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菲律宾人其实不支持争黄岩岛 看穿政府的瞎折腾


Filipino in fact do not support the contention Huangyan Island


在争夺黄岩岛的问题上,菲律宾民众一直很不“给力”。5月11日在中国驻菲使馆前参加反华示威的菲律宾民众还不到300人。接着在发生包括“香蕉门”、“芒果门”、“旅游门”等事件后,菲律宾执政集团出现逐步软化态度的现象。而在菲律宾大学政治学教授亚历克斯·马尼奥看来,菲律宾执政集团其实都不了解真正的菲律宾人,现在总统飞快地掉转方向谈“双赢”不但是在“遮羞”,更证明我们在斯卡伯勒礁(中国黄岩岛)事件上外交政策方面何其无能,从一开始我们就在瞎扑腾。eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

是菲律宾人组织不起来大规模示威吗?简单回顾一下上世纪80年代和90年代两场轰动世界的示威,看看菲律宾人会为何事举行大规模的示威?1986年,阿基诺夫人(阿基诺三世的母亲),一位平凡的家庭主妇,为了抗议马科斯在大选中作弊,发动了“二月革命”。马科斯为平息兵变派遣的大批装甲车被上百万的修女、妇女、儿童和男人们组成的方阵拦阻。1995年,菲律宾民众为两位女佣海外被判处死刑的案件,多次举行大规模的游行示威,更有十万人为被新加坡判死刑的女佣送葬,最终酿成严重的外交事件。其后,菲律宾政府进一步加强了对合同劳工和海外劳工的管理和保护。eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

对比上述示威诉求,应该可以看出,南海主权争端不是菲律宾人的利益。尤其是菲律宾民众不会像某些国家那样,会为一些无端制造的所谓主权依据而动。在黄岩岛和南沙群岛问题上,有学识有良知的菲律宾学者有自己的看法。马尼奥认为,北京不太愿意用“危机”一词来描述此次由一个小国菲律宾引发的小冲突。他们可能更愿意把此事描述为类似一个小孩在发脾气。他们将会坚定地处理此事,同时避免牺牲自己的优势地位。eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

也许,北京不希望看到的就是因为一个毫无价值的岛礁发生军事冲突。中国这个经济超级大国很容易被讥讽为亚太地区的恃强凌弱者。因此北京更愿意运用“软实力”,给菲律宾造成足够大的痛苦,从而平息这场歇斯底里。中国人非常了解我们的弱点,他们很可能决定先从香蕉开始,然后再削减游客数量。北京对软实力的运用看来起到了它想要的作用。在数周的武力恫吓之后,阿基诺总统有关斯卡伯勒礁问题的最后表态是马尼拉正在寻求“双赢解决方案”。eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

可悲的是,从事件一开始就已经证明了我们在外交政策方面何其无能,自然也就注定我们将瞎扑腾一场。这一事件始于菲律宾海军最近购买的一艘军舰试图逮捕在我们宣称拥有主权的水域“偷捕”的中国渔民,这无意间令冲突军事化了。随后,我们的领导人大声宣告,我们做好了捍卫我国领土的准备。这是毫无必要的虚张声势,只能让紧张局势升级,预先排除了对话的可能。之后,外交部和总统府发表了愚蠢得令人难以置信的声明,说我们准备单方面向国际海洋法法庭提起诉讼。eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

比宣布提起诉讼还更愚蠢的只有一件事,那就是总统府精心策划的在数个中国使馆外举行的“人民力量”抗议。在我们跌跌撞撞地前行、犯外交领域一切可能的错误的同时,我们的外交部长做出的最后表态是呼吁菲律宾人做好牺牲的准备,谈判的气氛因此遭到破坏。相比之下,总统阿基诺三世同样滑稽可笑。在经济上受伤后,总统飞快地掉转方向,现在谈论什么“双赢”解决方案——而就在同时,他在同一个讲话中自相矛盾,说些他当选总统不是为了放弃菲律宾领土之类的废话。eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

其实,从历史发展来看,在东南亚地区(除个别国家外)存在着一种母系氏族的本土文化遗风。它迥然于以实现“占有”和“控制”为主导的男权社会价值体系。而东南亚母系氏族遗风的自然基础或曰经济基础,正是富饶的自然条件。菲律宾有7,000多个岛屿,以及赤道附近丰饶的自然环境,可以使菲律宾人较为轻易地过上温饱生活。为此,菲律宾人不会也不愿意为了本来不属于自己的若干小岛大动干戈。eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

值得注意的是,曾为殖民地的菲律宾难免会“患上”殖民的后遗症,一种类似心理学上的“斯德哥尔摩症候群”在潜意识上也影响着东南亚(包括东亚)一些国家的执政集团。当然,这种影响是若隐若现的,或者说,他们也经常在这其中挣扎,并试图突破其影响。从菲民众反对菲美军演和美军核潜艇停靠苏比克湾的示威可以看到,在这种突破中,菲律宾民众比执政集团更聪明、更坚定。eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Compete for the Huangyan Island, the Philippines, people have been very "force". May 11 to participate in the anti-China demonstrations before the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines Filipinos less than 300. Then in the event, including "Banana doors," mango door, "Travel Gate" incident, the ruling group in the Philippines is gradually softening of attitude. In the opinion of a professor of political science at the University of the Philippines Alex Mani Ao, the ruling group in the Philippines are in fact not understand the true Filipino, now president quickly turned away and talk about the "win-win not only in the" modesty ", but also proves that we Scarborough Shoal (Huangyan Island) event repeat itself incompetent foreign policy from the outset we blind flopping.eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Filipino organizations up mass demonstrations? Briefly recall the demonstrations of the last century, two from the 1980s and 1990s shocked the whole world to see Filipino Why has he done a protest? Aquino (Aquino III's mother), an ordinary housewife, to protest the Marcos of cheating in the election, launched a "February Revolution" in 1986. Marcos millions of nuns, women, children and men to quell the mutiny to send a large number of armored vehicles, consisting of square block. In 1995, the people of the Philippines for two maids overseas was sentenced to death penalty cases, has held a large-scale demonstrations in more one hundred thousand man-made is the death penalty in Singapore maid funeral procession, and ultimately lead to a serious diplomatic incident. Subsequently, the Philippine government to further strengthen the management and protection of contract labor and foreign labor.eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Contrast to the above demonstrations and aspirations should be able to see that the interests of the South China Sea sovereignty dispute is not Filipino. Filipinos will not, as some countries will be moving some the unprovoked manufacture of the so-called sovereignty in accordance with Huangyan Island and Nansha Islands, the Philippines and scholars with knowledge and conscience have their own views. Mani Ao, Beijing less willing to use the word "crisis" to describe the skirmish caused by a small country, the Philippines. They may be more willing to put the matter described is similar to a child in a temper. They will firmly deal with the matter, while avoiding the expense of its dominant position.eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Perhaps Beijing does not want to see is a worthless reefs military conflict. China's economic superpower is likely to be ridiculed by bullies in the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, Beijing is more willing to use "soft power" to cause enough pain to the Philippines, to calm the hysteria. The Chinese people are very understanding of our weaknesses, they probably decided to start with the banana, and then to reduce the number of visitors. The use of soft power, Beijing appears to have played a role it wants. After weeks of saber-rattling, President Aquino last statement about the Scarborough Shoal Manila is seeking a "win-win solutions.eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sadly, the outset from the event has proved we repeat itself incompetent in foreign policy, naturally, means that we will be blind to thump a. The event began recently purchased by the Philippine Navy warship attempted arrest of Chinese fishermen poaching "our claim to sovereignty over the waters", which inadvertently conflict militarization. Subsequently, our leaders loudly proclaim that we do to defend our territory. This is unnecessary bluff, but the escalation of tensions, preclude the possibility of dialogue. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the President published an incredibly stupid statement to say that we are prepared to unilaterally proceedings to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Announced that filed the lawsuit also more stupid thing, that is, the Office of the President carefully planned to be held outside the Chinese Embassy in the number of "people power" protests. OK before we stumbled at the same time guilty of all possible error of the diplomatic field, the last stand made by our Minister of Foreign Affairs called on the Filipino to make the expense of preparation, the atmosphere of the talks destruction. In contrast, President Corazon Aquino III is equally ridiculous. Injured on the economy, the president quickly turn around, and now talking about a "win-win" solution - and at the same time, in a speech self-contradictory, to say he is elected president not to give up the class of the Philippine territory nonsense.eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In fact, from the perspective of historical development in Southeast Asia (in addition to individual countries) there is a matriarchal indigenous cultural legacy. It is utterly different in order to achieve the "possession" and "control" as the dominant patriarchal social value system. The natural basis of the matriarchal legacy in Southeast Asia, said the economic base, it is richly endowed natural conditions. The Philippines has more than 7,000 islands, as well as the richness of the natural environment near the equator, you can make the Filipino more easily over the food and clothing for life. To this end, the Filipino is not unwilling to originally do not belong to a number of small islands go to war.eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
It is noteworthy that, who colony of the Philippines will inevitably suffer from the aftermath of the colonial, a similar psychology of the "Stockholm Syndrome" in the subconscious impact on Southeast Asia (including East Asia) in some countries the ruling group. Of course, this effect is looming, or that they often struggle in which, and trying to break its influence. Demonstrations against Philippine American speech and the U.S. nuclear submarine docked in Subic Bay, you can see from the Philippine people, in such a breakthrough, the Philippines, people smarter than the ruling group, the more determined.
eTNRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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