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台湾富豪排名洗牌 蔡衍明称霸


Regal ranked shuffle Tsai dominate


美国杂志富比世(Forbes) 今天报导,台湾企业大亨蔡衍明以中国大陆为据点的企 业发展蓬勃,促使他首度称霸台湾富豪排行榜。 富比世指出,食品公司中国旺旺控股董事长蔡衍明 的资产净值攀升至估约80亿美元。他去年的资产净值为 61亿美元,在富比世台湾富豪榜上位居第3。 据报导,他的公司在上个会计年度创造29亿美元营 收。中国旺旺以其零食、米果、乳制品和果汁闻名。 台湾前十大富豪有好几位企业家是在中国大陆致富 ,蔡衍明是其中之一。根据台湾经济部投资审议委员会 ,台湾去年核准对中国大陆投资131亿美元。 跻身富豪榜第2名的是魏应州和他的3个兄弟,财产 估约66亿美元。魏应州兄弟拥有康师傅控股公司,主宰 中国大陆饮料市场。 科技巨头郭台铭今年则排名第4,资产净值约48亿 美元。郭台铭是总部设于中国大陆的富士康集团董事长 ,富士康替苹果公司和其他领导品牌制造电子机件。 广达董事长林百里和正新集团的罗结及其家族,资 产净值分别为42亿美元和32亿美元,名列第5及第6。 第7富豪尹衍梁旗下的中国大陆大卖场营运商高鑫 零售(Sun Art Retail)去年7月在香港上市以来,他 的财产增加逾1倍,来到31亿美元。 蔡衍明旗下事业还包括房地产、保险、金融服务和 媒体。去年首富是智能型手机制造大厂宏达电(HTC) 董事长王雪红。 王雪红与夫婿陈文琦今年滑落到第8名,随着宏达 电奋力对抗苹果与三星,他们的财产缩水近2/3,跌至 30亿5000万美元。BzERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

BzERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
American magazine Forbes (Forbes) reported today that the Taiwan business tycoon Tsai mainland China, where business is booming, led him to dominate the richest people in Taiwan for the first time. Forbes pointed out that the net asset value of the food company Want Want China Holdings chairman Tsai climbed to estimate approximately $ 8 billion. His last year's net asset value of $ 6.1 billion in the rich than the world Taiwan's rich list ranked. According to reports, his company created in the last fiscal year $ 2.9 billion in revenue. Want Want China is famous for its snacks, rice crackers, dairy products and fruit juices. Taiwan's former top ten richest Several entrepreneurs are rich in mainland China, Tsai is one of them. According to the Investment Commission of Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan, Taiwan last year approved $ 13.1 billion investment in mainland China. One of the richest 2 Wei Ing-chou and his three brothers, the property was assessed at about $ 6.6 billion. Wei should state brother has a Master Kang Holding Company to dominate mainland China beverage market. The technology giant this year, Terry Gou is ranked No. 4, the net assets of approximately $ 4.8 billion. Terry Gou, chairman of Foxconn Group is headquartered in mainland China, Foxconn manufacturing electronic parts for Apple and other leading brands. Quanta Chairman Barry Lam and Cheng Shin Group the Luo knot and his family, the net assets of $ 4.2 billion and $ 3.2 billion, ranked No. 5 and 6. Yin Yanliang's mainland China of the rich hypermarket operators, the Xin retail (Sun Art Retail,) listed in Hong Kong since July last year, his property increased by more than one times, came to $ 3.1 billion. Tsai's career also includes real estate, insurance, financial services and media. Last year's richest man is a smart mobile phone manufacturing giant HTC (HTC) Chairman Cher Wang. Cher Wang and her husband, Chen Wen-chi this year had fallen to eight, with the HTC struggling to compete against Apple and Samsung, their property has shrunk by nearly 2/3, to $ 3 billion to $ 50 million.BzERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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