出两个白呀!LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

白求恩是世界著名的胸外科专家,身为中日友好医院首任院长的辛育龄是当年白求恩的助手,遗传呗,开个胸,换个肺,至今都是这家医院的拿手好戏。北京医学会胸外科专业委员会副主任刘德若这样说,尽管已经八十好几,可辛老动不动就是白求恩亲自给伤员洗澡洗脚刷牙,领导给的马自己不骑给服侍他的小战士骑的白求恩教育。何止是医学领域呀,在中国,红色的东西特别有遗传,领导爱评弹,就振兴曲艺,领导哼“西皮二黄”,就唱响京剧。同样,临时夫妻也传承,看今朝包二奶不就是陪睡的继续。LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

同样是解决性问题,白求恩下娼寮,李德和野坂选择了性伴侣。LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

In 2006, another secret exposure, exposure is a "red memory" of an old and worked in Yan'an revolutionary Shen volume of work. Disclosed in her book, is hard to understand the phenomenon of "temporary wife". Two work in Yan'an, the Soviet Union, requiring the organization to find them two "temporary wife", only in Yan'an period. They even got his wish to do so! Each received a Lady. When they return home, the Lady gave each made a demobilization fee. "Demobilization fee, became the Shen Yung companions to play autumn object. Vladimirov, "Yan'an diary" wrote Mao Zedong once asked if he needed a "partner". Even the Japanese Communist Party of the famous wild board Sanzo Mr. Yanan to find a "temporary wife". These "temporary wife", which may be regarded as the sacrifices they made for the revolution.LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Reid, who the Chinese military adviser during the support of the Chinese revolution, the first with the organization of the Xiao Yuehua temporary husband and wife, and later met second wife from Shanghai, a beautiful actress Lili Lian, Li returned to the Soviet Union in 1939 Request Li Lilian away, but no passport or visa is not approved, Li Lilian fainted. Mao Zedong, Zhu Li De bon voyage. Reid tearful goodbye Li Lilian reluctantly boarded the plane. Since then they have struck, never met.LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
JCP leader Nosaka Sanzo to Yan'an, his wife to stay in Moscow. But he has been pitching in to live with a very dynamic woman Zhuang Tao, the woman speaks fluent Japanese.LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
When beauty Zhuang Tao appears, Nosaka parameter three natural in favor of "clothing is not as good as new"; when they met again when the old wife, Nosaka believe in "not as good as so". Nosaka Sanzo later Zhuang Tao Boqingguayi "is not without aura, he has already put words to the Zhuang Tao spell it out: our love is not the result, you're just red Yan'an I got" temporary wife ". "partner".LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The exception of color Bethune is an exception, leading him Chairman Mao's Health Care, he quit. Leaders to help him find a Chinese wife, he is not dry. The reason is simple, the language barrier, different habits, together will not be happy, therefore, determined not to marry. The people did not expect that, in the boat crossed the Yellow River, he ran away.LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Bethune really run away, but not deserted. Attracted from the two "specialty": sorghum, rice wine, two villages Chang Liao. Struggling to find no results, they turned to the Canadian priest who is to practice medicine in rural areas, and his name is Luo Mingyuan. Luo Mingyuan trust, Dr. Bai Tai quickly from a Chang Liao frame back. Original Bethune had Helehaoji days to wine, drunk woman around. The scene at this time, just as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai call not on board, claiming to be the minister Gods of wine. Also, Li Bai, a white, Bethune also have a white, a write of two white.LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Bethune is a world-renowned experts in thoracic surgery, as the first President of the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital, Xin childbearing age was Bethune's assistant, genetic chanting, to open a chest, a change in the lung, since the hospital champions. Beijing Medical Thoracic Surgery Professional Committee, deputy director Liu say that, although eighty several may Xin old motionless is Bethune personally to bath the wounded feet, brush your teeth, leading to the horse riding to serve his little soldier riding Bethune education. Even greater than the medical field. In China, red things, especially genetic the leadership to love pingtan, to revitalize the opera, leading hum "Sipi two yellow", they sing opera. Similarly, the temporary wife inheritance, not that accompany sleep to continue to see at the present mistresses.LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The same is to solve problems, Bethune under Chang Liao, Reid, and Nosaka select sexual partners.
LhsRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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